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0.4% Balance and Chaos: Changing my damned fate / Chapter 1: The beginning of...
Balance and Chaos: Changing my damned fate Balance and Chaos: Changing my damned fate original

Balance and Chaos: Changing my damned fate

Author: Sir_WendoS

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The beginning of...

High on the top of a flat mountain, in a world where the sky was blue with a pleasant yellow hue, one could hear the joyous sound of sheep taking a poo.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

This someone is a guy no older than seventeen, who yelled out such words out of annoyance. This guy, he is the main character of the story, Xin Feng. 

Perhaps it's because of misfortune, or perhaps because of luck. You see… Xin Feng is actually somewhat of a transmigrator.

It had happened around two years ago, when he had woken up to find himself in a barn that is filled with a flock of strange looking sheep and a flock of their of poop. Not that the poop was sentient, of course…

At that time, when Xin Feng had gained awareness of his surroundings, he was confused. Confused because he couldn't remember getting drunk or anything like that for him to suddenly end up in an unfamiliar place. With him not having gotten drunk or anything of the likes, it should have basically been impossible for him to end up inside an unknown barn. Yet there he was, surrounded by sheep and feces.

Dismissing the thought of being drunk, Xin Feng suddenly remembered how he was morally forced to taste a piece of natural steak by a suspicious but beautiful looking woman who's some kind of street vendor. Of course, he knew that it was absurd to suddenly blame her without enough evidence, however, based on the fact that the world around him seemed to be very different in comparison to his memories of earth, he knew that some magical stuff had to be included in that steak that he had eaten.

As for how he knew of this, that's because he was a writer of fiction while he was still on earth. As a fictional writer, he knew a bit about summoning and transmigration, and in fact, was hoping that his theory about the involvement of magical stuff was actually. Then again, if he looked at it from a more rational side, the answer would probably be that he had consumed an artificial piece of steak that was made out of something similar to cannabis….

He believed it was the former nonetheless. Or rather, he had his high hopes on it. After all, the fiction-like surroundings seemed too real to not be the very thing that he was hoping for. This was especially so with the blatant fact of there being three eyed sheep chilling near him…

'I should probably go outside…'

Unlike any hard working author, Xin Feng had the thought of going outside. He had his reasons of course, which is that he needed to find more information and evidence if he didn't just want to stand still and remain clueless.

Outside the barn, looking around for any other living thing than some farm animals, Xin Feng saw two people in a far away distance near the only place that wasn't baricaded with wooden walls. Seeing them, Xin Feng felt fortunate. In fact, he felt so fortunate that adrenaline was starting to kick in his body for him to muster out all of the strength that he needed to get to the two people as fast as he possibly could…

"What you do here strolling around?! You ??? pile up sheep feces?!"

Apparently, those two were guards. Guards that were hostile too, based on those senseless words that they had loudly uttered. Thankfully, Xin Feng could understand the words a little. It wasn't really hostile words that the guards had thrown at him. It was just Chinese…

"Piling up? Why would they have to be piled up? Fertilizer perhaps?" 

Based from what he understood out of those senseless words, he reckoned it was more of a question. One that didn't make sense at that, which is why he answered the question with a question of his own, as was uncertain about what the guards were talking about.

Hearing the words of Xin Feng, the guards showed visible frustration. It was no longer their words alone…. 

"You drunk on sheep's pee again?! ??? many times I have ??? tell you they're ??? important for ??? of alchemists! you job right, you get promote, guards like us. Go ??? now before other ??? us see you lazing ???!

"Alchemist what?"

"???!, really good as ??? fuel. I heard it releases ??? energy ??? ??? alchemist having finer control when ???"

One of the guardsmen was kind enough to explain.

"Ah..." Although Xin Feng was able to understand a few words of the guardsman, he was still totally confused.

"Now, go back ??? young ??? punish you!"

That was the last Xin Feng heard from the Guardsman, because right after that sentence, weapons were pointed at him.

So, with that being all of the information that Xin Feng was able to gather, and with those weapons pointing at him, Xin Feng went back to the barn, albeit a bit reluctantly…

'Hmm… It seems that I am some kind of slave or prisoner. Okay, maybe getting into a fictional world isn't a very good thing. I should have realized this already, since every fictional stories starts with the MC being at the bottom. Well, maybe not all…'

While Xin Feng was making his way back to the barn, he pondered about the predicament that he was in. He knew that sooner or later, he had to forget about the carefree life that he once had on earth. He knew that because based on the information that he had accumulated, his carefree life had switched into the life similar to that of a hardworking servant, prisoner, or slave. Xin Feng was already aware that he was definitely at bottom of the bottom. He would either have to find some life changing miracle just like in those stories that he wrote, or he would have to kill himself...

Xin Feng chose the prior... The reason why, is because he still values his life, and because he had a home to return to. He wasn't some kind of orphan after all. He was actually some hard working person who had only recently moved into his own home. Moved from the home of his family, by the way. A family, in which no one was missing. A father, a mother, and a sibling…

*Yawn* 'I should probably go to sleep. My head hurts.' Xin Feng felt exhausted from all the stress he had to go through within the span of a day…

And that's how two years had passed by. Yet even then, after so long, his body still wasn't able to adapt to the torture of doing hard labor while getting whipped every now and then. Yes, he was indeed getting whipped, because apparently, he was some lowly servant of a young master from some typical Immortal cultivation genre. Mistress, actually…

Nonetheless, even after getting whipped every now and then, and having to work so hard, he always tried to avoid dwelling on the thoughts of suicide. Although it was a neigh possible for him to get a better position, much less return to earth, he had his hopes. That's because he had always made effort in life, and because he had always been successful in making those efforts fruitful.


It was a usual day. Him shoo-ing chickens and cracking a whip to guide a flock of sheep back to their stable.

Just like he often would, he sighed in disappointment as he continued doing the work that he is tasked to do in the evening.

Piling up feces, going to a nearby pond to wash the shovel, and lastly, take a whip to vent out the stress from the amount of times that his mistress came to use a whip on him…



"Hahaha! This damned stupid life of mine! I hate it! I hate it!"

*Ding! System activation complete.*

Xin Feng stumbled back when he heard the sound of a phone's notification inside his head and the bunch of yellow texts popping up in front of him.

'Could this be… A system?' He thought to himself as the bunch of texts in front of him was fading away one by one. Looking at the spectacle in front of him, he felt like wanting to burst in tears.

'Finally! Finally an opportunity! I can finally try to break through! I can finally not be suppressed by this world's law of power!'

"Alright..." Xin Feng let out a breath as he calmed down.

"System" he uttered. However, to his words, no reply came.

"U-uhm! System!" He tried again, yet, nothing…

'It can't be! There has to be a way...'



"Open saise me!"





A sudden bright light blinded Xin Feng's sight after he called out the word "Character".

When the light had dimmed down, Xin Feng found himself in an endless white space...

Particles soon joined in together to form a gray display in front of him, and right after, blue texts glowed as they floated in front of him, showing him words that he understood.







"Interesting…" Xin Feng muttered in fascination as he had looked at the spectacle in front of him that had only been possible for him virtually.

Filled with excitement, he went to check out every feature of his. After what seemed to be hours, he was finally done with reading every tiny little detail.

'Huu… I finally did it. I read it all! Well, it wasn't really much to begin with…'

"Alright, return!"


Again, Xin Feng was quite the ignorant one when it came to the ways of his system...



Leaving the character room by saying the word "Exit" worked. What's crazy, is that while exiting and being aware of his surroundings again, time seemed to have slowed down, seemingly adjusting itself back to normal...

"Oh… I'm back." Xin Feng said with a lack of emotion. He couldn't believe that the command to exit the system's illusion thingy was as simply as uttering the word "exit".

'Hmm, it actually feels like nothing had happened… Also, my mind's suddenly clear, unlike the time before I had entered. It's also still… Night? Don't tell me…'

'I... I struck gold!'

'Doesn't this mean that when I'm stuck in a situation that requires a lot of thought, I could basically go inside the character room and think about a solution for as long as I want?!'

"This... This is too OP!"

"Hahaha, I did it! I have received the favors of the heaven!" 

Xin Feng went and spouted out some random bullsh*t out of sheer joy…

Meanwhile, not too far from the barn...

*Sigh…* "That kid's getting crazier day by day." One of the guards told the other with a tone full of pity. Pity, because he could hear the faint psychotic laughter of Xin Feng…

Sir_WendoS Sir_WendoS

Next chapter has the part where Xin Feng inspects his character screen ^.^

Don't read it, or you'll die from brain overload.

read it, if you're bored and like math

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