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59.61% Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED] / Chapter 31: A 'girls' talk

Chapter 31: A 'girls' talk

(Rin's pov)

After the school ended I went to Luvia's mansion to start working. Even though I hate working for her as a maid the pay is amazing and I need money for my magecraft. If I didn't need this job I would already punch Luvia a few times but today is different. Since I and Shirou become a c-couple I don't think anything she would do would make me angry. Just thinking about it make me embarrassed.

*30 minutes later*


It was the sound of yet another expensive looking vase that Luvia I'm sure broke on purpose. In the span of 30 minutes she broke 24 vases for me to clean.

I know that today I probably look happier than usual but she would not break so many vases just because I'm merrier... or would she. She can be petty but I didn't think it would be to this extent. (autocorrect changed petty to pretty a few times so I know what is it's favourite girl.)


Luvia: "Oops, it seems that I'm really clumsy today."

She said while covering her mouth with hand. God, I hate when she acts like a high class lady, even though she is one.

I threw down both broom and dustpan. I tried to be calm but even I have my limits.

Rin: "Ok, what is your problem today!? You are usually annoying but today you are especially unbearable so I ask you, why are you adding to my work?"

Luvia: "I don't know what you are talking about my dear Rin."

Rin: "Don't turn away from me an look me in the eyes when you answer."

Luvia: "*Sigh* August."

She snapped her fingers to summon her butler and he instantly appears behind her kneeling.

August: "Yes, Ojou-sama?"

Luvia: "Tell us what did you investigate the other day."

Why do I have a bad feeling about it.

August: "As you wish Ojou-sama."

August took out a notepad from his back and started reading out it's content.

August: "15:00 - Shirou-sama and Rin-sama met at the Fuyuki station and talked for a little bit until they started walking towards the mall where Shirou-sama bought presents for Illya-sama, Chloe-sama and Miyu-sama. After they exited the shop Shirou-sama returned to said shop to buy a necklace as a present for Rin-sama but he didn't give it to her until the end of their date."

I was beginning to sweat more and more with every word that left August's mouth. August described almost all of my date with Shirou. Strangely he couldn't say anything what we did in the ramen shop.

When August finally stopped reading out his report I shakily turned towards Luvia who was smiling 'gently' at me but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

Luvia: "So Rin, what do you have to say?"

Rin: "I dont need to explain my private life to you."

Luvia nodded her head as if agreeing with me which made me rise my eyebrow.

Luvia: "That's true, that's true. Your life is yours to live, it's not like we have an emergency with eighth card and our mysterious ally which we don't know anything about with strength of a heroic spirit and on par with Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Yes this is truly the best time for romance isn't it."

Rin: "Wait, aren't you just jealous that Shiroi is my boyfriend?"

Luvia: "HE IS WHAT!!!!? August, explain."

August: "Forgive me Ojou-sama, it seems that I was careless in my investigation. If I would have to guess Shirou-sama confessed to Rin-sama today at school and that is the cause of her happiness today."

Luvia: "I see, I see, so Shero is your boyfriend, I understand."

Luvia has a scary smile on her face. I think it's the first time I'm really intimidated by her.

Luvia: "But if that is really the case I'm pity Shero."

What is she talking about?

Luvia: "It seems I confused you a little, let me clarify myself. It is shame that you won't be able to satisfy Shero."

A vein popped on my head showing my visible annoyance.

Rin: "And what do you mean by that?"

Luvia: "What I want to say is that your 'assets' aren't the best, at least compared to mine"

I'm sure that she is talking about my boobs as she even started to support hers with her crossed hands but the way she said it could be interpreted as her being richer than me which pisses me of but I still let a smile form on my face.

Rin: "Ho~ you say that but you don't even know Shirou's preference."

Luvia: "And after being his girlfriend for entire few hours you have this information, enlighten me then, I'm waiting."

Rin: "He likes t-thighs the best."

Saying that out loud is more embarrassing than I thought and my face became red.

Luvia: "Haa? How would you even know that. I doubt that he said that to you himself."

Why does she need to read too much in this. While she is right it's still annoying.

Rin: "*Sigh* you would be right. I overhead his talk with principal about theirs preferences."

Luvia blinked a few times in confusion.

Luvia: "What did you say?"

Rin: "I said that Shirou likes thighs and I discovered it while eavesdroped on his and principal's conversation."

Archer: "What a cultured conversation they had."

Both Luvia and I turned our heads toward the chair where a man in red outfit with a mask. Said mask had a drawn face with red line as a mouth to holes for eyes and blue lighting going over right eyehole. The man was drinking a juice through a straw so he could keep mask on his face.

Archer: "Wow, a rich man's or should I say woman's juice is on a whole diffrent level, thank you August."

August: "It's not problem Archer-sama."

Luvia: "August why is Archer inside the mansion?"

August: "He rang the doorbell and I let him in since I evaluate him to be bit a threat to you Ojou-sama. Forgive me if my actions were out of line."

He said as he bowed to Luvia.

Luvia: "No, I trust your judgement."

Luvia turned to Archer.

Luvia: "So, to what do I owe the pleasure for your visit."

Archer: "Remember our deal about Rin being my maid for a day. I wanted to modify it to be a single order since it would be difficult for me to enjoy her services worh the mask on."

That's great, instead of entire day of his ordering g I can minimize that to just one order but before I could agree Luvia stepped in.

Luvia: "And why would we agree on that? You can't change terms without any consequences or compensation. You are aware that we agreed on previous terms just to spy on you so it would be counterproductive to let you escape that."

Archer: "Fair enough, how about I'll let you see what's under my mask if let me change the terms of our deal."

WHAT!? We'll finally see his face but why would we agree on that. Knowing him he has something up his sleeves.

Archer: "If you agree now I'll throw in these photo I made during Rin's date."

I instantly run up to him and grabbed the photos he took out only for them to be animals photos.

Rin: "Huh?"

Archer: "Great, so you accept. I worked really hard on these photos, especially the cats one."

Luvia facepalmed herself.

Archer: "First I'll tell you what kind of order I want to make."

Archer picked up a a shopping bag.

Archer: "Some birdie has told me that all of you are going to the beach so i bought a swimsuit for Rin so she could wear it."

Rin: "What!!!? And when did i agree on that?"

Archer: "The moment you grabbed these photos."

Archer handed me a bag but I didn't have a courage to look what kind of swimsuit he prepared for me. Wait, how do he knows my measurements. Could he-

Before I could finish my what I was thinking Archer broke me out from my thoughts.

Archer: "Now that I hope that you'll uphold your part of a deal I'll uphold mine."

He reached out to his mask and started to remove it too reveal... the second mask that looks the same way as the one he took off.

Luvia: "..."

Rin: "..."

Archer: "...Bye."

He immediately ran away leaving us confused but us soon confusion wore off the only thing remained is rage. He once again tricked us and after that just left. The next time I see him I'll punch him so hard his stupid mask will break.

(A/N The whole chapter from Rin's perspective, what a treat.)

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