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60% Necromancy Reborn / Chapter 6: Death Has Come (1/7)

Chapter 6: Death Has Come (1/7)

Author Note: Seeing as how I may need to make clear the rankings of items and abilities, here goes.

Trash - Lowest tier, generally presents below average abilities and qualities.

Normal - Normal tier, presents decent abilities and qualities.

Magical - Slightly above the average items and abilities.

Rare - Properties begin to show themselves exponentially.

Artifact - Major boost in properties and abilities, only a minority possess such items.

Myth - A legendary tier only obtained by the highest of powers.

Historical - An ancient tier only ever recorded to be obtained by one person, Nazifer, the ancient mage. Such items are only spoken about in legends or history, their existence is still doubted.

End of Times - Not ever spoken about by history, only mystery surrounds these. No-one that lives currently knows about such items or abilities.

???? - ????

All ranks range from: Inferior, Superior, Perfect, Legendary, Blessed. Blessed being the highest rank and most potent, Inferior being the lowest.


Soon, after exploring for a bit I found a rundown shack with a trapdoor that led to a basement, I commanded by Undead to stay behind and soon entered. It was really dark, but I could see somewhat due to the one singular torch hanging on the end of the hall.

What surrounded me were multiple cells filled with people, well, to be exact dead people. They seemed to have suffered the same fate as me, however they couldn't last long it seems. There were women, men, children and old all alike.

However- a faint gasp was heard as a small little girl hid behind the bodies of some people.

I couldn't see her face,

"A-Abby..? Is it you...? No, no! You're not Abby..."

I realized as I got closer and saw her face, she had golden silky hair that radiated a saintly feeling but was tainted by the dirt and murky atmosphere this place had. Her face was filled with scratches and bruises as well as some dirt spots. Her eyes however, very differently from my expectations were a pitch black with only the white sclera making somewhat of a difference. She seemed... both frightened and angry.

(Author Note: " " signs will now include Plantorian language as well.)

"Don't be scared little girl. I'm not here to hurt you like those bandits, what's your name? Do you have any parents?"

"M-M-My naa..ame is... mom... i-is.. d-dead ov-ver there...",

The girl slowly lifted her finger to point at a cold lifeless body that seemed to have been raped and murdered. It was a sad sight. But more than sad it was infuriating, it was sickening and it made my blood boil. It reminded me of Natalie... and she, the little girl reminded me of Abbie.

"I'm sorry for your Mother. However I have already taken revenge for you. Thus I don't think I can give you the thrill and joy of rending the flesh of your torturers. But, I am able to free you, do you wish to come with me, Abb- I mean, Sanguis."

"Y-yes.. please, save me, sir."

"Tear the door apart, and be careful, don't hurt the girl." I commanded my undead in a loud voice so they heard me, shortly after three undead dropped down and ripped the iron rod door in front of me apart. It seemed like my undead even understood vague orders, do they share some kind of consciousness with me? A link?

Either way I stepped inside and reached my hand out, however it seemed like her legs were hurt, possibly to make it impossible to escape. So, I held her up in a princess position and walked out.

However I couldn't really climb up the door with her in my arms, so I decided to test out something.

'Make a human stair in front of me with your bodies, you three, now.' I ordered them mentally, and surprisingly it worked. The three Undead quickly walked over and took an odd positon to form a staircase out of their backs, eliminating the need to use the ladder.

'Wow, these guys really can be used in unique ways, what a convenience.'

I reached the top and walked out of the shack. I decided not to use the bodies of the people down below. They deserved some rest, even if all that remains was their body.

"Follow me." Despite knowing I could order them mentally, speaking to them felt more natural. I decided to use the mental commands whenever I needed to perform something discreetly or to not attract unneeded attention.

All the undead followed me while I walked in hand with the girl to a storage building they had. However...

"Ugh, these brutes, is all they have weapons and armor in here? God, can't you keep something rather miscellaneous like food, water or medical equipment?" I entered the storage but rather than a storage it seemed to be an armory for these brutes. Don't they heal themselves?

I walked through the storage, commanding my Undead to pick every weapon out to use. Much to my likely expectation, I couldn't find anything related to mana or something to harness it. However as I explored, I found a hidden compartment near the pile of armours the undead plundered.

"You, hold the girl, with care." I handed one Undead the girl as I opened the hidden compartment, what seemed to be inside was a jet black vial that seemed rather... poisonous. I picked it up and a window showed itself in front of me."

[Healing Elixir Bestowed with Bathenza's Blessing

Rank: Artifact (Blessed)

Summary: What used to be a Normal rank healing elixir made by an average Alchemist was bestowed with Bathenza's, the Goddess of Healing, Blessing at one of her shrines. Her heart and kindness remain within this vial. Fully use the elixir to present noticable healing.

Blessing will be removed in: 23 years, 7 months, 8 hours and 34 minutes.]

"Hm... a Blessed elixir..? The color seems suspicious though, and I don't believe in the existence of gods... however I need to heal this girl.. let me test a drop on myself first."

"You, give me your dagger."

I took a dagger from one of my undead and slashed my arm more than intended, making blood rush out. I popped the lid off the vial and took two drops.

Then... slowly, but surely the bleeding was stopping and I could feel it getting better while my flesh seemed to slowly regenerate.

'Wow- this is similar to that green light that fucker was healing me with. It's instantly making me better.. if I used this on her legs they would surely heal.'

I walked over to the undead carrying the little girl and spoke,

"Hey, I'm gonna give you an elixir to heal you, okay? Open your mouth a little."

She looked at me worryingly as if I was trying to poison her, however she reluctantly opened her mouth. I dropped 10 drops in her mouth and closed the lid.

Soon, though, her legs started healing at an incredible pace, you could see her sking regenerating, reconstructing and forming again without leaving a scar. Even she was surprised.

"Th-Thank you, sir."

"Don't call me sir, you don't need to say that. Just call me... Luciel, yes, call me Luciel, Sanguis."

"O-Okay, L-Luciel.."

She seemed to have trouble speaking, her trauma was too tremendous

"W-Where will we g-go now?"

"I judge that we need to head to civilization... however I have no idea where that is. Do you have any idea?"

"M-my mom used to be a t-trader... so we traveled i-in caravans o-often. I think I know the way where we are supposed to be heading..."

"What about your father? Where is he?"

"H-He left us when I was 3... back then w-we were p-poor so he couldn't a-afford to pay for us..."

"Fucking bastard of a father..." I muttered under my breath quietly.

"Well, then... I can't leave you out here, so you'll come with me and show me the way. Of course, I'll give you food, water and money if you need it. Deal?"

"Y-yes... also, Luciel, what are these... monsters that follow your orders?"

"Oh, you mean my undead? Well... let's just say they're part of my ability."

"What an o-odd ability... I've h-heard of necromancers... but t-they couldn't handle hundreds at once..."

"Oh? Then how much undead does the ordinary necromancer command?"

"I-I'm not sure but maybe like... fifty.."

'Hmm, I'm only level one but I carry so much undead.. Is it due to my blessing?'

Snapping out of my thinking, I realized the girl had no shoes.

"Hm, Sanguis, can you walk?"

"I-I think so."

The girl said, getting out of the undead's hands who was still carrying her carefully and stood up on her legs, although a bit awkward, she could stand and walk a little.

"Hm, I still can't make you walk for who knows how long across these deserts... Oh! Wait! You all, make a big and comfy moving seat with your bodies, I don't care if you have to break your bones or adjust your joints, make it."

I wasn't planning on having a shred of mercy for these bandit bastards so a unliving seat seemed good.

Quickly, the undead moved and created an interlocked web of limbs and bodies, while 4 undead at each side held it up with no effort due to their advanced undead bodies. And finally, a magnificent bed-like web of undead bodies formed from approximately 20 undead which wasn't much of a cost.

"W-wow," Sanguis said as she witnessed the process. Rather than disgusted she seemed amazed and fascinated.

"Well, what are you waiting for, come on give it a try."

"S-sure!" Sanguis replied excitedly while jumping on the body bed.

"O-ow.. the bones in their backs hurt a little..."

"Hey! You all, shift your bones, make it more comfortable, break your spine if you have to."

And immediately cracks, flesh moving and bones shifting commenced, and their bodies now became soft with flesh.

"W-wow.. I-it's so comfy now... Luciel, try it too!"

"Hm? Sure, I'll try it." I said, climbing on top of the body bed and laying beside Sanguis.

"Wow, this really is comfy. Nice job, for once." I told my Undead.

"Now then, everyone equip your weapons and armors! We're moving out. Listen to my directions and move at an orderly line, 20 Undead permitted for each line, make as much rows as you wish. The net shall remain at the center. Now move out of the storage before getting in formation."

The Undead listened to every of my words and moved out of the storage, then they equipped the armors and weapons they got and formed a line in front and behind of us.

They seemed almost like a well trained army now. Because who can resist those who don't fear death and form a bed out of their bodies?

"Move out of this place, forward."

We found ourselves moving at a steady pace, maintaining a line between running and jogging. Of course, stamina wasn't a problem.

However, as we moved out of the open gates a blue dome, the one I saw earlier surrounded us.

"3 of you, try to pass through the dome."

Three undead at the start of the formation moved, but were immediately blocked once they came in contact with the dome.

'Hmm... a protective barrier huh? Is there some sort of terminal erecting this? It can't just be formed naturally out of no-where.

"30 of you, move out of formation and run around the fortress as quickly as possible, find the thing that might be related to this blue barrier and bring it to me."

30 undead ran at a frightening speed and searched around, after, no longer than 5 minutes sfter I ordered them 2 came with a blue object, which was in the shape of a small pyramid, with a faint blue light at the tip.

I grabbed the crystal and a screen popped up.

[Manasdil Protection Crystal

Rank: Rare (Superior)

Summary: Erects a large blue dome around the specified terrain, the dome can only be entered and left by those permitted by the owner. The barrier is very strong but it still can be broken, if the barrier is broken the crystal is destroyed as well. Inject mana into the crystal to enable your mana signature, you can specify who you wish to allow through by your conciousness. If the owner dies the ownership can be transfered.]

[Do you wish to claim ownership of 'Manasdil Protection Crystal'?]


[Ownership claimed.]

'Wow, this is a useful crystal huh. It'll serve me well' I injected mana into the crystal, enabling the mana signature and thinking of allowing every single person here through.

"Move forward."

The undead moved through without hesitation and the dome let us pass through. Then, after the rest of the undead arrived after I sent them a mental command, I injected mana again and commanded it to make the dome disappear.

It disappeared and I put away the crystal in my pocket where I also kept the vial.

"So, where do we go, Sanguis?"

"U-uhm I think we should head around that area, North-East, that's usually the path we take... do yo-you see that floating peice of land in the distance..?"

I squinted my eyes to look and indeed, there was actually a floating peice of land.

"Wow... is that where we're going?"

"Yes, Ranizgard, the name of the city, is in that area."

"Ok, we're moving. Undead, march ahead in that direction, run at full speed."


The sound of the undead's feet hitting the ground at a tremendous force was heard, every one of them dashed at maximum speed, but still maintaining a steady formation.

The travel began.


"Huh? Boss! Look there, isn't that a legion of soldiers or something? They're approaching from the Sand Tsunami deserts! And at a tremendous speed too."



The group of mercenaries roared, although they weren't contracted, they still retained their bandit habits of the past and robbed people who seemed like a treasure trove.

The man who seemed to lead the group was in a carriage lined with silver and black colors.

The group rushed forwards at his words, staring at the approaching group of silver and leather made armors donned by a group of soldiers belonging to some small noble or something. Little did they know, that legion was the bringers of their deaths.


As the undead rushed forwards I spotted what seemed to be a carriage and numerous bandits rushing towards us, unfortunately outnumbering us, but that wasn't a problem to my subordinates.

"Luciel, those guys seem... scary... they're approaching with menacing smiles..."

"Huh? You can see that far?"

"Yeah... ever since I came out of that dungeon I could see this far..."

"Sorry to ask, but have your eyes always been a pitch black color?"

"H-huh? No, no, my eyes are golden, they're golden right?"

"No... they're pitch black, but your eyes were a golden color before? How odd... have you ever seen a sort of screen or something ever appear in front of you? With perhaps certain words?"

"U-uh oh yeah... after my mom died.. I was really angry... but after that something popped up in front of me which said.. uh, let me remember, oh... yes! It said 'You have been chosen by the God of Blood and Revenge, Vindicta Mortis, his blessing falls upon thee who is clouded by rage, seeking blood.' but... I thought I was just imagining things..."

"No, you weren't imagining anything, do me a favor and say 'Avicta'."

"Avicta." A screen popped up in front of her and I leaned in to see.

[Personal Information

Name: Sanguis Kete

Sex: Female

Race: Human (Inferior Body)

Age: 11

State of Mind: Very Stable

Level: 1

Experience: 15/1,000

Health: 300/300

Strength: 21

Dexterity: 34

Intelligence: 15

Mana: 100/100

Mental Fortitude: 13

Physical Fortitude: 15


Blood Martial Arts Lv.1

Summary: Use your blood to perform martial techniques which revolve around daggers, scythes, halberds and spears.


-- Life Steal: Use your blood martial arts to steal life from opponents you hit. Mechanical enemies are immune. Restore 5% of the damage you did to your own life with each successful hit. The more consecutive life steals, the more damage you do. 3% boost in damage per each consecutive life steal, effect stacks up to 30%.

-- Blood Gathering: Collect the blood that leaks from wounds you did into 6 small orbs of blood circling around you. wounds that are affected by blood gathering are unable to be healed unless the skill ends. Use the collected blood as your own blood source, healing, protection or imbue blood into your attacks. (Optional Ability: Harden collected blood in the form of a shield to block incoming attacks, hardened blood is comparable with a Rare rank Defense artifact. Blood cannot be liquefied again.)


Blessed by the God of Blood and Revenge

Rank: Artifact

-- All blood related abilities are 10% more potent. If Health falls below 5%, your number of blood orbs doubles and attacks are 50% more potent

-- ????]

"Wow... hey, Sanguis aren't you too strong?"

"U-uhm, I guess? Is this strong? Mom never told me about abilities and such... people only get their first abilities at 16.. but I'm only 11..."

"Yes, this IS strong, your blood arts are simply overpowered. But as for abilities.. I didn't know that.. maybe it's because you've been blessed by Vindicta Mortis, this also explains your advanced sight, maybe due to Dexterity." I explained off of my assumption as I didn't know anything about this world.

"Then, does that mean I can help you, Luciel?"

"Yes, of course you can. Although definitely not in actual battle, you're still a child, and you remind me of Ab- either way, you're not ready yet. Although I can't dictate what you choose to do, for now don't do anything dangerous and stay back with me. And, speak of the devil, the enemy is already close, let's see what they want. Undead, halt, assume defensive stances."

*Tak Tok Tak Tok*

The hooves of the horses pulling the carriage were heard and the steps of the nearly 500 bandits roared.

The man in the carriage yelled "HALT!"

The entire rushing men came to a stop and a huge, fat and quite literally, pig-like man came out of the carriage, wielding two sabers hanging on his waist.

Although, contrary to their expactations the people in front of them were far from being human.

"Wha- what the hell are they?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BED MADE OF HUMAN BODIES?!"

"Fucking bastards, this must be some evil magic."


"Oh... now that I look at it.. it does seem so. But since when could necromancers command undead to form beds?"

"Probably some variation of control, nothing to be scared of."

"Let me speak, we'll have some fun," the man raised his voice and yelled at us, "listen well necromancers! Hand over your belongings and we'll let you go unharmed! You know well these undead cannot harm us! Surrender! And now that I look at you... there's a girl right? KEKKEEKE Leave the girl too! And then we'll let you go unharmed!" The man was lying through his teeth, it could be seen he didn't plan on letting me or Sanguis go. Of course, I never considered surrendering too. The moment they mentioned Sanguis their fates were sealed. By sealed, I mean a cruel and painful death of course.

"No, I don't think I will surrender. Undead, attack, leave the fat man alive and restrain him." I ordered the undead.

They rushed like hungry beasts, sword, hammer, saber, daggers in hand and jumped on them.

It was like a scene from hell, two undeas gouged out the eyes of a person and slit his throat, his friend next to him got his intestines ripped out and eaten like spaghetti, while some others got their skulls crushed. It was devastating for the bandits.

They didn't expect such lowly undead to be so powerful, but they also had their pwn strength and started fighting back.

"Mana Heritage... all undead" I activated my sub ability. The damaged undead healed one by one as my mana got consumed at each passing second, limbs re-attached, heads went back into place and large slashes were healed as the undead gained the advantage again. It was cruel, it was cruel but fantastic, it elated me to see those fuckers get what they deserve for ever going after a little girl like Sanguis.

Soon, I picked one of the undead who seemed to be doing better than others, killing two at a time while only getting wounded slightly as he jumped around from head to head stabbing daggers into their necks and drinking their blood.

"Death's Blessing." I uttered as I looked at the undead and transfered my mana, which somehow felt very natural, as if I'd been using mana for years.

And then- the undead's eyes glowed a black light and his body shrouded by black smoke as his armor fell off and new dark peices of metal plates covered his skin, his speed increased two times and with each passing second he started going after stronger enemies, leaving the weaker ones to the other undead. Like the sub-ability said, semi-sentience was possible, intelligence was far too important for anyone in this world. Now, leaving behind his primal actions of jumping around, he dashed around with his daggers slitting throats, while not wasting time drinking blood but instead quickly eliminating every single strong mercenary.

It was absolutely magnificent, like watching art being made, blood covered the barren land which had left the sandy dunes behind.

The fat man could be heard screaming,


Despite yelling that, the man didn't dare step out of his line of bodyguards and engage in battle, that dark shrouded undead sent chills down his spine. It didn't make sense for a level 15 like him to be scared of some puny undead. Most of his people were level 10, they could easily handle undead but these, these were different, very different.


Immediately they bagan to steer away from them and lead the other mercenaries to the sides as they were cut down. After some minutes the numbers died down, and eventually all that remained on the gut and blood stained land was the fat man and his bodyguards together with my undead, which didn't lose any numbers, surrounding them.

I stepped out of the body bed together with Sanguis and walked towards the man, making the undead open my path.

"I'm all yours, fat pig, come, why don't you go ahead and try to take what is mine. Oh, I heard you talked about something like.. oh yes! Leaving the girl..." I stared at him with bloodshot eyes as my rage failed to dwindle.

"PERHAPS, you'd like your dick eaten by an undead hm? I have a healing elixir as well, wanna repeat it again and again until it runs out? I'm sure you'd enjoy it. Pigs like you only get pain after all."

"Or maybe... I have a better idea, you'll be Sanguis' test subject, yes, yes that's perfect."


I cut off the man,

"No, I don't know nor do I care about some duke of Ranizgard, you can go and lick his boots for all I care."

"Now then, let's get rid of these silent bodyguards you have hm?"

The ten bodyguards frowned.

"Blessed one, get rid of the bodyguards," I ordered the dark shrouded undead as his time with the blessing was almost running out. He quickly dashed and slit the throat of 3 bodyguards, then he climbed behind one of the bulkier ones and stabbed his eyes while jumping off him and landing in front of two other bodyguards stabbing their guts.

6 bodyguards fell and the other 4 were quickly taken out with a small skirmish as well. Of course, injuries sustained by the undead were healed by mana which already reached 40 out of 1000 from all the constant healing.

Then, the other 4 bodyguards fell and all that was left was the fat man.

"Restrain him. Oh and take his weapons as well."

The man tried to take out his sabers but was quickly apprehended by the dark undead. Soon, 10 other Undead rushed and took his sabers, threw them to me and they held his arms and legs.

"Now then... let's have some fun shall we?"


"Stop your fucking begging, Sanguis, wanna test out your abilities?"

"Oh sure! This guy wanted to harm me and Luciel... especially Luciel... he needs to suffer! Hehe," she said some disturbing words with a cute chuckle that made me smile. It seems like this girl doesn't have the fate of growing up as a normal girl, however, I'd give her my love, maybe Abby can be friends with her... Natalie too, I'm sure she'd fall in love with her. But.. am I a bad influence on her... she seems too dark, well, unfortunately that is my fate as well. This world seems too unadvanced and way too harmful for any kid. So, I'll teach her and care for her. I'll teach her the ways of despair and power.

"Of course, let's get started. Although we don't have a scythe at the moment, we do have two daggers. Hey, you, give the daggers." I said the dark undead who has turned back into his normal form as his blessing time ran out. He gave me the daggers and I handed them to Sanguis.

"Okay, now make sure to hold them well in a normal position and grip them tight, pass your pinkie finger through this hole at the end and make sure the crossguards protect the area where your fingers are most vulnerable, understand?"

"Ohhh, what about this? Can I do this?" she asked as her hand adopted a reverse grip.

"No, that's extremely inefficient, the crossguards don't protect your hand and you can't attack forward naturally, ONLY use this when you have a lot of experience and when you're either behind the opponent or in extremely close quarters combat. Understand?"

"Yes... I just thought it looked cool. I understand."

"Good, now let's try to activate your blood arts. Go ahead and enjoy this moment."

"Yes!" Sanguis said as she stepped forwards and slashed across the man's shoulder as he screames in pain, the gash was quite deep.

As the blood leaked out, it suddenly rose up and floated like magic and formed a ball of blood circling around Sanguis. The blood was about the size of a head and circled around her torso. As the ball finished absorbing blood, another two were made resulting in a total 3 from just a single wound. However the man's face paled, he was losing blood too quickly.

"Oh, we can't have you dying now can we?" I said as I forced his mouth open and and dropped 2 drops of elixir, his face rejuvenated and his wound just slightly closed up. But that was all, no amount of healing could go against the skill as it still continued bleeding, although just a little bit slower.

Sanguis cancelled the property of her skill which made wounds bleed forever, or until death and the wound slowly healed up again.

Then, she experimented, using the blood to augment her attacks. Surprisingly the use of the blood wasn't too tremendous, the attacks turned out powerful and cheap to use. This was wonderful, however not so wonderful for the pig experiencing the attacks.

He screamed from time to time, like a pig should and eventually when Sanguis got tired I took my turn at torturing him, specifically I decided to make some pork out of the pig and feed it to the undead. It was a gruesome process, to say the least. Although very enjoyable indeed.

Along the way we got bored so I just decided to have him get eaten very slowly by the undead, it would take a long time too, considering he was past the point of obese and simply layers of fat like his bones didn't even exist.

"All of you eat him in a careful manner, try not to kill him until the end so he has the most pain."

I ordered as the undead lunged. Everyone deserved their fill after a hard day of work. And they ate and ate until full. Although his robes seemed expensive they were already down the undead's belly so it was alright.

I took the two sabers and handed them to the undead I previously blessed. They were much better than the daggers and they were even a Magical tier pair.

[Tiger Sabers

Rank: Magical (Perfected)

Summary: A good item made out of the teeth of a Ironclad Tiger. The sabers grant +10 Strength and +10 Dexterity. Their toughness surpasses their rank as the Ironclad Tiger focuses on defence and overwhelming strength.]

They were better in the hand of that superior undead so I just gave them to him.

"Hm, Sanguis, how do you like that carriage?"

"It's pretty good, why?"

"Well, the horses are dead from the battle but I'm just turning everyone into undead anyways, so let's take this carriage to travel instead. The body bed is pretty weird."

"Oh, sure, the carriage seems pretty nice."

"Let me awaken this guys then."

"Undead Summoning, Awaken."

At my words the entire battlefield of bodies rose up, limbs re-attached and the undead rose up, standing straight. Of course this also included the two horses, but for some reason their flesh decomposed at a rapid rate and only their skeletons and what seemed to be a blue fire at their hooves and skull remained.

"Pick up your weapons again and follow along with what your seniors do, you guys, follow the earlier formation."

The 778 Undead adopted a military formation based on what the first undead did.

"This will be called a Iron Spear formation! The formation is long and thin with your weapons at ready, remember that." I told the undead.

Then I said,

"Adopt a formation with 100 undead per row, spread out and leave the carriage behind, this will be called the Shield formation! Remember it." I told the undead as they moved to my commands.

And finally,

"Spread out with 40 undead per row, The first 4 rows will be in front of the carriage, while the other rows will split in the middle in the sides of the carriage. This will be called Arrow formation! Remember it." I spoke again as the undead moved.

"Remain in Arrow formation, horses advance. Undead run to keep up with the carriage."

The carriage started to move while I and Sanguis hopped inside. The inside of the carriage was lined with golden colors and black leather seats with a fixed white marble table in the middle.

We sat inside, of course there was no need for a coach, the horses moved to my command only. As we moved at a fast speed Sanguis rested with her head on my shoulder, the blood arts were a bit tiring especially to a child.

As she rested, the carriage slowly moved to our destination, the city of Ranizgard.

Author Note: Sorry for any repeated mistakes, I'm a lone author with no editor and writing a long chapter is pretty tiring. Sorry again! love from greed

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