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22.89% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 37: Basements and bed talks...(+18)

Chapter 37: Basements and bed talks...(+18)

//So like...SevTech Ages XD Have a picture and try guessing what point am I at haha!//

He walked towards the horse head figure in the middle of the Library and injected a bit of his magic into the object. A small string of runes lit up on the object, followed by one of the bookshelves quietly moving to the side and revealing a staircase.

he levitated the bundle of blue hair and vials of blue liquid as he descended into the secret passage.

Soon he was greeted with the sight of a long spacious corridor with white painted walls and glowing crystal lamps attached to the ceiling.

There was a number of doors on the sides of the corridor and the end of it appeared to be still in construction judging by the irregular mix of rocks and dirt. The same with some of the rooms which were still more or less holes in the ground or simply doors with no room behind them all together.

The unicorn passed the first doors that led to his workshop and entered the second one that lead to his supernatural storage.

After passing through a number of security procedures like anti theft wards or magic signature recognizing doors, he found himself in a large chamber with walls covered in transparent drawers of varying sizes made out of reinforced magical crystals.

With a simple spell, the huge bundle of blue transparent hair started to wrap itself around a wooden spool that he summoned from another part of the room and soon enough the once unruly mess was now nearly wrapped around and stirred on one of the medium drawers. A label appeared on the drawer with the words Ursa Minor Hair, and the description of when and how were they collected.

Another drawer was filled with vials of a blue, transparent and glowing liquid with the label proudly proclaiming that it was the Blood of Ursa Minor.

"Getting it with the creature being none the wiser was easier than I expected thanks to the girls distracting it..." He muttered to himself with a smirk.

He glanced around at his collection of magical ingredients and artifacts. All the things he was yet to research on or could use in one of his experiments.

There were even some body parts of creatures like manticores, rockodiles or l timberwolfs that he acquired by chance during the years he spend in Equestria. If a regular pony saw this part of his collection he would be completely terrified but for him and Twilight those were just things that they could study and research, nothing more.

Also none of those creatures were specifically hunted by either of them but were actually acquired from underground auctions, from actual animal farms or bought from the guards that fought them at the edges of the wild forests.

Equestria, while from the outside looked like a magical utopia, still had its dark secrets which thankfully rarely seeped into the Ponies everyday life.

The worst examples would be King Sombra or the times from before the union of the three tribes when Pegasi, Unicorns and Earth Ponies fought between eachother for lands to live on.

Even though the times of war and unrest were long gone thanks to the work of Princes Celestia and Princes Luna , things like dangerous creatures attacking ponies, a thief lurking for your bits or even a simple accident were still real and reoccurring threats in this beautiful and peaceful country.

It was a completely different matter when you looked outside of Equestria though... War, slavery, famine...The white unicorn didn't want to think about those places for the time being...

" that why you didn't took care of the Ursa Minor by yourself?" A voice resounded from behind him startling Starfall from his thoughts. He turned around to see his beloved marefriend standing beside the drawers with Ursa Minor's spoils.

"Twi-Twlight! N-no! It's just-" He stuttered but Twilight just giggled.

"It's alright Love. I know how you are..." She approached him slowly with her unchanging smirk that turned into a mischievous grin.

"I bet, you wanted to challenge help me grow, and show the others that I'm not just a bookworm that relies solely on her coltfriend..." She said getting closer and closer making Starfall step back uncertain of what she wanted to do to him.

"I didn't question you back then, too much abaorbed by the fact that a giant monster was attacking Ponyvile, but now it is clear that you wanted me to be the one to take care of the problem. Even during a crisis, the only thing you think about is our well-being...My well-being...And I think you deserve a reward.." She said with a sultry expression as their muzzles were inches from eachother.

What followed was an intense session of kissing in the storage room that soon led the two unicorns towards their bedroom.

Starfall found himself lying on the bed with Twilight bobbing her head up and down on his hard member.

"Oh yes Twily! It's so good!" He moaned feeling the immeasurable pleasure of his beloved Marefriend sucking on his large shaft as if it was the tastiest popsicle.

"Twilight! Ahhh! I think I'm gonna..." He felt the build up of his orgasm closing in, but Twilight suddenly stopped and moved closer to catch his face in a searing kiss.

He wanted to complain that she didn't finish but before he could say anything, She mounted him in what could only be called a cowgirl position...or would that be a cowmare?

Regardless...The two of them quickly started to moan in pleasure as the purple Unicorn started to slide up and down on his member, easily achieving a similar level of pleasure he felt when she was using her other lips to pleasure him.

It didn't take long for the already sensitive Starfall to once again approach the inevitable but just like during the first time, Twilight ceased her movement and started to kiss Starfall while sliding off of him, making him even more frustrated than before.

It was then when he spotted the mischievous grin on the flushed purple mare. Everything became clear in an instant.

As their lips separated he couldn't help but exclaim with amusement.

"You little minx! You're doing it on purpose!" He said and she grinned while teasing his crotch with her vagina sliding over his member.

"What if I am?" She giggled." You got your reward, but you still need to be punished... In the end you still had left me to figure everything out alone!" She said with amusement but Starfall smirked.

"Ha! You think I don't know that you stole the idea to put the Bear to sleep from my own Journal? I think that it's you who needs to be punished instead!" He exclaimed before pushing Twilight onto her back.

"Hya!?" She exclaimed as she felt herself being pushed, only after a few seconds realizing her new unfavorable position under the stronger stallion.

"Look how the roles turned Twily." He smirked while positioning himself In between her legs.

"Starfall... I-I'm sorry-" She tried to say with a worried smile but Starfall didn't let her finish her plea.

"There's no escape Twilight. You wanted to tease me? you need to bear the consequences. Get ready as tonight I'm going to entertain myself to my heart's content no matter if you're conscious or not..." He said with an excited grin.

It was at this moment that she knew, she bucked up...


"Oh darling! I really love your mane! Are you using the Maneier strawberry Shampoo by chance? I can smell the fragrance. It's actually my favourite brand!" Said Rarity to Fluttershy as the two mares sat on a bed with a bunch of beauty products sprawled around them.

"Umm...yes...I like their natural smell..." Whispered Fluttershy shyly.

"I know! But have you been using a conditioner? Your hair have this amazing shine to them yet somehow I don't believe you used anything! Am I right?"

"Yes...I don't use one. My mane would become overly straight and too smooth to groom properly. Thankfully Angel is always a darling that helps me in that regard." Explained Fluttershy while hoping to steer the conversation away from manes. She doesn't want it to be known that she attaches hair extensions...

"Umm...Thank you for your invitation Rarity. It's isn't that often for me to have a sleepover with friends...I never really had anyone to have one with..." She said a little sadly.

"Why of course Darling! I'm very happy to have you over! I saw how stressed you were after the Ursa Minor attacked and I just couldn't let you sleep alone knowing that you will most likely have nightmares for the entire night!" Rarity said mater of factly.

Fluttershy smiled warmly and Rarity smirked suddenly having an idea.

"Although I'm sure you would prefer to spend the night with a certain white and black coated Stallion.R" She winked and Fluttershy turned crimson in an instant.

"Wha-whaat do you mean?!..." Stuttered Fluttershy embarrassed and Rarity couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh please Fluttershy. We both know what you, and for that matter me, feel towards him. Let's not beat around the bush. Do you have any plan to woo Starfall? Or are you hoping for everything to just fall into place on its own?" Asked Rarity eager to hear Fluttershy's thought on that matter.

The blush and the far away look that Fluttershy got, told her everything that she needed to know.

"Uuuu! Something already happened! Tell me with details please!" Said the excited unicorn and Fluttershy wanted nothing more than to burry herself underground. But in the end she decided to tell Rarity everything, figuring out that they were best friends and might even one day become sisters, so they should be honest with eachother.

"Well...umm...It was after the sleepover in the library. I felt a bit down after the whole ordeal because...that kiss with Twilight was actually my first kiss, you know?...Starfall...He saw that I wasn't very happy back then so he decided to go with me and cheer me up. I told him what was bothering me, and before I realized what was happening ...we were kissing in the middle of the street..." She whispered with a far away look and blushed heavily.

Rarity squealed excitedly and hugged Fluttershy.

"So cute! So he kissed you under the pretext of paying you off for making you lose your first kiss with Twilight?" Asked Rarity while hugging the embarrassed Pegasus.

Fluttershy shook her head.

"No. He said that since it was his fault I lost my first kiss to Twilight... he'll give me my first kiss with a Stallion..." She blushed fiercely reminiscing that event, as she often did in the evenings ever since that unforgettable day...

Rarity couldn't hide her grin as she hugged her friend.

"Amazing! I feel like I was left behind by you, even though I also kissed him once already! I rest my case. Your woo technique seems to surpass mine, haha!" She laughed good naturedly. and Fluttershy also smiled shyly hearing Rarity joke with no hint of jealousy or resentment. Seems like she really didn't need to worry about anything. Everything was going to be alright...

She felt her body relax and she involuntarily yawned, prompting Rarity to look at the clock.

"Sweet Celestia! It's already this late! I guess we should go to sleep Fluttershy...What do you think?" She asked and the yellow Pegasus nodded in agreement.

Rarity levitated the beauty products off of the bed and straightened the covers before crawling under them in a very amusing way making Fluttershy giggle.

What followed was a conversation on the topic of sleeping techniques and why did Rarity's professional perfectionism found its way even into her bedroom. At the end of this conversation which brought Rarity a lot of new and unexpected discoveries, the white unicorn and the yellow Pegasus layed in eachother's embrace with the bed covers not anymore set in a perfect fashion, and Rarity found out that she felt much more comfortable than ever before.

She wasn't certain though whether it was because she stopped caring about how the covers lied on her body, or because of the Pink maned Pegasus that she was sleeping with...

//So, that happened... I actually wanted Fluttershy and Rarity too have some action here but I feel like what I did here fits better with their characters and feels more wholesome overall. what do you think?

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter. A bit of an interlude but it's not like there's alway a need for action.

Like always...ENJOY!!!


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