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Chapter 35: Afraid Of The Monster Who Killed Another Monster

Li Xian narrowed his eyes "What? You couldn't kill Han Joon. Another werewolf killed him. And I am here to search him".

Yanmei looked at him and thought 'That's mean no one know that I killed Han Joon. They just know another werewolf killed him And they are here to find that werewolf '.

Before she can say anything she noticed a bracelet in his hand. But that was not why she looked at it so closely. She notice a symbol in it which was similar to her ring's symbol. And she didn't feel him. Was it because of this bracelet. Now she understand that she can't turn into a werewolf because of her ring. Maybe that's why no one in the pack recognized that she was also one of them.

He followed her gaze and smirked "Curious about my bracelet traitor?"

"I am not traitor" she snapped.

"Oh really? Then what are you doing here? You left the pack and come in our enemies territory" anger appeared on his face.

"Can you guys blame me for leaving the pack? I was a pariah in there and I know no one care when I left the pack. And after what happen to me in there I can't live there".

"You mean when your seduction didn't work on Ming Rusheng and he chose his mate over you?"

"I never tried to seduce Ming Rusheng. And I don't care if he chose Lewei or not. My life doesn't around them anymore. I am here for new star. And everything is perfect in my life until you show up in front of me".

"New start? Hmm, let me guess you sleep with our enemies and give them our pack's information and they let you live"

"I don't sleep with anyone and if I do that's none of your business. And I can't see any enemy in here. In fact I feel save in here more than in the pack"

Anger appeared on his face "You traitor! I'll end you and then I'll find that werewolf who killed my friend Han Joon and kill him too".

Now she understand that no one knew about her secret. Her father send Li Xian to find that werewolf who killed Han Joon. But no one knew that werewolf was Yanmei.

Before she can stop herself she asked "Who give you this bracelet?" She knew she shouldn't talk about his bracelet or her ring but she was desperate. She wanted to know about her magical ring. She searched about it but can't find any information about it.

He raised one brow "Why do you asking me about my bracelet? Does those arrogant monsters want to know about it and you want to impress your masters that's why you want to know about it?"

"No one is my master" she snapped. And she wanted to ask him 'who are those monster he talk about ' but she bite her tongue. But she didn't know that he was here alone or other werewolves were also here to kill her. She killed Han Joon but she was not train enough to fight against lots of werewolves. She was brave but not stupid. She knew if other werewolves captured her or fight with her, she can't protect herself. She needed to get out of here sooner.

She took a deep breath "I don't know what are you talking about. I like your bracelet and want it that's why I am asking about it". Lame lie. Her life was full of lies.

"Whores can't get bracelet like this. But don't worry you don't need any jewelry after death" he smirked and his eyes turned into full black. He was going to attack on her.

Before she can said anything he was thrown away from her. She was too shocked to say anything. Her heart was beating faster and she knew why.

Lijun sent a blast of pure, unstable energy straight into Li Xian . The bolt slammed into Li Xian 's chest, spinning him around. Lijun stand between Li Xian and Yanmei. Then he went the body on the ground. She can hear Li Xian's small breath.

Lijun sat beside him and darkness appeared in his eyes "I didn't know you guys are so stupid to come in my territory. But don't worry I'll send your pack a good massage so that they will never do this foolishness again".

Then Lijun took Li Xian's heart from his chest. There were lots of blood on Li Xian's shirt, Lu Lijun's hand, on the ground but she can't look away from it ... look away from him. Now she understood why Li Xian accused her living in enemies territory and who were those enemies.

Then she heard Lu Lijun's voice "Filthy dogs".

She took a breath and closed her eyes.


Lu Lijun searched for Yanmei everywhere but can't find her.

He scowled and thought "Everyday we go together but she isn't here. Maybe she left with Nixxi. After all she came with Nixxi to the office. Maybe she left with Nixxi and didn't wait for me '.

Before he stop himself he called Nixxi.

When Nixxi received his call he said "Please tell me you go to the meeting and don't hang out with your friend and forget about our clan's meeting".

Nixxi said with confused tone "What are you talking about? I am in the meeting. Brother Lu Feng is here too and everyone is waiting for their King. And let me guess brother doesn't leave the office yet and my best friend is still in the office with my brother. Though this is like a romantic novel and I enjoy it but you have to come here soon. Everyone is asking for you and I am bored. And like every other humans, Yanmei need some rest too.."

Before Nixxi continued Lu Lijun cut her sentence and asked "What are you talking about? Yanmei isn't with me. I thought you give her lift like morning".

After some time he heard Nixxi's voice "She didn't came with me. I thought she is still in the office with you".

Now he was irritated "She is not with me". Soon his irritation turn into worry for Yanmei's safety. Yanmei was new in the city and she didn't have a phone or he didn't know she had a phone or not.

There was a werewolf in there territory. And they couldn't find him yet. And now Yanmei was maybe at the library and no one was there to protect her if that werewolf or any vampire attack her.

It's look like Nixxi heard her brother's unspoken words and she spoke up. "Don't be mad at her, brother. She doesn't know it's not safe for her out there right now. She has no idea. This isn't her fault."

Her fault or not didn't matter. It was still a huge pain in his ass.

"I'm going to go and see if I can find her. I bet she's at the library and I will—"

"No, you won't. You aren't going anywhere. You keep your butt at the meeting." Anger rushed over him, but underneath that, dread was expanding. "I'll take care of it."


"I'll text you as soon as I find her." he resisted the urge to turn the phone into a missile. "I'm sure she's fine. Just…just stay where you are and don't worry."

Hanging up, he dropped the phone back in his pocket. He gritted his teeth and left the office.

When he came near to the library he heard some voices. A male voice.

"Whores can't get bracelet like this. But don't worry you don't need any jewelry after death" the guy's eyes were full black.

And Lijun understood that that guy was the werewolf who entered their territory and all the vampires were searching for him.

Then he saw that werewolf was talking to Yanmei.... no he was insulting his Kitten and he was going to attack on her. Before that werewolf said or did anything Lu Lijun attack him.

Lijun sent a blast of pure, unstable energy straight into that werewolf's chest . The bolt slammed into werewolf's chest, spinning him around. Lijun stand between werewolf's and Yanmei. Then he went the body on the ground. The bastard was still alive.

Lijun sat beside him and darkness appeared in his eyes "I didn't know you guys are so stupid to come in my territory. But don't worry I'll send your pack a good massage so that they will never do this foolishness again".

Then Lijun took werewolf's heart from his chest.

Then he said "Filthy dogs".

When he turned to looked at Yanmei a guilt hit on his chest. Yanmei shut her eyes. Tear dropped from her eyes.

Now she was afraid of the monster who killed another monster.

Now she'll hate him.

LilithTheCreator LilithTheCreator

Another surprise will come today.

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