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Nothing to lose

" I must to say , that was impressive .. taking down Vali and his friends in less than a few minutes , impressive indeed . But do not think that you are on the same level as me , even if you are a prodigy you are going to need more than that to take me down and if you want to engage in a fight with me , you are going to lose everything , so think carefully about your next move . " This is what Azazel told him . Azazel is the Governor General of the Fallen Angels and Grigori , and now he was standing before Itachi , who was not so shocked ... not outside ...but inside ... he never felt so panicked . What should he do ? Taking it in a logic way calling for his Master was the best thing , but what then ? And what is going to happen to him until his Sensei would come here , maybe trying to put him in a genjutsu ? Yes that could work , but not for to long , it would still win him some time . Without thinking twice he activated his sharingan and fixed his eyes on his opponent . " Hmmm , those eyes .. that's his sacred gear ? No it should be impossible , he is a devil and from his presence a pure blood , what then ? A familly trait ? But from what familly ? " many ideas started to circulate in Azazel mind , but something started to change around him , and suddenly his body couldn't move , he blinked a few times and everything was changed , they were not on the mountain anymore , what was this ? Another dimension ? And how did he got here ? Why was he on a cross ? The irony , once serving God , who's son was on a Cross like this one and now he is in the same situation , the pure irony . He wanted to ask what is this but the boy started to speak first " This is Tsukuyomi , is a world created by me , here time is nothing , i control this place . 1 year here can be 1 second in the real world " How is that possible ? such a tehnique ? He was amazed ... he never heard of something like this , but that means this is an illusion ? That means that he must to do something to wake up , but the boy already answered to his question " You can't wake up from this illusion , you can try to bite your tongue as much as you wish , is a tehnique too powerfull to be breaked like that and even if this is an illusion , the pain is real " and with that said he plunged a sword in Azazel body , paintful was not a word to describe the feeling , and it was not going to end anytime soon because more clones of the boy started to appear and each of them , with a sword in the hand .

Gremory Estate - Underworld

" How do you think he is ? Is he alright ? Is he eating ? Does he bath everyday ? Is he in need of something ? " Itachi mother was starting to become more and more worried , she didn't speak with her son in a long time , he was exiled and this was one of the terms , she wanted to leave , but she is going to be hunted down with him , she couldn't risk his safety anymore , she could only hope that he was doing ok and he was safe . Her husband was not feeling well either , science he almost destroyed the court everyone was keeping an safe eye on him , that made it impossible for him to leave the estate to search for his son , but he knew that his son was special , he was a prodigy , showing his talent from a young age , when other babies would learn to crawl he could already walk without problems , when others would leard to speak his son could read books , he was learning everything faster than anyone and his teacher was no other than Sun Wukong , his son was safe , but he was missing him ... things didn't changed that much with the Gremory familly and he was glad for that .

With Itachi

So he finally broke free from the illusion , he was expecting this , his tehnique was not that powerfull anymore and this guy was not the Governor of Grigori for nothing . "I must to say that was one of the most impressive things i've ever seen , such a powerfull illusion , forcing me to release some power , do you have any other card to play ? " He should not have asked for this , without a second thought Itachi lunged at the Fallen Angel , going for a hit to the gut , quickly stepping aside he intercepted the kick with one of his own , they quickly got in fast fight , punch after punch , each of them avoided or blocked , it was something you could look in awe , this is how Vali , Arthur and Bikou were looking , then Arthur decided to speak " It was not the fact that we understimated him , he was simply to strong from the begining " Bikout replied "his stance is different , but his fists are in the monkey form , he added Sensei tehnique to his own , incredible ... " but Vali was quiet a thing ... who was not seen by neither of them , he was only looking at the fight , no word came from his mouth .

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!

Itachi spitted out multiple balls of flames that took the shape of a dragon's head, directed at Azazel. "Foolish." Azael flicked his fingers creating a magic circle sending multiple spears of light crashing into the flames creating large explosions in the sky. Out from the smoke came Itachi with his kunai raised above his head, he then swung it down on Azazel whom caught it with two fingers. "Is that all? And here i was thinking that you are a real challenge " But he eat his words when he felt something stinging in his back , turning his back to look he saw another Itachi with a kunai in Azazel back , quicly he punched him throwing him in the air , what surprised him was the fact that he transformed in a puf of smoke , turning his attention to the real one in his face , he quickly created a light spear , stabbing him in the stomach , he quickly let go of the body , leaving him to fall to the ground , he wanted to attack again but from the boy body crows started to appear and in a matter of seconds his body was gone .

"W-what happened ? Where is he ? And why are crows here , this shit is giving me creeps .. " said Bikou looking slightly scared

"Can you shut up" said Vali

"It's most likely an Illusion , just like the other one , but i've never seen something like this , just ... who is this guy ? "

"Can you both shut up !!??" Said Vali looking irritated

"All right all right , look Vali , we know you are angry because you got one shooted by this dude , but there is nothing to cry about " said Bikou

"I'm going to kill you , you fucking monkey prick !!" screamed Vali

"I would like to see you try " said Bikou with a smirk

"Calm down , both of you , this is not over yet " said Azazel , both of them looked at each other for a moment and then complied , then all 3 of them got confused , not over ? He was dead , how was this not over ? But all their train of thoughts got blocked when they felt a presence , and then out of thin air , appeared a person . Bikou was the first to react :

"S-Sensei ?" He was looking all the same , not changed one bit , but his expression towards him was a cold one , he almost made him flinch

"Oh , is you Bikou , i see that you associated your self with the Fallen Angels and you had suck a potential ... such a pity , but now is not the time to wander in the past . Azazel , what are you doing here ? In my territory ? "

"Well well well , if is not Sun Wukong himself , should i bow ?" He said with a smirk

" No , just give me the reason you are here , and why you are attacking my student , you know .. i become quite fond of him " said Wukong

" No real reason , this three came here , i wanted to see what they planned , saw them fight with your student , i must to give you credit , they were no match for him , he got in a fight with me , i killed him , simple " said Azazel

"Oh but that is no true , come out Itachi is the time to end this " said Sun Wukong , making all four people around him to become confused

Before they could say something , those crow wich were flying in the sky until then started to take a form , and before their eyes it was no one else than Itachi .

"B-b-but how ??! He was dead !! I saw Azazel stabbing him , he is a devil , he couldn't survive that " said Vali

"It was an Illusion " said Azazel

" You knew ?! " Asked Vali and his friends

"I was thinking about it , i could still feel a bit of his energy in the crows , but i was not sure , i must to say that i'm pretty impressed " said Azazel

"How about this Itachi Uchika , you leave this mountain and come work under me , you can have everything you want , girls , money , power , everything can be yours " said Azazel with a smirk , no one refused him before

"Whatt ?!! You can't be serious , you want this guy to join us ? Are you crazy ?"

"Shut up Vali" said Azazel

"No ,i was born a devil , if i am to die , i will do it as a devil " said Itachi with his stoic face , he couldn't see the proud smile of his Sensei

It took a bit for Azazel to figure out what he said , but after that he said again : " i think you did not hear me , you can have everything , every-- " but he was blocked by Itachi

"I've heard you and my answer is No " said Itachi

What ?! Hmm this boy was really something else " I see , then how about we continue our fight , what do you say Sun Wukong , care for a spare ? " he said while creating a light spear and a smirk appeared on his face

"I think that you have more important bussiness , like those rogue devils in your teritorry " said Wukong with a smirk

So the old fool knew , he had to give him credit for that , he may be old but he knew his shit " Indeed , we should go , this is not the last time we meet Itachi " and with that all four of them vanished in a magic circle

After a few seconds of peace , Sun Wukong started to speak first " Come , i have something for you " . They walked for a few minutes , until they reached the shrine , when they entered Sun Wukong told Itachi to wait in the living room until he is going to return , what was he doing ? What he wanted to give him ? He just had to wait .

After 10 or 15 minutes he finally came back , he had something wrapped in a cloth in his hand , he didn't said anything , only took a place at the other side of the table , after a minute of silence Sun finally started to speak :

"You know , what you did there ... i must to say that i am very proud of you , even if he was only toying with you .. you did well , others would not resist even 1 minute , you showed me that you are worthy of my fighting style , that you are worthy of being my student " at that Itachi only bowed his head " You are not using a staff , is not your thing , i can respect that , but you need something , worthy of being my student , so i'm giving you this " with that said , he unwraped the thing inside the cloth , to reveal a Katana .. it was beautiful , a piece of an art , but something was off about it , the energy was dark and ugly , it was like the blade was alive and evil , he never felt something like that .

Seeing Itachi face , Sun Wukong decided to speak : " I see that you've felt the presence , indeed this is a cursed blade , it's called the soul eater ... a good old friend of mine had it , he told me that i should give it to someone who is like him , because the blade has a will of her own , for thousands of years she bathed in blood , angels , youkais , devils , fallen angels , humas , for this sword , nothing matters and once it kills you , is taking your soul and adding it to it's collection , this is why i'm giving it to you Itachi , you are not greedy like devils , you have a kind heart same as an angel and you always protect the weaks , but be careful , once i'm giving it to you , it would try to corrupt you , you mustn't let that happen , and no one besides you must unsheat it , it would devour the person soul and no one can do anything about it , this is why , i want you to promise me , that you are going to learn to control it's powers and you are not going to use them in a bad way " he was at lose of words , what he could say in this momment , something so strong .. he could feel the energy coming from the sword , , he bowed and he said :

"I Itachi Uchika , give my word right here and right now , that i'm not going to betray your trust , and i will use this sword , only to protect those who are in danger "

"Good , i guess that now , the time for you to start your real training , has begun"


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