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21.89% Star Wars: Skywalker / Chapter 60: V.1-C.60│The First Mission V│

Chapter 60: V.1-C.60│The First Mission V│


Anakin had to very often remodel and upgrade his Vader suit because he was constantly growing himself.

It would be a while before he stops and would be able to finalize his Vader suit but that doesn't matter for now, what does matter however is that Tatooine needs a representative within the Senate.

And what better person than Lord Vader whom holds the rank of a general on the planet of Tatooine.

How would Anakin do this when he was all the way on Tatooine and could not disappear as easily as he did the last time?

He could take control of a droid and use it to put on the Vader suit that he has a connection to again, just like his droids through Mechu-Deru, practically making it possible for him to be at multiple places at once.

Using one of his multiple thought processes, he quickly takes control of one of the droids on Coruscant and gets others to help it put on the suit.

On Tatooine, Anakin was seated within his room and had made sure that he would not be interrupted because he would need to use a device to make sure his voice is modulated and heard through the Vader suit.

Complete lockdown and with the droids helping him both on Coruscant and Tatooine he was ready to make his way towards the Senate building. The most corrupt place that could be found within the galaxy, at least currently.

"Make a perimeter guard around me." Vader's modulated voice comes through. "We are to go towards the senate building."

"Roger, roger." One of the droids responded while he controlled the one within the Vader suit.


"The Republic does not need to help out some backwater place in the Outer Rims." A random senator within the hall called out.

Palpatine was seated within the center in his new position as the Supreme Chancellor along with his aids and his somewhat recently created red guard.

"This body agrees!" Another yells as chaos ensues just as it had when the invasion on Naboo was taking place.

"Quiet! Everyone now settle down, there is much to discuss and I assure you all that the distant planet of Tatooine will get representation soon enough." Palpatine spoke with an amplified voice so everyone would hear him.

Everyone starts to calm down, as Palpatine exercises his power and influence over the senate. "Now that everyone has become more civil, I believe that it is time to introduce yourself." Palpatine all so subtly says out loud while looking towards the lone figure of Vader.

Moving forward with the platform beneath him stabilizing the droid body he is in control of, Vader ominously casts a metaphorical shadow that seizes the hearts of the politicians. "I have come here to the Republic as the representative for the people and leadership of Tatooine."

Silently whispers were heard throughout the hall, some derogatory towards Vader, some surprised but mostly curious as to who he is.

Continuing, Vader speaks. "My name is Vader, my title is Lord and my rank within the government of Tatooine would be equivalent to a general."

Exclaiming Palpatine begins to speak. "General Vader, how interesting of you to join us here today. Everyone here is awaiting what it is you have come here to say."

Coming forward, Vader proclaims. "The Hutt's have been pressuring the sovereign planet of Tatooine into capitulating into their demands and the Republic has provided some assistance but that will not be enough to have us join the Republic."

"We wish to remain independent."

Uproar was heard as this was not going according to their plan to bring them into their authority. It was most certainly not going the way the Sith, Sidious had wanted it to go.

After the crowd calmed down a bit, Palpatine questioned. "And if I may ask the respective, Lord Vader, why is it you have come here today if not to join the Republic?"

"I have come to declare that Tatooine, will not be joining but a treaty can be made to accommodate and help facilitate healthy relations." What Vader had just said now increased the interest of those present.

The representative from the Trade Federation steps up after being given permission to ask a question. "Will this sovereign state allow the Republic access to their trade routes?" Money on their mind, of course they would ask one of the most important questions at the top of their minds.

"Yes, this can be arranged within the treaty."

After a long while of debating back and forth with the Republic, the plants by Sidious and those who are actually good politicians everything had been all but signed. Ready, everyone was to conclude this drawn out process.

"Good, if that is now over, I suggest we call a vote to see whether or not that we as the Republic should accept the terms." Palpatine called as everyone had slowly come around to the terms within the contract.

"One last time I will call out the main articles of the treaty." Palpatine's aid took over as he took a seat.

"The sovereign planet and system of Tatooine will allow the Republic special sanctions within the trade routes and hyperspace lanes that they would be in control of."

"The Galactic Republic will not be in control in any way over the actions taken by the sovereign planet of Tatooine or their leadership. They will remain an independent state where an alliance is to be made."

"The Galactic Republic will only assist the sovereign planet and system of Tatooine in the event of an attack against their people. Only in the event of defensive action, could action from the Republic be taken."

"The sovereign planet and system of Tatooine will not need to participate in any wars whether they be aggressive or defensive in nature against the Republics enemies."

"Special trade sanctions will be made to better accommodate the needs of the sovereign planet of Tatooine and their businesses here throughout the Galactic Republic."

Finishing off the aid then continues. "There are many more things and much more intricacies included within but I believe that should be the basics, does anyone here not agree to these terms and conditions. So speak now."

Silence was hear, given that Palpatine had not said a word and that the others think the conditions are fair enough no opposition was presented. If Palpatine had made a move however it would start to plant doubts as to his rule because thankfully there was still some hope from within the politicians would be able to stop his rise.

For now it would seem that Palpatine had to take a backseat, knowing that whoever this person was had done a good job in bribing or blackmailing some of the politicians here.

This treaty would not have been accepted so easily otherwise.

After a small while, and no one was coming forward in opposition, Palpatine's aid declared. "Then it is final, this treaty shall be signed."

Being the representative, Vader was given full executive power when it came to the current situation making it completely legal for him to place his name instead of his mothers. 'That would be way to much of a hassle.' He thought to himself.


After the emergency assembly of the senate, Vader was curiously approached by Palpatine afterwards seemingly interested in getting to know about him. 'Obviously this guy just wants to manipulate me.'

"Greetings, Supreme Chancellor." Vader's voice and imposing stature did not scare off the frail old man at all.

"Yes, it is finally an honor to meet such a figure as yourself." Palpatine replied with a smile on his face that seemed genuine. "It is most interesting that I find myself here talking to you, but I hope that we could continue to have friendly relations."

"You jest, I am not someone of such caliber to be seen as such."

"You are, from various... reports I have happened to chance upon it would seem that you played a vital role when it came to the usurpation of the Hutt's on Tatooine and the freedom of its people."

"I have played a role in what has happened." Vader pauses before continuing. "What are you suggesting?"

"I was just curious, that is all. How could someone from nowhere just appear out of the blue and have the required resources to start an entire war with the Hutt's." Palpatine says this more to himself than to Vader.

"You have not only beaten them out of Tatooine and its system, you have also managed to have the manpower to repel the Hutt's." Palpatine says. "Your resources must be immense, innumerable in measure. Surely you can trust this humble old man and tell him some of tales."

Like the snake in the garden of Eden, Palpatine tries to establish a friendly bond between the two. "Regale me please, I may be the Supreme Chancellor but that does not mean I am unable to take a short break to hear of you."

Vader simply replies. "Just as you have said Chancellor, it is quite unfortunate that I have some things of my own to do. So if you would be so kind, I will excuse myself."

"Of course, I apologize for taking up your time. No doubt you have greater issues to go about and solve."

"No need, till we meet again Chancellor." Vader started to walk off so as to not be seen around him much longer. Vader has his own reasons plus many others to stay away from Sheev Palpatine as much as he could.

Sidious was brewing within his own mind, a concoction. 'Interesting. To have no thoughts and no emotions would suggest to me that the thing behind the mask is either a well trained Force-sensitive or simply unique in some other way.'

"Mas Amedda, I have a plan and I wish for you to monitor the thing known as Lord Vader." Palpatine said to his aid.

"Of course, Supreme Chancellor." The misled aid replied to Palpatine and off he went, on his own way to further his own machinations and schemes while being controlled by Sidious.

Joining back up with Anakin controlling the droid within the Vader suit he was coming across many peoples walking along the senate building of the Republic. 'Now to safely get the suit back to the headquarters here on Coruscant. Don't want any people with curious minds to find me or the possible location of where the suit is.'

Anakin had many reasons to make sure the suit was not discovered to be without someone actually operating it, but that didn't mean he would not make great use of his time here. He doesn't need to get back to the mission right now anyway.

'It is Qui-Gon's turn to stay on guard anyway.' It was not like Anakin had no way of being able to monitor the situation with his mother anyway considering his connection to everything that is mechanical in nature here on Tatooine.

Thankfully the Force signature that was given off of the droid was a normal one only because he is using it as a vessel, otherwise the people around might start to feel the pressure of his uncontrolled energies.

Overall, everything went great.

Anakin had achieved his goal, now he only had to deal with the Hutt's and make sure that they never would be able or even have the chance to invade.

But that type of power is a little whiles away from his current position.



"I do hope that he hasn't gotten himself into any trouble." Shmi said to no one in particular.

Coming out of no where, Qui-Gon interrupted her. "Well, I would say he has only recently gotten himself into alot of trouble."

Shmi slightly surprised, calms down once she recognizes it is only Qui-Gon. "You scared me, you should be careful approaching a woman like that."

"No doubt, I will learn to be wary and not do such a thing next time."

Awkward silence overtakes the two as they both do not have much to say to each other, but Shmi being the brave and curious woman she is she starts a conversation between the two. "So... you said something about Anakin getting himself into some trouble."

Being honest Qui-Gon replies. "It was his actions of coming to Tatooine to help the slaves gain freedom and get you off of the planet that had him punished."

"Really? My Ani was punished for something like that?" Shmi was starting to question why she ever allowed her child to join the Jedi.

As if sensing her emotions and thoughts, even though he could not because of Anakin's protections he managed to get out. "No, I think you are misunderstanding the type of punishment dealt. He was mostly only reprimanded and was only given some minor tasks to complete before being able to leave the temple again."

Slightly relived, Shmi continues. "That is good then." Being reassured that her child was not being severely reprimanded slightly relived her, but she still had some doubts. "Tell me, Jedi Master, he is safe there is he not?"

A silly question one might ask considering the type of work the Jedi do, but that type of adventurous and dangerous encounters generally only happen with graduated Knights.

"He is, and if you are wondering about his friends, from what I have heard he is quite popular among those of his peers and younger." Qui-Gon then continued after pausing. "In fact he is quite popular with older students as well."

'Of course, my Ani is doing well.' Shmi thought to herself, and was rather proud of her son even though he had not really accomplished anything that was too great since joining.

In fact there were things he had done that was not apart of the Jedi and distinctly had him going against their rules just so he could actually accomplish something.

Unaware of Shmi's thoughts or doubts, Qui-Gon continues. "Anakin is fine, as my apprentice I should be able to protect him from most if not all harm. You should also have some faith within your own child."

"I do." Shmi replies very quickly with no hesitation.

"I did not say you didn't."

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