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Chapter 6: 100 Days

Meanwhile in City, Some people watching a light coming from sky. A Man shouted, pointing his hands towards the Mountain. "Someone comes from Floor 0!". Whole City stopped their work and just watching that light. After few minutes, brightness of the light gets dim. Someone is coming in the City from Mountain. Group of People gathered at the entrance of the City. They are excited to see who is coming. Abhirav Sees so many people at entrance, he got a bit confused. He thought "Maybe, They are here for my Welcome". He enters City, People Starts asking him so many questions.

- "Why are you only here?"

- "How you managed to complete floor 0?

- "What was happened in floor 0?"

"Wait! wait! So many questions. Why you asking these type of Questions? Isn't it normal for you guys to see Rangers coming from Floor 0?"

- "It was Normal."

"huh? So something really happened in Floor 0." In his mind.

"It's not Normal, Why?"

- "If someone comes from Floor 0 after 100 Days, so it's obviously not Normal!

"What You said? how many days?"

- "I Said 100 Days! Normally, Few Rangers comes in the City from Floor 0 in Every 7 Days."

"So, No one completed floor 0 except me in these 100 Days. I was entered Tower just 2 Days ago. That's mean, People who came before me in these 100 Days. They all are dead! Is floor 0, that difficult? No, wait! They said usually Rangers comes in every 7 Days. This doesn't makes sense." In his mind.

- "Leave questions for now. You are so amazing. You completed floor 0, Which no one was able to complete in these 100 Days."

"Thank You Everyone for your welcome." *hehehe*

- "Let's eat together, after so many days a guest comes in our Town.

*hehehe* "No, it's okay!"

- "Do not be shy."

"wait, Why no one asks me about Aurora. A Half beast and half human is with me. Why they didn't reacted?" In his Mind.

Abhirav looks back and He sees that, Aurora is not there.

"How careless, I am? but why my Senses didn't worked maybe I am not that strong right now. whatever, I have to find her before she creates any trouble."

Abhirav wants to find her first but Citizens forcefully took him with them. Everyone starts a small celebration at cafe.

"People at Tower are so friendly. Is they all also from another world? Well, it's been 25 years since tower came in existence. So, they all already settled here." In his mind while drinking Juice.

People are talking about Abhirav and floor 0.

- "If you want anything you can tell us and You need to take rest because after 7 days, Floor 1 quest will begin."

"Huh, after 7 days? SYSTEM!"

[You have 7 Days to prepare for Floor 1 Quest.]

"oh, it's great! I can train myself." in his mind.

"Well, What's the date today, I kinda forget."

- "It's 16 September."

"Wait, Say that again?"

- "Today is 16 September."

"Are you kidding? I remember that I entered Tower on 8 or 9 June."

- "Is something wrong with you?"

"System, What's the date today?"

[16 September 2028]

"What the heck! Thats not possible."

He hits his hand hard on the table and after that he goes out. He is walking on a street.

"What the joke! Maybe Time in Tower flows differently."

[No, Time in Tower flows same as Human world.]

"oh, It's really been 100 Days. Point isn't that what's happened in these 100 days. Point is that How I am still alive? But one thing is for sure, Everyone who beated me that day is already dead. It's not like I want a Revenge or something, actually I am feeling bad for them. They told me I'll be dead but they are who is dead. It's Karma! Hey, What I am thinking! I have to find out what's happened 100 Days ago, When I was unconscious. Strange things also happend with me. without water and food, how I survived. Maybe that's all because of Demon's Aura. Ohho, Before that, I have to find where is Aurora."

Meanwhile, Somewhere in Town.

- "Jeez! How Stupid he was. He didn't knew that Ice Werewolf can use stealth Ability. anyway, I have to find Ticket of Floor 45 in this City. but that's impossible. Ticket to Floor 45 is so expensive and rare. You can only purchase Ticket to Floor 45 in Floor 45 itself. If someone dares to sell ticket below Floor 45, They'll dead. That's mean, I cannot go my home without completing Quest. Maybe Dad will send Royal Guards to find me." Aurora Said.


- "aah! I am hungry. I have to buy something to eat but how? I am a Ice Werewolf, A half human, half beast."

She checked, how much money she have? She realised that she didn't have a penny.

- "How something like that possible? I took so much Ojas. When I leaved, Floor 45. It's probably work of Wild WereWolves or I lost while fighting."

"Hey! Aurora!"

- "Youuuu!!! How?"

"You thought you can run from me?"

- "Who do you think I am? That time you'll not get me."

"Let's see."

She used Stealth ability with ice claws and Attacked Abhirav. He dodged and attacks her but she disappeared.

"Huh? Where is she? Is she using teleportation? No, if she have teleportation ability. She used that before. It's something else. Maybe stealth."

A hand with ice claws from behind comes to attack Abhirav but He managed to hold that hand before attack because of his Senses.

- "How?"

"Your Stealth ability will not work on me again."

- "Shit! You really are Strong."

Abhirav holds her neck.

"This is last warning or you'll dead."

- "Do you know... what... are you doing? if my.. dad knows that ... you'll be dead.

"You are wrong. I'll the one who kill him. If you didn't helped me."

Abhirav leaves her.


- "Okay, I'll help you."

- "Helping him will benefit me too. I don't have Ojas, I can get food by him. I also have to complete floor quests to go on Floor 45. Don't worry, I'll make your proper use and kill you after that." In her Mind.


"You are hungry, huh. Let's go and eat something."

- "What about my appearance?"

Abhirav purchased a blue cloak from System Store and gave her.

"This cloak will completely hide your beast's Ears and Tail."

- "Are you magician or something?"

"No nothing like that."

- "So, How the cloak appears from nowhere."

"Just wear this cloak."

- "Don't order me, I am wearing."

After few minutes, They went to a restaurant.

- "Meat here is not that good."

"Stop complaining and eat that or You'll be dead."

- "Why you are keeps saying "or you'll be dead" "or you'll be dead". Are you mad.

"Shut up or you'll be dead."

- "urgghh."

"Why you Wild WereWolves imprisoned you?

- "Why I should tell you?"

"Tell me now!" Abhirav said angrily.

- "Okay Okay. You know, They were pure Monsters."

"No, They were not!" He shouted angrily.

- "Why you getting angry. You are the one who killed them."

"Aaahh...! Okay, Tell me but Don't call them Monsters."

- "I left my kingdom because I want to roam around Floor 0. I never seen anything beyond Floor 45. When I got Floor 0 Ticket. I immediately went to Floor 0 but Wild WereWolves found me and attacked me. I tried to self defense but they were so many. They overpowered me. They captured me and imprisoned me. After that you know what's happen."

"I am sure, They'll not attack you first. You are lying. Right?"

- "Wrong! They attacked me first because Ice Werewolves and Wild Werewolves are enemies from ages. They didn't killed me because I was a innocent girl or they want to use me to Kill Ice Werewolves's King in exchange of her daughter's Life."

"What are you saying is making sense but I don't believe it completely."

- "It's all up to you whether you want believe or not."

"Well, Leave that topic. How many days it's been, When you leaved your Kingdom."

- "Just 3 Days."

"The Ice King probably be worrying about you."

- "What probably? Dad is definitely Worrying about me."

"Huh? is that so? Okay, I am going to do some training. After eating food directly went to the Mountain."

- "Okay."

- "Isn't he stupid? Leaving me alone? He is thinking I'll not run again? Such a naive." In her mind.

Meanwhile in Rangers Headquarters.

- "Someone enters in Floor 1 from Floor 0 after 100 Days." A lady Said.

- "Get every detail about him." An old man said.

- "We already know, He is Abhirav. Weakest Hunter in Ranger History. A Class G Ranger." lady said.

- "ohho, that guy. How surprising, Everyone is dead except weakest one." Old man said.

- "Most surprising thing is not that he is weakest. Surprising thing is that, He went to Floor 0 100 Days ago and this makes not any sense. Rangers gets only 7 Days to complete Floor 0. He went on June 8 and Comes in Floor 1 on 16 September." a guy in black coat said.

- "Oh ho ho, Interesting. what's happening in Tower that we don't know. Go and find out." old man said while drinking Dudhpatti Tea.

- "Roger."

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