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Chapter 48: Flint

Just a heads up, Itsuki's party consists of 3 people.

3 people who have signed up for the league and will do so for future leagues.

As such, Gym Battles will be a heavy focus in this fanfic of mine. 3 people will undergo gym battles each time they go to a new gym.

If you want to see all three each time let me know! Or just mainly show Itsuki?

Gym battles are meant to be exciting, and that's why I'm having each character catch different Pokemon!

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones!


Jan 12th, Pewter City.

Three figures appeared from the giant forest behind the city, each having an excited look in their eyes.

Pewter City itself was definitely smaller in size compared to Viridian City. It had a river along the right, with a large string of mountains to the left, this was the famous Mount Silver. That wasn't the only mountain range in sight either.

Further off in the northeast was another mountain range, but not as majestic as Mount Silver. But this one was just as famous, Mount Moon.

It was rumored to be the first site to where Pokemon from outer space crash landed a long time ago. To be specific, the Clefairy line.

It wasn't until later on that Professors discovered the Clefairy line were actually Fairy type Pokemon, instead of them being normal type. Well by now this type is already known to us, so by time we reach Mount Moon, we may encounter some fairy Pokemon.

As for what Pewter City was known was the city of stone. It also had s museum dedicated to Kanto technology, the Pewter Museum of Science. There were rumors of them having secret fossil restoration devices, but it was unknown as to whether they actually did.

Unfortunately these thoughts were soon halted. Approaching the last ridge of rocks, we suddenly heard an older voice speak out to us as we overlooked Pewter City.

"The color of Pewter is gray, the color of stone. This city was famous for its stones, long long ago.", an aged voice suddenly spoke out to us, causing us to halt our steps.

"Did you two hear a voice just now?", Serena asked, confused.

Lillie nodded silently and I spoke out.

"Looks like we got company.", I simply answered, only to look down from the rocks we were currently standing on.

We soon saw an aged man sitting cross-legged, staring at Pewter City. He appeared dark skinned, very similar to the tan I currently had. He had a rather large pointy beard and wore a red cap that covered most of his face. He was rather rough-looking, perhaps due to that miner look of his.

Around him he had wares he was currently selling, several different types of stone. But before we could do anything else, he spoke out to us again.

"Yer standin' on me merchandise, little girl.", the aged man called out to Lillie, who became flustered hearing this.

Hearing that, I let out a laugh.

"Haha, says who, old man? Lillie ain't sitting on one of your labeled stones. She hasn't done nothing wrong.", I said, trying to mirror this guy's accent.

Hearing that a weird smile creeped on his face.

"Gahaha, says me, just now! I'll take a one dollar standin' fee.", the old man laughed with a bellow.

"I'll just step down from it...", Lillie said, deciding to jump down onto the grass near by the old man, only to see his shop come into view. Seeing this Serena and I decided to do the same.

After arriving at his store, I actually raised my eyebrows. Unlike the anime where all Ash and Misty saw were plain stones, the goods of this old man were actually legit. They were mostly stone orientated, but the Pokemon world actually had quite the useful stones. Even a couple caught my eye.

"So I take it yer interested in my goods? We don' got too many folks comin' out of the forest. Yer not the first ones though in a while. A wanderin' swordsman came out not too long ago.", the old man spoke out.

"A wandering he was able to make it out.", Lillie smiled.

"That's only natural. He is a veteran after all.", Serena also replied with a giggle.

"So you three were acquainted with that guy?", the old man asked.

"Haha, that might be the case. But why are you selling your goods out here, old man? The market isn't too far away. You can see it from here even though we haven't entered the city yet.", I asked him.

"I'm just a nobody tryin' to make a modest livin', stayin' out of harms way."

"I don't think you'd make a lot of money staying out here...", Lillie uttered.

"There's no way you would be a nobody for having goods like these. Who are you really, old man?", Serena and Lillie started to question as they too began peruse the old man's wares. Evolution Stones, Everstones, weather duration stones, stones that make its user lighter or heavier, you name it. If a person or trainer were to travel here and missed such a good spot, it would be their loss.

"Well, if yer really wantin' a name, just call me Old Man Flint. Just holler at me if ya found somethin' ya want. Some of these stones can be a bit costly.", the old man, who introduced himself as Flint, answered us.

"Flint...that name sounds familiar.", Serena said, tilting her head a bit.

"Haha, this is definitely our first time meetin'. I'm just a nobody.", Flint said, trying to evade the topic.

Yet I knew very well who Flint was. As such, I grinned and decided to drop a bomb on him.

"So you call yourself Flint, old man. Shouldn't you be at the gym right now accepting challenges?", I said, grinning.

"There is no one who signed up today--cough, I mean, I ain't no gym leader! Yer obviously mistakin' me for another.", Flint said, almost tumbling over the current spot he was sitting at. He had to let out a fake cough to correct the words he almost spoke out.

"Oh really...? Shall I tell Gramps you aren't performing your league duties?", I retorted back at Flint.

"Please don't!", Flint responded with another flustered voice, causing Serena to burst out in laughter.

"So you really are the gym leader here...?", Lillie began to question.

Hearing that, we saw Flint regain his composure, only to let out a defeated sigh. He then stood up, and padded himself down.

"Perhaps I revealed too much. Look it's clear as day yer the Professor's grandkid. Us leaders were informed the day you set off. Most likely cause the Elite Four has been watchin' ya. But still, I meant what I said. I ain't a Gym Leader no longer.", Flint answered us with a melancholic tone.

As he did, he began to pack up his wares.

"What do you mean you aren't the Gym Leader here any more? Did something happen?", I questioned Flint again, a bit worried.

After I did, the sound of whistling trees echoed as we remained in silence. In this silence, Flint packed up the rest of his store.

"Just a bit of a change in the family. Times are changin'. Look, I'll sell my goods to ya three at a later time. Why don't I guide ya to the Pokemon Center?", Flint asked, slowly walking ahead of us.

"Would you be okay in guiding us when you just closed down your shop for the day just like that?"

"I offered, so of course little lady. Follow me.", Flint said, urging us three to follow him into Pewter City.

So it does seem something actually happened within Flint's family. From the way he worded that, it looks like he recently passed Pewter City's Gym Leader role to his eldest son, Brock. This was the same Brock who would become one of Ash's travelling partners. Brock would stick with Ash during his journey not only through Kanto, but through Johto and Hoenn. After that they would part ways and make a reappearance in Alola, to where he would show off his own Mega Evolved Pokemon in battle.

As for Flint, he was the first Gym Leader of Pewter City, for being Brock's father. Well, not anymore from the sounds of it. Flint did actually have a fall out with his wife so perhaps we came across that sensitive time. It was rumored that his wife remarried multiple times, which resulted in Brock's ten siblings. Thankfully their relationship did rekindle later on in the anime, so I don't need to worry about butting in.

So instead, we just kindly took Flint's offer after I ended my teasing. He figured out who I was too and that helped the conversation go along.

We officially entered Pewter City and was brought into the Pokémon Center. The city was pretty well open spaced, having a central market to the left and a huge flower park off to the right. The Pewter Museum of Science was huge all the way in the back of the city, likely being the largest building in the city. We also saw the Pokemon Gym as we arrived in the Pokemon Center, which got us excited.

While having anticipation in battling Brock, which will likely happen tomorrow, we bid farewell to Flint, who promised to us that we could buy items from his shop at a later time. He even gave us an invitation to his home, which wasn't that far off from where we just came from, sitting on the outskirts of the city. It would be nice to visit Brock's family at least once.

After that, Flint bid us farewell and we checked into the Pokemon Center, giving our Pokemon to Nurse Joy to heal up. We were able to claim a room for our stay here in Pewter City, which will likely last a couple days.

But the first thing that was on my mind now was to make a call. I wouldn't get in contact with Professor Oak until after we earn our first badge. But at this moment I will contact Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet! It was time for Lillie to choose her starting Pokemon and receive her Pokedex like Serena and I went through.

After that, we would formally issue a challenge at the Gym tomorrow, and meet Brock in person for the first time!

I already had much anticipation, waiting to meet one of the main characters of the Pokemon World, besides the people I grew up with.

I was curious to how Mew was doing too right now too. Last time I saw Mew, it followed us into Viridian Forest.

Yet little did I know that Mew was still in the forest having plenty of fun. Mew could currently be seen within a Kakuna tree, dangling from its tail, trying to mimic a Kakuna. Yet the Kakuna didn't seem bothered by this at all and continued to hang down in silence.

Aht Aht

Hi guys Aht here. Here is the next chapter of the week!

Don't forget to drop your power stones!

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