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66.66% GoT: Gerold The Lionheart / Chapter 12: The Defiant Wedding Part 1

Chapter 12: The Defiant Wedding Part 1

(Sept of Casterly Rock, Casterly Wing, Casterly Rock, Lannisport, The Westerlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros)


Gerold Lannister was a very happy man presently, He stood in Red and Gold Finery, with a number of Golden Lion Jewelry on him. At his hips sat Red Rain and Orphan-Maker. On the right Isle stood the Bridesmaids. In Green and Pale Lavender colored Dresses stood Mina Tyrell, Melissa Florent, Catelyn Tully, Laenora Rygaera, Cersei Lannister, Genna Lannister, Allyria Dayne, Elia Martell and Cassana Baratheon.

To The right stood The Groomsmen who were revealed to be Gerion, Tygett, and Jaime Lannister's, Sumner Crakehall, Rhaegar Targaryen, Brandon Stark, Robert Baratheon, Edmure Tully, Oberyn Martell, Benjen Stark, Ned Stark and Stannis Baratheon.

A Regiment of Lannister Troops Guarded The grandiose. These were the Crack Troops trained in Modern techniques. Gerold had noticed the sharp eyes of his ever closer mother-in-law upon his Guards, that and the conversation they'd had earlier made him more certain of what she hoped to gain.


(Flashback #1)


(Fitting Room, Casterly Wing, Casterly Rock, Lannisport, The Westerlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros)


Gerold Lannister was in the Fitting Room in Casterly Rock's Casterly Wing. The Casterly Wing was part of the Pre-Lannister Rennovations, and just so happened to hold the Rock's Sept. Gerold's Brother Jaime, his Squires, Prince Rhaegar, Robert Baratheon, Oberyn Martell, Brandon Stark, Ned Stark, and Sumner Crakehall all Stood there getting fitted for the Wedding. The Servants had a tough time getting Robert into the proper clothes on account of his Muscles, but otherwise nothing of real note.

The servants had been diligent in their efforts, his mothers work no doubt. The sound of a hard rapping on the door brought him and his company out of their tasks. Tygett entered and whispered in his ear.

''I see, thank you uncle, I'll be right there. It seems The Old Thorn Bush has summoned me. I'll be right back.'' Gerold says, earning various degrees of laughter.


Olenna Tyrell sat in the Quarters assigned not to her, but her soon to be Goodson. In his Chair, sipping his Wine, not doing anything else. Were it not for the company she had she'd be rummaging through the boys papers trying to find the formulas for his brews. A Dozen Lannister Swords were draw and pointed at her. This was the Young Lion's Personal Force, his Lionsguard.

Their Unity was truly a marvel, their efficiency more so. The Guards were also hospitable despite their hostility, they gave her a bottle of Gerold's Wine, but their presence prevented her from getting a look at his Recipes. Sure enough the parting of the Guard foreshadowed his arrival. He came in, gave a single Cursory Glance, took his Wine Back, poured himself a glass before giving a light sip and turning to glare down on her as he leant over the desk hands on it.

''Your in my seat! In My Quarters! And at My Desk!'' The Dark Tone he is using does little to cowl her. ''Good thing that I don't keep my recipes and formulas in that desk. I keep them in my head.'' Says Gerold with an impish grin.

''Clever boy. You knew I'd come didn't you? That's why your Lionsguard cornered me so fast. You had a feeling I'd try for your secrets.'' Olenna guesses.

''Clever crone, you truly are a Queen of Thorns. But not in this case, I knew sooner or later you'd try it, or leverage Janna into finding out. But by that same thought, I also knew a Wedding was the Perfect opportunity to sneak in to try and steal them. We've got half the Cells filled with would be thieves, Don't make me add you to that number. Let me be clear, not even the God's themselves can compel me to give my secrets, and if you ever get caught producing my stuff from my recipe, Family or no, I'll feed you to the Lion's deep below. Now get out before I have you thrown out.'' Gerold says as he drains his and Olenna's Glasses.

''You won't give your economic secrets, would you give your Military ones instead? As a Wedding Gift.'' Olenna suggests.

''I'll hire out an Officer to you, just one, no more or less. And in the interest of humor You'll get Oberyn, my most effective Officer. Half of their success can solely be attributed to him. Enjoy!'' Gerold says cheerily as his Lionsguard looks at her expectantly.


(End of Flashback #1)


Gerold was brought out of his reverie when the Sound of the Doors opening caught his attention. Side-by-Side Janna Tyrell and Ashara Dayne walked down the Aisle. The Rains of Castamere played as the Two walked together, Gerions idea.

Janna wore a flowing green dress with many floral patterns sewn into it, she wore a Necklace that was a Golden Gem Rose. Trailing beside her as her escort was her Brother. Already becoming fat, Mace Tyrell wears extravagant clothing that quite frankly spoils his Sister's Beauty.

Ashara wore a pale violet dress, that made her laughing purple eyes a true highlight. Like Janna, her dress showed a considerable amount of cleavage, but slightly less than Janna's. She wore a Pendant of her Families Sigil which had been bejeweled with Amethysts and Opals. Beside her as an escort was Ser Arthur Dayne, in his White Plate and Cloak, Dawn at his hip, and looking quite Regal and Gallant.

As they approached Uncle Kevan and Stannis approached with the Cloaks that would make the two Lannister's. The Septon arrived and Gerold was truly happy right now...

Theragfromthecrag Theragfromthecrag

Decided that I'd cut it off just before the ceremony actually started. Next Chapter will take place directly after this had ended if I don't get an early night and forget everything come morning. After all my youth stuff is tomorrow and it's Wednesday night right now. Next chapter will have a Flashback of Gerold's youth, and unless I make a part three a scene with a nude Janna and Ashara. It ain't going to be a Lemon but I'm planning on a bit if skin.

See you guys soon

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