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98.67% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 445: War/Peace [#1]

Chapter 445: War/Peace [#1]


War never changes... No matter which world you're on, it is always happening.

The reasoning might differ- crimes this nation committed against this other nation and they went to war over it, resources, to even petty reasons such as someone dropping a cup of wine on someone's coat.

The war between Kanto and Johto started 50 years ago because of a simple little thing: Land. Being in the same continent but with a mountain range separating the two, Kanto had a bit of a harder time gathering resources over Johto thanks to their monopoly over the majority of Kanto's forests by law, prohibiting the inhabitants of Kanto to harvest resources from it due to "preservation". Kanto at the time didn't have much farmland, since 90% of Kanto was owned and controlled by people from Johto - Feudal Lords, if you will. This constant oppression resulted on an outbreak of rage, and soon Kanto revolted against Johto.

That was when the war began.

In the first 10 years of it, the leader of the rebels, Soma Oak, got control over the breeding grounds of the starter Pokemon of the Kanto Region that the Johto Region had taken over a few years ago- That was what secured the next generation's power, but because of the scarcity of these powerful Pokemon, they were only given to children who showed talent or promise of a great future. But the war didn't end then... It lingered for the next 40 years. Kamil was born about the day that Soma Oak had overturned the Kanto Region at the [Battle of Change]! This resulted on a few "peaceful" years where each region entered a cold war of sorts, not exactly paused and with a few skirmishes here and there, but no invasions as each region focused on training their younger folk for the war to come.

Kamil was no different.

The moment he was 5 years old, he was given a Pokemon and told to train it- they wanted to see if he had any sort of natural talent, but he didn't. That day he got his first scar- the one on the left side of his face, right over the eye, this one almost made him blind! The Pokemon he was given was a Sandslash after all, who saw him as easy prey, but a punch to the face after being clawed made it back away.

When Kamil was 10, his training as a soldier had ended- he had been taught all survival skills he'd need as well as how to properly fight and even kill, and at the age of 10, he was sent out to do exactly that! Because of a period of fake peace, Johto and Kanto sent out their youngsters to test the waters... Kamil was part of the first defense by the base of Mount Silver and he would remember it for the remainder of his life. They dropped from the sky and crawled from underground- Voltorbs and Electrodes dropped down by Pidgeots and Fearows, Diglets and Dugtrios coming from beneath seeking the death of many! And they harvested. Kamil had a friend with him that day- he doesn't even remember his name because as an orphan, Kamil wasn't expected to survive.

He was a pawn for war, to be used and thrown away.

And that day, the group that was protecting Mt. Silver Base N°8 was obliterated, destroyed, and with only a few survivors- Him and two others. How? Well, Kamil killed the trainers while theie Pokemon were fighting. He had a Weedle by name Sniper, who he trained to be his own little gun who would shoot [Poison Sting] at anything he aimed with all his power and as much poison potency as he could! With the [Everstone] on his neck to prevent him from evolving, Sniper was Kamil's ultimate weapon and friend. Kamil used Sniper, who slowly became what his name described him as- a deadly, high precision weapon who could explode heads upon impact and even inject deadly poison into foes!

His team was a broad one, however. He had Sniper the Weedle, Silk the Catterpie who helped him as a "hook gun" so he could climb places and do like Spiderman! Then there was Snake his Arbok who was his main attacker in the battlefield as they never really fought against opponents and Pokemon in their first year of war, with him mostly using Sniper to give support to the other troops and having Snake sneak around and poison and paralyze the enemy's pokemon. He had got from the Joy Clan a simple Cleffa who knew [Heal Pulse], [Wish], and [Tickle] as her Egg Moves (although nobody even knew what Egg Moves were) and she became a monster once he evolved her as a Clefable! He named her Radar because of how acute her hearing was, she could hear a pin drop from 1,100 yards and after she was trained on echolocation and accuracy, she extended that range to a whole damn mile!

With her Fairy Type that everyone thought was Normal Type, he used her as the tank and support of the team who could also throw down if needed. On year 25 of the war, when he was 15, she tore the heart of a Dragonite out with her bare hands and used it to kill its mate- it was brutal and beautiful! It took a lot of effort to train her into using Moves nobody had ever used before such as [Gravity], [Moonblast], [Misty Terrain], and others that his Clefable could learn. Besides Sniper and Silk, who became so proficient with [Poison Sting] and [String Shot] that they could use it incredibly well enough to wrap a Dragonite with silk strong enough to hold it, making it drop out of the sky and poison it strongly enough to kill it, he also had a Butterfree and a Beedrill, who he both trained extremely well! Butterfree could use all the powder type attacks while Beedrill could use her pincer to kill so fucking well it was scary!

And then there was Killer.

He was caught as a simple Mankey, and Kamil taught him like he was his son- he taught him every martial art he knew, how to kill, how to save, how to dance, how to cook, how to do so many things... and then he died. A [Rock Tomb] to the chest, right through it and into the ground- it was going to kill him, so Killer (then a Primeape), pushed him out of the way and took the hit, dying.

Don't worry, he got better!

After dying, he was so angry that he evolced in the battlefield- he became what Kamil had the right to name an Annihilape. Ghost and Fighting type that put the fear of the Creator in every single soldier out in the fields. Albeit a surprise to many, Kamil got himself a Slowpoke! People mocked him for his stupidity until he made it evolve into a Slowking, making everyone enternan uproar. There were demands to learn how to do it, but Kamil simply killed anyone who threatened him with death. He was a war veteran by that point, and nobody could fight against his crazy self or else they'd be hit by a [Poison Sting] while alseep- Thanks to Queen, his Slowking, he was able to teach her the move [Chilly Reception] thanks to her jokester personality, a good set up for his Cloyster named Vagatha.

Oh, she was a mean bitch! She and her mate Buldoze, the Mamoswine. Thanks to Mt. Silver, they could smuggle a few species from Johto to Kanto and vice versa, so it was rather common to see some trainers with Pokemons from the other side- but Kamil? He was a beast when it came to Pokemon Evolution! He "discovered" how to evolve a Piloswine into a Mamoswine and alongside his Dewgong Coreen, they had been able to turn a battlefield into a snowy tundra for a few hours- Queen with her [Chilly Reception] and a few Ice Type moves, Coreen with [Rain Dance] and [Hail], Vagatha using [Hail], [Rain Dance], and with a few other moves she'd be able to use [Sheer Cold] on the entire battlefield at once.

They killed an entire battlefield like that once, and she passed out- never able to battle again as the sheer potency of the move and energy used caused permanent damage to her body and energy reserves, making her unable to fight anymore unless she went through a legendary level of healing. In the end, Kamil was able to help her recover and she is still kicking to this day! Then Kamil got a Stantler and an Ursaring, evolving them into Ursaluna and Wyrdeer that he named Lua and Bashter- by this point, noboy was even surprised.

So, Kamil had Sniper the Weedle, Silk the Catterpie, Radar the Clafable, Honey the Butterfree, Stinger the Beedrill, Killer the Annihilape, Queen the Slowking, Vagatha the Cloyster, Buldoze the Mamoswine, Coreen the Dewgong, Lua the Ursaluna, Basther the Wyrdeer, and a few others. He allowed Sniper and Silk to evolve and then he got Tank, his Octilery to serve as a sniper gun (although Sniper still loved being aimed as a big Beedrill and being able to shoot powerful stings from his body) while he also got a Girafarig he named Twin and evolved it into a Firafarig, he got a Steelix named Titan, and a Shuckle named Fuckle.

Fuckle was a nightmare to fight against- his very first serious life to death battle was on year 33 of the war, Kamil was a 23 year old veteran and Fuckle was sent out to the battlefield... Everyone was scared because they knew Kamil was the most terrifying guy who could pull strategies out of his ass and execute it with power and precision, so when they saw a Shuckle? They dreaded what would happen- So when Fuckle used [Defense Curl], [Curse], [Withdraw], [Iron Defense], [Cosmic Power], [Safeguard], [Power Split], and [Trick Room], they weren't that surprised when Fuckle simply rolled around the battlefield with [Gyro Ball], [Rollout], and [Steel Roller] like a boudler of death, killing anything it hit against. His tentacles were also equipped with blades as he used [Stone Edge] on it, so he became a spinning ball of sharp rocks that could cut through anything...

It was a nightmare, solidifying Shuckles as "murderous beasts" for the years to come.

He, single-handedly, won skirmishes between Kanto and Johto for years- and, at the age of 40, was when the war was officially over. After 50 years of war, Kanto and Johto officially ended the war with the crowning of the Indigo Region's Pokemon champion: Samuel Oak!

"Urgh, finally." At the age of 49, Kamil "Terror" Malek was the most feared fighter of the old war... People grew up with stories of his deeds, many even tried to replicate them, but he never shared how he did it. Many scientists tried to pressure him into giving the information about how he evolved Ursaluna, Wyrdeer, Firafarig, Annihilape, Slowking, Mamoswine, and his new addition 9 years ago: Star, his Sylveon. They were foaming at the mouth, some even tried hiring criminals to kidnap him or steal his Pokemon...

It always ended up with them throughly dead.

Even when the League tried to inflict him with the restrictions of team size and tried to "confiscate" his Pokemon due to him "breaking the law", he tore them to shreds with his bare hands. Him, human- well, technically more than human, since he learned how to harness Aura a few decaded ago. He also figured out how to do Mega Evolution by himself without little stones, but that was a secret he was keeping to himself! Seriously, scientists already want to eat him alive- if he showed he could push Pokemon to evolve again, without a mega stone?

They're going to cum.

"Heh- that'd be funny." In fact, Kamil is keeping various secrets. Being reborn, being an aura user, being able to mega evolve, being able to do something similar to that weird gimmick from Scarlet where you can change a Pokemon's typing... Doing Z-Moves, you name it. 'Although the weird change of type is hard to do.' Incredibly fucking hard- he always had a headache after doing it. "Let's see... Oh, Sycamore published his research?" Although 9 years have passed since the war had ended, almost 10, Kamil still was feared by many- until, of course, other regions started reaching out for Kanto, they had isolated themselves and refused to contact the violent region of Indigo.

Once Indigo learned they weren't the biggest baddest region around, they were both excited and anxious. So Oak and Malek were seen as beacons of hope- Well, Oak was. Kamil simply said "Nah, ya'll can go suck a dick, I've given too much for this region and you still want more? Damn, hungry whores!" before going back in seclusion to live a boring and calm life raising Pokemon to be monsters capable of destroying everything.

"Oh, he's announcing Mega Evolutions?" Kamil and his smaller Pokemon gathered around to watch on the large television as one of the most casanova of professors gloated at the screm with such pride and mirth that it made Kamil want to squash him down! "Ooh, I just had an idea." It was an addiction, a fucking power that he loved- making people who think themselves better realize they're not that good. It happened to him so much that he developed a taste for it and inflicted it on as many people as he could!

["-and that is why we at Kalos' Central Research studio believe that it is impossible to Mega Evolve a Pokemon without a Mega Stone, humbly and generously provided by the Stone Corporation, and a Mega Band, a product provided by us of Kalos-"]

Kamil simply got up from his seat, walked outside his house at Mount Silver's top, and looked at his team: "Hey folks, wanna fuck shit up again?"

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