Anakin and John Doe continued to go back and forth as the chaos around them continued.
Sadly it did not seem like John Doe was willing to go at it in a willing battle, but it matters not because Anakin has taken his opponent down before so he should be able to do so again. It just might be a bit harder because last time John Doe was weaker.
Not only that but Anakin had the advantage because he was hidden.
This time he has no such luxury, but if he had to retreat he would willingly go. There is no reason to risk his life in a battle to the death with a clearly twisted individual, no doubt just a puppet for Palpatine to execute his plans.
John Doe was quite reckless in his attack. "You did this to me!" He was starting to blame Anakin for what had happened to him.
Technically he is true considering that he could have just offed him but that wouldn't have served his plans.
Raving stark mad, John Doe continued his relentless aggressive assault on Anakin but was unable to really do anything much, but he was slowly burning up himself.
Anakin could feel this as well, John Doe was dying from the inside out and it wasn't because of the poison. It was because of whatever Sidious had done to him to give him such a boost in power.
Drove and droves of mutated aberrant freaks of nature continued to pour into the area as the crowd was slowly being evacuated along with other Jedi ensuring their safety while Anakin was trapped within.
'At least they are trying.' Anakin thought to himself doing two things simultaneously. One keeping an eye on his surroundings, what the others are doing, their progress in eliminating the ghouls and on himself currently facing off what would seem to be the boss.
"Are you even paying attention to me!" A rather vicious strike landed on Anakin's lightsaber but he parried the blow.
His constant defensive and rather nonchalant attitude seemed to be pissing off the beast even more. This fueled the dark side within John Doe even more which accelerated his deterioration but strengthened his physical capabilities making it harder and harder to be defensive about the situation.
But, John was not the only one being empowered, so too was Anakin because of the use of Form VII. Relying on ones own emotions to fuel their power but also on those you are against, veritably turning themselves against themselves.
Well, an amalgamation of the person they are fighting and the emotions that fueled them back into their chaos.
"Continue to attack me, and it will be your undoing." Anakin said to his opponent as they continued to exchange blows with Anakin winning all of them.
"No! I must avenge myself and absolve myself of my sins!" John continued in his mutated ghoulish voice.
"So be it." Anakin had decided to not speak anymore, he had already given the other person a chance but it would seem he was unable to see the great Mount Tai. 'Wait, I just turned into a young master right there.'
Not that Anakin wasn't, because technically he is.
They continued to go at it for what would seem like hours on hours but really were only had been going on was exchanged within a minute or so. This is what happens in very stressful situations, adrenaline kicks in to increase chances of survival.
But there was something about John that didn't scream survival.
In fact his entire twisted self cried out for help whilst at the same time repulsed the very thing that was trying to help him. Anakin wasn't so kind to do so but was willing to try and subdue him, and that is why he was taking a while.
He never intended to kill the man but if he is forced to he very well may will execute the man.
"Die!" His screeching was becoming louder, loud enough to overturn any other noise within their immediate proximity. This had an impact on Anakin, as even though he is protected his Nanosuit wasn't built with the idea he would be attacked with sound.
Specifically Force enhanced sounds, and it could only do so much.
Now temporarily slightly deafened, Anakin had to rely on his other senses. His eyes were quite the tool when it came to this considering all the other abilities he can switch between but his eyes are also limited.
The Human eye can do alot, especially when it came to men because of evolutionary differences, human males kinetic vision was much greater. Of course nature was unbiased when it came to gender and gave women their due diligence as well.
They got to see more colors, or had an easier time differentiating such things.
"Die! Die! Die!" John continued to try and disorient Anakin but now that he had caught on to this tactic he applied countermeasures and decided enough was enough.
What Anakin happened to forget in this moment however was that everyone was still being broadcasted, some if not most would call this an oversight but Sidious had done this on purpose.
Sowing the seeds of doubt.
Anakin going in for the metaphorical kill does not kill John but decides to chop off his arms and legs, not too unlike what the original Anakin would have gone through.
Screaming and moaning in pain, one could hear it in his voice. "I curse you, Anakin Skywalker!" The dark side of the Force was congregating on the man but Anakin decides that would be too dangerous to just leave the man alone.
"You are cursed! To hell you shall go! The devil shall be your name!" He gives his final hurrah as he breaths his last breath but there was still chaos going on around him and Anakin did not have any time to ponder on John's declaration.
"I NAME YOU THE DEVIL!" John Doe had a small surprise up his sleeve that transmitted a thought explosion through the Force to everyone nearby. Meaning only himself.
The dark side of the Force however had tried to act upon John's words and tried to attach onto Anakin burrowing its way into his mind. 'Damnit, why I got to deal with this now.'
Just like that, Anakin's lights were knocked out. He had gone unconscious.
Aayla was concerned, she could feel it. The malicious and very corrupting presence of the dark side and it was currently felt from where she felt Anakin was.
Infinitely worried she began her mad dash trying to cut her way through those of whom were in her way.
She saw it, or saw something as Anakin had put an end to the monstrosities life, a parasite of some kind was launched towards Anakin and latched onto him.
"Aayla!" Barriss, the brave youngling she was had come right from behind Aayla, she had grown to become more adept then any her age or even around her age all thanks to training with Anakin.
Surprisingly enough Ahsoka also seemed to hold her own against the beasts but she obviously didn't have the training the other two older girls had and struggled a bit more. If anything people should be surprised about how she managed to get the slip on the Jedi mentors trying to gather the younglings away from the area.
Especially those who were very young like Ahsoka. "Wait for me!" Ahsoka said.
In times of crisis it would seem the teamwork of the three was quite advanced and under immense pressure, Aayla was showing great leadership skills in this situation.
The group had finally managed to make their way towards Anakin who was now lying on the ground unconscious but was covered in his Nanosuit as a defensive measure. Usually it wouldn't activate when he went unconscious like this, but preventative measures were put in place, just in case.
"Is he ok?" Aayla was not one for medical anything and had to rely on Barriss' expertise.
Barriss was doing some basic diagnosis through the Force. "He is fine. He is just unconscious and from I can tell some sort of parasite has latched onto him."
"Ani will stay asleep for now?" Despite not knowing the situation really at hand, it would seem that Ahsoka had some level of intelligence above her pairs.
"Yes, Anakin will need to get some rest to recover." Aayla said to them while thinking internally. 'I need to get the Masters involved, they might know something about this parasite.'
Within the medical bay of the Jedi temple.
'Damn what a dream or was it nightmare?' Anakin awoke to find himself in a familiar environment and with his enhanced mental capabilities was easily able to know exactly where he was. Even if he didn't have this he could always rely on the Force, despite how unreliable it could be sometimes.
'You will not break my will.' Anakin thought with conviction and decided to speak it aloud. "You will not break my will." The Force responded in a way that said it was both sorry and taunting him.
Trying to lure him towards the dark path he was shown when attacked by the parasite.
Deciding that he was done being here because he has had enough of being within environments like this within his past life. Don't get him wrong, he enjoys the benefits of science and medicine but that doesn't mean he had to like it.
'It would seem I could not escape ending up in a situation like this again.' Anakin thought to himself as he started to move towards the exit before he was stopped.
Exclaiming two men enter alongside another woman. "Why, would you look at that. The prodigal student awakens." The speaker here was Mace.
The people he was with was Qui-Gon and the Jedi consular Doctor Rig Nema. "Yes, it would seem so..." Anakin says as his Nanosuit was dematerializing and was gone before anyone would see it, not that it had mattered anymore.
Anakin was easily able to piece together what had happened and the consequences of such an event. His Nanosuit was now exposed to everyone. 'At least no one knows what its abilities are.'
"Where did you think you were going?" Doctor Rig asked with a reprimanding tone.
"Nowhere in particular, I just wanted to go back towards my room." Anakin replied.
"I think not, I would like to run a few more diagnostics on you to make sure you are ok." Doctor Rig replied in a tone that left no room for argument.
"Ok..." Anakin replies not really sure where her overprotectiveness came from.
"Anakin, we have much too discuss, but first I think I should congratulate you." Qui-Gon said to Anakin as he was forced to take a seat for the Doctor.
"I am assuming this means, I am unofficially a Jedi Knight now?" Anakin asked.
"Correct." Mace replied.
"I am to be officiated then?" Anakin asks another question.
"That is also the correct assumption." Mace answers before continuing. "Before that, we would like to ask you of your experiences. Specifically that event that lead upto your unconsciousness and the effects it had on you."
Anakin then went on ahead to explain many things about various subjects, including what had happened to him but with extreme caution on what he should reveal. For now he had come to the conclusion, as did the other Jedi High Council had decided that he had a clean bill of health.
As far as the Force was concerned, but Doctor Rig was insistent on him staying because she was absolutely infatuated with whatever technology he had created.
A parasite, created with the sole and intent purpose to try and infiltrate and corrupt another person into the lull of the dark side. Thankfully it was Anakin that had been infected, in fact he was the intended target but no one else knew that.
Not even Anakin himself because it did set off like a bomb and would have effected anyone else if they were close enough when John Doe died.
Anakin after a few days had decided to go to the training room that had by now become his own, officially as it would seem the Council felt a bit guilty and decided that he could have full ownership over this room in particular.
It wasn't like they didn't have plenty of other areas to train their Jedi in or anyone else could go too and in fact the room Anakin had basically made a secondary home base on Coruscant didn't even have the best facilities.
Practically everything there had been upgraded by Anakin himself.
So of course they saw no problem in handing it over, not like they were ever especially attached to it anyway. Of course just because he 'owns' the room now, doesn't mean he would keep it forever or anything like that.
If he left it would go back to the Jedi.
"Hello everyone." Anakin came in trying to lift whatever the mood he had felt from within the room.
Everyone's eyes lit up, Aayla, Ahsoka, Barriss and even Shaak was here for him. At least that was what Anakin had narcissistically thought to himself.
Aayla was the first to embrace him, followed by Ahsoka then also followed by the embarrassed and somewhat hesitant Barriss but after seeing her rival attach herself on Anakin she also pounced. At this point Anakin was thinking to himself. 'How did I get myself into this trouble.'
Master Shaak Ti just had to make a smart comment to cover for her relief at seeing he was fine. "Well, it would seem that all that saber practice really has these girls attached to you." She obviously meant more than that.
Anakin was still surprised none of the girls had caught on by now, he could forgive Ahsoka's innocence but for Barriss and Aayla, how could they not know?
Unless they were feigning ignorance that is.
"I am alright." Anakin said trying to soothe their current emotional states before continuing. "I think that everyone should just relax, I was completely fine."
"What I think everyone should worry about now is nothing." Anakin then continued. "It would look like everyone has some free time because some classes were cancelled for a few days and that those here at the temple also got a stay of leave for a bit."
"I am sure that we could put our time to better use then just sulking over my apparent injuries. Which were none by the way." Anakin continued to reassure them given they were silent and still were holding onto to him tightly.
'I am slightly concerned however that not even Master Ti is even stopping this kind of behavior. Isn't this like, against the Jedi code or something?' Anakin thought to himself.
'Whatever not my problem.'
"Having completed the trials, the Council have deemed you fit for the promotion from a Padawan to a Knight. Your Masters have posed the question and your capabilities have answered this for us, thus you are now officially a Jedi Knight." Mace said, directed towards Anakin.
Anakin was officially receiving his new rank of Jedi Knight from the Council.
The people who were present was of course the Grandmaster himself, Yoda and all of the other Council members plus Qui-Gon was allowed to see the process himself.
Nothing else was exchanged from within the room considering this process was only done for Anakin.
Now an official Jedi Knight Anakin has alot more freedoms from what the Jedi usually have but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't still keep a close eye on him. In fact, gaining more freedom may increase their interest in seeing his progress.
"Come with us you will." Yoda says to Anakin before he leaves.
"Is there something you need?" Anakin asks.
"Discuss within the Council conference room we will. Joining us will be Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi." Yoda continued.
Anakin followed after Yoda as the other council members went on their own way and the only ones who were left was Mace and Shaak Ti.
The mission to Zonama Sekot.
A mission that both the original Anakin and Obi-Wan went on together following the trail left behind by another Jedi whom had mysteriously disappeared.
It was currently three years after the event of the invasion and Anakin was currently biologically twelve while physically he looked much older.
Anakin was joined by Obi-Wan on the ship he had acquired from Maul, the Scimitar. Being extremely useful why wouldn't he use this ship but he knew to keep it on the low, at least for now. He has plans on this next mission to use it.
The Scimitar will not be the Scimitar any longer and he plans to create something entirely new out of its bits and pieces, its technology will be used to become incredibly powerful in its new version.
The next mission they were assigned took them to the living planet of Zonama Sekot in an attempt to find a Jedi Knight, Vergere, who had recently vanished during a mission there. Unbeknownst to them, Wilhuff Tarkin and Raith Sienar had followed them to exploit Zonama Sekot's ability to quickly fuse organic and manufactured technology into starfighters.
Well, unbeknownst to Obi-Wan they were after the Zonama Sekot's abilities. Anakin had in fact wanted to exploit the planet as well but not to the extent they had wanted and given Raith even under his orders still went against him mattered.
He would have to punish the man for his transgression.
Raith has probably gone against his wishes because he wanted to rebel against him, he did after all stop him or more specifically Tarkin from getting the Death Star blueprints.
For Anakin's new ship he would need to get seed-partners.
On the planet, the colonists sold 'seed-partners,' which bonded with their hosts and allowed the planet to customize a starship for the individual.
Seed-partners were small thorn-covered organisms that originated within the tampasi, from the tree-like boras, of the living planet Zonama Sekot. As Sekot's self-proclaimed 'children... cells in my body,' the seed-partners would be introduced to a spacer who desired to possess one of Sekot's living ships.
If the seed-partners, according to their own desire, attached themselves to the spacer, a ship would be produced by those partners working with a team of Ferroan designers, Langhesi forgers, and giant-like Jentari shapers.
Seed-partners attached themselves to a spacer using a spike, which produced an uncomfortable adhesion, but no wound. Three seed-partners per spacer was the normal outcome of this election process.
Anakin had a feeling that he would have way more and in fact was guessing he would have more than the original Anakin had. It would be over 15, at least he hoped it would be.
Anakin and Obi-Wan had arrived and Anakin got straight to work in negotiating with the people here. He also had secretly brought along another ship for Obi-Wan to go back on given that he was not needed here anymore.
He got all of the information about what had happened to the Jedi Knight and had left but Anakin stayed so he could create the ship he wanted.
Due to Zonama Sekot's distant location, the only way to reach the planet was by a specially chartered and sanctioned voyage. Upon arrival, the customer, almost always an extremely wealthy individual, was shown to his accommodations.
After paying Sekot's exceptionally high price, sometimes exceeding 4 billion credits, the customer was led to a large chamber. Its walls were covered with little spiked balls, bora seeds, that the Ferroans called seed-partners.
The seed-partners would then choose whether or not to join the customer and become their ship. However, this choosing normally involved every single seed-partner breaking loose from the chamber walls to literally bury the customer in a spectacular cascade.
The people were surprised that Anakin had over twenty of the seed-partners attach themselves on him. He was just happy that he had more, as this would allow him to gain a greater amount more of benefits.
The ship could become so much more with his own ideas and modifications.
Once the dust cleared, the customer would find that a select few seed-partners had chosen them, usually expressed by clinging irremovably to their bodes.
After a day or two, the Ferroans would remove the seed-partners and the customer would be taken before the designer, to visualize the designs for their ship. Another few more days, the customer would be led to a massive ravine filled with 'forging pits' a natural cathedral, kilometers wide, bordered and canopied by colossal boras where the ship would be made.
In this 'factory valley,' Langhesi forgers would use fire and lightning to cook and 'pop' the seeds, forming them next into disk-like shapes.
The seeds, still perfectly well in their new transmutations as 'seed-disks,' were collected and transported via carapods to a shaping warehouse constructed of lamina.
Special translucent fruits containing thick 'sparkling' fluids that is churned by a screw-like organ at the core, would be harvested, their globular substances used to mold the seed-disks into the flesh and structure of the ship by Jentari shapers.
Customers were required to sit within pre-made frames as the Jentari placed into position the seed-disks and pre-manufactured expensive, state-of-the-art engines, molding the ships around them: organoform circuits; engines of Haor Chall design, ideally 'type-seven' engines from its line of Silver-class light starships; and hyperdrive core units were merged with the living ship.
Globs of fruit juice were used as connection fluid to merge the seed-disks which now sprouted 'sinuous, questing pseudopods' and organoform circuitry together. While the Jentari shaped and merged the seed-disks around the customer, the seeds telepathically asked the customer about final design decisions.
The customer, in turn, was required to shape the ship's final design, acquiescing to Sekot's whispered will as well, while directing the seeds' input in these last stages of design and production.
The customer was also asked to stay with the ship for at least a few days after her birth, as she was being fitted and finished with 'non-Sekotan instrumentation' to align her with Republic standards, to comfort her in her early life.
Strange indeed that the ship would be referred to as a 'she' but Anakin wasn't complaining and had in fact liked to imagine it as female rather than a male.
Finished with transponders, communication and control panels, couches and miscellaneous accoutrements, the living ship's interior boasted smooth, iridescent lines of green and blue and red, gleaming like a coat of ruby and emerald mineral enamel, yet not just dead brilliance, but a pulsing quality of light that signified youth and life.
Of course Anakin had made sure to involve the Scimitar in the designing process to give it armaments and the special installed countermeasure that provides it with invisibility. How could he miss up on this chance but most of everything else within the Scimitar was scraped.
Why? Because his brand new ship named Jabitha is just that much better.
Glowing faintly from within, and pools of deep-sea luminosity seemed to come and go under its shiny green skin.
With the sentient ship now ready to fly, however, the pilot or pilots, upon departure, had to swear an oath of utmost secrecy toward Zonama Sekot. If the oath was ever broken, the bond between the owner and ship would break and the ship would quickly die.
Anakin disliked this idea and disliked that his ship could be controlled by another being, even if that being was a planet.
Having procured his own living ship he hastily left the planet knowing full well that everyone who has a ship like him will unfortunately have their ships die. Anakin was able to prevent his own from dying off because of the Force thus making him the only person to ever have one.
After the planet, utilizing its massive hyperdrive engines with 300-kilometer-high field guides, broke from its Gardaji Rift orbit in the galaxy's Tingel Arm just after he had left, all remaining ships off-world perished.
Except for his of course, he had wrestled for complete control and now had his very own upgraded version of the ship. Generally the planet didn't like creating for its customers, ships with firing capacity but because it was Anakin involved he was easily able to implement it whether the planet liked it or not.
'Probably not the best idea to make enemies with an entire planet...' Anakin thought to himself.
It does not matter anyway because Zonama Sekot activated its planetary hyperdrive, vanishing for the unknown regions. Sienar and Tarkin returned to the Republic with nothing in their hands thus making Anakin decide to cut ties with them.
He didn't need them anymore anyway, he had the wealth and everything else needed to continue expanding into the galaxy for his business.
Anakin using Jabitha had arrived back on Tatooine under the cover of night and went down towards a specialized entrance bay going towards the semi-living machine underneath. The matrix Anakin had created would help him further increase and stabilize his control over the ship.
He then went on to upgrade Jabitha even further, with the help of his medical droids and access to those special blue stones that would allow someone to use the Force and the non-organic version of midi-chlorians the ship became so much more.
It became truly living.
Not unlike the Tardis or any other living ship type deal from various sci-fi based franchises. Telepathically connected to him this was Anakin's first chance to experience being connected like this and considering in the future the synths will become like this.
He would experience a change in his connection with them, it would become more natural. At least going off of this experience he would say that this is close to what would happen once the droids got their own forms outside of their machine selves.
'Papa?' A mental thought was transmitted to Anakin as the process of transformation was complete.
'Yes Jabitha?' Anakin answered.
'Am I going to be alright now?' Jabitha questioned through their bond, being connected to each other through more than just the Force because abilities like telepathy isn't just a Force-sensitive thing.
Other species had access to a rather large set of traits that they had evolved with. The Force wasn't the only source of power, but it was definitely the greatest, most wide spread, most influential and prominent among everything.
'Yes.' Anakin said. 'We have to go now, you cant stay here or... In fact you will stay here.' Jabitha had become so much more than what she originally was.
Instead of having the same coloring she had before she had that but her exterior wasn't made of green but was painted a special black metallic coloring. Her shape was still the same given Anakin didn't need or want to change this.
'I dont want to stay here, I want to stay with Papa!' A mental yell was called through their bond in a childish feminine voice.
'I am afraid that would put you at risk, you will need to take some time to adjust to your new life, your new abilities.' Anakin had after all used a similar process to his living droids, the difference here being she was both based on technology and organic materials.
Thus giving her the ability to live for a long time separate from the problem of the droids.
'But I want to be with Papa!' Jabitha replied.
Anakin knew that it would be impossible to do so but then started to think. 'Well... she does have the same capabilities the Scimitar had.'
He was referring to its ability to go invisible meaning that it had something similar to what he has with his Nanosuit. Combine that with the fact it could use Force abilities it shouldn't be any problem for it to come with him.
There was really no problem at more the more he though about it and he would be remiss if he said he also wanted to separate. The connection between the both of them went both ways and he was intensely aware of Jabitha's thoughts and feelings not to unlike his connection to Aayla he had recently discovered.
'Alright... I guess I could take you with me but we will be unable to have much fun considering I will be staying within the Jedi templ-' He is cut off from his reply as Jabitha squealed in joy.
'Thank you Papa!' Jabitha was in an extremely good mood.
Sighing within Anakin thinks to himself. 'Well, no one would be able to recognize this incredibly rare, no unique spaceship anyway but it is better if she is not seen.'
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