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9.33% My hero academia Fanfiction / Chapter 14: Ch 68-69-70

Chapter 14: Ch 68-69-70

  "Hello, I'm Charlie, here are some of my friends who will come to receive the fire dragon." Charlie looked a little fat, and his tone was very enthusiastic. Obviously this Weasley is a good person to get along with.

   Ivan was worried that the officials of the Ministry of Magic might arrive early, so after a brief introduction by the two sides, they were taken to Hagrid's hut.

   "Who did this? It saves us a lot of time." Charlie was also a little surprised when he saw that he was still asleep while being **** tightly.

   Charlie stepped forward and waved his wand confidently to release the Transfiguration Charm that had bound Norbert, but the effect was minimal after several consecutive spells, and he immediately looked at Ivan with an embarrassed face.

   "It's Professor McGonagall." Ivan explained.

   "Why didn't you say it earlier..." Charlie's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly asked other people to come and help. It took a lot of energy to release the deformation curse that fastened Norbert's limbs.

   also awakened Norbert because of his excessive movements, which shocked them. In the end, Ivan calmed Norbert and used a coma spell to make it fall asleep again.

  Charlie also praised this, bluntly saying that Ivan has a talent for raising dragons, and asked if Ivan would work with him in Romania after graduation.

   Of course, Ivan refused without hesitation. He raised Noble solely for the convenience of blood collection, otherwise he would not have the leisure time to raise a dragon.

  Charlie was a little disappointed, but he was not trying to persuade him. Together with others, he put Norbert in a special cage, and kept blessing the Levitation Charm and the Stunning Charm.

   The former is to reduce the weight of Norbert to facilitate transportation, and the latter is to prevent Norbert from waking up midway.

After    was done, Charlie didn't stop much, and asked a few friends to ride the broom and lead the cage to the sky.

   "Finally it's done." Harry was relieved after sending Norbert away.

   "We have to take advantage of this time to erase the traces of Norbert's life." Ivan pointed to the messed up hut, indicating that they still have another job to do.

   Although Ivan used the Dust Removal Charm to solve most of the problems, some of them still require them to do it themselves.

   After the four people finally finished their work, the sky was already a little darker, and Ivan was about to take them away when I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming in front of the door.


   On the shore of Lake Hogwarts, in front of Hagrid's cabin, Minister of Magic Fudge walked in the forefront, accompanied by Dumbledore and McGonagall, followed by an old woman wearing a pink cardigan with a squirming expression.

   "Albus, you should know that I am willing to trust you. After all, you have helped me so much before, but the Ministry of Magic is not my sole responsibility..." Fudge had a false sadness on his face.

"I also assure you that Hogwarts has always acted in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Magic and has never done anything illegal." Dumbledore nodded irresponsibly, if it hadn't been for Fudge to let go of his various government affairs. He signed an investigation order as quickly as possible, and rushed here with someone personally, and he almost believed it.

   As far as he knows, the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic in dealing with business matters has never been so fast!

Professor McGonagall, who was half a step behind, looked sad. Because she had misestimated Fudge's reaction speed, she was worried that the children could not deal with it in time. Nor was still in Hagrid's cabin. It's hard to explain at that time.

   "Umbridge..." Fudge stood in front of the door and spoke softly. As the Minister of Magic, he certainly couldn't open the door himself.

   "Okay, Minister..."

   If the shrill and delicate tone is spoken from a young girl, it will make people feel extremely comfortable, and it will be a bit disgusting to be said by Umbridge.

   However, Umbridge did not realize this, pretending to take a wand out of his bag, and point it on the door.

   "Alaho Cave is open!"

   Umbridge slammed the door open, and Professor McGonagall's heart also hung up. Fudge noticed this keenly, and suddenly became interested.

   However, to the disappointment of Fudge and Umbridge, there was nothing they had imagined in the house. It was an ordinary log cabin, even a little shabby.

   If it were changed to normal, Fudge would not even come to such a place.

   But there is not nothing here, Umbridge's gaze swept towards Ivan and the others who were still in the wooden house.

   "Albus, I thought you had let the students stay in the castle honestly." Fudge turned to Dumbledore with interest.

   "There are always exceptions, aren't they?" Dumbledore's gaze stayed on Ivan's face for a while, keenly aware of the changes in Ivan's body, but now is not the time to inquire.

"Minister Fudge, hello, I am Ivan Hals, and I am glad to meet you." Ivan leaned slightly politely. Thanks to his affinity and talent, Fudge's favor increased for a Of course, I too..." Fudge reached out and shook Ivan lightly, then turned to look at the others, and immediately became interested when he saw the iconic scar on Harry's head. As for Luo in the back. Eun and Hermione were directly ignored by him.

   "Potter? Are you Harry Potter?" Fudge stepped forward and stroked Harry's head affectionately, as close as his uncle and nephew.

   Harry was very uncomfortable and wanted to avoid it, but Fudge's big hands were not so powerful that he couldn't break free.

   "I have to admit that you did a very good thing when you were a kid... a hero, otherwise the Ministry of Magic might lose more manpower..." Fudge said with emotion.

   Lost more manpower? Should the Ministry of Magic be destroyed or surrendered? Ivan murmured silently in his heart.

   "By the way, what are you guys doing here?" Fudge asked strangely.

   Harry and Hermione were a little at a loss, but Ivan didn't panic at all, just pointed to the big dog next to them.

   "We are Hagrid's friends, because he was hospitalized, so please let us take care of his teeth, lest he has no one to take care of his wounds or starve to death."

   Fudge looked at Ivan's direction and found that it was a large Mustiff dog with a circle of bandages tied to its legs, and there were traces of blood on it.

   Thinking of the investigation report he had read before, Fudge nodded. It was this dog who was guarding him who returned to report when the forest ranger Hagrid encountered an attack that allowed him to be rescued.

   Hey.. Who doesn't like a good and loyal dog?

Fudge bent down and wanted to stroke Ya Ya's head, but the latter didn't appreciate it. He grinned at him for a while, making Fudge very embarrassed. The dissatisfaction flashed on his face. He didn't like the one that gnawed at him. dog.

Fortunately, Umbridge obviously fits the definition of a good dog. As soon as he came in, he couldn't wait to search in this cabin.

She worked tirelessly to search for any possible traces. From time to time, she used her magic wand to knock on the table and chairs, or used her nails to stick the sheets to see if there were any letters or letters underneath. It's a pity. She can't find anything she handles very cleanly...

   "You guys, if there is nothing else, go back to the castle." Professor McGonagall hinted that they should leave quickly.

   Ivan nodded and was about to leave, but Umbridge's voice came over before he left.

"and so on.."

   "Minister Fudge, these children happen to be the insiders in the report. I think they should know something?" Umbridge said.

"Umbridge, I remember what happened. Dumbledore has already told you very well. The children don't know much about it. They just found a clue by accident and came back to inform me." Professor McGonagall frowned. Said.

"But I think there may be something to hide." Umbridge took a few steps forward, her broad, loose-skinned face was close to Ivan and others, and Ron, who was the closest, couldn't help but turn. After a few steps back, Umbridge didn't care, and said with a tired smile.

   "As far as we know, someone saw a little wizard riding on a dragon's back yesterday."

"That's what Seamer said. Didn't you ask in school? He is a famous bomber in the school, because he will fail with any spell, so Seamer may want to make up a story so that people can pay attention to him. "Ivan said lightly.

   "Then I will ask more." Umbridge's eyes were fixed on Ivan, wanting to see something on his face.

   However, Umbridge quickly became disappointed, and Ivan's expression did not change in any way.

   "Well, Umbridge, maybe we should go to other places." Fudge said impatiently, he was not interested in wasting time on a story made up by a little wizard.

   In fact, Fudge didn't have much interest in the so-called dragon thing at all.

  He came here in person, just wanting to see if Dumbledore did any small actions behind his back. It would be great if Dumbledore's reputation could be weakened by this thing.

Although he admitted that when he was seeking the position of Minister of Magic, Dumbledore also helped to do some "tiny" jobs, but since he took the most powerful position in the magic world, Fudge certainly didn't want someone to stay on him. On his head, even speaking is more effective than his own minister!

   This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate!

   When Fudge first became Minister of Magic, he naively thought that Dumbledore was already old, and would retreat behind the scenes for a few years at most, or would die directly.

   But he didn't expect that a whole decade later, Dumbledore was still alive, and mentally better than him. Fudge doubted whether he was waiting for his old age and Dumbledore was still his principal at Hogwarts.

   He knows that the personal relationship between the greatest white wizard of this century and Nick Lemay has always been good, and he drank some life-prolonging potions if he could.

"Then I think we can go to the fourth floor of the castle. According to some students, they were warned at the beginning of school that if they don't want to die tragically, they had better stay away from there." Umbridge is not worthy of being a good one. Dogs, new ideas soon came up.

   "Okay, let's go there and have a look..." Fudge was interested again.

   "Fudge, do you think I would hide a dragon in the corridor of the castle?" Dumbledore, who had been silent, suddenly said.

"Look, I just watched... how could the next dragon be hidden there?" Fudge noticed Dumbledore's eyes under his half-moon glasses, a panic in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm. Looks like, don't want to show timidity in front of the other party.

   "I also took you to the scene of the accident. It was an ordinary assault." Dumbledore increased his tone and continued.

"Hagrid was wounded by magic. There are traces of the flame curse in the place where the fire burned. The death of the unicorn was also due to the killing curse... There is no evidence that Hogwarts raised a dragon. , Or violated the regulations of the Ministry of Magic!"

   "I know, but this is a routine investigation by the Ministry of Magic!" Fudge felt that his authority had been challenged like never before, and he spoke very hard.

   Umbridge took out a search warrant in due course and showed it in front of Dumbledore...

   But Dumbledore didn't look at it, he just looked at Fudge so quietly.

In the wooden house that seemed to be a little crowded, there seemed to be a rush of pressure for a while, which made Harry and the others very uncomfortable. They curled up into a ball and clipped their tails. Umbridge wanted to speak but couldn't tell. Words come.

   Ivan was quietly in front of his melon-eating crowd, and didn't mean to blend in, because this was entirely Dumbledore's own work, UU reading has nothing to do with him.

   What surprised him a little was that Dumbledore used the Philosopher's Stone to fish. The Ministry of Magic did not even know, or that the Ministry of Magic knew very little.

   But thinking about Fudge's attitude towards Voldemort's resurrection in the original book, Ivan somewhat understood, Fudge didn't want to believe that Voldemort was still alive, let alone set a trap for such a precious thing as the Philosopher's Stone.

   Even if Fudge really agreed to do this, the place where the traps were set would be at the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge himself would bring dozens of Aurors squatting and guarding it.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron did not have the leisurely mood of Ivan. What Fudge said made them a little worried. After all, they knew very well that there was a three-headed dog in the corridor on the fourth floor. They couldn't imagine what Minister Fudge would look like when he saw it. reaction.

   The solemn atmosphere lasted for a while, and finally Dumbledore broke the strange atmosphere.

   "Of course it is okay for the Ministry of Magic to investigate. There is nothing shameful there." Dumbledore slowed down. After all, Fudge was the Minister of Magic. If he could, he didn't want to get too stiff with the Ministry.

   "I also assure you that this is the last place to be searched." Fudge also sighed in relief and voluntarily backed down.

   Dumbledore didn't say much, and took the initiative to walk out of the door. His calm and calm appearance made Fudge doubt whether his persistence was right.

   But Fudge quickly strengthened his confidence again, because Dumbledore's previous reaction proved that he definitely had something to hide from himself, thinking of this Fudge winked at Umbridge.

   Umbridge suddenly understood, and turned around to show a tired smile to Ivan and others.

   "You guys should keep up with you, it's best not to let me find out that you are doing little tricks on the road."

 Ivan nodded indifferently, because he didn't plan to do anything anyway.

   Just back to the Hogwarts castle, Dumbledore stopped suddenly and reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder.

   "You should go back to the dormitory first, the next thing is not convenient for you to participate."

   Fudge nodded, he was here anyway, and he didn't worry that Ivan and others would go to confess the news or something.

   After the group separated, Ivan walked in the corridor to the Gryffindor Academy lounge, Harry, Hermione, and Ron all looked worried.

   "What if the three-headed dog kept on the fourth floor is discovered by Secretary Fudge? Will Professor Dumbledore be removed?" Harry said.

   "Don't worry, the professor can do it by himself." Ivan said confidently. He didn't think Dumbledore was so easy to deal with.

   Maybe in the confrontation with Fudge just now, Dumbledore might have a solution, or else he wouldn't be so calm when he came all the way.

   "But I think the professor seems to be unable to solve it by himself..." Hermione stopped abruptly and looked at Harry's shoulder.

   "What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?" Harry asked strangely.

   "It's on the shoulder, there seems to be a word." Ron said blankly.

   Ivan looked at the words composed of golden light spots, and the corners of his mouth twitched faintly. He wanted to pretend not to see it, but it was a pity that he was not alone here.

   "This must be Professor Dumbledore who just stayed. It says the secret path...fourth floor! Professor Dumbledore asked us to take a shortcut to the fourth floor through the secret path." Hermione said excitedly.

   Harry and Ron are also very excited, they think they can do something again.

   But where is this secret road?

   The three of them were confused and looked at Ivan together. Since it was the message from Dumbledore, it proved that someone must know the secret message.

   Ivan wanted to say that he didn't know anything, but considering that he would have to study at Hogwarts for some time in the future, Dumbledore would wear small shoes, so he decided to solve this trouble.

   "You better prepare, this secret path is not easy to walk." Ivan sighed. He didn't understand how Dumbledore guessed that he knew these secret paths.

   Ivan ran all the way with a few people, and then stopped in a path on the first floor, where there was a statue of a soldier holding a sword.

Ivan stretched out his magic wand and tapped lightly on the wall next to the statue. The soldier's statue suddenly lifted the sword, frightening Ron, and the stone bricks on the back wall were embedded in a narrow passage. It was revealed.

Inside    is a weird space, with walls made of bricks up, down, left and right, extending in all directions. These walls move and derive constantly as if they have life.

   At the moment when everyone paused, the space to the left was completely submerged and closed by a huge amount of bricks. Seeing that the standing space was about to be swallowed, Ivan hurriedly pulled Hermione and the others away.

All the way to the right, the terrain went higher and higher, and the retreat behind him was also squeezed by new bricks. Ivan suddenly crashed into a gray wall. Harry almost thought he was crazy from time to time, but Ivan's body Go straight through the wall.

   "Hurry up, this secret door will change!"

   Ivan's voice came from the other end, and Harry and the others woke up. This should be similar to the situation on platform nine and three-quarters. Then he stopped hesitating and ran directly into it.

Entering it, Harry felt like he was passing through a wall of water. When Hermione, who was running at the end, was walking through, he clearly felt the pressure around him was gradually increasing, slowly becoming solid, and they were about to change back. The real wall....

   Fortunately, Hermione ran out at the last minute. At this time, she touched her back, and it was already a solid wall.

   "What if I didn't come out in time just now?" Hermione asked curiously.

   "Then we won't see you." Ivan said solemnly.

  Hermione was frightened for a while, Harry and Ron were also very frightened. Just as they vowed in their hearts that they would never enter these dangerous secret passages again, they heard Ivan chuckle.

   "I mean I won't see you temporarily, you will be teleported to somewhere in the castle."

   This is Hogwarts. Of course, these institutions and secret doors are non-lethal. Otherwise, there have been so many little wizards who died in the past, and this school would have been closed long ago.

  Hermione glared at Ivan angrily. If it weren't for the emergency, they would have ganged up and beat him up.

   "Where are we?" Harry looked around.

   "Of course it is the fourth floor." Ivan and a few people quickly found the forbidden corridor.

   The wooden door was still closed, but they all knew that there was a ferocious three-headed dog inside.

   "Harry, are you still carrying the music box I gave you?" Ivan turned to look behind him.

   "Of course, that's a great gift..." Harry didn't know what Ivan did with this but took it out of his pocket.

"By the way, Hagrid once said that Norway likes to listen to music and will fall asleep as soon as I hear it!" Hermione immediately remembered. Harry and Ron were also excited, so they wouldn't have to deal with three-headed dogs. .

   Ivan nodded. With this music box, he doesn't need to use Transfiguration to temporarily get a musical instrument out.

   Pushing open the wooden door in the corridor, Ivan signaled Harry to prepare to open the music box, but after entering, he found that the three-headed Norwegian dog was actually asleep with his eyes closed.

   But the noise when entering the door is still somewhat affected, Norway's eyelids move slightly, and he will wake up as soon as he sees it.

   No need to be prompted, Harry opened the music box when he moved again in Norway, and cheerful Christmas songs resounded in the hallway. After hearing the music in Norway, he fell asleep again.

   Everyone was relieved, but facing such a big three-headed dog, they didn't know what to do for a while.

"I mean, let's forget it? How can we get such a big three-headed dog outside." Ron looked at Norway's three big mouths with fangs and swallowed. Spit, he really couldn't think of any way to hide it.

   "Isn't there a trapdoor here?" Ivan ignored Ron, but went straight to the trapdoor, opened it, and then used the extension spell to double the trapdoor.

   If Ivan's magical power and spellcasting level had not been greatly improved after completing the fusion ritual, it would have been impossible to complete it.

   "Are you going to just throw it down like this?" Hermione was a little worried whether Norway would just fall to death, or make some movement underneath.

   "So some other work needs to be done..." Ivan said.

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