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12.04% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 19: A pleasant walk.

Chapter 19: A pleasant walk.

// I am currently having my exams so the uploads are going to be a bit slower for a while. Well not like I'm going to pass them anyway as this year was lost because of this epidemic, but let's hope the next one is going to be better.

Anyway ENJOY!!!//

Starfall walked out of his house/Library in a very good humor.

The last few days were one of the best he had in a very long time. Not only had he finally shared his true feelings with Twilight, but they were now regularly making love with each other and it all felt just so right! Then there was also the part about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony...It couldn't go any better!

Not only had he fought against an overpowered Alicorn in an almost equal manner, but the Elements had apparently chose him as worthy of channeling their magic of Harmony in order to cast an even stronger purifying spell than the huge-ass rainbow beam in the original story!

He could remember the feeling of the pure magic that was filled with all the elements of the Magic of Friendship coursing through his body, Reinforcing his will, strengthening his body and magic as he prepared the spell to not only save Princess Luna, but also purify all the surroundings in a few hundred meters radius.

He was pretty sure that it didn't reach the tree of Harmony but it should have successfully cleared all the seeds of evil planted in the vicinity of the castle and he suspected that any cursed evil object in the castle also got purified.

His mind went back to one of his old Journals that was filled with all potentially dangerous or useful artifacts that he remembered from his past life or found in the library. He remembered having fun writing them in the SCP foundation style while coding his meta knowledge so that only he could decode it later.

'Now that i think about it, Twilight might come by them while looking through my notes...Eh, doesn't most she would find them an interesting read...' He thought as he finally arrived beside the house of Applejack.

He decided to visit her first as she had her house in the most secluded place from all the other Mares.

*Knock knock*

He knocked on the door that soon opened to show a large red stallion with orange mare, look at him suspiciously.

"Yes?" Asked Big MacIntosh as he looked at the black and white coloured stallion in front of him.

Despite his regular training regime and help from his Magic, Starfall was still not as big as the other guy but that was to be expected. Big Mac was was a strong earth pony who spend his life working on the farm carrying heavy weights all the time. Starfall could clearly see that most of his magic was focused in improving his strength and even though he wasn't as strong magically as Applejack, his single target focused magic put him on a similar level of strength as his sister. Of course that didn't include Applejack after years of being under the influence of the Magic of Friendship that allowed the orange mare to kick giant boulders away but those are just details.

Starfall smiled at the simple worded question and replied-

"Good morning. My name is Starfall Blueblood. I've come to visit Applejack. Is she home?" He asked politely with his hoof raised for a hoofshake and Big Mac's wariness lessened as he shook it in greetings.

"Big MacIntosh. Ya can call me Big Mac. Nice ta meet ya. Applejack is in the Orchard at the moment. She told me lot's bout ya." He said his greetings in surprisingly many words for the usually silent Stallion.

"Likewise nice to meet you Big Mac. Say, would it be possible for you to guide me to where she is? I'm not exactly familiar with the place and the orchard looks massive no matter how you look at it, haha!" Asked Starfall with a hint of humor receiving the reply he hoped.

"Yup!" Said Big Mac before waving his hoof for Starfall to follow him. They soon we're walking through the orchard, and Starfall could see the large delicious looking apple growing almost ready for picking.

"I assume the apple picking season is just behind the corner" Said Starfall in a friendly manner.

"Yup! Our family calls it the Applebuck Season. Applejack should be currently setting up the baskets in the north sector. The season is actually starting next week." He explained and Starfall couldn't help by wonder why the Stallion was so open and talkative with him...

Big Mac glanced at Starfall and couldn't help but smile.

'Good looking, polite, rich, smart and strong enough to protect his Mares. Applejack has a good eye gotta give her that... I wanted to scare him a bit but the more we talk the more I start to catch what she meant when she said "easy to talk to and fun to be around" Maybe I should be more lenient towards him...nah, he's still gonna have to went through that Rodeo, hahaha!' thought the large red Stallion as they continued to chat lightly.


It was around fifteen minutes later when they found a cart filled with baskets and a pretty orange pony dragging the baskets under their respective apple trees.

"Applejack! Someone's here ta meet ya!" Called out Big MacIntosh as they approached the hard working mare.

"Horseapples! Starfall what brings ya here!" Exclaimed Applejack as she saw the Stallion standing beside her brother.

"I'll leave ya to it you two. Granny asked me to take care of some boxes in the stable. Just don't do any funny business while I'm not here, understand?" Said the Red Pony with his eyes looking at Starfall warningly, but he could see a hint of amusement in the eyes of the stallion.

Starfall turned back to Applejack and replied to her previous question.

"Why, Jackie? Can't i just come and see my favourite farm pony every once in a while?" He asked with a wink and Applejack laughed at his blatant flirting.

"Ya sure can do , but as ya can see im pretty busy setting up the baskets for the Applebucking Season." She said pointing at the cart filled with baskets.

"Why I can see no problem here. I'll gladly help you put them in place and together we'll be done in a jiffy." He said and Applejack became uncomfortable.

"That's mighty polite of ya Starfall, but I couldn't ask that of you." She said and Starfall remembered a certain episode of the show that was happen during the approaching Applebuck Season.

"Well, then that's great, because I'm not doing it because you ask but because I want to help you Jackie! And you really shouldn't be afraid of asking for help. We are all your friends Applejack and I'm sure that the girls would gladly help you if you asked them as well. I know that you are strong but it's not a shame to ask for help every once in a while."

Applejack wanted to refute him but he stopped her and continued.

"No buts Applejack. Now tell me where you want those baskets and I'll put them in place." He said and she couldn't help but comply.

Inwardly she felt hot, seeing how firm and resolute he is. She almost wanted him to take her virginity right here on the ground and dominate her, but she controlled herself and reluctantly told him where the baskets were supposed to go.

//Sorry I feel like it just fits perfectly here😂//

She couldn't help but admire the dozens of flying baskets setting themselves in exactly where she asked him to and she didn't even comment on Starfall using magic instead of strength as it indeed lessened her work considerably.

"See? I told you, you can ask me or any of your friends and we would happily help you with anything!" He said with a smile and then that smiled turned mischievous.

"Now I have to confess that I didn't come here only to see you. I also have an ulterior motive of inviting you to a certain party along the other Elements of Harmony." He said with a wink as he took out a golden ticket from his Saddlebag.

Applejack opened her eyes wide seeing the ticket.

"Is that what ah think it is?! Starfall how did ya get it? It's supposed to be reserved for...elites...Oh..."Her eyes opened in realization.

"Did ya get tickets fer all of us? That's so sweet of you Sugar Cube!" She said excitedly and hugged him tightly before planting a kiss on his cheek.

her reaction was quiet out of character but he liked this hidden cute side of her too. Starfall laughed as she finally let go of him blushing, and he shook his head with amusement. He decided to explain himself as that was only the right thing to do.

"Oh no. As much as I'd love for it to be my own idea, I was outdone by the Princesses themselves. They must have really taken a liking to the five of you." He explained smiling as he floated the ticket in between them.

He realized that Applejack didn't really had a place to store it at the moment, so he had an idea.

"You know what? It doesn't seem like you have any place to actually store the ticket so I'll hold on to it until the Gala. I expect you to be there." He said with a wink and she blushed while smirking.

"Well ain't ya a charmer! That sounded almost as if ya were inviting me as your date. You need ta watch out or Twilight mighta get jealous, hahaha!" Laughed Applejack as she pushed the ticket towards him.

"But That's a good idea. As ya said, I don't wanna lose it just yet so keep it fer me, will ya?" She agreed.

They continued to chat for a few more minutes and Starfall invited Applejack for the sleepover before leaving to look for Rainbow Dash.

The rainbow pegasus was probably one of the most unpredictable Mares of the Six when it came to her location, but one good place to look for would be a random cloud in the sky or a tree somewhere.

Thankfully It wasn't long until he found her doing barrel rolls above the park as Pinkie Pie cheered her on.

"Hey girls!" He called out and the two mares turned towards him before smiling.

They both rushed towards him in their own way with Rainbow literally Dashing through the air while Pinkie Pie rushed towards him much faster than it should be possible.

They stopped their approach right in front Of Starfall and greeted him.

"Hia Starfall!" Exclaimed Pinkie.

"Hey Starfall! What's up?" Asked Rainbow.

"Oh I was looking for you to give you something. Here..." He took out the tickets from his saddlebag and waited for their reaction as their eyes slowly opened wider and wider.

"Sweet Cupcakes! Is That really...!!?" Started Pinkie.

"...The Tickets for the...!!" Added Rainbow.

""...Grand Galloping Gala!!!"" They exclaimed in unison.

"Yep! That's what it is!" Replied Starfall smugly.

"This Awesome!!!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash before hugging the breath out of Starfall followed by similarly excited Pinkie.

Starfall laughed and said.

"It's alright girls. The Princesses send the tickets to all of us. I wanted to be the one to get them for you but they were faster as the hosts of the party themselves hahaha!" Explained Starfall, when they separated. The girls were giddy with excitement as they exchanged looks with each other and nodded.

Starfall wasn't sure what were they planning but he found out soon enough as the two mares suddenly kissed him on both of his cheeks.

Seems like the sender didn't matter...


After another pleasant chat and invitation for the sleepover, Starfall was on his way to look for Fluttershy.

He expected her to be at home but first he had to pass through the barrier in the form of a certain territorial bunny...

"Hey there little one! I'm Starfall. Could you let me pass or tell Fluttershy that I'm here?" He asked Angel who clearly didn't want to let the Unicorn any further.

The bunny looked at him suspiciously and clearly didn't want to do either of the things but Starfall had an idea.

He took out a carrot out of his saddlebag. It was actually meant for the salad he was planning to make for Twilight later, but he had a few more so he decided that there was no harm in giving Angel the orange vegetable.

The bribe did wonders as the bunny opened the way while holding the carrot with happiness.

Starfall knocked on the doors and soon was greeted with the sight of a cute yellow pegasus standing at the door.

She looked at Starfall shyly and whispered.

"Oh!...Hi... Starfall..." Her cheeks blushed heavily.

"Hi Fluttershy! Can I come in?... Or would that be a problem? I don't want to cause you any inconvenience, or anything..." He said politely while smiling.

The pink haired Pony smiled meekly and nodded.

"That wouldn't be a problem at all... Please...come in..." She invited him in as her eyes landed on Angle happily chewing on a carrot.

She smiled seeing this, while she was closing the door behind Starfall...

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