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96.72% Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan / Chapter 118: It's Called... Heavy Metal.

Chapter 118: It's Called... Heavy Metal.

I stood across the cooled molten chamber and looked upon my rival and the scars across his chest and belly. Aside from the new scar from our last encounter, he looked unchanged. Just a hulking Charr with epic anime hair, but my divine senses picked up the truth. Waiting just under the surface of his skin was a loosely chained beast made of pure power praying for his chance to come to the surface and wreck mother fuckers.

"You who showed me the way of the sword." He greeted, "Let me show you the way of the fist."

Stabbing his greatswords into the ground, my rival clenched his muscles and began screaming. The chamber shook and loose rocks began flying away from him as a golden flaming aura erupted around him and his tiger fur changed from orange to gold and his eyes became a deep teal.

He had truly delved deeply into the power of anime.

"Yeeesss!" I roared as I covered my body with radiant Rc Cells and leapt at my foe.

Our fists crossed each other on their way to our faces, both of us landing a cataclysmic strike at the same time that generated light and heat while producing a shockwave that cratered the ground beneath us and tore apart the chamber at the heart of the Citadel of Flame.

We began exchanging attacks at speeds no other in this world could ever hope to achieve. A hundred exchanges in the time it takes sparks to fly off flint striking steel. Nothing was held back and our clash reshaped the landscape as we crushed mountains and dug up ravines and canyons with our bodies. I dragged him through rivers of lava and he punted me into the sky. He shot out yellow bolts of ki from his hands and I fired off luminous crystal spikes from wings. I breathed an oceans of flames from my mouth and he parted it around him with a primal scream. He rose into the sky and put his hands in front of his chest joined at the wrists with his fingers arched.


"Yes!" I screamed in joy as I felt him creating a power that threatened the whole world, "This is how a rivalry between gods should end!"

I took up a javelin throwing stance and condensed every once of my strength into one perfect spear of light, holding all the power of the world's justice that burned with the radiant light of the Fire Beast himself, banishing the night all across the world.


"A single brilliant clash with the fate of the world on the line!" I roared, "I've wanted this moment more than anything my entire life!"



My spear of light split the blue beam of death in twain and vaporized my foe as his split beam scorched the land around me for miles and miles. With his presence annihilated I fell to my knees and wept at the passing of such a beautiful being.


I spent the next few months in a fugue state and didn't come to until I stood on the bow of the Kruban Bound IV, the magitech ship I built for destroying the Elder Dragons as large as Zhaitan himself sporting not one, not two, not even three, but four anti-dragon MEGA-LIT Laser Cannons because I am all about more dakka.

Someone had taken the time to condition and braid some gold into my long hair and beard so that I didn't look like a hobo in my resplendent armor atop my golden orichalcum warship.

Explosions sounded in the sky around us as our anti fighter cannons tore Zhaitan's flying minions to shreds and off to my left the equally sized but far less impressive Glory of Tyria joined me in my air assault on the Undead Dragon.

Zhaitan himself was a disgusting beast made of rotting flesh stretched out across multiple giant wings with his lower jaw replaced by a nest of long lesser dragon necks each sporting a small dragon head. His mouths and eyes glowed with the neon green fire of Tyrian death energy and over all he was an ugly mother fucker I had no problems firing my lasers at.

Sometimes when you kill a dragon you feel sorry at the destruction of such an epic beast. It is how I will definitely feel about Kralkatorrik's passing and Jormag and Primordus too. Mordremoth less so because the closest thing to an actual dragon fight in his case is the Mouth of Mordremoth dragon champion and that thing is hideous.

Zhaitan died swiftly under the assault much like he did in the game, but far more important than a completely lack luster boss fight was the eruption of primordial death energy that swept across the world upon his demise. An energy that all the other Elder Dragons could snatch up, but so could gods.

I began absorbing this energy, increasing my power, as did Jack, Medusa, and most importantly Wanda. Though she had the least divinity between us, she had archetyped as the class with the greatest affinity with the energy, meaning she was more than ready to accomplish great things with the new power source.

Zojja was nearby scanning the release and our absorption of it in the hopes of furthering her research into the creation of machines capable of maintaining the magical balance in Tyria that kept things within the All's tight parameters.


While the rest of Tyria celebrated, my family was deep within the core of Rata Sum in our secret base, watching Wanda work her magic.

One hundred live human sacrifices, two vials of blood, two sets of urns containing both the ashes and souls of our dead lovers, and one demigod necromancer juiced up on death dragon energy brought back Kat and Linda.

The Spartans were fully restored rather than undead, their bodies created and brought back to their former power with the living flesh of the sacrifices and the divine power pumped out by our ritual.

"I don't remember you being so ugly." Kat snarked as she identified me despite the change in body since her death.

"It was an adjustment, for sure." I grinned, "But it seems you will have to go through an adjustment phase of your own. After all, I have a brand new virginal bride to break in."

"Virginal?" Kat scoffed.

"Fresh as the driven snow, my dear." I replied.

"Then we had best get to tainting this body as fast as possible." Kat led me away from the ritual site with a sway of her glorious round ass cheeks.

It's good to have her back.


We managed to build our own version of Omadd's Machine and get Kat and Linda entrenched into their archetypes as a Scrapper Engineer and a Deadeye Thief before Scarlett and her merry men began their rampage across Tyria with the various villainous factions she brought together to achieve her ultimate goal.

I was far more interested in studying the special effects she managed to create by fusing various factions together such as the Molten Alliance made between the Flame Legion and the Dredge. While it was like… a total bummer that the Molten Alliance were taking slaves to work in their weapons factory - and that is exactly what I told Bram Eirsson of Cragstead about all his kidnapped neighbors - I actually wanted to take these people as my worshippers.

They came to the fusion of Fire, Blood, Metal, and Noise all on their own making them my people.

Rushing to their facility, rather than battle it out, I set up a giant stage outside and hooked Jack's guitar up to some major amps.

Then she started to play.

"What is that sound?" Asked a Charr as he came out of the factory with a few dredge following behind him.

"It's a devil screaming." the first dredge answered.

"It's an angel singing." answered the next.

A huge molten effigy came out of the, "It is the pounding of creations hammer on the anvil of time."

The Charr threw up the horns and banged his head, "It's fucking awesome!"

I provided the truth to these wayward souls, "It's called… Heavy Metal."


Good news everyone. I posted a chapter of the next mainline story after the coming conclustion of Ulitmate Krogan last night and my belief that using a sell out IP would get me more views and followers effortlessly was correct. I already have 1800 views and haven't even given it a shout out on this story yet.

So add

DXD SI: It's Me, DIO!

to your libraries.

Also remember to leave me your stones and reviews or donate at

ko - fi . com / jmanm

to get yourselves some bonus chapters.

Chapter 119: Holy City

Worshipers are a funny thing. When word began circulating that my tattoos were not holy symbols but instead curses and profane, it became the common consensus that I took on the sins of the world and stood tall under the burden, my holy light burning even brighter for the strain.

I guess that is what I get for allowing housewives to worship me so thoroughly.

After clearing the area of all the fools holding it including the Sinister Triad and the Skritt, I established a holy city in the Brisban Wildlands with the help of the Molten Alliance. At first it was just a bunch of bro's out in the wilderness playing Metal louder than hell and drinking mead from the reservoir formed by the upturned Horn of Party Hardy, but pretty soon the Dredge wanted to get more of their friends and family out from under the Moletariat, so we went on another raid of Sorrow's Embrace and a few of the lesser Dredge settlements and got those mole-people out.

With that done the Charr wanted us to rally the broken remains of the Flame Legion and pretty soon Efram Greetsglory was my new High Priest and the rest of the Flame Legion finally under my thumb. Ironic considering he was the one who originally ruined my scheme to pass myself off as Baelfire and take control of the Flame Legion by pointing out that I was a tiny Norn to the other dipshits that bought my fast talk.

They could have just surrendered at the start and worshiped me as their new god, but I guess Yahweh had to smack the Jews around to get them goose stepping to the beat of his drum, so I am in good company.

Turns out that the world doesn't just ignore massive army movements and migrations like that so people learned of my new city and it turns out that I have a lot of worshippers among the Humans disenfranchised with the abandonment of their six gods and the shitty Centaur situation that I seem to turn around whenever I show up.

Then we have the Asura who have formed an anti-Elder Dragon megakrewe under Zojja that also migrated to my city to work on our world saving SCIENCE project.

Don't forget the hundreds of baby mama's lugging around little demigods that showed up looking for child support.

This place used to be a nonstop party. It used to be glorious.

It's still pretty glorious as we built the most advanced city in Tryia by fusing everything the Asura, Dredge, and Charr had accomplished along with my own guiding hand and aesthetic. Between Asuran Golems, Dredge Powersuits, Charr Vehicles and magic dialing everything up to eleven they had all the pieces for putting together a kick ass puzzle, and so I got into kingdom building… heavily.

I set about building my dream faction, and before I knew it the humans were seven feet tall and able to lift a horse before the application of an Archetype and magic gear. I was deep in experiments trying to figure out how to do the same to all the other races that paid me homage when the Pact called me up to lay the smack down on a newly awakened Elder Dragon, Mordremoth.

I shook off the SCIENCE induced stupor and looked out upon all I had built in the last year and a half and saw that it was good.

Out of heat fused stone and glorious metal and shining glass we fashioned a city of massive scale both vertically, horizontally, and underground. Every part of it bustled with activity and technology and magic, and not even the arrival of the Mordrem had caused a disruption in the action. Instead, the tide of Dragon Minions that should have flowed out of the deep Maguuma Jungle and across the Silverwastes broke upon the walls of my city and the glorious mechanized soldiers defending it.

People hadn't even seen the need to bother me about it until the Pact wanted to use my city as a staging area for their air assault into the heart of the jungle.

After all, why would my followers bother me about some upjumped plant people when they wield fire and metal better than any ever before them.

Mordremoth really stepped to the wrong gang when he dragged his cellar dweller ass up to these mean streets and the only thing keeping us from going full Sozin's Comet on their vegetable bods was the friendly relationship I'd had my people foster with the Itzel (Treefrog People), Nuhoch (giant bullfrog people), and Exalted (Diablo Style Angels made from Humans).

Our relationships with those three tribes enabled my people to not only move through and harvest the complex and dangerous jungle like the natives, but to survive even the harshest poisons and acids, to see through attempted stealth, as well as how to fight like the natives, and fight alongside the natives.

You'd think an army of bad mother fuckers wearing power armor, riding tanks and helicopters, throwing fire and lava and hot lead and sharp steel everywhere we go was the max level of awesome, but then you make those people hardened recon jungle raiders and even I felt the need to tip my metaphorical hat and thank them for their service.


"It's about time you left the lab." Kat smirked as she rested her warhammer over her shoulder and watched her turrets tearing the rabble level Mordrem enemies to shreds, but that smirk faded as she looked up at the Pact Airships charging towards their doom, "I hate this." she sighed.

The Sylvari are sleeper agents created by Mordremoth and they are currently on all the ships of the Pact. Even with many of them able to resist subservience to the dragon. Most could not. They'd bring the fleet down from the sky with their betrayal.

"We need this." I assured her as I wrapped my arms around her waist, "Rytlock will follow his sword through the Mists and free Balthazaar. We need Balthazaar freed and if I tried to do it myself I'd come up against the other five gods trying to stop me. One mortal moving through the Mists is beneath their notice. One god doing so, marching to their prison. No dice."

Balthazaar was the linchpin in my plan to ascend to the mastery of this world and cosmos. The diminished war god would successfully drain power from a bloodstone and three Elder Dragons to empower his divinity to wage war against his former pantheon.

My presence would imply changes to his course, but that won't happen. We share too many domains to become allies, making us rivals. And Balthazaar won't try to take on a god in his own city until his power is not only restored, but too great to contend with.

Too bad for him, I'd be stealing some shine from Caddock and the boys by slaying him myself while he tries to drain Kralkatorrik. With power on the top end in this world so easily transferable, Jack, Medusa, and I would ascend to true godhood upon devouring him, then finish the job on Kralkatorrik. Jormag and Primordus would handle each other, leaving me and my ascended lovers wielding our full powers as gods and the primordial powers of the dragons.

The war on the mists would be brief and bountiful, taking godhood for Wanda, Kat, and Linda as well as strengthening our own, at which point we'd activate Omadd's Machine, enter the Eternal Alchemy, and make the system our bitch with the subjugation machines I'd been making with Zojja for years.

Because fuck some arbitrary balance imposed by some omnipotent asshat. I do what I want.


Okay. We get a look at Grax's final faction and his end game plans in this chapter. I could have done season one and two of the living world content, but honestly most of it was boring and Grunt needs things on the rails till Path of Fire is over. Usually he is the guy looking to sock canon in the mouth, but Graxy has his eyes on the prize. True godhood for him and his harem and absolute control of this verse.

Onto other news. I was one hundred percent right about DXD being a viewer goldmine. The story surpased the Jaune Arc rewrite that had been up for two weeks in a single day and that version of Grax isn't even trying to be charming.

I also got my first first chapter drop comment because Dio was apparently supposed to make his harem of mind broken hos were hijabs so that when the all powerful characters just barge into his pad like they do so often in DXD their nude bodies don't get seen.

That boy would not have been capable of bearing the strain of my writing if his line in the sand is Puritan Christian or Muslim values on female dress.

I don't think eating people is very Halal folks.

Donate at ko - fi . com / jmanm to support me and my family.

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