This is de-canonized and no longer part of the official story, this is merely here as recognition of a past work I was unsatisfied with and is giving you permission to view it despite my rewrite decision any way.
Long before Jon Arryn married that mental patient that was Lysa Tully and begot that sickly and frail tumor that was Robin Arryn, His first wife, the Lady Jeyne Royce, begot him Two sons and a daughter; Rogar, the eldest boy, Osric, the second boy and middle Child, and Ashara Arryn, the youngest daughter.
The siblings were inseparable growing up, The Twins, Rogar and Osric adored little Ashara. who was born a year after them. But then of course siblings do inevitably drift apart at some point. Rogar was fostered out of the Vale at the Lannister Seat of Casterly Rock. Osric without his brother and sent away for fostering himself was sent to be fostered at Sunspear by the Ruling Princess. But Osric's Ship sunk, and the young Arryn drowned.
Rogar consequently resented his father, holding him accountable for Osric's Death. The Young Ashara was left alone, but didn't allow her brother's death to pain her. Ashara slowly took up the process of learning to run the Vale, intent on helping her Eldest and only surviving Brother and her eventual husband when The time came.
Rogar's time at the Rock left a lasting impression on him, and he grew fond of Lady Cersei, promising to make her his Lady of the Eyrie one day. A childish promise, but one that had seen him rewarded with a less than chaste kiss from the lovely Cersei, who was emotionally vulnerable.
Let us find out what kind of a man Rogar Arryn is today.....
Those fucking bells....that was what had been running through Rogar's mind for the last five and a half hours as he stood vigil over his Father's body.
His Men had intercepted His Mad Stepmother before she could leave, and he was ignoring her as he and Robin looked at their Father.
''There was a time I hated him. Oddly enough as time went on I learned how silly that grudge was. I swear to you Robin, we will find who did this to our father and have them hanged over the moon door.'' Rogar vowed.
''I miss him.'' Robin sniffled.
''Aye, so do I little brother. Now then, as for you.'' Says Rogar looking at his stepmother in contempt.
''My father dies and you don't seem to broken up over it, that combined with the fact you were ready to fuck off back to the Eyrie before the Silent Sisters even declared him dead, leads me to consider you a suspect. Therefore until my investigation has been concluded you shall remain under constant guard and Robin will stay near me and no way near you.'' Says Rogar.
''No! You can't! You have no right!'' Lysa screeches before being backhanded by Rogar.
''Do not presume to tell me what to do!'' Rogar says Hotly. ''I am the Lord of The Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East, and The King's Master of Laws. I am your Lord, and you will learn to respect me whether you want to or not, or else I will see you back to Riverrun.'' Rogar growls out, not in the mood to deal with the woman's madness.
Rogar wouldn't put up with the Words that bordered on treason coming from Lysa's. He'd resented her more than he evee had his father.
''I Rogar Arryn, Defender of the Vale, Lord of The Eyrie, Warden of the East, and Master of Laws to King Robert of the House Baratheon, do henceforth strip Lysa Arryn of all authority and leadership. She cannot rule in any way, shape or form, she has no so in the rulings of House Arryn, anyone who allows her to this and aids in it shall be found guilty of treason.'' Rogar commands, and the color drains from Lysa as she realizes she has no authority at all. ''Get her out of here.'' Rogar says, turning his back on her.
Rogar Arryn sat in his fathers private rooms in the Tower of the Hand, he was going through his father's personal effects when Queen Cersei, the woman he once upon a time loved entered.
''My Queen.'' Rogar stood up bowinf his head and quickly got to one knee.
''Rise, Lord Rogar, I've told you many times, you need not bend you knees to me.'' Says Cersei sweetly.
''Maybe so, but I made you two promises long ago, one of which was to always provide you with the respect you deserved.'' Rogar replied politely.
''How are you really? I know it can't have been easy for you.'' Says Cersei.
''Honestly? He was old and the old inevitably perish, but he was strong as Ox and healthier than a man in his prime. I don't like the possibility it was poison, but the fact he had so few enemies makes it an increasingly unlikely possibility.'' Says Rogar, but his eyes are soon drawn to the bruise on her cheek.
''Did he do this? Did Robert do this?'' Rogar demands.
Cersei shuffles uncomfortably, and Rogar takes that as her answer.
''I'll Kill him.'' Rogar mutters and Cersei quickly grabs him and pressed her body into his.
''No, please, it won't change anything.'' Cersei says remembering the shouting match Rogar and Robert had gotten into the last time Rogar found out about the beatings. Robert hit her not long after that, still drunk on rage from fighting with Rogar over it.
''He can't keep doing this. I can't let it stand.'' Rogar continues to try and go confront Robert, and Cersei, with surprising force pushes him against his father's desk and kisses him.
''We can't...This is....Treason.'' Rogar slurs between kisses, his resistance slowly melting away as Cersei begins to seduce him.
''I want to feel safe, just for an hour. Please don't leave me.'' Cersei begs.
''Never.'' Says Rogar as he and Cersei begin undressing each other fully intent on ravishing the other.
Outside the door, a ten year old Myrcella Baratheon watches with rapt attention as her mother and Lord Rogar sexually devour each other. The Young Princess idly envisions herself in her mother's place, feeling the Warmth provided by Lord Arryn.
As Lord Rogar ploughs her mother he notices the Young Princess peeping, and locks eyes with her. Myrcella feels heat rush to her flat chest, before shooting down to between her thighs.
Even though Lord Rogar is ploughing mother, Myrcella imagines it is her instead. Myrcella having had a crush on the handsome Falcon Lord for a few years now.
Rogar never looked away from The Princess, even as he fucked her Mother. He did not know why he couldn't look away from the girl. Something prevented him.
Cersei scratched and clawed at his back, biting his shoulder to muffle he screams of pleasure. His back bleed from her actions but he continued on, until he spurted his seed deep inside the Queen.
''I should have married you.'' Cersei whispers Breathlessly in Rogar's ear.
Cersei had never felt such pleasure before. Lord Rogar was bigger and thicker than Robert AND Jaime, and he was gentle with her, despite his desperate want to roughly plough her. In the End, Cersei was able to get the Falcon Lord to bear his Talons.
And it was divine. His back slick with blood, his shoulder a bleeding mess, and Cersei's womanhood flooded with Falcon Juice.
There was something that was telling Cersei that this was meant to be, that she'd live to regret it if she drank Moon Tea after he entered her.
Even if Robert found out, it was comforting to know that Rogar would always try to protect her from Robert's abuse.
And the thigh benefit was certainly rewarding...
Shame and Pride, those two emotions poured throughout Rogar's body and soul, shame for betraying Robert, his King, his friend. And pride for Cersei wanting HIM inside her over Robert.
He also knew he'd have to deal with Princess Myrcella, let her now that it wouldn't end well for anybody if she talked about what she saw.
Rogar also knew that after being inside Cersei, he would unlikely be unable to decline the opportunity to do so again. She had that effect on him.....Damn Rogar needed to bathe, lest someone smell the Queen so thoroughly on him he looses his head...
I usually do Hot and Heavy Lemons, but I wanted something distinctly different to Fanfiction.Net, so this was the result.
It's also not quite the backstop I'd hoped for, but with any luck the reunion of Rogar and Ashara should allow me an opportunity for a Flashback of their childhood with Osric.
Some might be wondering whyvRogar resented Jon for Osric's death, well the reasons are twofold; Jon insisted on fostering Osric at Sunspear and sent him by boat, thus Rogar found himself blaming Jon
This is de-canonized and no longer part of the official story, this is merely here as recognition of a past work I was unsatisfied with and is giving you permission to view it despite my rewrite decision any way.
(Oldstones, Riverlands, Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros)
The Royal Party was camped at Oldstones, Rogar sat in his Tent writing a letter to his betrothed. Rogar had been betrothed to Lady Myranda Royce for several years, but his duties as Master of Laws to Robert had delayed it for some time. Once Robert got Eddard as his Hand and his affairs were in order, Rogar intended to resign his Position to return to the Vale and finally wed Lady Myranda.
His Letter stated as much, but he wasn't sure whether he should bring up his dalliance with Queen Cersei in his letter, or whether he should confess to her in person. He was delayed in it as Said Queen entered his tent.
''You have been avoiding me my Lord.'' It wasn't so much a question as a statement, and it was one that rang true, he had been avoiding her.
''I have my Queen.'' Says Rogar, avoiding her gaze.
''And yet more than once I have caught you looking at me with pure and unmoderated lust. You want to forget so badly, but you want me again so MUCH more.'' Says Cersei as she closes the distance and places his hand into her dress to feel her breast, while giving his neck a few sensual licks.
Rogar internally fights to maintain his stoicism, and not react to the Queen. It was in this type of situation he cursed his distant Stark Blood through his late mother. Wolf and Falcon's Blood didn't often mix, but when it did it produced many a beast sexual or otherwise.
Cersei begins to overpower his attempts by taking a hand to his cock, which violently reacts at her touch.
Cersei let out a throaty moan as she felt the surge of activity in Rogar's manhood, which became as hard as diamond and as long as she remembered the instant her hand made contact.
She had been craving the feeling of Rogar inside her since their first time. Jaime hadn't cured it, and she'd never let Robert inside her in years, which meant Rogar and only Rogar could relieve her of this craving.
''My Lord! Raven from The Eyrie.'' A man calls out.
''Be there momentarily.'' He replied.
''Go.'' Cersei nodded as she saw his eyes
''Tonight at the hour of the Wolf near the Sarcophagus, we'll talk there.'' Says Rogar.
Rogar was far from happy, his bitch Stepmother had defied him and went to the Eyrie, and sent a raven demanding Robin was sent home.
Thus Rogar commanded Lord Nestor Royce to inform Lady Arryn that Robin was at the Gates of the moon with Lord Baelish, and Robin was in desperate need for her. If it got that bitch off his seat and in line it was worth it. He'd be having words with Eddard for certain.
On top of that Cersei left him waiting for her at the Sarcophagus, no matter though, Myranda would be able to warm his bed soon enough. In point of fact he was considering having her brought to Court in order to revive their betrothal.
Plus it would prove to Cersei that despite the want He had for her, he could easily sate himself with Myranda.
Cersei was in a reflective mood, the most recent lover she'd taken was betrothed. Cersei had heard rumors and tales of Lady Myranda Royce.
She felt a burning pit of jealousy to the woman she'd never met, and decided that the best solution was to dangle a more Profitable match in front of Lord Rogar. With the unsaid promise of continued trysts between them, He could marry Myrcella when she was of an age.
Myrcella would cement the loyalty she'd been fostering between the Lion and the Falcon. Myrcella might seem the Prey, but her claws have not yet been bared. So Rogar would be an unwitting prey to her little lioness.
It wouldn't take much to break the betrothal either, Robert would be easy enough to persuade, she'd whisper that the two together would not only Honor the Late Lord Jon's Memory, but would ensure that the bonds Robert and Eddard had forged with Jon would live on a hundred generations more.
If Ned Stark refused the Position, she could argue that Rogar could serve. The man was popular, he had served for three years as Robert's Master of Laws. He'd expanded the City Watch, Which had risen from the usual Two Thousand Strong to a larger force of Five Thousand and Seven Hundred Men.
Rogar had cut Crime rates and Instilled order, Each Crownlands House had to contribute at least three hundred men for the defense of the Capital. Rogar's laws had as a result proven profitable to Lannister Interests, yet another reason to elevate him to a useful position.
''Ser Arys? Rouse Lord Rogar I wish to speak with him.'' Says Cersei.
''Right away your grace.'' Ser Arys said dutifully.
Now all Cersei had to do was convince Rogar of the benefits of marrying Myrcella.
Rogar was enjoying the company of a young woman he'd taken to his bed when the Progress had stopped near Stoney Sept. A pretty thing, one who reminded him all to well of his first woman. Their resemblance was quite alarming.
But The girl who'd left the life of a whole at the prospect of single client with deep pockets to fill her own for her remaining years, with a position on the King's Small Council, was quite happy to pleasure him when Cersei had apparently decided she did not need him.
Now the Queen was calling on him. Rogar appreciated that she didn't send Her Twin Brother or that fuck up Meryn Trant, Rogar and Jaime had never particularly liked each other, but they both had a deeper disdain for Trant. The man couldn't swing a sword any better than he could wipe his own arse. And Rogar mocked the least intelligent or capable Kingsguard any chance he got.
Arys Oakheart at least he could respect, the man had often served as a capable sparring partner whenever Ser Vardis was busy or unable to help Rogar. His dedication and honor had lead to many remarks from Rogar that Oakheart would be the best suited to become Lord-Commander if Barristan ever perished.
Now though a weary and tired Rogar was ushered inside Cersei's tent.
''You left me at the Sarcophagus.'' Rogar says coldly with complete bluntness.
''A necessary evil. I have the means to keep you close, you need only say yes.'' Says Cersei seductively dragging her breasts across his chest.
''I'm not saying shit unless you tell me what your planning.'' Rogar counters.
''Marry Myrcella and every night you don't bed her, I am yours to devour.'' Cersei says.
''Myrcella is Eleven years my junior, and I am already betrothed to Myranda Royce. Give Me time to consider this, but for now, I want what I didn't get at the Sarcophagus.'' Rogar says as he forces himself on Cersei.
The intense pleasure of Rogar forcing himself on pales in comparison to Jaime. Despite the forcing, the tender caress of Rogar is something else entirely.
Cersei knows that if she continues to sleep with Rogar a child shall be born. something that increases her arousal. Rogar was something else.....
Some of you may be thinking Rogar is a hypocrite for backhanded Lysa but taking offense at Robert abusing Cersei. In Cersei's case it's his unrequited love, as well as his respect for her.
In Lysa it's the fact that she overstepped her authority and the fact that she is a fruit cake in the sanity department.
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