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22.01% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Representatives From Symkaria

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Representatives From Symkaria

[February 18th, 2007]

Dressed in one of her silver pantsuit Silvija Sablinova, aka Silver Sable, opened the door of the SUV she was in and stepped out.

As she did so the rest of her diplomatic entourage did the same. Getting out of their SUV's.

For they had arrived at their destination.

Castle Doom, within the country of Latveria.

Where they would be staying during their diplomatic mission in the country.

Being hosted by none other than the new king of Latveria himself, and from what Sablinova could find out before arriving the man who singlehandedly changed the course of the Latverian revolution, Victor Werner Von Doom.

The moment Sable heard about this arrangement, back in her home country Symkaria before departing for this diplomatic mission, she grew suspicious at Victor's actions.

But didn't object.

Since she wanted to see what his game was.

'Who are you really, Victor Von Doom?' Sablinova thought.

She was determined to find out.

Once all of her people were out of their vehicles Sablinova began walking towards the castle entrance.

Her people following right behind her.

Including one of the generals who helped Sablinova lead the Wild Pack, a reputable mercenary group she has inherited from her father, and one of her most trusted friends.

An Aftican-American man who only goes by the name Romeo.

Who honestly Sablinova did not want to be here.

But after telling her generals what Stefan had requested of her in regards to Latveria none of them would budge on one of them accompanying her.

And Romeo ended up drawing the shorr straw, so to speak.

In no time at all the group reached the front doors of Castle Doom.

Where they found several individuals waiting for them.

One being Victor Von Doom himself. Dressed in a green suit.

Two were females. Who Sablinova easily identified as Lucia Von Bardas, Latveria new prime minister, and Zora Vukovic, Latveria new minister of Defense.

Other than them there was an old man and a young boy who looked to be a about 10 or 11.

Along with several robots, which Doom created and called Doombots.

Seeing them up close for the first time Sablinova quickly thought up several ways to defeat the robots under Doom command.

Along with the man himself and his allies.

Eventually Sablinova stopped looking over the group in front of her.

When she did Doom stepped forward gently took her left hand in his own, brought up to his lips, and then gave it a quick kiss before releasing Sablinova's hand.

Looking her in her eyes after he did.

"Greetings Ms. Sablinova. My name is Victor Werner Von Doom. The king of Latveria and your host for you and your people stay here in my home country. It's a pleasure to meet you." Victor said.

"Likewise king Victor." Sablinova replied. "And on behalf of myself and my government I thank you for hosting us during our stay here. My government also appreciates you accepting our request in regards to this diplomatic mission." She spoke.

"Of course." Victor replied. "It was no trouble at all. Especially since I seek to repair the damage the former king Vladimir and his regime did to the relationship between our two countries. For I want us to have a long and fruitful relationship." He explained. "Now then, allow me to introduce you."

Victor walked back over to his little entourage and began introducing them to Sablinova and the other Symkarian's.

"First we have our prime minister. Lucia Von Bardas." Victor spoke.

"Good to meet you all." Lucia said.

"Next we have our minister of Defense. Zora Vukovic." Victor said.

"Greetings. Like Victor I hope your visit here will go a long way to repairing the broken relationship between our two countries." Zora spoke.

"Then finally we have a personal advisor of mine, Boris and my son Kristoff." Victor spoke.

"Good day." Boris said.

"Hello." Kristoff spoke.

"You have a child?" Sablinova asked Victor.

Since she hasn't heard anything about Doom having children

"Well we're not related by blood. He's my adopted son. But just because we don't share blood doesn't mean I don't care for him as if he is not my own." Victor quickly explained.

"Understood." Sablinova replied.

Once she did the two groups entered Castle Doom.

They then split apart as several servants escorted Sablinova and her entourage to what would be their living quarters during their visit.

Upon arriving at them and getting settled Sablinova felt she now knew Victor Von Doom just a bit better.

But she wanted the whole picture.

Thus she knew she had her work cut out for her.

But never let it be said that Silver Sable doesn't love a challenge.


As her SUV came to a stop Silver Sable exited it.

Finding herself standing before a factory.

It was the following day after she and her diplomatic entourage had arrived in Latveria.

After a rather delicious formal dinner with king Victor and his own entourage last night Sablinova and her people then turned in for the night.

Then after a delicious breakfast she and her people had left to begin their tour of Latveria itself.

Being escorted around by Boris.

Getting out of the same SUV Sablinova did, since the two were sharing it, Boris moved to stand by her side.

Then once everyone was gathered he stepped forward.

"Ms. Sablinova and company, what you see before you is one of Latveria newest production factories." Boris explained.

"And what exactly will this factory be producing?" One of the diplomatic entourage asked.

"One of the inventions king Victor created." Boris replied. "Of which there are currently four. Which he has decided will be made exclusively in Latveria." He said.

"Can we go and take a look at the factory itself?" Sablinova asked.

"Yes, of course. Just follow me." Boris said.

He then stared walking towards the factory, Sablinova and her people following right behind him.

In no time at all their group reached the factory itself.

Once they did the Doombots guarding it allowed them entry.

As Sablinova did she immediately began looking around and making observations.

Including the smiles on the workers faces, and the concentration they were putting towards their tasks.

Sablinova sensed no deceit or anger in their actions.

She actually noticed how the workers were enjoying themselves.

Making a note of this Sablinova then returned her full attention to the tour Boris was giving her and her people.

Then once it was over they left the factory and continued their tour of Latveria.

This went on for several days.

As it did Sablinova felt herself getting a true sense of who Victor was.

He was a man who caed for his people and his country, and wanted to make them better as a whole.

The evidence being his actions.

From developing factories to produce products he had created in order to boost his nations economy, to putting together an entirely new national education system. To say nothing of this Werner Academy Latveria minister of Education Torvalt told her about during their brief meeting.

Sable even noted how Victor was putting in efforts to create a competent national defense force, and not leave the protection of his country entirely up to machines.

While Sablinova took no issues with machines, she would never rely on them solely for protection.

Since there is no better weapon than the human body itself in her opinion.

Moving on.

Before Sable knew it two weeks had gone by and he'd diplomatic mission in Latveria was reaching its end.

As she sat in the guest room in Castle Doom she had been provided with Sable typed out a clear report for her own government officials to review once she retired home.

While she also organized her own thoughts regarding Latveria and found the right words to say to king Stefan in person.

Eventually Sable stoped doing these two things.

She then got ready to turn in for the night.

Only to hear a knock on her door.

"Yes, who is it?" Sable asked.

No to get no answer.

Thus she got up and went over to open the door.

Only for her years of instincts and training to kick in at the last minute before she could.

"Once more, who is it?" Sable asked.

Only to get no response again.

This only made the bad feeling she was experiencing grow worse.

Thus Sable moved over to her suitcase.

But before she could reach it her room door swung open and two men rushed inside, slamming it shut behind them.

Out of the corner of her eye Sable noticed them.

She then jumped, putting distance between the three of them.

Only to then find herself staring down the barrel of a gun, equipped with a silencer.

Held in the hands of one of them men who had just forced their way into her room.

Men Sable recognized as members of her own diplomatic entourage.

Shocking her.

But before Sable had time to even process this a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air between her and the two men.

Who Sable immediately recognized.

It was Victor, wearing his armor.

And although Sable was not facing him she could tell Doom was pissed.

Which was true.

In fact he was fucking livid.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link:

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