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23.85% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Conquering Sokovia II

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Conquering Sokovia II

I'm back!

Since I really love this story and want to finish it.

Even if it might take me a while.

So enjoy.


(3rd Person: POV)

Sleeping soundly in his bed king Stefan's eyes shot open when he felt a touch on his shoulder.

He got ready to scream, but then immediately halted his actions when he saw who was standing above him.

Silver Sable.

'But wait. This doesn't make any sense.' Stefan thought.

Because Sable was still supposed to be in Latveria on her diplomatic mission. So there should be no way for her to be standing in front of him right now.

'Unless, I am dreaming?' Stefan thought.

"This is no dream. I can assure you of that your highness." Sable spoke.

Knocking Stefan out of his own thoughts.

"So it really is you Sable." Stefan mused. "But how?"

"With a little assistance from someone who you must urgently speak with. Because it concerns the state and future of Symkaria itself." Sable spoke. A serious expression on her face.

More serious than Stefan ever rarely saw on his ally and friend.

Telling him this was a life and death matter she was talking about.

Realizing this he fully woke up.

"I understand." Stefan replied.

"Good." Sable replied. "Now then allow me to introduce you to the king of Latveria. Victor Werner Von Doom." She said.

Sable then stepped to the side, and that when she did Stefan saw the new king of Latveria sitting in one of the chairs in his room. Dressed in a strange-looking armor, with his helmet off and sitting atop his lap.

"Greetings king Stefan. A pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face. Though I wish it were under better circumstances than those that have brought me here tonight." Victor spoke.

But Stefan barely let the words he heard settle in his mind before questions he had exploded out his mouth.

"What? How are you here? Why are you are? How did you get past my security? Really, will someone tell me what is going on here?" Stefan spoke.

An exasperated look on his face.

Which Victor expected.

Since even though Stefan was a king and ruler he was still a man. A relatively ordinary one at that. So if he were in the mans position he would likely be having the same response.

That's why Victor said nothing until Stefan finished speaking.

Once his fellow monarch did Victor started talking once more.

"To answer some of your questions King Stefan, it is as Ms. Sablinova said earlier. I am here tonight to discuss an important matter that concerns the current state and future of both our countries. And as for your other questions as how we got here and got past your security, let's just say I am a man of many talents and leave it at that for now." Victor said. "Now then, let us begin." He said.

Then before Stefan could even utter another word Victor telepathically transferred all pertinent information he wanted to convey directly into King Stefan's mind.

From the attempted assassination attempt against Sablinova back at Castle Doom in Latveria, to how he intervened and stopped it, to how his prime minister Klaus Limka was involved.

Though just like with Sable earlier Victor didn't give king Stefan any knowledge pertaining to HYDRA's part in this plan, nor about Baron Von Strucker.

Since he needed to be very careful about who he told about HYDRA at this point in time.

Given he did not yet have all he needed to crush that disgusting cult in one blow.

So in regards to them he was playing a bit of a long game.

That is until Victor had all he needed to wipe them from the face of the Earth. Then once he did all bets were off.

Though in regards to Strucker that would not be the case.

Since the man is most definitely going to pay for thinking he can harm Latveria.

For as the country ruler Victor is not about to let that shit slide.

In under a minute the telepathic transfer was complete.

When it was Stefan got a furious expression on his face. "Limka." He growled.

The king then took a moment to reign in his anger before he focused his gaze on Victor. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention King Victor."

"It was no trouble at all." Victor replied. "After all Latveria and Symkaria have been allies for years. Despite how Vladimir and his regime sullied that bond. Even so you didn't break off ties with my nation, and even gave us a chance to show you that we have changed. So in that regard I refer to the old saying. One good turn deserves another." He spoke. "And on that note let us keep strengthening our renewed friendship by dealing with this Limka matter together. I already have a plan. So, what say you king Stefan?"

"I say, you have yourself a deal." Stefan replied.

Since from what little he had just seen of Victor he wanted the man as a friend and nothing else.

Hearing his fellow king's words Victor smiled. "Excellent." He said.

Victor then stood up and walked over to Stefan to offer him his hand.

Which the king of Symkaria took and shook.

Officially sealing their deal of cooperation in regards to Limka.

Now Victor could truly get to work.


As the beams of sunlight entered through his window and touched his face, the prime minister of Symkaria, Klaus Limka stirred from his sleep.

He then took a few minutes to truly wake up before getting out his bed and throwing his robe over his body and tying it up.

Completely ignoring the bodies of the passed out young female escorts in their 20's who he had been lying in bed with.

Since Limka only saw them as tools for pleasure, and nothing else.

Stretching his arms up into the air for a few seconds Limka then stopped, and got ready to start his day.

But before he could even take a step forwards suddenly a magic portal opened up underneath him and he fell through it.

"Agh!" Limka screamed.

Due to the suddenness of the event he had just experienced.

Then before he even had time to process what had happened he hit the ground.

As pain began to assault his body Limka didn't have time to process that either before he found himself suspended in the air, and his body forced into a T shape.

Once this happened Limka finally had a moment to process all the events that had just taken place in quick succession.

Then when he did he found himself angry.

Though before Limka's anger could build any further he noticed two people standing before him. The first was someone he recognized and hated. Silvijga Sablinova, a bitch who called herself Silver Sable. A woman who had the kings ear.

A job that should only belong to him!

As for the second individual Limka took a moment to realize who it was.

The new so-called king of Latveria, Victor Van Dam or something.

Limka didn't really care.

"Hey!" Limka shouted.

But before he could get any further Victor used his telepathy to make him silent. He then went into the man's brain and began draining it of any knowledge he found valuable.

In doing so Victor found out how truly disgusting Klaus Limka was.

From sleeping with underage girls, to facilitating the sell of weapons and drugs not only with his own country but internationally to other third-world countries, to planning the death of Symkaria's former king Philip. All so he could turn Stefan into his perfect little puppet as he assumed the throne.

Now Victor might be a bastard, but at least he had certain lines he would never cross.

But it seems Klaus Limka had no such lines.

Making knowing what was going to happen to him after all was said and done al the more satisfying for Victor.

Disregarding the disgusting and depraved things Victor found while looking through Klaus Limkas' mind he also found exactly the information he was looking for.

His relationship in regards to Wolfgang Von Strucker and Sokovia.

Turns out Klaus was one of the three heads of a major drug and arms trafficking ring. The other two heads being Von Strucker, and the tyrannical ruler of Sokovia, general Kamil Novoty.

The weapons and drugs themselves were manufactures in Sokovia, then sent to Symkaria where distripution would take place. Latveria's role in the whole operation being nothing more than a waypoint for the goods themselves.

Given how unstable the country was in the past.

But all that changed now that Victor had become king.

Meaning everything now made sense to him.

Von Strucker wanted things to go back to the way they were before. So he had ordered his agents to kill Silver Sable, hoping it would either ruin relations between Lativeria and Symkaria permanently, or more than likely spark war between the two nations.

Given how beloved Sable was to the people of Symkaria.

Victor can only assume Strucker hoped for the latter.

Since that would ensure he could go back to conducting his business in peace.

Or maybe the man hoped Sokovia could annex both Latveria and Symkaria when the dust settled.

Victor didn't really care.

All he did care about was giving Strucker a fate worse than death now more than ever.

Once Victor finished collecting all the information he wanted out of Limka's mind he stopped digging through it, and then transferred all the information he wanted to from the mental probe into Sable's mind.

When he finished Victor dropped Limka on the ground.

Where Sable started walking towards him, having pulled two knives from their sheathes on her leg holsters.

Then just as Klaus regained his senses Sable was upon him.

"What? No, stay back. Sable, I said stay back. No,no, no!!!" Limka shouted at the top of his lungs.

Ignoring this without any difficulty Victor began crafting a plan inside his mind on how to integrate the people of Sokovia into Latveria.

Since in his mind they were already his citizens and subjects.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link:

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