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88.6% Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived / Chapter 140: Readjusting Reality

Chapter 140: Readjusting Reality

Durmstrang Ship, Nov. 3rd

"Tighten your wand movement a little," Calypso instructed, again demonstrating the proper form. "And pronounce the incantation clearly. It's Vee-cer-oh."

"Vicero," Harry said, sounding out the spell properly.

Calypso nodded approvingly. "Sounds good, Harry. Do you want to practice the spell or just pick it up here tomorrow?"

"I think I'll give it a try today." Turning his wand on a nearby desk, Harry quickly transfigured a small goat. The animal looked around the magically expanded room with complete confusion. The few other students in the room were all shouting or silently casting spells, causing various objects and animals to be enchanted, bewitched, or cursed.

Before the goat could run away, Harry hit its feet with a sticking charm, keeping it in place.

"Make sure you keep your distance," Calypso warned. "This spell can get messy."

Harry took a step away from the transfigured animal while practicing the necessary wand movements. Sensing that he had a firm enough grasp on the spell, he snapped his wand across his body and said, "Vicero."

The orange and purple spell shot out of his wand and quickly impacted the stuck goat. The animal let out a screeching sound as a large vertical cut sliced down the center of its torso. Blood ran down the animal's chest as it struggled wildly against the sticking charm.

"Not bad for a first try," Calypso commented. "I don't think I managed to draw blood when I first cast it."

"Any idea what I did wrong?" Harry asked.

"Envision the effect you want the spell to have." Calypso advised. "The higher level dark arts, while emotionally charged, require a certain amount of visualization. You know what the spell will do, but you need to both want and envision the spell to have that effect."

Pushing aside his reservations, Harry simply nodded before turning his cold eyes back onto the animal. As his wand made the necessary movements, he kept his emotions and his thoughts on eviscerating the transfigured animal in front of him. Jabbing his wand forward, he snapped out, "Vicero."

This time when the spell struck the goat, the animal let out a booming shriek. The cut down its torso split open and the skin, muscle, and bone peeled back across its lower body, allowing the internal organs to fall to the floor. The goat's eyes grew misty and it staggered slightly before collapsing to the floor in a heap.

Wrinkling her nose, Calypso said, "Good job. Please transfigure that back to a desk though, it's starting to smell."

Flicking his wand at the barely living goat, Harry transfigured the animal back into a desk.

"Nasty spell."

Turning slightly, Harry and Calypso nodded to Viktor as he walked over to them.

"Yes, but an evisceration spell can penetrate the hide of all but the strongest magical animals," Harry said seriously. "Since the only places we can work on our final projects for the Dark Arts are here in this practical room, in our cabins, or in the forbidden forest, I need to brush up on some intimidating spells."

Looking at his friend in confusion, Viktor asked, "Why?

"Well, I have no desire to show everyone what I'm working on for my final projects, at least until next semester, so the practical room is out," Harry said, packing up his books. "Obviously, I don't want to mess up a spell and damage my room, so the cabin is out."

Viktor looked confused. "Why don't you just enchant your room to give you more space or..."

"If I was at Durmstrang it wouldn't be a problem, I would do just that, but I am not messing with the spells on this old ship if I can avoid it. I might end up causing my cabin to suddenly flood or catch fire or release a hoard of blood-thirsty pixies for all I know. It's not worth it Viktor."

"Okay," Viktor said in understanding, "So where will you practice?"

Waving his hand and gesturing outside, Harry pointed to the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the lake.

"I thought the forest was banned to students?" Viktor asked. "And I thought we were not allowed to practice the Dark Arts off the ship?"

"We're not, technically, but no one will know what we're doing if we're in the forest practicing at night. The forest isn't monitored very closely, but that's for good reason. There are all kinds of nasty magical creatures in the forest. Nathan told me about a colony of Acromantulas in there, along with Merlin knows what. If I'm going to practice there, I'm not going to become some oversized spider's snack."

Viktor nodded. "Perhaps I will brush up on some of my spells as well before lunch. Do you have an idea for your Dark Arts project already?"

"Maybe," Harry said. "I'm thinking about trying to curse an object. I played around with some minor curses on the broom you sent me for my birthday. Mostly little stuff like the flinging jinx, but I might try my hand at a cursed enchantment."

While Viktor did not look pleased that his friend was cursing brooms, he still nodded approvingly at the project idea. "That is some very volatile magic, Harry. Be careful if you do decide to practice it. Dark magic can be unpredictable at times, enchantments especially so."

"I'll be careful, Viktor," Harry said as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "I'll swing by your cabin later and we can practice some of those ward spells. I need to get some food, and catch up with Nathan. Hopefully, he read that book I gave him last night."

"Ah, yes, Harry," Viktor hesitated. "I wanted to ask you. What exactly are you teaching your brother? Is it anything I should consider learning as well?"

Calypso and Harry shared an astonished look before laughing.

"Are you kidding me?" Harry asked. Seeing the growing scowl on his friend's face, Harry added, "Viktor, there isn't anything I'm trying to teach Nathan that you haven't learned years ago. I'm doing my best to make up for the deficiencies in his Transfiguration knowledge right now. His inanimate to animate casting is woefully behind, and his class is only just now working on animate to animate transfiguration."

"Surely, he must be further along than that?" Viktor asked, shock registering on his face. "I know you complained in the past about his work ethic, but–"

"But nothing, Viktor." Harry's expression grew angry. "My brother has put off actually working for the last two years or so. I'm just trying to fill the gaps and to maybe give him a fighting chance at surviving the tournament."

"That is... surprising," Viktor admitted. "The Highmaster told me to be wary of your brother. He believes your brother might be a threat to Durmstrang winning."

"The only way Nathan Potter is a threat is if he finds a way to let Harry compete for him," Calypso said bluntly. "Trust me, Viktor, he refuses to learn basic Dark Arts spells, even though someone might be trying to kill him."

"I hadn't realized it was so serious," Viktor admitted. "Don't let me keep you, Harry. If you or your brother need anything from me, you simply need to ask, and I'll do my best to help."

"Thank you, Viktor," Harry said. "I really appreciate it. It might be good if you talk to Nathan about the Dark Arts at some point. He won't listen to me, but I think he kind of idolizes you."

Shaking his head slightly, Viktor said, "Viktor Krum, Quidditch Star and Dark Arts advocate. My publicist would have a minor aneurysm seeing that story, but I'll speak to your brother if you wish."

"Thanks Viktor, I'll see you later tonight."

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