Melanie's hand slightly tightened around the glass, and feigning innocence, she asked her mother, "What about it, mother?"
Mrs. Davis's shrewd eyes looked at Melanie, and she said, "Sit," and Melanie did just that. "I want to know what brought that thought in your mind that vampires are good in nature. That they are like us humans."
Melanie took a sip of the juice and gulped it down as her throat felt dry at her mother's interrogative tone. She shrugged her shoulders, "It was just a thought that occurred to me when I was lying on the bed. That is all."
"Vampires are not good, Mel. I mean you saw how they are. They are nothing but bloodthirsty creatures, who will kill and take your blood. Worse, turn you. You were there that day, when we were hunting vampires. You saw how one of the vampires tried to turn Conner's father into a vampire too," stated her mother, not holding back her thoughts with her. "And yet you think that they are good?"
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