(Harrenhal, Harrentown, North Shore of The Gods Eye, The Southern Trident, The Riverlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar rode into Harrenhal with his retinue, He wore an impassive look, he had no desire to be here at all. He had no choice though. Rogar was well aware of his popularity and the success attributed to him.
For now, he had to capitulate to Rhaegar until Rhaegar fucked it all up for house Targaryen. Shouldn't be too long, if what the Order of Artys told him was true. Much of the Order was spread out across Westeros, searching for secrets, but enough remained in the Eyrie to satisfy his desire to see Myranda safe.
(POV Shift: Jon Connington)
Jon had decided to target Myranda Arryn. After her birthing of course. Jon wasn't heartless enough to target a pregnant woman, he would Order the assassin to wait until the babes had been delivered before ordering her dead. It's what Rhaegar would want.
(POV Shift: Rhaegar Targaryen)
Lord Rogar was here, at last! The final piece of the puzzle had arrived. Rogar would be essential to dethroning his father. An expert Swordsman and popular Lord who carried a lot of respect inside of and outside of his Lands. Rogar was important to the Realm's future stability. As we're the other Seven great Families.
The Seven Kingdoms were far more structured than the rest of the World assumed. Every Lord Paramount who was also A Warden of Westeros carried q lot more more than the four Who didn't. House Lannister and House Tyrell stood at the pinnacle of the Four Wardens. Both boasted great Wealth and as such a greater number of Men, Men who because of that wealth were the best equipped in Westeros ment that Lannister and Tyrell were both granted a lot of Freedom.
For instance Each Region's Great Family had an Army Cap in keeping with their wealth, history, and population. The Tully's of Riverrun boasted forty five thousand men, but most of them were simply Infantry, with twenty five thousand or so being exactly so. Now, House Baratheon despite being capable of raising the same number wad more varied. They had Ten Thoused Archers. Ten Thousand Infantry, and Fifteen Thousand Calvary. The Remaining numbers were typically dependent on the Lord of The time. Lord Steffon and his son thus far had Fifteen Thousand Calvary, Archers, and Infantry.
Rhaegar could go on, but in short it was complex in practice but could be summed up rather easily; Influence, Wealth, History, and Loyalty Influenced the cap and just how many ways a Cunning Lord Paramount was able to work around it.
Rogar for instance had focused on developing his land and building up his Fleet. The Gulltown Fleet was mostly Merchant Vessels but they were Supported by a smaller yet powerful navy that more than made up for it's small numbers with it's strength and capacity for several tasks.
If Rhaegar had a sister he'd offer her to Rogar before he chose Myranda Royce for his Bride, make the task easier. Rhaegar liked to know his man before recruiting him, but The Eyrie had become next to impossible to gather intelligence from. So Rhaegar would be going in blind when he approached Lord Rogar.
(POV Shift: Melisandre of Asshai)
The Lord had sent her to Westeros with a small group of priests. Their mission clear, they were to find Rogar Arryn. He was the Prince that was Promised, he would lead them against the coming darkness.
He would be dificult to convince, but Melisandre was more than willing to offer him her body if it helped guide him down the proper path.
They'd watch from Harrenhal.
(POV Shift: Myranda Royce)
Myranda wasn't feeling well, the babies were stealing her strength more than usual, but she was willing to endure it.
She wanted to grow old with Rogar, and have many children with him.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Rogar sat alone in his tent, Meditating believe it or not. Well not quite, but it was a fairly close description. Rogar was centering himself before the Jousts. He had no desire to be seen by anyone until he was ready. He drew Jon Connington in the First Round and though tempted to kill him ''Accidentally'' ultimately decided not to.
It simply wasn't worth it, the man was about as effective in battle as Renly.
Which was utterly useless.
Rogar would Content himself with injuring the Lord of Griffin's Roost, but would settle for unhorsing him. He'd invite him constantly of course as he wanted to humiliate the poor bastard a little bit.
''Milord, Lady Ashara to see you.'' His Page, Hugh called. Hugh as it turned out was the Bastard son of an Arryn of Gulltown and an Arryn of The Eyrie. Rogar couldn't remember which Arryn of The Eyrie fathered the not, only that they were long dead. The boy knew his mother was an Arryn of Gulltown but was kept ignorant of his Father.
Rogar remembered the boy's surprise when Rogar came for him, taking him as a Page and possibly a Squire in the future. It was worth it.
''She may enter.'' Says Rogar as he stands and pours himself a Dornish Red and a second cup for Ashara.
Ashara entered and cupped his face, tracing her fingers across his fresh scar. He'd been attacked by the Mountain Clan's on the way here. They were swiftly dealt with, but one managed to scar his face along his left cheek.
''How is she?'' Ashara asks.
''Well. Dyanna is happy.'' Says Rogar.
''But?'' Asks Ashara.
''Someday she'll want to meet her real mother, what do you want me to do?'' Asks Rogar.
''Take her to Starfall. Show her the truth.'' Says Ashara.
''So be it Ash. On another note, I think Ned has q crush on you, I'll have to warn him that the Star has her own claws as sharp as any Direwolves.'' Says Rogar earning a Chuckle from Ashara.
''And if the Star wants a Falcon?'' Asks Ashara placing his hand into her dress and onto her breast.
''Ashara, I love you, nothing would make me happier than to be able to raise Dya as my trueborn daughter with her mother. But I can't, my hand is tied. Can you honestly tell me as a Mother yourself you would inflict such a thing to a fellow mother? Others would say yes, but not you sweet Ash, so don't lie to me dnd say yes.'' Says Rogar.
''I want you Rogar, I miss you and Dya every day.'' Says Ashara.
''And I you Ashara, but we can't. I can't.'' Says Rogar as he stops his wine.
''Goodbye Rogar.'' Ashara says placing one last kiss onto his lips.
''Goodbye Ashara. I love you.'' Eogar says to empty air.
(POV Shift: Jon Connington)
The King was here.
He made a show of inducting Ser Jaime Lannister into the Kingsguard, but that wasn't what upset Jon the most. No, no it was the King's praising Rogar Arryn, over Rhaegar, it offended Jon that such favoritism had been showered on a lowly Falcon rather than a true Dragon.
To top it off, Rogar had been mocking him all day, sending all manner of ''Gifts'' to him. Swords with a carefully worded message to ask how they tasted when swallowed. Little Boys with a message with deep and outrageous wording. It was for this reason that When they Rode next to each other he was close to blowing his top when Rogar made a remark of an outrageous nature.
''How does a Dragon's meat taste? You should be able to answer Connington given how much Dragon Cock you swallow and how deep you kiss the Dragons Ass?'' It was infuriating. The man obviously knew of his Sexual preferences and his love for Rhaegar, yet took sick delight in humiliating him. The little boys were sent with the message of ''my Body for a side of Dragon Oysters?'' Now how could that mean anything other than Rhaegar's balls in exchange for selling their bodies to him?
Rogar was gonna pay, forget waiting. He would Pay now!
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Admittedly his humiliating of Connington wasn't his best work, but the man wasn't bright enough by Rogar's estimates to warrant a smarter slew of insults.
Rogar wasn't homophobic by any means, but Connington made it easy to fall into the stereotype hate that the minority of real people still possessed.
His worship of Rhaegar, unrequited love fur him, and fanatic loyalty were what made him less than a man in Rogar's eyes, his homosexuality was just a convenient excuse.
Rogar and Connington sat atop their horses at either end of the Tourney Field. Rogar sat on a beautiful Chestnut Mare, Connington atop a Black Gelding.
When the Horn sounded, Both me charged. Rogar aimed and struck Connington dead center in the man's shield. But Connington struck into his horse. Connington was thrown off, and Rogar managed to roll clear before the horse crushed his leg.
''Sword!'' Rogar shouts, infuriated that Connington would target his horse of all things.
''Calm yourself Ser Rogar, Jon didn't mean it.'' Says Rhaegar.
''Fuck his meaning! He killed my horse! Do you have any idea how much work was put into producing the Mare? Years! Carefully selected breeding, training, and care all gone! And for what? A pillow biters pride? You will pay this Connington.'' Says Rogar, letting his frustration at Being Summoned here bled into his dislike for Connington.
Rogar was furious, He sent the few Order of Artys Members to hang the bastards Squire by his ankles to a tree in nothing but his small clothes He would've hanged the Squire by his back, but that was a little too extreme and Roger wasn't so black with rage that he'd condemn a child to death. The dragged by horses would've been an acceptable alternative, but hanging him from his ankles in his small clothes tied to a tree was enough. He'd kill Connington's horse, but that wasn't his style. Stealing it though? That had some merit, if only to see it's way into the prizes.
Rogar knew that He had started something with Connington, but such a blatant disregard for the Rules of the Tourney? No, something else was wrong here. Jon Connington probably had another beef with him, but what it was Escaped him.
But That Mare was his ticket to win, it was his best. And Connington would repay him.
''Eskel, Send a group to Griffin's Roost, Steal every Horse they have, and burn their fields. Leave a Single Falcon Feather dipped in My Mare's Blood in Connington's Solar.'' Rogar orders his Artysian Herald.
(POV Shif: Rhaegar Targaryen)
Jon had put his entire plan at risk, it was no secret that Rogar Arryn had a passion for horses. Now he had an outraged Lord Paramount who was demanding satisfaction...and frankly Rhaegar was inclined to give it to him.
Jon had blatantly disregarded Tourney rules and etiquette just to target something highly prized by Rogar. And Jon's Squire was now missing, as was his Horse along with his arms and armor.
''Your actions will make my duty that much harder Jon. I have an incensed Lord Paramount on one hand and you on the other. You disregarded Tourney rules and etiquette to harm Rogar's image and his property. Now your Squire, Horse, Arms, and Armor are missing. We'll discuss this later, I have to go ensure Rogar doesn't do anything hasty.'' Says Rhaegar.
''Rogar will not let this go easily My Prince. He can accept a small insult or two, but this he'll never forget.'' Says Arthur as the leave.
''What will make him back down?'' Asks Rhaegar.
''Rogar has always been appreciative for a good and strong mount. Lord Connington's killing of his Mare will be seen as a personal insult. Rogar will demand something of equal value.'' Says Arthur.
''Where is Lord Arryn?'' Asks Prince Rhaegar, to Rogar's Page as they arrived at Rogar's tent.
''He has retired for the day my Prince. And has no desire to see you or anyone of Connington's ilk.'' Says a Voice that each of them recognize.
''Lady Ashara, we did not expect you to be here.'' Says Rhaegar in surprise.
''Rogar is not pleased with your decision to defend Jon Connington nor was he happy to come in the first place. He has a child on the way your grace, as a father yourself you can understand his anxiety.'' Ashara says scolding as only she can.
''I need to speak with him, it's urgent.'' Rhaegar presses.
''I'm sorry Prince Rhaegar, but Lord Arryn has no interest or intention of hearing your words. He's already given the Order for retaliation.'' A new voice says, stepping out of the tent to reveal a dark-haired man.
''Explain.'' Says Rhaegar.
''No, forgive me My Prince, but I swore a vow. Do not make me an oathbreaker. Besides, he's got company.'' Eskel denies.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Imagine his surprise when Lyanna Stark came to him, asking about Robert, he was suitably surprised that he sent Ash away in order to discuss Robert in a more Private setting free of unwanted distractions....
Well, it's a weeks into my recovery and I can't take it anymore. But honestly it's somewhat liberating. I am writing without that deadline hanging above my head so I may just take two month Breaks, one month to stock up with a month's worth of breaks
My recovery is going well thus far but still has a ways to go. Before I go to sleep let me clarify that Rogar and Jon Connington are gonna be at each other's throats constantly to make a more personal Rebellion...
(Harrenhal, Harrentown, North Shore of The Gods Eye, The Southern Trident, The Riverlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Jon Connington POV)
Rogar Arryn had stolen all his horses snd burned his fields. Rhaegar refused to act. But Jon would do what his Prince could not, put The Young Falcon in his place.
The Order had been given...
Rogar Arryn would lose what was most precious to him and be humbled by the loss.
Only then would he be worthy to join Rhaegar.
(POV Change: Rogar Arryn)
Jon Connington was becoming a problem, a big enough problem that Rogar might just have to have him killed to put an end to it.
But that was just a collection of stray thoughts as he now had Robert Baratheon in his tent asking him for advice on Lyanna.
Why was he suddenly an expert on Men and then Women? Rogar was married true but he wasn't the best choice for the conversation. Frankly he wouldn't be surprised if his father had sent Lyanna and Robert to him.
Jon Arryn could be genial like that, frustrating as it was. But he lived him no less.
(POV Shift: Lyanna Stark)
Lyanna was torn, she liked Robert and was betrothed to him, but she had met someone who captivated her just so. Thus, she went to Rogar. Her father often spoke favorably of the Young Lord of The Eyrie, and So too did Ned and Robert.
He'd Squired for a Knight of The Kingsguard, a Knight who was arguably the deadliest of them all. He'd been fostered at Casterly Rock under the Wife of King Aerys Hand, and then served as the Hand's Page to the Master of Laws. Upon assuming his Father's position he immediately improved his people and the region he lead. This wasn't even counting his years at the Citadel, where He had forged Multiple Links in a Single Subject including Valyrian Steel.
He'd also negotiated several betrothal's between his Bannermen and the influential families of other Regions, including the North.
Rogar was probably the best shot she had at a clear answer. The man she fell in love with had a wife and children, but to be with him would mean siring Bastards. Rogar was married with children on the way and an alleged Bastard Daughter already. So his insight was her best shot.
Yet Rogar was not the least bit surprised, he correctly guessed she had fallen for Rhaegar, and made a prediction that hadn't sat well with her. But what could she do? Rhaegar was everything and yet nothing like Robert. She hated being seen as indecisive like many maidens but what were her options?
(POV Shift: Robert Baratheon)
Robert Admired Rogar if he was being honest. Rogar was brilliant at administration and making the most of what he had.
A brilliant straregist and magnificent Swordsman, and happily married with children trueborn and baseborn. Robert was well aware of his urges, and feared he would be unable to resist temptation after his marriage to Lyanna. Rogar sat him down and gave him five rules:
Never raise your hand to your wife.
Never force yourself on her or push for something she is not comfortable with.
Always own up to your mistakes and your fears.
Strive to be the Man she deserves and wants, but never at the expense of yourself.
And never lie to her face.
Rogar confided that Ashara Dayne bore him his Dyanna, and that as badly as he wanted to make Dyanna Trueborn by marrying her mother, he could not because it would put the greater integrity of the Vale at risk and mean reducing his wives coming children to the same fate. Duty makes for a bad Mistress, but it is a burden all Lord Paramount's must bear.
Robert decided that he would live by what Rogar said, and become everything Lyanna wanted and deserved. But there was still that residual nagging doubt in the back of his mind.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
The End was near, and Rogar was already having his men preemptively pack up, ready to depart at a moments notice.
He simply needed to wait for Rhaegar's folly. He sat himself next to Princess Elia.
''How is Oberyn?'' Asks Rogar. ''I have not seen my friend in some time.'' Rogar adds.
''In Love.'' Elia replied, smiling as Rogar choked on his Wine.
''What? I sorely regret missing that. Who is she?'' Asks Rogar, who while expecting it, was not expecting it so soon.
''Ellaria Sand. Harman Uller's Natural Daughter. Quite beautiful.'' Says Elia.
''God's have mercy, if she breaks Oberyn's heart I'll kill her.'' Says Rogar as Elia smiles and begins chatting with him quite happily.
Elia sat stone faced, Rhaegar had actually done it. It's one thing to read about it or listen to it, but seeing it doesn't do it justice.
''Princess, Here.'' Rogar says slipping a letter into her dress. ''Read it in privacy then burn it. Consider it a lifeline. Do as it instructs if your no longer feeling safe. I will never willingly see Martell Bllod spilt needlessly.'' Rogar says in a deathly qiuet whisper.
''My Lord? We're ready.'' Eskel whispers.
''Then let's depart this cursed castle.'' Rogar decides.
(POV Shift: Elia Martell)
Lord Rogar had offered her a Way out. He gave her a means of escape I'd Civil War erupted. The letter explained Lyanna and Rhaegar's affair, and what would likely happen as a result. He offered her a means of escape if it came to pass as he feared it would.
She was grateful, justly so given that she and Lord Robert apparently felt the same way about the matter.
If it happened she would survive, if only to thank Lord Rogar for his kindness in a situation that for all intents and purposes should see him against her. She envied Lady Myranda for having such a kind husband. Blessed may they be with children and happiness aplenty.
(POV Shift: Rhaegar Targaryen)
It was unfortunate that it had to happen this way, but it was necessary. Rhaegar's only regret was that the Arryn's sided with The Baratheon's and Starks.
The only consolation was not much of one unfortunately as Rogar Arryn was good friends with Oberyn Martell who will be to passionate to grasp the truth of the matter. He could travel to the Eyrie directly, but he would first have to deal with Jon's Issues at Rogar. Truthfully Rhaegar was in bind.
On the one hand Jon was his best friend with a minor Lordship in the Grand scheme of things. But on the Other was Rogar who was a Lord Paramount with ample and justifiable issues with Jon. And each continued to escalate. If Rhaegar didn't step in, then there was little doubt that Robert Baratheon would side with Rogar if only because he couldn't strike at Rhaegar directly.
This was far from ideal.....
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