After Prince Nigel left from Adeline's private chamber, Adeline kept on thinking about how she was going to manage to pass the coming days without her favorite brother. She realized how much she relied on Nigel.
She relied on him to help her with her training. She relied on him when there was no one to talk to, not even Theodore. He was her confidante, her friend, and her brother. And thinking about not seeing Nigel for almost a month made her feel miserable.
With all the crazy events happening in her life lately, she had no idea how she was going to survive in this lonely Palace alone. Yes, she had her maids with her who loved her dearly. But they would not be able to fill the void of Nigel. It just wasn't the same.
When it was dark outside, her maids brought her tasty and nutritious dinner. But she did not even taste the food and kept on brooding over the thought of her brother leaving tomorrow.
I enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope my readers enjoyed reading it.