Each man took his measure but it was Connor's nod that sealed the deal. "Okay, then let's get this shit started." Con started for the door. He'd be thinking about his woman and unborn kid and how to make the move as effortless for them as possible. From the sounds of it, this was going to be more than a weekend trip. Shit!
"Wait, if they went after Lyon already what's to stop them from coming at him again? And what about Law and Creed? We kinda got them involved with this we can't just run off and leave them to face the fire." I couldn't get behind that shit. Everyone was set to come here in the next few weeks or so, but a lot had changed since we made those plans and they were gonna have to pack their whole families up for an extended vacation.
"I'm way ahead of you." Mancini smiled.
"I'd like to be there when you tell Lyon he has to uproot his family and go into hiding."
"I've got that covered too." He held up a finger and got busy on his phone again.