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60.17% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 271: Cursed and Blessed [#5]

Chapter 271: Cursed and Blessed [#5]

Here I am!

Rock you like a Hurricane!

Music blasted as the door to the black camaro opened, the window rolled down as smoke left the now gaping window moments before the door itself opened as well. The first door that opened released a small red haired girl into the world, angry coughs leaving her mouth as a teenage boy left the car as well, holding a cigarette in hands, a black pair of sunglasses on his face and a black leather jacket were the first things that caught the attention of whoever was looking at him, the other thing was his golden locks of wavy hair and the keys he was holding. Why the keys? Well, human eyes were fast enough to see it but the young man pushed the keys on his jacket's pockets and the brown blur hanging from the keys was a small brown bear.

William "Billy" Hargrove, that was his name, and 18 was his age- Well, 17, but he's basically 18 by now. Sure, he couldn't legaly drink, but the amount of alcohol he had drank on his life was enough to make a Scottish man fall in coma from alcohol poisoning! And he's sure of that, seeing as his mother wasn't his mother and there's no other explanation on how his body could take so much alcohol if he didn't have at least a little bit of European blood in him- Not necessarily Scottish, but if not, definitely Russian or something. "Hey hey- Shitbird." The small blur of red stopped on her tracks before turning to look at him, he hated the look in her eyes and he didn't know exactly why, but he knew he hated it and he couldn't help it but feel like he should do something about it. "Yes, Fuck face?" Her words lacked the fire that his father's voice normally had on them whenever he screamed at him, but it still had embers of anger and mistrust in them... Daddy's little perfect girl she was, Billy scoffed at the thought, as if- She'll grow and soon she'll be as hated as he is, if not even worse by her personality.

She's strong.

She won't break easy.

The maximum he can is prepare her for the worst so she knows what she can do- That sounds so fucked up, but between having her hate him and live longer when she angers him, and having her beaten and broken by his father? He'd rather be hated, it isn't something new to him, at least. 'Fuck...' He cursed, he doesn't know what to do here- He tried warning her, sure, he tried but it still fucking failed and he paid the aftermath of it while she got to go scott free- He tried teaching her by example, but she always ignored him or called him an asshole or something...

He sometimes wonders what his mom would do- Not only because he wonders where she actually is, but also because he knows what hos other parent would certainly do: Slap her until she learned her lesson, probably. 'No...' He shook his head, ignoring the slight pain (Okay, not so slight) on his back, near the base of his spine, and the headache he got from having his head bash against the wall yesterday. "Don't get in trouble again." He gives her the last warning- He doesn't want to move out again, and most importantly he doesn't want to fucking die by the hands of his father because he will leave- that's only a matter of time. He turned around and completely ignored her and everything related to her until his eyes found him and interest flooded his mind because- One! The hair, damn, he must take good care of the hair.

Two! His ass is fat, that is always a plus.

Three! He is adorable, or at least Billy thinks so, those doe eyes are his weakness. And last but certainly not least, his arms, they are not as large as his but they look like they can choke the living light out of him but also hold him like his mother used to. 'Damn, there i fucking go again.' It seems he can't stop himself from thinking about emotional shit, gay shit, or about his fucking bitch of a mother. Well, he didn't think she's truly a bitch but she left him with him so she's so much worse than a bitch already- But he still loves her, and holds her in high regards, no matter the insults his father spills about her all the time. Looking at the guy soon turns out to be worthless, because he was still there, only with a girl around his arms this time. 'Fuck.' Billy scoffed at himself before walking into school-

Time to see how he can take over the school hierarchy once and for all, make a home for himself here- At least that's one of the few good things his father taught him well: Always be the bigger guy, never let anyone have control over you.

-Scene Cut-

Well, that went from bad to really bad in a few seconds at best! A new record for Steve Harrington. Holding his hand to his forehead, Steve wipes the sweat and repeates the scene over and over in his mind: 'Bullshit.' That word, how he hated it, he remembers using too much too many times, but now it reminds him of her and how she looked at him with those mocking eyes in an angry glare as she poured down her vomit on the toilet. 'She doesn't love me.' Thosr were the first four words that came to his mind after she said their relationship was a bullshit and how he- Steven Harrington, was just like his father always said: A failure.

Bullshit- the word his mother used to describe many of the things he liked, and seeing someone else use the same word to describe something he like (A.k.a: Their relationship) hurt his heart more than he thought it would. He left soon, not even caring that the new guy in school took over his king title, well, he hasn't been King Steve for a few months now anyway! "Bullshit, I'll show her bullshit." He was angry, rightfully so he might add, so when he turned the corner was almost barred against Jonathan he almost had the urge to punch him, because he was the one who took Nancy home and probably the one that made everything worse.


Who is he kidding- He's the one who probably destroyed their relationship in the first place, and he doesn't even know what he did wrong! So he just ignored him too, going the complete opposite direction where Johnatan was- if only he knew he would end up on the floor after today's game: "Bet a pretty boy like you doesn't need to worry about anything, right?" Okay, but what's with the weird tension? Billy Hargrove, the guy came in and in a single night took over his spot as High-school king and he was reduced to some poor peasant or some shit like that and now he can't even try to get someone else- No, he's sure he can get anyone he wants no matter who they are. "What are you even doing...?" He turned to see Billy just shake his head and walk away with that stupid smirk he had on his face the whole time, Halloween was shit and now he hopes at least the rest of the school year wasn't as shitty.

And that's where it goes from bad to really, really bad!

"So..." Looking at the dead demodog and the sledgehammer on Billy's hands, he awkwardly looked at his sister: Max, the girl Lucas had a hard crush on and Dustin had asked him advice on: "Uhm, welcome to the club?" Steve cringed internally at the shitty phrase he spilled out before adrenaline took over his thoughts and he tackled Billy to take him off of the collision course as another demodog jumped from the top of the bus down towards him. Sure, he could've screamed, but tackling him just was the easier option here! He expected to hit hard muscles, since Billy wasn't a skinny guy like him, but relatively buff and well built (Not that he had been looking at him in the shower, which, fair he had given a few looks), so it was a surprise to him when he managed to tackle Billy away from those things. They had to get up quickly, but the awkward pause as Steve had to push himself up and ended up making eye contact with Billy...

I mean, he looked almost vulnerable at that moment, and Steve could see something deep within his eyes: Fear. Steve understood that emotion, he felt it every day sometimes, so he did what he thought was comforting- He smiled. But it seemed to have another complete different effect because he saw Billy's face get a shade of pink and red, which meant he was angry right? 'Fucking Hargrove...' He doesn't understand Billy that well, so he just got up quickly and picked his nail bat quickly before swinging at the creature and screamed: "To the bus, now!" There was a guttural growl coming from the darkness around them as they ran and all entered the bus before they heard the clickings and bangings against the bus, Steve swears he saw a dark red blur running on the darkness but he wasn't sure about that. "It's in the fucking ceiling!" Hargrove screamed as he pulled the red haired girl behind him as did Steve to Dustin and Lucas: "Be ready to run kids." Steve's voice quivered but he held on to the bat and raised it to the ceileing to fight when a howl pierced the not-so-silent night.

"Wha...t?" Billy clicked his tongue as he took a deep breath, they all heard and saw as a dark red blur dashed away towards where they knew the lab to be: "They're going to the lab!" Dustin exclaimed, Lucas took out his walkie-talkie and began speaking: "Mike, Will, anyone- copy!?" There was the sound of static before Mike's voice answered: "Copy Lucas, meet us at Will's house we need all the help we can get right now." There was a small pause before Steve entered what Nancy once called his 'Mom Mode' and started ordering people around: "C'mon, everyone on camaro, we're going right now." Max and Dustin seemed to want to say something but a sigle glare from him shut them up, but Billy, being behind Steve, didn't see the glare so he said: "Wait, we're not gettig involved in this crazy shit. Max, C'mon, we're going back." Steve spun around faster than he thought he could and pointed his finger to Billy's chest and said: "You're already involved, so you're gonna get me and my kids to Will's house so we can figure out whatever the fuck's happening and then we're gonna find out what we can do to stop this shit. Am i clear enough, Hargrove?"

"Who even are you, Harrington, to order me around?" Billy was suddenly too close for comfort, his hands holding Steve up as his nose almost touched Billy's nose: "Billy, let him go-" Max was about to finish but Steve was desperate and he needed to know what was happening so he could know how it would affect the kids, and even if they don't bring the kids he knows they're too fucking nosy to be kept away from this whole thing- So he said the first thing that came to mind, and he knew he fucked it up: "Anything." That moment Billy's eyes glowed in a different emotion as he heard the plead in Steve's voice: "I'll do anything, but for the love of God, get me and my kids to Will Byers fucking goddamn house."

You know, taking care of children isn't easy! He's fucking stressed, okay?

-Scene Cut-

Somewhere far away, a young man raised his head as he looked at the endless night sky while drifting across the endless sea that reflected the skyline, only the purple line of the horizon divided the sky above and sea below, that and the endless glowing purple fishes: "Oh?" His meaty hand reached and grasped his ears and he blinked, leaving his own mind and looking down at the phone in his hand- He was sitting on air, there was nothing beneath him, it was like air itself was solid for him to sit: "A call~" As he spoke, hundreds of eyes blinked in and out of existence on his skin, they all shared the same purple glow and pupil full of stars and a toothy grin. Eyes with teeth... The young man was none other than Luxian, Luxian experienced a lot.

After he was captured by those men, he spent a long time unable to... remember who he was, trapped within his own mind by a Telepath stronger than him, who bashed through his mind, but actually died after due to the damages they took, so any and all his secrets died with the Telepath, but the sealed memories were... Tricky to unseal. For that he had to open up his mind, and after two years, he did so! While had his memories locked away, he was trained by them Russians, not to be racist or anything but they're fucking brutal with their training!

In two years he learned many languages, human and not human, he learned even of the existence of many supernatural forces in this world he lives in- The organization that took him was known as the Comrades, which to be fair was a really cliche name when you think about it. The Comrades are originally Russian, but they also have some beef with the Kingsman from the United Kingdom (They are a super spy organization, which is something he never thought would be real), Atlantis from, well, Atlantis- (That was fucking real and was apparently created by Poseidon), and even a secret organization from the United States known as the United States Foundation of Defense that estudied and experimented on his people- People like him, who had powers on them, in fact, he was overly brainwashed and trained to be a soldier against the U.S.F.D and cause havoc, mayhem, and chaos for the general populance so the Comrades could then infiltrate the U.S goverment and take over...

Stupid i tell you.

Anyway, Atlantis turned out to be a super advanced society of aquatic humanoids that didn't fucking care about others and lived in isolation, they had a large prejudice against those who they called Earthlings or Earth Walkers, seeing themselves superior to those who walked on the dirt... So he had his fun crushing their bones and dragging them across the mud, that was when he was still having some problem controlling his Curse of Wrath.


He can easily control it, because he has other shit to deal with.



Name: Luxian Volven (13-CAL) [Vex'uviany-Orthonyx]

Titles: [Eldritch God of Parties, Chaos, Madness, and Wine]

Overall Ranking: [S+]

Age: 21 (30) [???]

Cruse Points: [150,000]

Quests: [3]

Cleansing Quests: [6]

Cursed Powers: [11]

Clean Powers: [7]

Blessed Powers: [7]

{•Body State: Perfect •}

(•Emotional State: Unstable, Almost at a Breaking Point•)

<•Spiritual State: Cursed (Curse of Eldritch, Touch, Obsession, Flesh, Hunger, Eyes, Release)•>




Strength (The ability to extent physical might): [100]

Endurance (The ability to endure damage, pain, the amount of stamina in one's body): [505]

Agility (One's hand-to-eye coordination, body speed, reflexes): [100]

Dexterity (The finesse and precision of one's physical movements and actions): [???]

Intelligence (Capability of one's mind to store, memorize, and organize information): [???]

Willpower (Capability of one's mind to resist, prevail, overcome and go beyond one's body capabilities): [???]

Wisdom (Capability of one's mind to use stored information to the best of one's capabilities): [???]

Luck (Capability of one's fate to intertwine and twist the destiny of the world around you): [???]


Cursed Skills:

[Divinity of Madness (A+): Your divine energy is specially great at manipulating the perception of reality from other beings, being capable of creating illusions in a second, making them believe what you wish to, and bringing their worst fear into being.

But it also works against you sometimes, for sometimes it brings bad memories to the surface.]

[Divinity of Chaos (A+): Your divine energy manifests randomly and actively against fate and destiny, this divinity grants you control over several different aspects of chaos and its several different abilities such as elements, nature, life, death, and others.

This skill may have some backlash depending on what you wish to do.]

[Divinity of Eldritch (S+): Your very divine presence drives minds to insanity, souls shatter, bodies rot, and flesh boils and melts by your gaze alone. This divinity grants you control over the aspects of minds, emotions, souls, space, and time.

Under no suppression, your mere presence will render reality wobbly at best and breaking at worst, so be careful not to anger other higher beings.]

[Over-Time Senses: (S-): Your senses can suppress and overcome time itself- Choose one sense and be able to see, hear, taste, touch, smell, or other in the future. Upon use, all other senses are blocked unless energy is used.]

[Cursed Touch (A-): Your touch has a chance of cursing someone with a random effect, but it also may grant someone a boon or power- But can also make them instantly dead. Once touched, if the target doesn't die, they will be immune to your touching curse.]

[Curse of Obsession (S+): You can become very obsessed with something or someone, doing anything and everything just to get it. This is a double-bladed ability because it grants you an almost monstrous amount of willpower to pursue your objectives. It may change your perception of reality.]

[Probability Manipulation (A+): You can look through time and choose a single outcome for an event- However, you'll have to go through everything that happens on each outcome you see, physical, mental, and soul pain and damage will be transferred to your own boy. After using this skill, you'll face the consequences of messing with the laws of the universe.]

[Flesh Curse (E-): Your flesh will melt at the use of this ability, but your molten flesh will attack anyone you command it to. The molten flesh can also be used to make clones of yourself.]

[Devouring Beast (C-): Your hunger id never satiated, you can eat and eat forever, everything you eat is converted into energy.

Too much energy will hurt you body excruciatingly.]

[Curse of Many Eyes (B+): Your body will be full of eyes, but each eye grants a unique ability to you, the maximum limit of eyes on your body is of 5:

Eye of Paralysis: Your gaze paralyzes those who you wish.

Eye of Corrosion: Your gaze melts and burns whatever you desire.

Eye of Curse: Your gaze can set a curse upon your enemy, said curse is of your choice from the available few (Curse of Slowness, Curse of Nightmares, Curse of Pain, Curse of Lust, Curse of Fear)

Eye of Farsight: You eye can see from afar, so far in fact, that you can even see microscopic scale.

Eye of Shattering: Your gaze can shatter or break anything you wish to.]

[Curse of Release (A+): Due to your Divinities of Eldritch, Party, Wine, Chaos, and Madness you need to once in a while... release your urges. Such urges are not necessarily bad, but they aren't normal either. The longer you go without such release, the worse they get and the lesser your "fun" will last, making so you won't be satisfied.]


Clean Skills:

[Emotional Manipulation (A+): You can make anyone you want feel a certain emotion and control their emotional state, emotions are but your bitch.]

[Survival of the Fittest (S-): You aren't fit to survive, you aren't made to be the strongest... So you must be tested through fire, blood, and pain to grow! You will face challenges, pain, death, and even fates worse than death and you must survive. If you do, you will grow stronger, if you don't, you will cease to exist. Simple as that.]

[Eldritch Mind (S-): Your mind is extremely different from a normal human, you cannot think like them neither can you be like them, but your mind is strong and sturdy, able to read the fine lines between the pages of the universe. It can also change or influence your personality and/or relationships- you might find yourself getting into some weird situations, morality will become the reflection of your soul, making you not the worst Eldritch God out there.]

[Empowering (A+): Under the influence of your will, you can empower any and all skills, bringing them up to an extreme, but burnimg through your energies extremely faster.]

[Deep Dive (B-): You can dive under your own mind deeply, exploring the wonders of your mind. You can control your own mind once inside it, shaping and creating whatever you want or need, but once inside, your physical body will be vulnerable unless you have means to detect anything without using your five senses.]

[Psionics (S+): Due to the Divinity of Eldritch, you have access to mental abilities beyond human comprehension! Bend and control matter with your mind, conjure and destroy, break and make, change and heal. Be the creator and destroyer of anything you want.]

[Shadows (S-): Due to the Divinity of Eldritch, you have access to the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness at will, so in the physical, magical, metaphysical, and esoteric ways to bend and control shadows to do whatever you wish.]


Blessed Skills:

[Dionysus' Cornucopia (S+): You can pull from Dionysus' Cornucopia food five times per day, the food will always be extremely nutritious and delicious, but you also have the chance to get different types of food, however, only foods from [Rank 9] and below.]

[Divine Being (S+): You are a divine being, your mind, soul, and body are connected more deeply! This skill grants you access to your divine form, a form that boosts every aspect of every ability or skill you have while also making

[Divine Judgment (A-): You cast upon or judgment on a soul, deciding its fate. For the duration of this ability, your verdict can condemn a soul to eternal suffering within your helm of power.]

[Light Healing (F-): Apply your divine energy to heal wounds on mind, body, and soul!]

[Purifying Voice (F-): Your voice can purify the impurities of the world, cleaning and cleansing your surroundings with a voice comparable to an angel's.]

[Complete Suppression (S-): Even in human form, your mere presence is enough to cause headaches or even outright turn someone into a babbling lunatic- However, you can suppress it to the point of you being seeing as a normal human, so is the same with anything supernatural or divine about your soul, mind, and body! Your hiding abilities are beyond belief.]

[Party! (A+): You manifest your domain over parties, in your presence any and every consumption of alcohol, drugs, and other substances will have no ill effect on the bodies of those around you. This includes to even deadly accidents that will have hilarious outcomes, or even deadly not-accidents, which will not work.]


Inventory: [Golden Apple (×5)], [Giant Carrot (×12)], [Giant Pear (×9)], [Rainbow Star Fruit (×3)], [Highly Nutritious Apple (×11)], [Highly Nutritious Grape (×21)], [Giant Watermelon (×32)], [Giant Highly Nutritious Blackberry (×12)], [Perfect Roasted Beef (×8)], [Raw Meat (×5)], [Cursed Lighter (×2)], [Healing Caterpillar (×3)], [Extremely Large Pumpkin (×4)], [Precious Gems (×21)], [Large Stack of Money {Containing +50,000 per unit}: 120], [Large Long Weapon (×1)], [Trident (×1)], [Extremely Large Lasagna (×1)], [Bags of Meth (23×)], [Bags of Cocaine (×2)], [Gold Bars (x532)], [Cursed Flute (×1)], [Cursed Pot (×2)], [Cursed Ticket: Volcano Trip (×1)], [Cursed Artifact: Longuinus (×1)], [Cursed Artifact: Merith (×1)], [Cursed Artifact: God's Hand (×1)], [Cursed Artifact: Able's Coffin (×1)], [Cursed Artifact: Cain's Mark (x1)], [Divine Apple (×3)], [Ambrosia (×2)], [Nectar (×2)], [Liver of Prometheus (×1)], [Eyes of Hera (×2)], [Flesh of Stone (×4)], [Newt Skin (×5)], [Large Piece of Pure Human Meat (×2)], [Human Legs (×22)], [Human Head (×21)], [Human Torso (×22)], [Human Organs (×54)], [Fragmented Soul (×1)], [Sun in a Bottle (×1)], [Magical Snowglobe: New York (×1)], [Divine Wine Bottle (×2)], [Deep Desire Drug (×7)], [Blood of a Virgin (×2)], [Extremely Large Dildo (×1)], [Flesh of a Zombie (×1)], [Bones of a Human Skeleton (×629)], [Seaweed (×7)], [Atlantean Corpse (×2)], [Earth Sandwich (×1)], [Wedding Cake (×1)], [Bones of a Dragon (×22)], [Dragon Beef Jerky (×816)], [Dragon Scales (×2134)], [Dragon Heart (×1)], [Dragon Brain (×1)], [Dragon Blood (×91)]


"Hello?" Answering the phone in his hand, Luxian closed the screen and his eyes as he heard the other side speak: [Boss... I think we might need your assistance. The small town you put me on is being invaded by four different forces at the moment, three of supernatural origin and one mundane.] Luxian sighed and rubbed his forehead- He created his own empire from the corpses of those who stood on his way, but even an Eldritch God like him has some problems: And their name is Olympus.

Let's just say... Gods sometimes awaken their conciousness and powers in the bodies of chosen mortals, reincarnations of that God, and Olympus was very much real, as were other Gods (Although some were really annoying and others kept to themselves) wanted him to live there. But Zeus, oh Zeus, he hated Zeus! Atlantis was put underwater by Poseidon so Zeus couldn't destroy the city, Hadestown was also underground so Zeus couldn't destroy it, because that's what Zeus likes to do: Cheat and destroy shit. "So they're making their move..." He had forseen such an event, and the quests he couldn't reject were also there to warn him:

[Quest: Destruction of Earth

Objective: Stop the mysterious forces trying to destroy the planet you live on!

Rewards: A wish]

[Quest: Eldritch Don't!

Objective: Stop the court of Azathoth from invadimg your universe!

Rewards: A universe to live on.]

[Quest: Pantheon

Objective: Creates your own pantheon of divine beings, so that you may face whatever fate has in store for you.

Rewards: A beautiful crown and the title of Emperor of Gods.]

Those mysterious forces were so mysterious that he couldn't even see them when trying to look at the future! They simply didn't appear, so Luxian created this organization 11 years ago as soon as he got rid of the Comrades and established his own underworld family, his own mafia. Look, he had watched the Godfather and one of his curses was that he could get obsessed with things, so he was obsessed with the concept of having a family... Which sounds really sad. He is also obsessed with some other things such as music, the sea, and clouds. They all have their own reasons and he is pretty much sure that if he thinks about it for too long or if what he is thinking about really gets to him, then he'll get obsessed with it.

Like the idea of having a family- He was the father, he needed more members to his family, so he wants children and a wife, but he's extremely gay and women aren't his thing. Which means he wants to impregnate a man... That doesn't sound so easy.

"Well, Star, don't worry. Your Godfather is coming." The person on the other side whispered a 'Thank you Godfather' as in Father who is a God and not in the mafia aspect- Regardless, the phone on his hand shattered into a thousand pieces as he flexed his hand. Getting them was easy, since Luxian himself makes them! They are also from the future, or based on things he saw from the future and things he lived on his past life! Thankfully he is not Omniscient, because that would be boring as shit. "Ah... Should i go with purple again?" Purple became his favorite color after his divinity was absorbed, sadly his mind had gone beyond alien and became absolutely Eldritch in nature, making his divinity mutate and become of Eldritch as well.

Well, at least he was compatible with it.

-Author Notes-

Oof, this has the size of 2 chapters, damn.

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