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Chapter 42: A Red Devil Appears

Chapter 42: A Red Devil Appears

At this moment, the toad reacted and quickly shot out its tongue towards Andrew, who felt disgusted and stepped back to avoid it.

The Sabertooth roared loudly and charged towards Andrew, as Professor Charles Xavier, feeling pity for his "buddy," discreetly released his hold on Sabertooth.

Andrew used his umbrella to knock down the Sabertooth, while Magneto took the opportunity to slide himself to a distance. Then, with a furious roar, he lifted all the surrounding cars into the air and hurled them towards Andrew one after another.

Andrew casually evaded the cars as if taking a leisurely stroll. The cars crashed to the ground one after another, with countless parts flying around and people around gasping in astonishment.

While the enraged Magneto was preparing to continue his attack, a figure in a suit with a tail, Azazel, appeared beside him and took him away, disappearing.

Shortly after, Azazel appeared behind the toad and the Sabertooth, turning them both into red mist, causing them to vanish.

"Azazel? So, the members of the Hellfire Club are still alive?" Andrew's eyes flickered, but he didn't pursue. In fact, he had no intention of killing Magneto at all; otherwise, he would have killed him earlier.

Villains were a valuable resource and shouldn't be killed indiscriminately. If they were killed, who would bring fear and despair to the people of New York?

Andrew shook his head, pressed a button on his watch, and formatted all the electronic devices in the vicinity. It was a watch developed by Howard.

"Coulson, I will leave the aftermath to you."

Andrew instructed Coulson and left the scene with an excited Gwen. Coulson instinctively responded, but then realized, "I'm not your subordinate, am I?"

Coulson shook his head helplessly and began to handle the aftermath. He first sent agents to reassure the public, then walked over to Professor Xavier and said, "Professor, I believe we need to cooperate now. Magneto clearly intends to cause a major incident."

Curiously, Professor Xavier asked, "Who was that person just now? Is he from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"No, we can't afford him. He was just passing by."

Coulson said with a forced smile. As Professor Charles said : "Oh, so he is the man with fiery skull, no wonder he is so powerful."

Coulson's smile froze hearing this, Now this made sense why Nick Fury never went to see Professor Xavier. It was too dangerous to talk to a mind reader.

In fact, Professor Xavier didn't read Coulson's mind; he only picked up some surface thoughts/ consciousness emanating from Coulson due to his emotional fluctuations. It was his instinct, something he couldn't stop.

"I will keep it confidential," Professor Xavier said. "As for the cooperation, you can discuss it with Jean and the team."

After saying that, Professor Xavier controlled his wheelchair and went to Wolverine and Rogue. He said, "Rogue, I respect your choice, but I hope you can think carefully. Your abilities are a gift bestowed upon you by a higher power."

"I don't want this kind of gift."

Rogue forced a smile. After thinking for a moment, she decided to go back to the Xavier Institute with the professor. The recent events had frightened her a bit.

An hour after Rogue and the professor left, the mutants remaining in Times Square suddenly felt a blur in front of them. They appeared one by one in various offices. Then, a stunningly beautiful figure, resembling a supermodel, appeared with a smile and asked, "Do you want to become a normal person again?"


The headquarters of the Brotherhood of Mutants in New York was located on a small island.

They had been rescued, but they were battered and bruised. A furious Magneto roared, "Why did you bring me back? I want to kill that kid!"

Magneto didn't believe he couldn't defeat Andrew. He had just been careless before and didn't dodge in time.

"Wanda asked me to bring you back. She thinks that if this continues, you won't have a good ending."

Azazel shrugged. His relationship with Magneto was purely a partnership, so he didn't mince words.

In addition, Azazel had deceived Mystique, Wanda's mother, into giving birth to a child for him, Nightcrawler. So their relationship was extremely poor. If it weren't for Magneto, Wanda would never have called Azazel.

"Damn it."

Magneto cursed angrily. When was the last time he had been in such a pathetic state? He had been pinned down and beaten by a young brat.

Toad said, "Eric, calm down. We should consider revenge carefully."

"There's no time for careful consideration. Today's events will make those people lose their fear and respect for mutants. More importantly, the transformation of mutants back into normal humans must involve a huge conspiracy. We must act quickly."

Magneto took a deep breath and said coldly, "Prepare the device. In seven days, we will attack Times Square in New York and turn everyone in Manhattan into mutants. Azazel, you will join us then."

Azazel shrugged, "I don't care."

Toad was startled and hurriedly said, "Eric, without that girl, you will die when activating the device."

Magneto had developed a radiation device that could transform ordinary humans into mutants. He needed to activate it personally, and it consumed a tremendous amount of energy. If he wanted the radiation wave to envelop all of Manhattan, Magneto would likely sacrifice his own life.

That's why Magneto wanted to capture Rogue—she could absorb the powers of others. Magneto intended for Rogue to activate the device in his place.

It's worth mentioning that Magneto's device was actually a failure. It could transform mutants, but once the transformation was complete, the recipient's genes would collapse, causing them to die within a short period of time.

Why didn't Magneto know this?

Because he had never conducted any experiments. That's how things were in this messed-up world—Lizardman, the future mutant antidote, and the transformation device were all immediately put into practice without any scientific inquiry.

Magneto said coldly, "It's fine. Wanda has found a mutant with a life-linking ability. With their lives, we will complete the great cause of mutants by taking the lives of those traitors in Times Square."

"Then it's settled, Eric. Let's prepare. This time, we'll make humanity pay."

Toad nodded, and they left excitedly. Magneto felt the pain all over his body, fueling his anger. He would make that kid pay the price.


Although an attack by Magneto had occurred in Times Square, the place became even livelier due to the continuous transformation of mutants back into humans.

Andrew sensed the constant signing of soul contracts at the Rebirth Tower near Times Square, and he was quite satisfied. What made him even happier was that according to his investigation, mutants from other places were gathering in New York.

In other words, for the next period of time, Andrew would have to deal with cramped hands for a long time.

"Technology truly is the primary productive force. By the way, I should research a secret formula for eternal youth. I wonder what price those women would be willing to pay for eternal youth. Just look at the cosmetics market."


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I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation and give a special shout out to an amazing individual who has recently become part of the INFINITY VAULT (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰ in our Patreon community- Devor.

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

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