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40.96% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 67: Winter Wrap Up

Chapter 67: Winter Wrap Up


Here it is! sooner than it supposed to but I just felt like posting it so here you go! there wasn't much I could change about the event itself but I hope it still turned out well.

So like always...



Starfall walked up the stairs pretty content with the few days of pure grind regarding his training and research. As his eyes landed on Twilight's beautiful sleeping form on the sofa by the fire, he couldn't help but remember the recent Heartswarming Eve and his herd's idea of presenting themselves as gifts to the Stallion.

The girls wanted to go at it one after the other, and he was honestly close to reaching his limit for the first time since...ever.

If it wasn't for the fact that Pinkie Pie was not yet his girl at that time, he might have as well been defeated and that just wouldn't do. And If Applejack were to become as strong as in later canon... he really needed to pick up his training, or he might really not be strong enough to satisfy all of them one day...

He walked over to the lightly snoring Twilight and kissed her forehead, before levitating a blanket over, and covering her body. He then went up the stair to check up on Spike and stopped in his tracks as soon as he walked through the door of his room.

There, on the bed laid Spike totally asleep, but he wasn't alone...

Sweetie Bell, he would have understood. But why were Apple Bloom and Scootaloo snuggling to the little Dragon while Sweetie Bell hugged Apple Bloom from the back?!

He decided to turn on his hoof and leave whatever was happening inside this room for Twilight to handle. Don't get him wrong, the kids were just sleeping clearly exhausted from all the playing, but it seemed like their relationship was much closer than he expected...

Seems like Spike was taking after his Daddy...


"Spike! Starfall! Wake up! Today's Winter Wrap Up!" Exclaimed Twilight at four in the morning, causing Starfall and Spike in the other room to groan in displeasure. Phoebe just opened one of her eyes before shrugging and going back to sleep.

"Ughh...Twily...I love you....but please let me sleep some more..." He groaned before turning onto his other side and covering his head with the blanket.

Twilight huffed and stomped her hoof before pulling the covers off her coltfriend with a pull of levitation.

Starfall simply conjured a new blanket and placed a purple magic barier around himself before going back to sleep.

Twilight facehoofed before turning her body towards the door.

"Sigh...Only you could place an Absolute Shield to get a few more minutes of sleep..." She muttered as she left the room, though her lips were slightly turned up in amusement.

It was only a few minutes later that she got back to bed after realising how early it was, making Starfall chuckle as she snuggled into his side.

Twilight looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Not a word..." She said threateningly making Starfall chuckle again.

"I didn't say anything." He said defensively trying to keep his amusement in check.


"Uhh...What should we do?" Twilight suddenly asked when she realized that she had no idea which team she belonged to after Mayor Mare finished her speech.

They were currently in the town's square ready for the Winter Wrap Up after the few additional hours of sleep that Twilight almost deprived them of. All the Ponies were already leaving towards their respective tasks and Twilight was clearly lost on what to do.

Spike already left to meet up with the CMC as the girls wanted to try their hoof in every single job for the cleanup and the little dragon as a member of their group, was clearly not going to pass up the opportunity of having fun with the trio.

Phoebe actually got visited by Philomena in the morning and the two Phoenixes were currently out on a stroll and having fun.

Starfall looked at the frantically looking around Twilight and grabbed her cheek causing her to look puzzled at him, before giving her a deep kiss that made the purple unicorn feel lightheaded and forget her worries.

"Better?" He asked amused as Twilight nodded with a dreamy look.

"Y-Yeah..." She said.

"Alright, then let's go and help somepony if you stopped worrying over nothing. Although I think we should first take a look around and see how everything is going.

Twilight nodded and the duo departed towards the closest group of Ponies which consisted of Pegasi with Rainbow Dash leading them.

"Hey Rainbow!"Called out Twilight seeing her friend causing the Pegasus to turn towards them and light up.

"Twilight! Starfall! What's up?!"She said before approaching the duo and giving Starfall a quick kiss and a wink before quickly hugging Twilight.

Twilight just smiled and returned the hug. The girls were actually much closer to eachother than they would have been originally thanks to this whole Starfall's Herd situation so they weren't jealous of eachother and actually felt happy with the current situation. Herds were a norm in Equestria, but to actually have a harmonious relationship between the girls in the group is a much harder nut to crack and them being best friends made everything so much easier.

"We were wondering if there was anything we could help you with." Twilight explained but she quickly realized that it wasn't going to be that easy seeing Rainbow Dash's expression.

She stretched her wings trying to make the point and Twilight gave Rainbow a wry smile.

"Right...Wings. That was silly of me." Twilight answered her own question.

"Yeah. Sorry Twilight. Anyway, I gotta go. We're sorta already running late with the schedule." Explained Rainbow ready to turn around but she was stopped by Starfall.

"Is everything alright?" He asked And Rainbow just laughed in embarrassment.

"Ehh...It's just. Derpy was supposed to lead the birds back from the warmer regions, but knowing her, she is already lost or flew in the wrong direction. I like the girl, I really do, but I still don't understand why I agreed to let her do this job... Also we have some disagreements with the other teams. Everything is just a big mess." She sighed before somepony called her over.

"I gotta go. Hope you find a job for you Twilight, Starfall!" She said giving them a last smile and flying away.

Twilight Looked at Starfall a bit worried.

"Do you think they are gonna be alright?" She asked and Starfall just smiled.

"If they don't, we might as well try to take care of the problem right? It's not like we have to do exactly the same things as everyone.." He said trying to steer Twilight towards the coordinator job.

"Hmm...That might be a good idea...but I'd still like to try my hoof at helping like everypony do..." She said and Starfall just nodded.

What followed was relatively similar to the show but there was a number of differences caused by Starfall who tried to avoid the original mistakes and unravel the problems.

As they finally approached the SweetApple Acres, Twilight was in the proces of writing down a list of things that needed to be coordinated under Starfall's urging and before they realized it she was fully in her organisation mode.

She still tried to till the fields but Starfall joined her and together they managed to pull the Lister but Twilight quickly came to the conclusion that she wasn't made for the work in the fields.

After that Twilight and Starfall together took the job of coordinating the entire Winter Wrap Up, and to the astonishment of Mayor Mare and everypony in Ponyville, the job was done a few hours before nightfall, easily bringing the Spring to the Town and causing everyone to rejoice as it was the first time in many years that they weren't late...

"I can't believe it! The Spring arrived... on time!" Exclaimed Mayor Mare looking around her surroundings in astonishment.

"And all the thanks belong to you two! We wouldn't have been able to achieve it without your brilliant coordination!" Said Mayor Mare walking towards the two unicorns as everypony who gathered around them nodded in agreement.

Starfall just smiled before pushing Twilight forwards.

"I was just there to help. Twilight did most of the coordinating while you all did the entire hard work. This was a joint achievement and we wouldn't have been able to achieve so much if you didn't cooperate so well. So in my opinion everyone deserves to be praised." Said Starfall, making the crowd smile and stomp their hooves gratefully.

"That might be true but..." Said Rainbow Dash with a mischievous smile.

"I'd doesn't change the fact that you deserve a reward Y'all!" Added Applejack as Rarity and PInkie Pie appeared out of nowhere and placed a pair of colorful vests on the two ponies and declared the duo the 'All-Team Organisers'

It was a pretty fun day to be honest and Starfall couldn't wait for next year...

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