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Chapter 12: Delphini Riddle

Delphini Riddle sat in a cell in Azkaban Prison and waited. She did not plot, nor did she scheme. The only child of Lord Voldemort had no grand plans for escape and she certainly did not wish to carry on her father's legacy. Not anymore. Her plans had been laid to waste by the very man who had seen her locked up in this place. Though to be fair, that same man had seen to the permanent 'dismissal' of the Dementors as Azkaban's guards long before she arrived. She was grateful for that, as much as it would probably displease her deceased father if he could be there to hear her thoughts.

There was sudden movement down the hall and Delphi perked up, the silver haired young woman standing and moving to her door to glance out through the bars. The smile that spreads across her face and the delight that fills her eyes is pure as she carefully steps back from the door and turns to the sink in her cell, above which is an old muggle mirror fastened to the wall.

Licking her lips, Delphi tries to make sure she's presentable. As presentable as one can be given her circumstances, but presentable nonetheless. These days, the witch is not overly concerned about her looks, except in one specific circumstance. That being, when her visitor comes to call. To refer to him as 'her visitor' and not 'one of her visitors' is accurate, in the end. Only one man ever wishes to see her. Only one man regularly interacts with her and Delphi is not ashamed anymore to say that she cherishes those interactions.

A key is inserted into the lock on the outside of the door of her cell. It opens a moment later and Delphi's smile comes back as she takes in her visitor. Harry Potter, the Head Auror and the Savior of the Wizarding World (more than once, given her escapades) smiles back at her. One might think they would be the worst of enemies and there was a time when Delphini considered them to be, even though Harry did not even truly know of her existence.

But she'd lost and in losing, she'd learned. This place might have broken her further, driven her mad with loneliness… but Harry had not allowed her to be alone. He'd come to her and despite her initial hostility (she'd been rather upset that he'd denied her request to be killed or mind wiped) he had stayed by her side and they had talked and talked and talked.

He was her only real contact, as the food was delivered magically, as was anything else she needed. Her prison cell cleaned itself magically as well, one of the many upgrades they'd made to Azkaban Prison over the years since Harry had taken charge of… well, everything. Normally a Head Auror was not the main authority on something like a prison. But Harry was more than just Head Auror, he was even more than just Lord Potter-Black. His voice carried weight behind it, in the same way she'd been told both Dumbledore's and her father's did.

Harry was a better man than both though. Delphi wasn't afraid to admit that in the privacy of her mind. As she looks upon the man who has been her one lifeline to the outside world for a few years now, the young woman can't help but be happy to see him once again. And then, Harry is stepping past the doorway and those who have come with him walk in as well.

Delphini freezes up as she takes in their faces. She knows them, though she has never met them. Harry has never brought her guests before… yet here they are. Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, and Nymphadora Tonks. Her two aunts and her cousin looked just as trepidatious as she now felt. They'd never visited her, never even seen her before now.

The entire situation is immensely awkward, even as Harry does as Harry does and ignores it all. Eventually, she looks to him and just watches him set up the tent, swallowing the lump in her throat and crossing her arms over her chest. She steadfastly ignores the three women standing off to the side, until finally Harry is done and holds back the tent flap.

It looks to be a small thing, but then it has to be for it to fit in her equally small cell. Still, Delphi is quite familiar with this bit of magic by now. It's another reason she so enjoys her visits with Harry. Without waiting another moment, the young woman bends down and slips inside the tent. Of course, it's magical. Inside is far, far bigger than outside. Delphi steps from an Azkaban Prison cell to accommodations that would not be out of place in a five-star hotel.

She immediately moves towards the restroom, slipping inside and drawing the thick curtain closed behind her. In mere moments, Delphi is in a nice, warm shower. It's the only one she'll get until Harry's next visit after all. She almost moans in delight as the hot water beats down her naked form, but mindful of only a curtain separating her from Harry and his guests, Delphi keeps silent and cleans herself carefully with the water and the scented soap provided to her.

Only when she's truly clean and dry does she put on the clothing set out for her. Of course there's clothing set out for her, Harry knows her well by this point. Delphi smiles, knowing she cannot keep the garments when the visit ends, but also enjoying the soft feel of them for the moment, compared to the rough woolen prison garb she is usually forced to wear.

Stepping out of the tent's fully functioning washroom, Delphi freezes up again, eyes wide as she stares at Harry and his three guests. Specifically, she finds herself staring at the spitting image of her mother as a young woman, as if right out of the moving picture of Bellatrix Black that she'd been given as a child. It takes her a moment to understand what's happening. Nymphadora Tonks is a Metamorphmagus and she is no longer among the four. In her place sits a facsimile of Delphi's mother. She hopes that this is not a cruel jape. Judging by the look on Harry's face, he is not mocking her.

"Lord Potter… what is this?"

She walks slowly over to the group, even as her aunts and her cousin-disguised-as-her-mother look her way. Harry smiles.

"Delphini, you've done very well these last few months. I'm proud of you and your progress. I thought you might like a gift for your good behavior. These are your family members, as I'm sure you know. Your aunts can tell you what your mother was like when she was younger. Are you interested?"

The idea did not… displease her. Biting her lower lip, the young witch nods as she moves closer and settles down onto one of the tent's cushions, right beside Harry. Narcissa, Andromeda, and Tonks-as-Bellatrix look just as unsure as her for a moment, but eventually Andromeda starts up.

"Your mother… while she had her flaws, was a bright young woman. Very inquisitive. Why, I remember one night at Hogwarts, she dragged me out of bed in order to show me a new secret passage she'd found. She was always finding those…"

As Andromeda began to talk about their days together growing up, Delphini finds herself relaxing more and more. Her aunts and cousin did the same as time went on, and it became clear that Andromeda and Narcissa were both getting lost in the memories. It helped that Harry had reached out to her and placed a hand atop her knee as she sat crisscross. He squeezed reassuringly and she sent him a thankful smile before focusing back on what Andromeda had to say.

Eventually the oldest Black sister ran out of stories to tell, but by the end of the last one, Delphini was nearly in tears from laughter. As she finally managed to calm down… things became weird. Narcissa stepped up as Andromeda subsided, and the youngest Black sister sidled over to where the young 'Bellatrix' sat, enjoying the stories just as much as Delphi had.

"Of course, once puberty hit, Bella's inquisitive nature took her in an entirely different direction. She dragged me into it in the end. I learned ALL of her favorite places."

Delphini watches with wide eyes as Narcissa sticks her hands right up 'Bella's' shirt. The facsimile of her mother moans as Narcissa begins to play with her tits, right then and there. Then the Lady Malfoy leans in and nibbles at Tonks' neck, speaking between nips.

"She especially liked it here. Her neck was so very sensitive."

Clothing begins to fly off, much to Delphini's growing shock. The young witch can't look away though, her pouty lips parting slightly and her tongue sliding out to trace along them unconsciously as she watches the young version of her mother get molested by an aged Narcissa. It's like some perverse refraction of the pair's relationship. Delphi can only imagine a slightly older Bellatrix taking a young Narcissa under her wing back in Hogwarts in order to teach her sister how to properly pleasure her.

It's clear that Narcissa learned well from the real Bellatrix, because the metamorphmagus now playing Delphi's mother is soon moaning wantonly, her nude body glistening with sweat as it writhes under Narcissa's ministrations. And then suddenly, Andromeda is behind her 'sister', and Delphini is shocked yet again when the older woman begins to molest her own transformed daughter right inside of her.

When Andromeda sees the look of surprise in Delphini's eyes, she smirks a little, holding the other witch's gaze even as she slides two fingers deep inside of young 'Bella's' cunt.

"Before Bellatrix drew our younger sister into her games, I must confess I drew her into mine. We had such fun together, the three of us."

It didn't matter whether or not it was true, whether or not it had all really happened. What mattered was that some sort of recreation or glorious sexual fiction was being played out right before her eyes and even if she'd wanted to, Delphini Riddle could not look away as her young mother was molested and fucked to orgasm by her sisters.

Mesmerized by her mother's slutty childhood come to life before her eyes, Delphini didn't even realize that her hands had drifted. One stayed in her lap, specifically the center of it. She ground the heel of her palm down on her covered cunt as it grew wetter and wetter. The other though, moved to her left where Harry sat beside her with his legs crisscrossed just as hers were. Her hand resting on the top of his robe, Delphi found herself stroking all along Harry's hardening, pulsating length, through the heavy garment.

The young witch didn't even know what she was doing until Harry, enjoying her ministrations quite a lot, grunted his approval and pulled his robes apart to let his massive cock loose, showing he was wearing nothing beneath the garment of his station, the Head Auror's emblazoned robe. Delphini is broken from her trance as she suddenly feels a living, throbbing piece of flesh in her grasp.

Her gaze finally leaves the three women playing with each other and she finds herself looking down at Harry's cock. Her hand is unconsciously stroking up and down his member. Up to this point Delphi had assumed that she was touching some hot iron rod. A silly assumption to be sure, but she'd been too hypnotized by the sight before her to really put much thought into it. Now though, the young witch was abruptly confronted with exactly what she was touching… and she didn't stop.

Blushing furiously, Delphi could admit that this was something she'd wanted for a while now. Harry had been good to her, better than anyone ever. Breathing in Harry's musky scent only made her all the more aroused, her nostrils flaring and her pale cheeks going an even brighter red in embarrassment and lust. She licks her lips and continues to stroke Harry's member, never even considering hesitating or pausing as she does so.

Her eyes do go back to the incestual debauchery happening right in front of her though. Delphi watches, mouth open and breath coming out in pants now as Narcissa and Andromeda force her 'mother' through two more orgasms with nothing but their fingers, now stuffed up both of her holes. The young 'Bellatrix' is quivering in their grasp, her pussy gushing and their digits slick. They're very nearly fisting both her pussy and ass by the time they finally come to a stop and leave her to rest for just a moment.

Narcissa looks over and grins salaciously when she sees Delphi and Harry watching, with Harry's cock in Delphi's absently stroking hand. The Lady Malfoy coos at that, licking her lips hungrily as she stares at the big thick prick.

"Ah, that's a good girl. Well done niece, getting the Master's member nice and hard. Now we can begin the next step of our… reminiscing."

Delphini blinks at being addressed and furrows her brow.

"What do you mean?"

Gesturing her over, Narcissa just grins all the wider.

"Bring that dick over here niece. Let's re-enact the night you were conceived with our Master's most generous help, shall we?"

Perversely, the idea greatly appeals to Delphi, even if she knows deep down that Harry is not her true father. He allows her to lead him by his prick across to where her Not-Mother lays though and Delphi bites her lower lip as she guides his thick cockhead to the entrance of the young 'Bellatrix's' cunt. Narcissa is at her 'sister's side, holding her legs far apart and flicking at Bella's engorged clit as she looks on with a wicked, hungry grin.

Meanwhile, Andromeda props her younger 'sister' up, staying behind her and watching over her shoulder, her hands grasping and gripping Bella's tits from behind. Harry pushes into Tonks with all three women watching on in jealousy. His cock fills the metamorphmagus to the bring as it's always done and Tonks-as-Bella moans like a wanton whore, playing her role to the letter.

"Yes! Yes, my Lord! Lord of Lords, greatest of all men! Please, fuck me my Lord! Fuck my tight little cunt! Plow my young pussy! Impregnate me with your seed, breed me with your big, hard cock!"

Delphi is so lost in the moment, so lost in the words said in her mother's voice and the sight of Harry Potter plunging his cock into her mother's cunt, that she barely even reacts as Narcissa suddenly grips her by her silver hair and pulls her down. Delphi ends up with the side of her face pressed up against her 'mother's' abdomen. Her lips are only about an inch away from Bella's trimmed mound. Her engorged clit stands out even now, but Delphi is focused entirely on the massive throbbing schlong that's spearing in and out of her orgasmic mother.

"Yes! Yes! Oh Merlin YESSSS!!!"

Watching 'Bella' cum around Harry's cock is almost like a religious experience for Delphini Riddle. Her own pussy is so damn wet, she's soaked through her panties and her jeans by this point. And yet, beyond touching Harry's cock and now being forced into close proximity as Harry fucks her 'mother', Delphini has not in turn been touched. She can only hope her time will come soon.

Andromeda's voice breaks through her thoughts all of the sudden. The oldest Black sister sounds snide and derisive as she speaks from behind her 'sister' to Delphini.

"This is how it should have been dear niece. This is how your life should have begun. If only Bellatrix had been able to find a worthier lord… a worthier cock. Instead she settled for scum. Your real father was beneath her Delphi. He was beneath all of us. You would have been better off born from Harry's seed. A strong, proud, honorable man…"

There was a time when Delphi would have been offended by her aunt's words. There was even a time when she might very well have tried to kill Andromeda for saying those things. Delphini Riddle had always had a bit of a father-complex. The idea of laying with the man who seeded her mother did appeal to her something fierce, if she was being honest with herself.

However, Delphi had long since supplanted Voldemort with Harry in her mind. Harry Potter was the older man who had been there for her when no one else would. He was a good man, just as her aunt had said. He would have made a great father. In the end, the young witch did not disagree with any of Andromeda's words. She wished it had been this way as well, she wished that her mother could have made better decisions, instead of ending up in bed with a filthy snake of a man.

While these thoughts run through her head, Harry continues to slam home into Tonk's cunt, going all the way past the transformed woman's cervix and into her womb with every last thrust. He pistons in and out of the young representation of her mother and in turn, Delphini gets a front row seat to the action, her head literally an inch away from the plundering of her 'mother's' cervix.

Her hand is sneaking towards her cunt when Narcissa grabs her by the wrist and pulls it back, giggling a bit madly as she denies the mewling young witch. Delphi is forced to do nothing but watch and while it's incredibly hot watching Harry fuck her mum like that, she can't help but want to be in 'Bella's' place. The young facsimile of Bellatrix Black climaxes again and again around Harry's dick, moaning like a slut and milking his cock for all she's worth.

And then, almost as if Delphi's prayers are being answered, Harry lets out a loud grunt and stops his back and forth movement, burying himself to the fucking HILT inside of the young body of her teenage mother. He's filling her with his cum, Delphi realizes after a moment. It's almost like she can feel it, with the side of her head pressed against Bella's belly. The other witch's abdomen is unbelievably hot and sweaty by this point and it's almost as if Delphi can feel the heat of Harry's white seed spurting into the womb right beneath her cheek.

Suddenly, Harry is done and Narcissa and Andromeda are dragging their 'sister' away from under Delphi's head. The young witch is surprised as she straightens up from her bent over position and watches with wide eyes as her two aunts fight over who gets to drive their tongue up into the well-fucked tenderized cunt of her young mother. They each strive to eat out Harry's seed… meanwhile, Delphi is left with the cum-maker isn't she?

Her gaze drifts down to Harry's cock, covered in pussy juices and remnants of his last release. He's still quite hard, but then somehow Delphini knew in her heart of hearts that he would be. A perverse thought passes through Delphi's mind and thanks to everything that's happened so far, it takes hold of her, spreading like cracks on a window. Andromeda is right. Harry SHOULD have been her father… and why couldn't she treat him as such now, regardless of reality?


For the first time in a long time, Delphi knows she's surprised Harry when he turns to her with a look of shock on his face and blinks dumbly. Smiling as coyly as she can manage, the young witch reaches out and grabs hold of Harry's dick.

"Daddy… can I give you a kiss... down there?"

The surprise in the older wizard's eyes is swiftly replaced by understanding and she can tell from the way his cock jumps in her hand and his lips quirk up into a slight grin that Harry is intrigued by the idea.

"Go ahead sweetheart."

She loves that he's willing to play along with her. Shuddering as another flood of arousal washes over her, Delphini bends over once again. With them both on their knees, the Slytherin Heiress has to go down onto one elbow to put herself face to face with Harry's gargantuan shaft. In response to this, he reaches over her and slides his hand along her jean-clad booty.

The silver haired witch has always been proud of her shapely ass. It's probably her best feature. Harry certainly seems to think so as he eventually slides his hand under the hem of her jeans and pulls them taut in a way that causes the fabric to bunch against her already sensitive pussy just so that he can grope her ass without the denim being in the way.

Delphi moans wantonly even as she lays kiss after kiss along Harry's shaft, stroking up and down with both hands and pressing her full, pouty lips to his throbbing, pulsating length where ever her hands were not. Of course, the young witch did not come down to crotch level JUST to give her 'father' a kiss. After a few moments, Delphi leans back just enough to plant her lips on the tip of Harry's member, one last kiss before she spreads her mouth wide open and takes Harry into it.

She bobs her head up and down on Harry's cock and she can feel the way he throbs inside of her mouth, she can hear his groans of enjoyment above her as he laces his fingers through her hair… but she wants to make this special. Even as Delphi takes Harry's member deeper and deeper into her mouth, the ambition that she inherited from BOTH her parents rears its ugly head in the best way it possibly could. Delphi will not settle for giving Harry a good blowjob. She won't even settle for giving him a great blowjob.

This has to be the greatest blowjob he's ever had, or she's failed as his 'daughter'. At least, that's the conclusion that the twisted girl's mind comes to as she begins to deep throat his cock. And there's only one thing that Delphini knows will separate her from any other woman Harry has ever had before. As Voldemort's daughter sucks off the man that killed him, the Slytherin Heiress begins to try to speak with her mouth full. But not in English, Delphini begins to slide her tongue in all the right directions to speak in parseltongue.

Though the young witch did not know this, Harry to had used this trick to great effect on more than one woman, both old and young. He'd never had it used ON him before though and when you have a young woman spitting praises in a magical language as she bobs up and down on your cock, you definitely begin to feel it. Harry gets his first parseltonguing, causing him to let out a few expletives in English as his eyes bulge and both of his hands grip tightly at Delphini's head.

Her face ends up buried in Harry's crotch as he hilts his cock inside of her mouth, but even then, her tongue is still making the movements. With a grunt, Harry's second release practically explodes out of him. He cums harder than he's ever cum before, and given just how many women he's face-fucked, that's truly saying something. There's a smug look on Delphini Riddle's face as his seed overwhelms her entirely. She doesn't lose that look, even as Harry's cum spills out of her nose and the sides of her mouths, painting the lower half of her face milky white with ejaculate.

When Harry finally pulls back out of the witch's mouth, Delphi just grins, looking up at him happily and licking the cum from around her lips clean. Then, she straightens up and adopts a fake concerned look, bringing up one finger and pressing it against her suddenly puckered lips as she stares at Harry with 'worry'.

"Mm… I feel funny down below. W-would you know why my tight… virgin… quim feels so hot and wet daddy?"

This provokes an immediately reaction from Harry and Delphi shrieks with joy as she's pushed back onto the cushions beneath her. Her jeans are ripped away from her with frenzied magic, wandless and silent as Harry claws sideways at the air and they fly from her body off in that direction. Delphini is left all the more flustered and aroused at the blatant display of powerful magic and then Harry is between her legs and she's left to think about another display of 'magic' entirely.

The young witch's very first orgasm hits her right then and there as Harry sticks his tongue deep in her 'tight virgin quim'. He gives her a taste of her own medicine by beginning to speak parseltongue just as she had and just as he had with so many girls before her. Delphini cries out happily, her hands curling in Harry's messy black hair as the older wizard eats her out expertly. Only now does she realize that she is nothing but a rank amateur before her 'father', even in something such as oral sex.

Over and over again, Delphini Riddle orgasms around Harry's tongue, until her eyes are rolled back in her head and her own tongue is lulling out of her skull. Her silver hair is splayed out behind her like a halo as she takes Harry's flexible muscle deeper inside of her pussy than anything else has ever been. But finally, he stops. When he pulls back, she releases his hair immediately, unable to stand against him even as she mewls in disappointment and stares up at her new father with obvious need in her eyes.

When he slaps his thick, meaty rod down on her mound, Delphi gasps with delight and desire, moaning wantonly in the same way her 'mother' had done earlier, when Harry had fucked HER. That big thick cock that had just been inside her young mother… it was going to go into her, wasn't it? Her… her father was going to fuck her with the same dick that birthed her. In Delphini's pleasured, fevered mind, this became the only truth she knew, at least in that moment.

It helped that Harry continued to play along with the charade. His cock grinds down on her steaming quim even as she gushes pussy juices all over its girth.

"Well Delphini… are you ready to be a big girl now?"

Delphi's eyes go wide and she nods rapidly even as she answers him proudly and just a tad breathlessly.

"Yes daddy! Yes, I'm ready-! A-AH F-FUUUUCK!!!"

Her cutesy, naïve character breaks and her agreement dies in her throat when Harry suddenly thrusts into her tight, nubile young body right then and there. He spears her virgin cunt with his thick cock and Delphi cries out as she immediately orgasms yet again. Her father is fucking her. Her FATHER is FUCKING her! It's the greatest moment of Delphini Riddle's short life. She reaches out and wraps her arms around Harry's neck. Her legs go up around his waist as best they can, but with the way he's pistoning in and out of her, all she can truly manage is bowing them, not locking her ankles together.

He fucks her with long, deep strokes and Delphini finds herself mewling happily in between cries of orgasmic joy. She notices him looking down at the T-shirt he left for her and a moment later, its torn from her body and so is her bra, just like her jeans and panties were. Left completely naked, Delphini moans again when her father places his mouth over her young, yet full tits. While her ass is her best feature, she is not without attributes on the front of her body. Her perky breasts come under delicious assault as Harry molests and kneads one with a hand, while suckling and licking and slurping and nibbling at the other with his mouth, tongue, and teeth.

Delphi's vision is going white and she fears she won't last much longer like this. It's not fair, she wants to be aware, present for her beloved father fucking her. And yet, and yet a part of her knows she has to say something before he ends up sending her into a pleasure-induced oblivion. There are words that MUST be spoken.

"… 'm a potter…"

Harry blinks at that and slows down slightly, furrowing his brow even as he continues to fuck her all the same.

"What was that?"

Shuddering as another climax rips through her body, Delphini tries to express herself more eloquently.

"I want… I want to be your d-daughter for real. I AM your daughter! And you are my father! I forsake the name Riddle! I forsake the dead and gone man who went by Voldemort! I am a Potter! I am Delphini Potter and I need you to fuck me harder father, please! Fuck me! Make me your bitch!"

There's a slight pause and then Harry does just that. He slams home into Delphi's cunt harder and harder and harder. His pace quickens back to its original level and then beyond, and soon he's rapidly fucking her faster than she could have ever imagined. A low keening sound leaves Delphini's throat as her eyes roll back in her head. Her body shakes so violently that her arms unclasp from around Harry's neck and drop to either side of her. Her hands now next to her head clench and close around nothing at all, her fingers curling inwardly as her tongue lulls out of her skull.

Delphi's legs drop to the ground and Harry has to pick up the limp limbs in order to keep fucking her in the same position. He pulls her lower body entirely off the ground as he rises fully up onto his knees and his knees alone. Delphini can look up to him, can look along the slope of her naked form and watch his cock bury itself time and time again inside of her formerly virgin pussy.

Though, that ability soon leaves the young witch, as Harry first fucks her into an orgasmic hysteria, leaving her with the look of a woman fucked silly by a big, thick cock and then he continues fucking her until she passes out altogether, falling into a pleasure-induced coma only mere moments before he finally cums inside of her. Harry lets out a shout as he fills her young, fertile womb with his seed. He pants a bit from the exertion, even as he finally pulls out of the silver haired woman beneath him.

Harry can't help but stare down at the daughter of his most hated foe. No… not anymore. The girl had renounced her family and her name for him. It was a heady feeling, to have her submit that totally and that utterly. A grin on his face, Harry decides that Delphi has earned more rewards… when she wakes. For now, he focuses his attention on the two Black sisters and the transformed Tonks. He wants to play some more and Delphi won't be ready to have another go for quite a while, he can tell.


It's a testament to Delphini's magic and the volume of her voice that despite the tent's privacy enchantments, her screams and moans and shrieks, along with those of her aunts and cousin, had reached the rest of Azkaban throughout the rest of that day and much of the night.

Despite the Dementors having been gone from the prison for many, many years, the residents of Azkaban Island could not help but feel confusion and fear as the place filled with such loud, loud sounds. Those who had been there before the Dementors' departure were the ones that felt terror and horror, wondering if their nightmares had returned to them, wondering if they were next.

Those who hadn't were imagining different tortures, but they were still fearful all the same. Except for a few who were just smart enough to understand that they were hearing the sounds of women in sheer joyous ecstasy, not the sounds of pain or agony or torture. Those few, the intelligent ones, they were simply confused. Especially given there was more than one distinct, unique voice…

Meanwhile, back in Delphini's cell, Harry's little tent sat undisturbed. And within its magically expanded walls, all four women were worshipping their Master in their own ways. Andromeda lay beneath Harry, her massive tits used as the pillows they so nicely made. She was the most recently fucked and her eyes were lidded while her mouth was turned up into a satisfied smile. Her hand strokes through Hair's messy black hair even as she lounges and watches the debauchery before her.

Between Harry's legs, her younger sister is sprawled out. Narcissa Malfoy is lying prone as she devotedly sucks at Harry's nut sack, pulling one ball into her mouth to suckle at for a few moments and then the other. Back and forth, back and forth. Above her head, her niece bounces up and down on Harry's massive cock. That is to say, Delphini is bouncing up and down on Harry's cock.

Narcissa's OTHER niece, Tonks, is still in the form of a young Bellatrix Black. The beautiful witch is currently pressed into Harry's side, making out with the powerful wizard. Every once in a while, they'll part ways so that Tonks can turn Bella's face towards Delphini while commenting about how good her 'daughter' looks atop Harry's cock, or demanding that Harry fuck Delphi harder because the little slut doesn't look completely out of it yet.

Delphini on the other hand is in a right and proper state. The young witch's upper body is painted white with his seed and her silver hair is soaked in sweat and his sperm. Her cunt, cherry red from overuse, still clings to his cock like a vice even as she tries to circle her hips around the thrusting member sensually, in order to try and milk out another load. The girl is as wanton as any of her relatives and Harry can't help but idly think that she'd fit quite well right alongside his true daughter.

That thought sends him down a path and eventually, after parting from another kiss with 'Bella', Harry broaches a sensitive subject with an idle comment.

"You know sweetheart, if you keep up this good behavior, I see no reason that you can't be paroled into my custody. Perhaps a bit of house arrest back at the Potter Mansion. It's where a daughter of mine belongs after all, not locked up in a prison such as this. I wonder though, could you play nice with your sister? It will certainly be a bit of an adjustment for Lily, but I'm sure she'll enjoy having a female sibling all the same."

Delphini's only response is to launch herself forward, her tongue writhing and wiggling in Harry's mouth and her squirming body pressed up against his naked, muscular frame. Harry chuckles into Delphi's insistent lips and kisses the girl back in a rough, domineering way. His hands encircle her body and close around her shapely, pale ass. He grips the thick fat bubble butt his new 'daughter' is sporting quite hard and begins to truly fuck her yet again, using his grasp of her ass in order to bounce her up and down on his pistoning member much, much faster.

Neither father nor daughter really notices Tonks-as-Bella leaning back off to the side, watching the unbelievably hot scene with her lower lip between her teeth and her hands on her body. One hand has been stroking two fingers out of her cunt for a while now, but the other swiftly reaches for her chest and she grows her breasts two sizes in order to properly grope and knead her sensitive mammaries to the sight of Delphini bouncing up and down on Harry's cock.


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