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19.35% Ever Adapting / Chapter 4: James Heller

Chapter 4: James Heller

Sergeant James Heller had been called back to Manhattan, for a reason unknown to him and is currently idle for further orders from the higher ups. He decided to call his family during his stay here.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

But no one seemed to pick it up, "The hell?" He decided to call again but still no one seemed to answer, he kept trying again and again but to no avail. He finally decided he had enough and went nearer to the infected hive to try and find an abandoned car with keys left in it, thankfully he managed to find one as it was the third car he checked. He drove at full speed to his house.

After driving for a few minutes, he reached his house with the door knob busted open and spilled blood leading from the door to the inside. He found a dead body, Colette Heller's corpse with an infected eating her body. "Colette!" He shouted as he emptied his rifle's mag on the infected feasting on her.

He dropped his rifle after the mag became empty as he slowly walked to Colette's corpse, with shaking legs he kneeled on the ground as he grabbed Colette's back and lifted her back up, he then cried softly.

After crying, he stood up trembling but then he heard a sobbing in the bedroom. He ran quickly to check and found Maya, he went to her and hugged her as he soothed and apologized to her, "I'm sorry baby girl... Daddy was too late to save mommy, I'll get back at the ones who did it, I promise."

He waited until Maya stopped crying as he grabbed his rifle and reloaded it, he then grabbed Maya's hand as he cautiously walked on the street trying to avoid infected if possible, he then encountered two men, both civilians and both with guns. He raised his gun and pointed at them, while the two also pointed their guns, Heller was inspecting them of any injuries, luckily none of them had been infected. He let out a sigh of relief and lowered his gun, "Sorry about that, my name's James Heller." He introduced himself.

The two then looked at him and lowered their guns as well then introduced themselves, "I'm Chris Walter and he's Mark Gus." He reciprocated the greeting while panting heavily.

Heller was then about to leave until a hunter burst forth from the wall of the building behind him, he looked back and immediately aimed his rifle, the hunter looked at both him and Maya then at Chris and Mark until it roared. Heller then shot immediately, along with Chris and Mark. It charged, attempting to tackle Heller but he had rolled out of the way, and continued firing. It then grabbed a piece of debris as it threw it at Mark, it launched him away through a wall with bruises around his body but mostly on his arms as it was on the verge of breaking, thankfully the hunter didn't focus on throwing power but speed instead. It then charged at Chris as it attempted to swing it's claws, Chris managed to duck under it but a second slash aimed for him as it slashed him across the face, creating a 3 slashed scar on it. He fell down on the ground while holding his face from the pain, the hunter then charged at Heller but he dodged again, this repeated until he was stuck in a small alleyway, where Maya was hid immediately when the hunter appeared. Heller realized this as he pulled out his combat knife and prepared to stab it when it tackles him, the hunter then charged at him, sweat trickled down his face as he pointed his knife upwards. The hunter jumped at him as he performed a stabbing motion right under it's head, the hunter hits him, but Heller throws it off him once it landed.

"Hah.. hah.. hah.. bitch." He insulted the hunter's corpse. He then went to where Maya is, "Maya, it's safe now." He reassured her as she hugs him.

He leaves the alleyway as he saw the two civilians who helped him, one in a building with a destroyed wall while the other is sitting against a wall with claw marks on his face with blood trailing down to his body. He approaches the scarred one and checks how deep the claw marks are, he sees that it wasn't fatal as he passed out from shock and he should be able to wake up soon though in a lot of pain. While he checks the other, he finds Mark filled with bruises, from the front which he crossed his arms from the debris while the back from the force of destroying the wall of the building.

"I'm not gonna be strong enough to carry both of them, so I need to wait for the scarred one to wake up." He muttered as he carried the scarred one into the building as he leaned him against the wall while scouting for any infected that may reach them.


Meanwhile on the women's side of things, they had met Dana Mercer who had helped them from before. She left quickly after pleading them to not tell the authorities about her, they'd agreed and sought out to regroup with the men again to tell them what they'd saw about the hive.

They were walking through Central Square until they saw three tanks clearing the place out of any infected, they felt safer after this but suddenly the ground began cracking as a large creature burst forth from it.

A soldier was then terrified as he screamed "COPPERHEAD!" Until the Hydra slammed itself into the ground as it did a sweeping motion, it launched two tanks to a building while the last one attempted to retreat, unfortunately it sunk back down to the ground as it resurfaced again right under the tank, causing it to flip onto it's top.

The two women quickly ran away trying to avoid the Hydra, luckily it isn't interested in small prey like them but unfortunately a bunch of Walkers appeared as it chased them, they both aimed their grenade launchers and destroyed some of them, they kept shooting until the Walkers are dead and ran to their intended destination.


Alex Mercer, after creating his new infected ran back to the core hive but an ambush was waiting for him consisting of four super soldiers and two helicopters with around a dozen blackwatch soldiers. Captain Cross was the leader of it as he was in the front and announced "Mercer, nowhere to run now." As he said that, Alex retreated and jumped back to where he came, unfortunately the super soldiers were too fast as one of them punched him back to the ground, cracking it as he landed back on his feet, he then stood his ground. A super soldier charge at him as Alex jumped over him and landed on his shoulders, as he jumped again, another super soldier jumped at him as he shielded himself using his shield power, the super soldier bounced back as Alex kicked at the helicopter, causing it to fall. The other helicopter shoots a homing missile at Alex as he deflected it with his shield, he transformed one of his arms from a shield to a claw as he jumped and latched onto the helicopter. The pilot tried to shake him off as Alex transformed his other hand from a shield to a normal hand as he forcefully opened the window and consumed the pilot inside, he then piloted it to shoot at the super soldiers below but not for long as one of the super soldiers jumped and punched the tail of the helicopter, Alex then escaped from the helicopter as he tried to run away but Captain Cross shot him with his arm-mounted grenade launcher before he could. The super soldiers then pinned him down by both arms with his front onto the ground, Captain Cross took out a syringe as he stabbed it into Alex's back, causing him to groan in pain. "The mission is accomplished, now we return." Captain Cross said.

'What the hell?! Why did they inject me with the parasite if their leader is a reincarnator? Does he want me to grow stronger or kill me?' Alex thought while groaning in pain. "Need to go find Ragland then, but it's possible he's been evacuated from there if the reincarnator wanted to kill me instead." Alex muttered.


Meanwhile, Cyrus is sitting on a chair as he thinks about what to do next. "In the game, I've only managed to reach this part back then when I was a kid. I don't know what happens next, but the most I could do is predict what happens next." Cyrus monologued, 'However, I need to follow the script if I want him to be stronger after all. The better evolved the virus is, the better.' He thought, suddenly a call comes in. "Major Alexander Cyrus here, what's the mission status?" He questioned. "It's been accomplished, sir. But if I may ask why not kill him when he's weakened?" Captain Cross said, "We'll let the parasite kill him." Cyrus lied through his teeth, "I see, sir. Then it's over and out." Captain Cross hanged up.

"What happens next I wonder?" Cyrus said to himself.

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