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71.42% Priest in the Multiverse / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Yuki left Morgan to think about what he said as he prepared for morning food service. Yuki smiled as everyone line up orderly before talking to each other about their work or about their days.

Someone rampaged in as they pulled a knife and a hostage. "I want the food here all of it!" The man looked crazed as he put the knife to a man's neck. Morgan rushed out to see what was happening only to be disgusted by the nature of the humans.

She looked at Yuki who looked calm as if nothing was happening at all. She put her trust in him that he would do something about it. "I'm sorry but the food is to be shared among other people as well."

The man became even more agitated while the man who was taken hostage was calm as well due to the message that was given to him in his head.

"Don't worry and believe and pray while closing your eyes."

The man had his eyes closed with a knife to his neck while Yuki looked at the man. "I wouldn't try anything here If I was you." The man laughed "Why cause you're just like the others being greedy and all righteous?" Yuki smiled "No everyone has their flaws while everyone also has their strengths. No one is perfect in this world."

The man took this as a provocation as Yuki said something that shocked everyone including Morgan "Go ahead and try slit that man's throat but know that this place is under the lords protection."

Morgan grabbed him on the shoulder only to see his face was perfectly calm while the man slit the knife onto the hostage's throat. Well at least that was supposed to happen. The knife passed through the man as if nothing had happened. In an instant Yuki tapped his crucifix onto the floor as a stone pillar knocked the man back.

The hostage quickly scramble away while everyone watched the miracle happen. Yuki took his crucifix as he walked towards the man. "Don't come back unless you wish to repent." The man quickly scrambled away as he smiled at them all "It's useless to receive the lord's help if you yourself do not wish to be helped."

Everyone nodded as they soon sat down for the morning service after a warming meal in which he gave extras as an apologies for the commotion. Morgan didn't really know what she wanted at this point. The curse was gone and well she didn't really have any desires.

Yuki finished the morning verses with one last verse for all of them.

"Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and gain instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future."

"Have a good day."

Everyone left being happy while the man thanked Yuki who simply replied "I do not need thanking, treat others the way you wish to be treated."

Morgan soon left as well before thanking Yuki who simply gave her a bright smile and reminded her "Your path is yours alone, no one can make your path for you. Carve your path yourself and don't stray from your own path."

She nodded as she waved goodbye before leaving. Yuki smiled as he soon cleaned up the church before thinking about a certain quote he remembered "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime."

He decided that he would teach them skills to use to earn money. He wrote a note before pasting it on the wall outside the church.

[Learn Skills To Move Out Of Poverty!]

The next day they paid close attention as Yuki talked about how they should earn. He gave them basic education for those who couldn't afford education. For those that wanted jobs he gave them job options in which they could work towards.

Those people eventually returned home exhausted but happy in their progress. It became a routine for them to head to the church after work to learn. Soon enough some of the easier jobs had first success as they started up their own business and soon achieved self sustainability.

Yuki smiled and held a special dinner for everyone as a way to motivate them.

Morgan was thinking about things until a certain priest smiling popped up in her mind. She shook her head as she thought "What do I want?" He popped up again as she slapped herself before saying "No bad Morgan."

Yet here she was visiting the church on a constant basis and keeping an eye on him almost 24/7. What was she even doing? She was peeking through the church doors until they opened and the smiling priest poked out.

"Do you need anything?" His smile was exactly the same, so serene like a snowy wind. She could almost see the snow sprinkling on top of his head. She stuttered before saying "I just was curious." Yuki tilted his head before thinking "Curious about what?" She became red as she ran away.

Yuki was so confused as Morgan ran away with a tomato for a face "Idiot." Yuki sneezed as he wiped his nose before heading back into the church.

He fell asleep instantly but kept a detection spell over the church in case someone tries to break in.

A frantic knocking was heard as Yuki woke up and rushed to the door as his priest outfit materialised replacing his sleeping wear.

The door swung open as he pulled on it as fast as he could. Merlin was there holding an injured Artoria who was unconscious. Yuki didn't wait as he brought her to the bench before asking him "What happened." Merlin refused to talk except for a little bit "Something that wasn't supposed to happen."

Yuki nodded as he quickly looked at her before opening his bible. He quickly sped through the bible verses as they flipped the pages over and over as words strung in the air before vanishing as a light enshrouded Artoria before Merlin nodded and thanked him before leaving.

Yuki relaxed a bit after that shocking scene. His brain was telling him that it wasn't normal. That curse itself wasn't normal at all as if It didn't...belong... "Crud! I knew it wouldn't be just staying here for a bit!"

The door was knocked open as someone else also collapsed in the church. His face hardened when he saw that it was Morgan with a large gash on her back and a dark miasma surrounding her.

The church boundary spells were already working as the miasma was being kept in check. He quickly examined her before quickly chanting a long powerful curse removal and healing spell.

"Issiah 53:5 He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed."

A blinding light soon appeared before fading away to reveal a cured and healed Morgan as he soon laid her on the guest bed once again. He needed to get to the bottom of this. First Artoria and then Morgan, both had the same type of curse except Morgan was probably exposed to it more due to Artoria having Excalibur which is a holy and divine construct.

He sat down and watched over her until the sun rose.

Morgan remembered fleeing from that thing as the safest place she thought of first was the church. She ran as fast as she could not once looking back. A huge searing pain came from her back as her blood splattered on the floor.

She quickly crawled and cast a small ice spell before running towards the church. The monster stopped howling as soon as she entered a 10 meter radius of the church. She opened the door before collapsing in relief as she saw him run over before her vision faded.

Her eyes fluttered open as she felt snug as she looked to the side to see a familiar beautiful sleeping priest on a chair next to her.

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