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30% The legend of gladiator voltron / Chapter 3: Episode 2 The mysterious of the third Voltron part 2 of 2

Chapter 3: Episode 2 The mysterious of the third Voltron part 2 of 2

The planet Arus

Alpha 22nd,4000 UST

The castle of lions, the castle infirmary.

Raimon's pov

I woke up in what I can only figure is a hospital or infirmary judging by the various wires attaching me to what looks like very outdated medical equipment...the good news is that none of it appears to be anything vital; I carefully sat upright and began removing the wires from my chest."...I wonder if the others are alright?" I thought out loud to myself as immediately removed the wires connecting me to the mostly unnecessary medical equipment.

I quickly take a deep breath to keep my mind from immediately running through the various worse case scenarios of my current situation-in then out before carefully accessing my current situation;1. I'm on an alien planet(the name of which probably don't even know...and even if I's still a 50/50 chance the natives are friendly),2.given their medical tech I doubt the people of this planet are capable off-world communication and last 3--is answered before I could finish the thought as a thin blond-haired woman enters with two other people...all of whom are wearing attire suggesting a post industrialist society, I'll admit the pupils went wide and my gap open slightly when I took a closer look at the young woman...but that was only because she was an exact mirror reflection, Fala...maybe this was Fala?

"Fala?"I ask softly with one brow raised

The young woman, who thought was Fala abruptly paused her eyebrows rising in confusion as quickly looked back to the people behind her before carefully walking a few steps closer, puzzledly she stared at me; I awkwardly looked all around scanning the room though I wasn't sure if it was to get a better idea of my current surroundings and situation...or to keep myself from making eye contact with the young woman, the woman calmly sat down on the edge of the bed closest to me.

"Allura," the young woman says in what I figure is her native tongue pointing.

It took a little while but I finally recognized the language she-Arusian...she was speaking Arusian...does that mean?

"What planet are we on right now?"I ask the young woman back in her native language...note to self: be sure to thank Adamus for those teaching alien language-the young woman...err...that is Allura lightly if my question were a joke of somekind-she must have seen the seriousness of my facial expression or something-because immediately stopped laughing and gently cupped my right hand with a light squeeze of the fingers.

Immediately turned my attention back to Allura -worry and confusion plainly written on her face as She carefully stared, I quickly pretended to cleared my throat and said:"…you still haven't answered my question!"I say…perhaps sounding a bit harsher than what was intended as the young woman carefully moved her hand away and silently stared at me for a few minutes before finally speaking again." Arus!" she says and my eyes immediately go wide, "wait for what?"I say dumbly.

The one-man with the bushy mustache soon stepped forward to confirm the young woman's statement, "yes…this is the sovereign planet of Arus…and the young woman you are now addressing is her royal highness Allura daughter of the late King Alfor and crowned princess of all Arus-"the man says before quickly introducing himself,"…I am Coran son of Buren and this is ms. Hys our most senior lady of court-" he said subtly gesturing to the woman sheepishly cowering behind him.

I groaned in as much irritation as much grief over my ever-worsening luck-Arus huh…out of the countless spread out across the cosmos…I quickly recite an old Marmorian proverb…which basically summed up to 'don't complain where the chance dice lay'

The princess tenderly placed a hand over mine-I briefly pull away from my most private thoughts as I cautiously looked up with a gentle expression on my face in what hope is it a non-threatening facial expression."…well, thanks for the hospitality princess-"I said with an idiotic grin on my face,"…but I really need to get back to my team!" I quickly said before trying to stand on my feet…and I immediately regretted that decision as a slight burning sensation stinging my left side.

Fortunately for me, the pain was brief and soon subsided just as quickly as it arrived-I struggled to keep a balance at first …my knees almost wobbly…but fortunately for me I manage to stay on my feet,"...Team?"Allura said looking even more confused than before-I sigh grimly immediately turned back to face the princess.

"Yes well...your highness err that is the correct way to address you right?"I asked masking my disdain for these semi-medieval cultures….but if this really is the planet Arus, The princess lightly nodded affirmingly and the two older individuals carefully stepped beside her-the man to her right side and the woman to her left-judging by their anxious expressions...I have a strong hunch that these two know more than their princess about me and my team."...well I guess I should start by giving you my name?"I say with a wary smile.

The older man seemed to let out a slight cough...though it was a 50/50 guess on whether or not it was genuine or fake."ahem"

"Coran-"the princess says narrowing her thin eyebrows sharply-so the man's name was a coran…I quickly made a note of that fact…I carefully listened as 'coran' and the princess seemed to almost argue briefly while the older woman merely stared at me with a light tensity before shyly looking away when she realizes that I've noticed.

The princess and I quickly turned to face coran -his dark brown eyes fixated on me with a certain tensity I knew all too well…I quickly make a mental note to make sure look for something really sharp…if not blunt.

"…Raimon!" I say feeling my cheeks burn red at having to use my full name .

The man's face instantly went pale…as did the older woman, who was loudly murmuring some sort of Arusian prayer-I quickly turned back to face the princess…only to see a stunned expression plastering her face as well-naturally I raised a curious brow at their startled reaction to my name…please don't tell me that Adamus's old team ticked off the locals of this planet?

The princess's face quickly turned pale-wait a tick Arus? Arus!?…my stomach quickly twitched with slight pain…was this woman my—

"Raimon-"the princess says with tears almost building in her already ocean blue eyes-I carefully back away a few steps and raised my hands offensively, "hey don't blame me…my birth muther gave me that-"I unintentionally snapped at the young woman, I noticed the tears that quickly dampen her already water blue eyes-I don't know for sure why…but seeing the young woman's eyes quickly flood with tears makes me feel strangely uncomfortable." uh your something wrong ?"I ask trying to pretend like my mind didn't just totally blown-I quickly feeling a queasily tight knot in my gut as I awkwardly locked eyes with the princess...who was now fully crying.

"Raimon?" the princess echoed softly-her eyes now glistening with tears-I awkwardly back away …again looking for a weapon of any kind.

"Uhh princess-"I say seeing bubbling dots of glistened tears gently slide down the pink cheeks.

Before I knew it the young woman said something I was only half expecting to hear: "oh Raimon …my son-" she says now openly crying…the princess either ignoring or not caring about the other two people in the room as she quickly went to grab me-I immediately arched back-princess Allura gave a puzzled expression."...Raimon?" she said sounding more than a little saddened by my response.

tense up slightly as I lightly shrugged off the brief episode -the princess and her two 'servants', I guess silently stared at me with silent with almost unreadable facial expressions,"...sorry about that your highness...but I just don't like women I barely know touching."I say really trying as to not come off as rude or boorish as possible; I immediately saw the princess's face quickly go pale with an expression that was somewhere between utter disgust and boiling rage." Raimon...did someone-"the last word seemed to get in the young woman's throat as a small lump in the mid part of her neck."'s fine princess...the past is the past and you just have to deal with it."I say awkwardly looking away from the princess-my eyes quickly darting around the room in a desperately trying to avoid eye contact with the woman by the time my eyes once again fell on the princess-who must have moved very quickly and quietly as she was now standing so close that I could feel the warm touch of her breath on my skin." No Raimon it's not 'fine'-" she said taking my right hand…her fingers lightly squeezing the knuckles of my hand as tears once again began glistening her eyes-I immediately grow uncomfortable by the princess's sudden burst of emotion and change in diameter."…your highness can we please just drop subject."I said quickly yanking my hand free of the princess's surprisingly firm grip.

"…Let's just drop the subject ok!" I say softly rubbing the faint makings of nail marks on the lower part of my wrist.

"Oh goodness, Raimon…did I-"the princess began to ask but thankfully older man with the bushy looking mustache suddenly interjected himself into the conversation-well such as it can be called a 'conversation'…the princess stiffened slightly with her cheeks quickly flushed a bright pinkish red as she quickly turned her head to face the man.

"princess…the young prince royal is-"the man says stirring something inside me."...ok I see that this is going to be a big let's just establish some ground rules!"I say briefly-the older man and woman both exchanging fearful glances briefly before quickly turning back to face me-their expressions worried and hesitant."y-yes your highness!" said the woman with dark almond brown hair-which was done up in a strange Arusian braid that I wasn't entirely sure if it was simply a product of Arusian tradition or the woman's own free choice, her voice was soft...almost mousy with a faint stutter-the princess stared at the two with a confused expression."Nanny are you alright?" Princess Allura asked sounding more shocked than concerned.

'Nanny'...not sure if that's supposed to be a name or a job title, but I make a mental note of that too.

The older woman lightly nodded her head in reply, "y-yes I'm-I'm-I'm fine!" the older woman-'Nanny', she was apparently called…though again whether this was her job designation, a nickname or her name was still up in the air?

"…Ok let's start with that-"I said,"…I am no prince or prince royal or whatever…I'm just Ray or Raimon if you want to be formal!" I quickly studied the three's faces-the two older Arusians' expressions were solemn and serious-good they understood…the princess's facial expression was slightly unreadable.

"…second I'm not here to rejoin royal family or whatever I-"

"What?" princess Allura quickly snapped

I immediately began to move from the young woman-but she immediately grabbed me." uh princess…I'm going to need you to take your hands before-"I said briefly but the princess simply kissed me on the forehead-ok clearly the princess didn't seem to be listening-sigh I really didn't want to do this, princess…but you mostly brought this on yourself!

"Sorry, your highness...but your clearly not leaving me with much of a choice!"I said with a faint sigh.

"What?" princess Allura said addledly confusion until I quickly clarify the blunt form of a sharp knee to the gut.

I swiftly arched my right leg upward instantly burying my knee into the young woman's left side-I hear a soft groan come from the princess as she quickly winced releasing me, "princess?" 'Nanny' said sounding almost horror with wide beadyas she quickly went to go, help the princess back onto her feet...strangely enough Coran doesn't go to help-guess he was less concerned about the princess…not that the knee to the gut shouldn't have caused any long-lasting injury.

"why-why would you do such a thing to the princess!"Nanny asked sounding more stunned than outrage.

"Hey, I warned her!"I replied sharply low-narrow eyebrows.

The elderly couple both frowned scornfully but didn't say another word.

"Raimon-"Coran says with an immediate pause of contemplation-his face a serious and tightened with his thin-barely visible eyebrows almost pinched together on his forehead; I immediately raise both my hands in what I hope is an understood and inoffensive gesture.

"Hey, I did warn her!" I said trying to hide the look of satisfaction on my face.

"…Anyway lastly I need to know if you have the capability for off-world communication?" I asked in as a nice…if not least boorish way as possible.

"…yes-"coran says with a brief-though still uneasy silence."...though first there are some young men I like you to meet!"Coran says, leaving me somewhat confused before realizing that he must mean the five members of the lion force pilots. I nod complyingly, seeing no real harm in indulging them; I quickly scan the room, noticing my armour, laser cutlass, and laser pistol were all gone?

"…My Bayard and weapons-"I say sharply with a now more blunted tone of voice, my eyes immediately lock with Coran's."...where are they?"I asked with icy courteous hiding the acid-like venom in my voice.

The middle-aged-looking man immediately tensed up the question...though I can imagine why he would be hesitant to give me back my weapons given my little display with the princess," Coran!"Princess Allura says carefully moving with one hand over the spot that my kneecap had made contact with her gut-Nanny protest weakly but the princess merely gave her an almost murderous glare and the older woman instantly relented with an expression that could only be described as utter shock-the woman appearing stunned by the princess's stern and slightly blunt tone shift.

"...Coran take Raimon to get back his weapons!" the princess ordered somewhat sharply.

Coran seemed to open his mouth to speak briefly-but I guess he either figured there was no point in arguing over the matter with her...or he was just as eager to get rid of me as much...if not more than her highness.

"...Please follow me your hi-" the man began to say but briefly paused catching himself,"...Raimon!"Coran says quickly correcting himself-a look of indifference plastered on his long face.

I smile somewhat cheekily, "hey you learn quickly around here I see!"I say half-jokingly...but I guess coran didn't agree as he merely proceeded to briefly stare at me coldly before quickly turned around and began to walk out of the room with me close behind.

I briefly glance back over my shoulder to check on the princess-the young woman appearing just fine-though she was leaning just a little to her side...she seemed ultimately ok for the most part; though she was leaning more to her right now...still I make a mental note to apologize to her before I go.

A short while later...

I carefully examine my: bayard, cutlass, and pistol-all seemed to be in functioning order and there were no clear signs of tampering-and my bayard doesn't appear too worse for were; I stop just shy of putting on the helmet-which stare at intently spying three pairs of the small-dot like eyes secretively staring out from the shadows-I quickly pointed in the direction of nearby crystal chandelier-that dangled from what appeared a freshly polished golden bronze of a small chain,"...we're being watched!"I say almost whispering.

Soon three slightly pudgy rodent-like creatures soon came hurrying out of the shadows-space mice?

"Space mice?"I repeated out aloud with a, not at all surprised tone in my voice.

Coran nodded almost affirmingly, and I hold out my hand kindly-the mice do not hesitate to hurriedly climb into my palm and excitedly greet me with their odd language of mousy squeaks and movements...I figure that their names;"...cheddar, cheezy and squeaks?"I say guessing the right names-and I guess did as the three mice squeak approvingly; I quickly place the three on my right shoulder and then turn to coran.

"Well, minister...let's see this team of yours!"I say with a weak smirk.

Soon enough...

Lion team's POV

The whole team was in the castle's common room with the four humans of the group trying to get what answers out of the two Arusian women sitting on the room's couches; Lance being the one to ask one of the most: "so this Raimon, kid...he is Allura's son?" he asked somewhat puzzled.

"Ahem yes, that is correct!"Nanny said pretending to let out a light cough.

"…Like her son, son…you know as in give birth to-flesh and blood kinda son?" The red lion pilot said somewhat still somewhat disbelieving of the fact.

Allura's ocean blue eyes almost bubbling with tears as she sharply stares at her fellow Voltron pilot.

"Yes, Lance…my 'son, son'!"Allura says with an almost pouty frown-her tone of voice slightly boorish and blunt.

"Hey, too far man!"Hunk says with his arms crossed over his chest-disapproval plainly written on his face.

Lance flushed sheepishly just as Coran entered the room with the mysterious little boy…err…Raimon is right beside him.

"This team ?"Raimon asked questioning before quickly counting the four men,"…I think your short one member…aren't there suppose to be five pilots?" The boy asked looking to coran, who quickly cleared his throat, "yes well…her highness has seen fit to assume the role of blue lion pilot herself!" The older man says with a hint of awkward embarrassment.

"Really?"Raimon said sounding genuinely surprised by this seemingly minor fact.

"…You sound surprised Raimon."Coran chided with the ghostly makings of a smirk on his face.

Raimon shrugged, "well yeah…given the way old Adamus talks about this place…I'm surprised that the princess was willing to make such a decision!" he says with a faint laugh.

"Hmph…and how does prince Adamus speak of Arus?"Nanny asked in her usual tone of scornful disapproval.

"Hey relax lady Hys…I didn't mean anything like that!"Raimon said raising both hands defending

"'Prince'?"Pidge said sounding puzzled by the mention of the royal title.

"My uncle…my father's older twin brother!" Princess Allura said somewhat saddenedly upon mentioning her estranged uncle.

"'Older'?"Hunk said now utterly lost as he puzzlingly scratched the top of his head.

"Yeah well, princess if you'll allow me to explain that last part?"Raimon said turning to face Allura-the princess lightly nodded her head approvingly-Raimon then turns to face the the rest of the lion force team." well to summarize what is an admittedly long and somewhat convoluted story…your princess's grandfather, Raimon seventeenth was not quite as benevolent as his son…your late king Alfor-who was actually the second-born son of Raimon-"

"Ahem" Nanny coughed again.

Raimon gave her a sharpened look briefly before continuing."…apologies I meant king Raimon…anyway he once traded with Galran …trading a handful of Arusians…two of whom were his own sons, Adamus and Alfor…after spending some time as part of a galra militia-in which they would they would be granted freedom and money in exchange for at least five years of involuntary service in the galran military…during which they fought in the early twilight years of the great galra-Korasian war…after their five years were up the two brothers parted ways…Adamus becoming a freelance mercenary and Alfor spending that time studying the secrets of both science and magic-"

"…Why ?"Keith asked abruptly.

Raimon grinned faintly,"…to create a mighty robot the likes of which have never been known before those distant regions of the cosmos…I believe you've heard of it…Voltron!"

"What!!?" the whole team roared in disbelieving shock.

Princess Allura quickly turned to her two advisors with a mixed look of disbelief and tampered anger,"…is this true?" she asked with a somewhat authoritative tone of voice." well…technically yes king Raimon did do dealings with the galra but-"the Woman called 'Nanny' says no doubt trying to cushion the story to paint the two late kings in a more positive light

"Yes, your highness…sadly all of it is true!"Coran said plainly with an air of shame quickly washing over him-Nanny gave a stunned look plainly showing on her round-plump face.

"Yikes!"Again Lance says clearly not reading the room properly-this time everyone was staring at the red lion pilot with silent scorn.

" any case...where do you keep your communication screen?"Raimon asked plainly with eyes falling on coran.

Coran seemingly clears his throat, "yes well…we were hoping you would consider remaining on Arus for just a little while longer!" the man says with a fake tone of disappointment in his voice." yeah right...anyway, I couldn't even if I wanted to…which I don't by the way…I have responsibilities to my team…friends…my family!"He said plainly.

"Humph 'family'!"Nanny huffed with an almost pouting expression.

The young Voltron leader quickly gave her a slightly icy glare of annoyance-his expression stern and utterly Devoid of humor; the elderly Arusian woman immediately fell deathly-a fat-dry lump quickly forming in her throat.

Ray lightly pinched his forehead irately, "can you just please tell me where your keeping Alpha…I'll be out of your hair!"

Raimon's POV

Princess Allura loudly argues with her two advisors and four teammates.

"Princess please just listen to me-"the lion Voltron team's leader; Keith Kogane spoke with a tone that urged caution and rational thinking-princess Allura's arms sternly crossed over her chest…the young woman, "no Keith you listen to me…I am going with Raimon to Altea and meeting my uncle and the rest of this gladiator team!" the princess says sternly narrowing her crystal water blue eyes.

'Huh I didn't think the princess had a bad side!' the green lion pilot pidge whispered to his teammate hunk, who merely nodded agreeingly with his much shorter teammate, "yeah…I've definitely never seen this side of her before?"Hunk replied back in an almost hushed tone of voice-Keith, Coran and Nanny urged Princess Allura to think of her planet...her people, and her responsibilities as blue lion pilot of Voltron-the young woman solemnly lowered trying her best to fight back tears slowly building in her eyes.

"...Don't you all think that…don't you think-"the princess yelled-her eyes now bubbling with tears.

"Allura?" a familiar voice said sounding stunned, "A-aunt Orla?" princess Allura said somewhat shakily-her face reddening instantly as she turned to see the shocked face of her aunt, Queen Orla.

"…hello your majesty!" I say with a somewhat flat tone of voice.

"Hello, Raimon…it's good to see you again!"Queen Orla says with a weary-looking smile.

"Wow wow hold two know each other?"Lance asked pointed to both Queen Orla and Raimon.

"yes well...that's a very very long story!"Raimon sighed loudly

"Hey, I just had thought of something!"Pidge said puzzlingly placing a finger under his lower lip.

the whole group quickly turned to face the short green lion pilot-Keith being the one to ask:"...what is it pidge?" he asked furredly raising an eyebrow.

"…Well, the princess is Raimon's biological mother-"

"…then who's the daddy?"Lance says finishing his teammates thought.

The princess lightly shrugged silently…somewhat violated look on her face as she shyly turned away from the others.

"…We don't know for sure who young Raimon's father is…only that he was of drule descent!"coran says awkwardly avoiding eye contact with the rest of the group.

"His name is Lotor!"Raimon plainly blurted out for all to hear.

"What!?" the assembled group of people

"Yeah turns out that Raible had been developing technology and weapons for the drule supremacy for years before he was banished from Arus!"

An unease silence quickly falls over the room as Raimon watches how each person around him instantly go through-with each displaying a degree of shock, denial, anger, and a slew of other emotions that were somewhere in between the first three.

He merely stood slight patiently waiting for them to finish what he was a form of essential crisis.

Soon enough…

Raimon's POV

The inside of my cockpit giows with artificial light and the faint light of hundreds of billions of distant stars-I quickly read the instruments on Alpha's dashboard; the life-support was reading normal...the main and backup thrusters were reading ah oh-kay and the shield, and armour systems were good to go; everything appeared to be running at 100%.

"Yes...though no thanks to those sorry excuses for engineers!"Alpha's voice complained through our nearly always open psychic link.

"Hey what are you complaining least you weren't in a semi-coma for the past few days!"I retorted back with a ghostly smile.

"Raimon?" the princess says with an awkward brow raised in worried confession,"…oh it's nothing your highness!" I say with a slightly dismissing tone of voice-my eyes briefly peering down at the communication screen to see princess Allura, her aunt Orla and her...I'll just go with personal attendant for ms. Hys-or 'Nanny' as the princess and rest of the lion force members."' your highness'?"Queen Orla says with a metaphorical air of confusion plain as she briefly staring at me with a if she didn't already know about my opinion of my birth parents.

I choose to say in response and merely look out through Alpha's two eye shapened windows-a sigh of faint relief as I spy a familiar pale blue gem drawing ever closer; the image of captain Keith...his facial expression stoic and devoid of any visible emotion.

"Ray...are these two part of your team?" he asks immediately pulling up an image of the Beta and Gamma warriors emerged from the planet's outerorbit.

I smiled faintly, "yes...the others shouldn't be too far behind!"I said quickly switching to one of the team's private channels."...Alpha to Beta and Gamma please respond...repeat Fala,Alfor…it's us!"

Val's image was the first to appear on screen,"…welcome home Ray!" the young man says with a faint smirk,"…looks like you've made some new friends ?"he says with a faint smirk-The screen quickly switches to Fala."…is that queen Orla in the blue lion?"she asked more confused than surprised.

I laughed dryly,"yes well…it's all a-rather long story!" I faintly sighed with my thumb and pointer finger lightly pinching my temple."…again a very long story…long and slightly complicated!" I said and we shared a brief moment of silence before finally going planet side and meeting up with the others!


Planet Altea,Albegas mountain(mountain wide Headquarters of the gladiator team)

We arrived back at base in remarkable time…I lead the five lions to the main ducking, where Alpha is stored alongside a few other vehicles including spare ships;Bara was the first to greet us.

"Raaimooon!"the young galra woman says in her usual somewhat bubbly Demeter as she swiftly wrapped her arms around me and quickly pulls me in close for a choking hug,"Zara!?" I lightly groaned slightly struggling for air-Zora instantly releases me finally allowing me to breath again,I quickly sucked in a large gasp of air.

"…you ok Raimon?"Captain Keith asked slightly grin-perhaps for the first time in his life…or at least for the short time that I've known him-I glared at him slightly flushed."yes captain…you know you and your team can go now!"

"Tsk Tsk little brother-"Fala said almost chidingly

"Shut up!" I growled softly

"Ah the bond between a brother and sister is truly beautiful…wouldn't you agree Orla?"Adamus says jokingly as he entered the room with his lips slightly parted upwards in the curved shaped of a slightly amused smile.

I sighed again for what feels like the hundredth time,"don't start this again Adamus!" I murmured very near exasperated.

I quickly turned to face captain Kogane-my patient almost completely spent."…listen captain-you and your team are more than welcome to stay if you like…just don't expect the same luxurious conditions that you have back on Arus!"I say eyeing the three women of the group.

The princess nodded understandingly with the faint ghost of a smile on her face."yes Raimon we all understand!" The princess says with eyes staring not at me-but Adamus and Valdor.

"…Well then please allow me to show you to your rooms for the time being!"Bara says slightly gesturing for the group to follow her.

Queen Orla followed without hesitation…but the other six were more hesitant-the group looking for assurance,I nodded and the rest briskly hurried to catch up.

"Goddess give me strength!"I prayed softly out aloud.

Something tells me that this is going to be long next few days!

To be continued…

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