Atreus stood before Harambe of the Kong Tribe, the Shadow Disciple of the Heavenly King of Water, Kaida. The opponent was donning a brown and blue armor with a golden staff in his hand.
With a shameless grin, the wolfkin asked...
"How many bananas will it take for you to forfeit this match?"
"Do I look like a monkey to you?" he retorted. Harambe's irritation was palpable.
In a benign tone, Atreus offered, "I will provide you with a free supply for the next year if you accept."
"Ha ha ha!" he mocked. Harambe scoffed at this foolish proposition, laughing derisively.
But Atreus was not deterred.
He raised the stakes, "How about 5 years?"
"Nonsense! Do you think I'm a fool to fall for something like that?!" bellowed Harambe, incensed at being treated like a wildlife gorilla for the first time.
Undeterred, Atreus pushed even further.
"10 years!" he spoke with conviction.
Reference Art for Harambe in chapter comments. Check it out.