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27.71% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 45: Fruits of Labor and Bad Dreams.

Chapter 45: Fruits of Labor and Bad Dreams.


Sorry for the late chapter but I'm pretty busy lately and have no energy to write anything XD

I hope that the interactions between ponies turned out alright in this chapter and you like what I did there Haha!

Like always...ENJOY!


The weather was getting colder by the day, And Starfall found a blanket and cup of hot cocoa to be a blessing during his usual research, even when his workshop was magically charmed to retain the warm temperature.

It was already a while since Applejack and Rarity joined his herd and it became a norm for either of them to visit the library on a regular basis or for Starfall to visit them himself. What happened during those visits can be left to your imagination...

Starfall was currently feeling very excited. Just a short few moments ago he put the last finishing touch to his Magical Dictionary by creating the cover of the book that depicted his Cutie Mark inside of Twilight's and the words "Encyclopedia Of Magic" Spelled in Old Ponish for a better visual effect.

His creation, his entire life work, put into this single thick book, it was such an amazing feeling of fulfillment that Starfall couldn't help but tremble in joy.

It took him a while to calm himself and then another while to get ready for the next step.

He needed to create a few copies after all...


Princess Celestia Sat on her Throne listening to a few diplomates from Saddle Arabia spouting nonsense about how their region was too hot and how she should push the sun further away or something along those lines while she needed to keep a fake smile through the entire discussion. Only the fact that she was doing this for the last one thousand plus years allowed her to keep her expression from showing how utterly bored and exhausted she was with all those politics.

With the reappearance of her sister, a good chunk of her responsibilities disappeared, but that didn't change the fact that this work was still really exhausting and Luna had a different variety of responsibilities outside the court like taking care of the Dream Realm.

At the moment the only thing she wanted was to go on vacation and eat a bunch of cakes, but alas...she would have to be content with just the cake... or anything to break this circle of boredom...

As if her wish had been answered, the doors to the throne room opened with a bang to reveal a white and black coloured Stallion spouting a huge grin and levitating a wrapped package right beside him. It was her beloved Nephew!

"Auntie! It's me! Starfall! Have you missed me?" He proclaimed while passing by the diplomates from Saddle Arabia without batting an eye on them.

"What is the meaning of this? With all due Respect Princess Celestia! It was supposed to be a private meeting!" Said one of the Diplomates with a huff.

Starfall looked at him for only a second and said.

"The Princess Isn't going to move the sun from its orbit just because your third cousin got a sunburn from too much sunbathing. Now scram as I have much more important things do discuss with her than you bunch of nobodies acting all important." Said Starfall before throwing the stunned bunch out of the throne room...

His grin returned as he turned back to Princess Celestia who was trying hard to suppress her laughter. Starfall always knew how to make her laugh and after she taught him how to read surface thoughts of ponies during one of their lessons, he would often barge into the throne room and do a similar performance when there were some diplomates with very stupid reasons to waste her time.

Because he acted the card of a spoiled prince, The Princess herself didn't lose face and the boring meeting was successfully cut short, giving her the oh so precious time to relax in a good company... //Just roll with it XD//

"Starfall! What brings you here today my dear? I'm sure you didn't show up just to rescue me from listening to those idiots..." She said with a cheeky grin.

Starfall remembered the day when he first managed to make Celestia speak her mind around him. After a lot of constant nagging, the millennium old Princess finally exploded from all the pent up frustration and it was since that day that she became completely honest with all this stuff around Starfall. It was also the day when she stopped being just his Aunt and Teacher but also approached the realm of a friend...

"Haha! As much as it is a pleasure to see you Auntie, I come here today bearing great news!" He said In an overexcited manner.

"Well then? What is it?" She asked with a smile. She really was happy to see Starfall and Luna was going to be even happier. She seemed to really take a liking to him...

"After Years of meticulous research, I am happy to present to you, the first copy of the book that will revolutionarise the magic as we know it!" He proclaimed grandly while levitating the package towards the Princess.

Celestia grasped the package with her own magic, full of curiosity, and started to unpack it.

As soon as her eyes landed on the cover, she gasped in shock.

"You completed it! This..." She started to skim through the pages as a feeling of pride rose in her chest.

"...This is extraordinary Starfall! I was unaware that you were so far in your research! To think that you identified and compiled all the magical symbols in the Four Sevens theory of Starswirl! I believe that this is the greatest magical discovery of this millennia!" She exclaimed while getting up from the throne and closing on him.

She set the book down and gave Starfall a tight hug.

"I'm really proud of you Starfall. I'll do everything in my power so that your achievement was recognised by the magical research community..." She said as they separated and Starfall smiled brightly hearing her words.

"I'll be grateful for that Auntie...Just don't forget that I wasn't the only one working on this project. Twilight was a great help in researching the runes even when she didn't have the same magic perception as me." Added Starfall feeling grateful for his aunt's generous offer.

"Why of course. I wouldn't forget my favourite student haha!" She laughed agreeing with his words.

Starfall mock pouted and said- " I though I was your favourite student..."

Princess Celestia giggled.

"Keep telling yourself that. There was no minute I wasn't worried about you causing an explosion when you were at my school, hahaha!" She teased him and Starfall spouted a wry grin.

"It wasn't that bad!" He said.

"The southern tower still has that huge crack..." She added with amusement.

"Why in Equestria nopony repaired it yet?!" Starfall was shocked hearing that fact coming from the Princess.

"Well... it doesn't really pose any danger to anypony and I always laugh remembering that situation..." She said without any shame.

"It's not my fault that the warning about mixing boombee honey and nitrobloom was on the last page..." He pouted once again making her roll her eyes in exasperation.

"It still eludes me why were you even playing with those when the lesson was about fanflower's care and it's usage as air conditioner..." She said making Starfall laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry that I wasn't much interested in caring for a twirling flower with no real usage..." He said causing Celestia to laugh which also prompted the Stallion to giggle.

The duo continued to bicker playfully all the way to Luna's chamber where she was resting after her busy night...


Twilight was walking down the streets of Ponyville in a very good humour. She had just spend the entire morning and part of the afternoon with Starfall making love to her and she could still feel the gooey proof of their deeds covering her insides...

The reason for that was the great news he brought up. He finally finished his Magic Language research and the Dictionary!

She knew how hard he worked to accomplish it and his work of almost ten years finally bore fruits! it was basically the work of his entire life and most likely in a way the greatest magical research of the last century or even millennia!

At first Starfall wanted to take her out on a date to properly thank her for being there for him, but she decided that it was him that deserved a proper reward so she instead dragged him to their bedroom and did everything in her power to satisfy him, even refusing herself the pleasure so that she could last longer for Starfall...

When they were done, Starfall gifted her a copy of the completed product and she couldn't help but admire the fact that the cover depicted his cutie mark inside of her own... Was that some insinuation?... probably not.

After they were done, Starfall left to visit Princess Celestia to gift her her own copy, and if she knew Starfall, he would also visit Luna when he was at it. She on the other hand decided to visit her new sisters...Hihi...She really liked how it sounded. She should really try and accelerate the relationship with the other three girls and Starfall though. The way it is now, they are going to be sidelined from the unequal treatment...Yeah, she needs to meet everyone and not just the other two so that their friendship doesn't suffer...


"I'll wait out here. Luna doesn't like when I interrupt her daily sleep, but I'm sure she's going to act different when it comes to you." She winked at Starfall and he blushed for some inexplicable reason wondering why she would feel different when it was him who was waking her up...

He decided to just shrug it off and went into Luna's room which looked similar to how it was in the show albeit a bit more furnished and expensive looking.

As he looked around, he found Luna lying on her bed with her eyes closed and looking all cute as she rested inside of her fluffy covers.

He sat on the edge of her bed wondering what she was dreaming about as s his hoof involuntarily went to her mane that already regained it's ethereal mystic fluffiness... He slowly caressed the mane feeling the overabundance of magic that leaked out of the mare and caused her hair to look like they did. The Alicorn stirred and her hoof wrapped around his own that was in the process of petting her before Luna went all the way and hugged his appendage while continuing to sleep.

He would have thought it cute if It wasn't for a sudden shudder of her body and the barely audible words that left her lips at that exact moment.

"Starfall... Save... me..."

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