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How Long Have We Been Here? How Long Have We Been Here? original

How Long Have We Been Here?

Author: Kozumero

© WebNovel


The Sun and the Moon.

The Moon and the Sun.

They have been around for all humans have known.

Some thing that never changes.

Yet, somehow, the tale around them always seems to change.

Aurora and Noctem.

Noctem and Aurora.

They had wished to always be insperable. For eternity.

A wish. A wish was all it was.

Sometimes, family is far, but it is always family.


Those two kids have been here longer than Lisa has. One with hair lighter than light itself, and another with hair that looked like the light couldn't touch it. Lisa would say their looks are the only thing different about them, but that would be a lie. While Aurora, the light haired boy, was a bit expressive, and dare she say it, chaotic. Noctem, on the other hand, was not nearly as expressive, and was more on the listless side. They never played with anyone but themselves. Never.

Even if they were only four she could always feel the judgemental stares whenever she did something wrong.

Like now, she hadn't meant to place their favorite blocks on the highest shelf, it had been an accident truly! She was just so tired the night before that she hadn't been able to really concentrate on what she was doing.

The blocks were the twins favorite toys, the two kids weren't really twins but the way they acted and the fact that they had been brought in on the same day made it kind of indisputable. As she was getting her step stool out to get the toys, she could feel they're eyes on her back, the judgemental, creeping ones, haas soon as she she gave them the toys they went off into the corner of the room and started building.

Lisa was a women into her mid-twenties, she was one of the orphanage caretakers and was able to teach kids up to first grade level. She had brown hair, freckles, and big round, green eyes. She had started working in the orphanage a year ago, due to her poor circumstances.

Everyone in society had abilities, amazing powers to do what was once the unimaginable. These powers appeared and so did threats, along with people that had questionable morals, monsters had appeared, thankfully along with bad people came the good people. And then the good, powerful people.

Lisa was, hopefully, a good person. Not a powerful one. She could make plants grow faster. A useful power if her body hadn't been so weak, she did not have the stamina nor the mental capacity to make plants from scratch or makes plants grow for an infinite amount of time.

Most people don't manifest powers until the age of five where they manifest the least of their abilities. Abilities never truly stop growing, it's just the human's capacity and capability do. A person who gives up will never do much in life.

Now that Lisa looked over the twins were building a high tower, too high. It looked like it would top over any moment now.

Then Lisa heard it. The crash. Then came the crying. Noctem was wailing, truly the only time she was too loud, and Aurora was quiet but you could see the tears and snot on his face.

Aurora slowly turn to her.

"M-miss, our-r to-ower fell," he said, with minimum stutters. Lisa quickly walked over to them and crouched down.

"Hey, hey, hey, it okay. You can build a new one and make sure this one doesn't fall over. Right, Noctem?" She turned to Noctem, who quieted her crying upon hearing her name.

For a while, all she did was sniffle and looked at Lisa. Then she tilted her head, "Who are you?"

Right. Lisa forgot. The twins tend to ignore anything that isn't a dangerous or interesting to them. Therefore, she rarely interacted with them. They had someone to deal with them.

Frena. She was a middle-eastern women, with black hair. She was younger than Lisa, barely twenty-two, yet she was taller and buffer. She was also very tomboyish, and would probably fight some thugs down the street.

Although she had her brute strength, she also an entrancing power. If she used it, it was like you had to follow her every command, unless you had strong enough will.

However, she rarely used it. Not even on the twins. Somehow, they saw her buff form and decided 'yeah better not fight that'.

So the twins have a weird respect for her. They always listen to her, let her bath them, let's her put them to bed, and let themselves be fed by her. Basically, she's their mom. Well, as much as a mom she can be to them. You know, being in an orphanage and all.

Anyways, the confusion only stopped the crying for a few seconds before she was back to crying.

"Ah, I'm Lisa, Noctem," she talked to the crying toddler, "I've been here for a while," Lisa seriously did not know how they hadn't noticed somone working here.

"Where's Frena?" asked Aurora who was apparently over crying and now wanted to see his mo- normal sitter.

"She is out at the moment, you guys just had breakfast remember, she doesn't get back until lunch," Lisa answers while seemingly trying to calm Noctem down. She was failing spectacularly.

Suddenly the door banged open.

"Ya miss me squirts!?" yelled a certain voice, Frena, just then Noctem stopped crying.

Lisa sighed, 'was that really all it took?' she thought. Suddenly Aurora looked like he had a good idea. He ran over to the toy chest and pulled out the play doctors set. He then quickly grabbed Frena's hand who was just seemingly watching them and waddled his way to Lisa and Noctem.

He whispered something in Noctem's ear and they both started putting on the costumes. Mini doctors. Hooray.

Aurora had a stethoscope around his neck and a lab coat far too big for him on while Noctem also had a lab coat, she also had thermometers in her hands. Aurora walked up to Lisa, and started asking questions.

"How old are you, do you actually work her I've never seen you around, whatever move over I need to check your heartbeat,"

Lisa kind of was in a shock after his little ramble because she truly did not know or remember really that they were actually children.

After a while he finally said something, "You're dead,"

He said it with so much conviction that Lisa believed it, and so did the ambassador, and the hospital, and the government, and well you know, the world.

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