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60% Akame Ga Kill: Reincarnation / Chapter 3: Ch. 2: Meeting Najenda

Chapter 3: Ch. 2: Meeting Najenda

Me and Esdeath were walking towards the castle, "I wonder how strong Najenda is. I mean she's a general so she must be strong. If we beat her we could also be generals." Esdeath replied, "No, they wouldn't make us generals without having all of our loyalty, so it take a while but it will happen." I nodded, "Fair enough. You have a good point, I guess it'll take longer then necessary."


We walked and observed the street vendors. Some selling food, others selling accessories, some even selling weapons and clothing. I ignored them and kept walking to the capital. If we wanted food we would just hunt. It was much simpler and cost efficent. We were walking through the streets and bumped into somebody, they had green hair and goggles. 'Lubbock?' I took the opportunity, "Do you know where we could find a girl named Najenda? We were told to find her and join her squadron." He looked at me, checking me up and down, "Well you don't seem like a bad person, follow me I'll take you too her, my names Lubbock by the way." He stretched his hand out, telling me to shake it, I did an introduced myself. "I'm Fall Rain, and the lovely lady behind me is-" I was cut off, "My name is Esdeath, Fall you really have to let me introduce myself." Lubbock was looking at her, she was already starting to develop, not as developed as she was in the anime, she only just started puberty after all.


"Nice to meet you, Lady Esdeath." He said, his face was slightly red, "For your information, I am not interested in someone like you, Lubbock." His face was now making a depressed expression, one of emotional pain. "Anyway shall we meet Najenda." He said and started sulking away, "Come on Esdeath. Let's meet her, she is our key to faster rank ups." I said and caught up to Lubbock. Esdeath trailing behind me.


We arrived at the castle, the gate guard recognized Lubbock, "Oh! How are you, Lubbock? And who are those two?" Lubbock looked over to the guard and told him, "I'm doing good, just bringing these 2 rookies to meet Najenda for her test." The guard looked at us and nodded, "Alright, I'll let you all in." he pressed a button and the gate slid open. "Follow me, Najenda is in her own room." I followed him, we went up a winding staircase. He stepped onto the floor, "You two stay in the training room, first door on the left. I'll get Najenda." Me and Esdeath stepped into the room, there was a spacious area made for combat between generals. Najenda just uses it to test new recruits.


We sat down on the wall and waited for them to get here, after about 10 minutes, Lubbock walked in with the white haired general. She looked us both up and down before getting a satisfied smirk. "They both possess a ton of potential, but how strong are they now is the what determines if they fight in the war." She smirked as she said that, "To determine your strength, we shall fight. You two versus me. I won't use my Teigu." Esdeath quickly asked, "What are Teigus?" Najenda looked at her a bit suprised, "They are special weapons made from danger beasts, only 48 of them exist in the world." Esdeath nodded, I did too since I didn't wanna seem suspicious in the sence I already knew about Teigus.


"Alright, so when does the fight start?" I asked, ready to fight her at a moments, "Now." I instantly rocketed towards her, her eyes widened before she smiled "You're both fast." Esdeath was already behind her, I threw a punch towards her head as Es targeted her legs. The white haired general managed to counter my punch and avoid Esdeaths leg. All while smirking. I rushed back, I quickly stopped and dug my hands into the ground. I lifted some of the ground and threw it at her, Esdeath continuing to annoy her from behind.


Esdeath went to punch her spine, but Najenda turned, kicked her away, turned around and punched the tile flying at her with her arm, effectively smashing the tile with ease. "Did we pass?" Najenda had a wide smile on her face, and had seen their strength, enough to make her admit they passed since anyone besides her and a few others would've died or gotten severely injured. "You are both strong. You will both be in my elite squadron. I will train you personally and we will go to war when we are needed." I nodded, ready for anything and ready to get even stronger, a demonic smile seemed present on the white haired generals face.


"We will start with hand to hand combat. Once you are well trained in that, we will do sword combat and so forth. Of course you will also work your physical abilities up along the way. Both of you do 10000 pushups and 10000 situps every 3 hours. So 80,000 each day." I was ready and started right there. "I will also provide you living quarters. They are on this floor and just down the hallway." I was still working on pushups, already about 20 in. Esdeath was also about 15 in. It would take us 1 hour and 30 minutes just to finish this, so in turn basically we only get about 12 hours of freetime maybe less considering we might have patrol duties and weapons training.


*Sighhhh* this is gonna be a long 3 years, that's also when Esdeath became a general. Right before the war and in turn she buried hundreds of soliders alive in ice. I focused hard on my work, every pushup making me that tiny bit stronger. I should be as strong or stronger than Prime Esdeath once the war started, only issue is I wouldn't be able to win against her without Gojos powers. That ice was so overpowered. I just focused on getting stronger.


3 years. That's how long it's been since we became soldiers. Me and Es were considered the devil duo with how strong we both were. We had built up quite a reputation and that's why were here now. "The Minister would like to meet both of you, please follow me." I guess it's time. "Come on, Es." She had fully developed. She now had her whole figure filled out. She now truly resembled her anime self, but now that I see her in person, she is even more beautiful than she was in the anime. She stood up from the bed and followed us. She was wearing the white outfit she always wore in the anime now. I found it quite appealing to the eyes.


We headed into the ministers chambers. It was a decently well lit room. There were 4 items on the desk, "Glad to have you both here, and as you might have guessed, these are Teigus. You can pick any of these." I picked them all up, none synced with me, same with Es. I looked at the wall and saw two weird shaped containers. "Are those also Teigus?" The minster looked at them, "Ah, they are. Both are dangerous. The one on the left is the blood of a demon that controlled space and a weird energy, the second on the right is the ice demons blood, it lets the drinker manipulate ice."


I looked at them, "What's the catch?" The minister gained a grim look, "If you don't match with it, you die. Many have tried to tame the space demons and just turned into mush, the ice demons freezes their insides and kills them slowly." I didn't think very hard

"I'm taking the risk. I'll do the space demons, if I don't survive then I was too weak." I walked up to it and grabbed it, "Wait, we should drink at the same time. It would make it easier to do." I nodded and agreed. I heard her heels clicking on the floor as she got closer.


She picked up the ice demons blood. We counted down in unison




We drunk it at the same time, I fell on my knees, a voice ringing in my head. 'Another foolish human trying to tame me, you know it won't work right?' I was in my mindspace all of a sudden, I had passed out in real life. I looked at the man, he had white hair, a black blindfold, and a black uniform. I stood up straight, "Don't compare to the others. I WILL succeed in taming your power." The guy in black stepped closer.


He was in my face, just looking me in my eyes thorugh his blindfold. All of a sudden he started laughing, "I like you, kid. Anyway my name is Gojo Satoru, the space demon and I grant you my powers." all of a sudden my eyes started to itch, "I would cover your eyes by the way, the eyes you have now can see clearer than anything else. You can discover the rest out yourself, good luck."


I opened my eyes and my head started to hurt, but I can stand it. I saw Esdeath looking over me worriedly. "Hey, how are you Es." she immediately went and hugged me, I hugged back, "I thought I lost you, don't ever scare me again." She was crying in my shoulder. "Jeez you're being ultra clingy, what are you? My girlfriend?" Her face turned red, "Hey! Don't tease me unless you mean it..." I was shocked, "Well since you want me to mean it, I guess you're my girlfriend now." her face suddenly glowed, "You know, I've had a crush on you since I was 12, I've always wanted to spend my life with you." I smiled a little bit, "Yea, I noticed. But when my feelings for you developed, I thought it was too late and you already lost interest." I said, looking down at my legs.


"Wait hold on! Who undressed me? I don't even have underwear on!" Esdeath didn't hesitate, "Oh it was me, we needed to make sure everything was okay." I looked at her, she really had no shame. Well since she already seen me naked, I just threw the blanket and grabbed my clothes. They were like Esdeaths but a reversed color scheme, I had a outfit that was all black and the other color was white. Literally just Esdeaths with inverted color.


"Alright well, we might have a war soon." I knew it was coming soon, her story of burying multiple people alive hasn't happened yet. "I believe we should go in seperate groups, I can do enough damage on my my own and we can wipe out all these bastards in a few days."


We've had our abilities for about a week now, Esdeath could do quite a few things with hers, nothing like space and time freezing or her ice tower and horn (What she used on the island the Ministers son sent her and Tatsumi too.) I could only use Infinity, I couldn't use his reverse cursed techniques yet. I had been trying to manifest and the best I got was a small blue. I was currently sitting outside around training my reverse cursed energy.


It's been a month, the war had started a week ago. Me and Es were sitting together on her bed, just talking with each other. I was also reading a book on the side. I hear footsteps rushing towards our door, a messenger opened it. "General Fall, General Esdeath. You have been called to the war against the northern tribe. They are constantly getting the best of us and we need help." I sat up, "Northern tribe huh? Esdeath, we're going to get revenge today." Esdeath got up with me. "General Najenda is waiting outside for both of you." The messenger said and left.


We walked down the stairs, a silence over us. "Do you want revenge too, Esdeath." She nodded, "Yes, my father was killed because he was weak. But I do want some type of revenge since that was my home too." I smiled, "Well then, let's hurry and beat their asses." Esdeath got a ferocious grin, "I can't wait."


2044 words, thats 4800+ words today, man y'all are blessed blessed, anyway I'll see y'all next upload

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