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100% femboy cultivator in a world of modern magic / Chapter 3: Learning Some Old Moves

Chapter 3: Learning Some Old Moves

I wake up and rush to the bathroom. Then, get dressed for the day. I pick something similar to yesterday's, then head back to the living room. I still haven't found a phone in this house, and I'm starting to get concerned. I then heard a beeping noise coming from the living room. I head over and find a blue wristband with a flashing light giving off a soft beep. I picked it up and secured it on my wrist. A screen popped up the moment it was secure, indicating a call was coming in.

I answer, and a video feed comes through, showing a woman about 21, but the look in her eyes says she is older than her looks. She starts the Conversation with, " Good morning, Zaler. How are you feeling today? Just looking at you, I would say you made a full recovery." She said with a warm tone in her voice.

"I am good. I am a little disoriented, though. I feel like I can't remember everything like I don't remember coming here. And I feel like I'm missing something important." Putting on a confused face, she said, " That's not good. I will be right there with a healer to check your condition. And I love that you are wearing your new clothes. I was so worried you wouldn't like them."

I blush and say. "there were no other clothes that fit me in the house. And I can't walk around naked even if I'm all alone here." looking away, too embarrassed to look at her. She sighs in understanding while placing a hand on her chin. "I know they are very girly, but as you said, they were the only clothes I could find that fit your new body." I feel shocked at her words and say. "so I got sick, and my body turned into a girl. What's going on!"

A look of worry appears on her face. She takes a deep breath and reassures me that everything is fine. She tells me, "You fell ill about a year ago. And I moved you out of the city, hoping the clean air would help you recover faster. But I was wrong, and then when you went into a coma, your body started to change. The doctors said it was like you were going through female puberty, but when tested, they really couldn't find anything, which is strange. So I used some connections and got a magic healer to come and see you, but all she could tell me was that the transformation and your coma were both magical in Origin. It was coming straight from your core, and there was nothing she could do. She said if it came from a curse or an attack, she could help, but what was happening to you was a magical growth spirit. This is weird because most kids don't experience their first one until they're 16, another 18, and the final one at 21. I was told that you may have awakened some kind of bloodline that has lain dormant in our blood. But I honestly can't remember any of our ancestors awakening or experiencing anything like you did."

I see both worry and excitement on her face. "so this awakening, as you called it. Put me in a coma and turned me into some sort of FemBoy. Is there an upside? Some were because all I see are downsides." I say, throwing my hands up and frustrated and pacing around the room. She chuckles a little bit before speaking. "well, yes, there is, and your description of yourself is very spot-on. The healer came by once a month to check up on you and took extensive notes about your progress. She has noted down a few things during this awakening. One is that it exponentially increased your core, which is fantastic news, and she said your core is about the size of an 18-year-old. The last time she checked, it was probably the biggest in your age group, at least in America. "

"The Second thing is your core is extremely balanced, which is great news. Normally, a core leans one way or the other, male or female, but now, due to your feminine frame plus male genitalia, it kind of balances it out. Which will make your magic down the line more powerful. Again, good news. But there is one more bad piece of news. She said as you go through magical growth spurts and puberty. Naturally, you may become more and more feminine; though she said you may never turn completely into a girl by the time you reach your prime, no one will be able to tell you're a man. I'm so sorry."

I fall onto the couch, hiding my face while screaming into a pillow. She sees I am in no mood to talk and hangs up, saying she will be here in a few hours. I knew about this yesterday, but learning more detailed answers makes it much more frustrating. I find a small training yard out back. I see a punching bag and just start wailing on it as I yell out all my frustrations on it. After I calmed down. I remembered the teaching from my grandmother and started practicing some martial arts she had taught me.

As I go through the movements, I feel warmth start to flow through my body. I've never felt this before. I feel my mind start to clear. I keep focusing on the movements and the feeling of water flowing through my body. It was a while until I came to a stop and felt relaxed for the first time since waking up here. I look down and see I am sweating profusely, so I go take a second shower, get dressed, and put on new clothes.

I sit down at the Computer, looking at videos again, just looking up stupid videos while waiting for the women to arrive. Now, I can make an assumption that she's my mom or maybe an aunt or cousin. These are the best I can come up with. She had direct control over my well-being and went out of her way to get resources to help me during my coma. So, all I need to do is find out her name and exact relationship to me.

A few hours pass, and I hear a car pull up to the gate. I get up, walk to the front door, and peek out. I see the woman from the call. She is wearing an exquisite dress that exudes confidence and power. She also has long black hair like mine and a perfect hourglass figure. To be honest, I would kill to be with a girl that looks like her. but the second lady looks just as stunning, having long blue hair that reached her knees, but she was wearing some kind of mixture between a lab coat and a magic rob. and she gave off a very kind Aurora.

They see me, and both wave at me. I stare at them. And when they get to the door, I say. "Don't make fun of my clothes. I'm only wearing what fits." they both give me reassuring glances, and I open the door and step back for them to see me. I get an 'aww' from my relative and a giggle from the healer. I blush and run away, saying, "I said not to make fun of my clothes." I jump on the couch and, wrap myself in a blanket, and pout. They walk in after still giggling and say they aren't making fun of me. They just found my outfit to be really cute on me.

I give them a stink eye and say they are being mean. My relative sits next to me, and I start talking. "So you said you were having memory issues, right?" I nod my head. Do you know who I am?" I shake my head and say, " I think from our earlier Conversation that you're my relative of some sort. But I can't seem to remember your name or face. Honestly, I can't remember any of our family."

Her face takes on a depressed look, knowing that I don't know her. But she places a hand on my shoulder, and she says, " I'm your aunt. My name is Auria Blake, and your name is Zaler Blake. And this here is my friend and the healer who has been keeping track of your health. Her name is Ember Wilde. And your clothes look wonderful on you. There is no need to hide."

I reluctantly take the blanket off but keep my knees to my chest. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Ember. Thank you for helping me and my aunt through this. It means a lot to me." I say, slightly embarrassed, looking down at the floor. She gives out another giggle, placing a reassuring hand on mine, and says, "You welcome, and you do look good in your new clothes. Be confident in your new looks. Now let's get to your checkup." she holds up here arms, one arm held a vambrace that was like my wrist phone but more complicated. On the other hand, she has a saner of some sort. She waves it over me, taking extra long on my stomach area while making humming noises.

Ember takes a look over the vambrace and smiles. "Everything seems fine. I would say your core has stabilized at about the average size for an 18-year-old. Which is amazing. By the time you reach 21, you will be particularly unstoppable by anyone in your age group. So take some time to rest and let your body readapt. You have been asleep for a while. I'm surprised you are even walking around right now." She stands up. "I know this is sudden, but I really need to go see another patient. If you need anything, I'm a call away. I'm just glad that you're okay." then pats my head and gives Auria a hug. Then, she heads to her car and drives away.

Auria then closed the door and pulled me into a deep, long hug. "I'm so Glad you are okay. You have no idea how worried I was. Let's watch a movie tonight and, eat some popcorn and just talk. I have missed you so much, and I can try to fill in any of the spots you still might not remember." I nod my head onto her shoulder, and we spend the rest of the day just talking, watching trash TV, and catching up on recent news. The day flew by, and I started to fall asleep. Auria picked me up like a little kid and put me in bed. She gave my forehead a kiss, and I passed out.

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