Aether had seen the hunting grounds from the windows of the Academy. It was nothing special. A simple patch of grass that spanned a couple of miles, reaching from the side of the school to the forest that surrounded the Kingdom. He had only glimpsed at it, thinking nothing of it, after all the hunting competition was never mentioned in the novel.
And yet here he was. Sitting on a chair with Mina and Neal on either side of him, tending to his every need. Of course there were other servants, many servants, his father made sure of that, but they were sent away to set up the tents.
Yes, tents.
Aether was expecting a single tent for lodging, but to the little surprise he had left in his body, his parents had packed over five tents. One large one and four small ones.
The larger tent was like a study of sorts. A giant desk was set up in the middle and a couple of chairs were arranged around it. A large map was being tacked down in the middle with a few small pieces of wood on the side with words written on them. Aether couldn't make out what they said, but he assumed it had to be the names of the participants. Mainly because each piece of wood had a unique color on the bottom, the two being red obviously belonging to Aria and Leon.
The other four tents were their lodgings. His tent was situated in the middle, with his siblings' tents on the side of his and his parents situated right next to him. Guards were stationed around the tents, creating a makeshift barrier. Under their watch no one would be able to enter without his parents knowing.
Including Nox.
Aether was given no chance to talk to Nox before he was dragged away by his father and practically thrown at the Kings feet. The King had a smug look on his face much to his fathers displeasure, and without saying a word he and Nox disappeared into their tent.
The King's tent was like a palace compared to theirs. It was situated on higher ground in the dead center of the field, right in the front. From what Aether had learned the higher of status you were the closer to the King's tent you were. Since the Frenzel family was one of the three top war families in the Soline Kingdom, they had the right to set up a tent right next to the King.
Usually one would be thrilled over the prospect, but it seems his father wasn't so happy with the location this time around.
Aether casually took a sip of tea, watching as the King once again strode over with a smug look on his face and said something to his father, making him burn the paper in his hands. It wasn't long before he was chasing the laughing King away once more.
"You shouldn't be outside." Leon walked up to Aether, he placed his sword on the ground as he attached metal cuffs onto his wrist. Aether eyed the metal cuffs, they were a sterling silver with a small design carved into them. He wasn't surprised to see them. He had witnessed first hand last night his mother polishing the wrist cuffs herself. A scene that he engraved in his mind because he was certain he would never see it again. Aria also had a pair, but unlike Leon's fire design, Aria had flowers.
Aether rolled his eyes at his brother's words. Not letting it get to him. "There is no harm in me being out here." He glanced around, noticing the obvious lack of tents in the giant field, "Besides, there's not even a lot of people here yet."
Leon scoffed, "Just because they haven't arrived yet doesn't mean it's safe to sit out in the open." His words had merit, but his eyes told Aether the truth. Leon was glaring daggers at the tents connecting to the King's. Every now and then Nox's figure could be seen, but as soon as he made eye contact with Aether, he would be dragged away by the King or by one of the servants. Obviously, during the competition he wasn't allowed to mingle with the 'enemy', but Aether was one hundred percent certain that Nox would be stopping to say hi before the start of the tournament.
"Aether." Aria's voice called from behind him.
Both Aether and Leon turned around gazing at their sister who was also trying on her wrist cuffs. She looked stunning, more so than usual. Her hair was neatly tied back and her outfit was pristine, almost like it was brand new.
It probably was.
"Mother wants you inside for lunch."
Aether paused and glanced behind her. He couldn't see the table from here, but the smell of food was definitely inviting. He stood up, ready to go and eat, but stopped when he noticed a small detail. "What about you and Leon?"
Aria shook her head, "Leon and I will be participating in a spar with the Driscoll's, we will join you afterwards."
Aether frowned. "I see." without another word he headed over to eat.
The Driscoll family, one of the three famed war families. From what he had learned from his mother, the Driscoll family favored far ranged attacks. Their skills with the bow and arrow were second to none, but get them in close range combat and their weakness shines. Those facts were interesting and good to note down, but what Aether found fascinating about the Driscoll family was the strange occurrence that ninety nine percent of their children were female. In fact, the Driscoll family hadn't had a son born into the family in over eight generations, with the new generation finally breaking that strike.
Two daughters and one son. The Driscoll family took great cautions in protecting their youngest. Just like Aether he was kept locked away from prying eyes until recently, but unlike Aether he had abilities.
As interesting as it would be to meet the children of the Driscoll family, Aether thought it better to wait and meet them when they were not engaging in a spar with his siblings.
He took a seat at the small table. Although multiple plates were set out, his mother was the only other person eating. Aether glanced at the plates, "The spar won't be long?" He quirked an eyebrow and began to eat.
His mother scoffed, "With how weak they are in close combat, they will be done in a matter of minutes."
Aether nodded in understanding. Although the Driscoll family sounded powerful, when compared to the Frenzel family they still fell short.
It didn't take long before Erik barged into the tent, a smirk on his face.
His mother smiled, "Seems like it was our win."
"Of course." Erik pulled out the chair and took a seat, wasting no time in digging into his food. "Should have seen the look on those bastard's faces. They really thought they could win this year."
Erik shook his head, "They tried training in close combat, and that little brat of theirs put up a good fight, but compared to their long distance combat it was practically worthless."
His mother hummed, "Still, it will be good to keep a close eye on them. You never know what tricks they have up their sleeves."
"Mother, father." Aria entered the tent followed by Leon.
The two greeted them with little acknowledgement, but upon hearing another voice the two froze.
"Good evening!" A young but robust voice said.
Aether turned to face the newcomer. He was tall, but not as tall as Leon. His build was lean, but you could see the well defined muscles that came with years of training. His dirty blonde hair stuck out all over the place. Aether could even see a small branch sticking out. The boy was obviously young, he had a cute and energetic face that still had lingering baby fat.
Aether gave him a quick once over, 'Brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, lean muscle…Driscoll?' He frowned. 'Was this really the prized son of the Driscoll family?'
His mother was the first to say something. She let out a small cough, "Edwin, what a surprise. I didn't know you would be…joining us…" His mother grimaced not finishing the sentence as if it would bring too much pain to say it.
Edwin grinned, his white teeth wide and his eyes sparkling, "Of course! I wouldn't miss an opportunity to get closer to my precious angle!" He twirled on his feet and got down on one knee, grabbing Aria's hand and giving it a kiss.
Aria let out an audible sigh.
Aether raised an eyebrow at the development. 'Oh?'
Aria was considered a small love interest to the first prince in the novel and although she was a good candidate, the moment the female lead made her appearance Aria was no longer in the picture. After experiencing what Aria was like in real life, he didn't expect his sister to have any potential love interest, but to think there was such a person.
A very…interesting person.
Aria ripped her hand out of Edwin's hand and took a seat next to her mother. Edwin, like a puppy, tried to follow her, but Leon was quick to sit on the other side of her, preventing Edwin from sitting near her.
Edwin frowned, but quickly regained his smile. "Haha! Of course! How crude of me to think of sitting next to my angle prior to our engagement!"
"What engagement!" The three yelled in unison. Obviously angry with the others words, but Edwin didn't acknowledge them and took a seat next to Aether.
His big eyes turned towards Aether and with as much enthusiasm as he could muster he said, "Hello brother-in-law, it's nice to meet you." He quickly grabbed Aether's hands and shook it with great strength.
Aether grimaced at the strength and tried to pull away. Edwin sensed it and quickly let go with an awkward laugh. "Hahaha, sorry. I forgot that you are rather…weak." There was a single pause, "Anyway! Let's start eating! Wow, look at all the food. This is so good. Aria my angel you have to try this. Brother-in-law, don't be shy start eating, you need to build up your strength. You too Leon! Hahaha, don't give me that look."
Aether's eyes twitched and his hands clenched around his fork. For the first time, the entire family had the same thought.
On the far end of the hunting ground, in a part of the forest where creatures were being set up by the professors, a pair of students hid.
"Are you sure this will work?" Lucian gazed at the crates behind them, a few demonic creatures were growling and hissing at them, their eyes glowing red.
"Of course." His new acquired friend quickly took the demonic creatures and placed them within the holding circle.
Lucian pursed his lips. He knew better than anyone that once the holding circle was broken and the creatures were released, these demonic creatures would not only wreak havoc on the other creatures, but also the students. It was a rather dangerous plan and one he was not too sure about going through with.
His new friend paused, his eyes calculating as he observed him. He let out a mocking laugh, "Don't tell me you are having second thoughts?"
Lucian frowned, not liking the way this student was looking at him. As if he were beneath him.
"No. Put them in and let's go." Lucian turned around and left without waiting for the other student to follow.
The student watched as his figure disappeared into the forest. An eerie smile appeared on his lips.
Sorry for the late update, but i have been working six day a week for the past month, giving me little to no time to work on my novel.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Could he have done anything different? Should he have been more careful? Where did he go wrong? What could he have done differently? There were so many what if's, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
He blinked. The water trickled into his eyes, blurring his vision even more than it already was. He could faintly hear the cries and screams around him, but the sound of water was drowning them out.
He blinked again. His breathing came out even. Despite all the pain his mind seemed to clear and all he could think about was what had transpired that led up to this.
He was awoken bright and early, dressed, given food, and dragged outside before the sun even rose. Mina and Neal were at his side dutifully making sure not even a speck of dust rested on his shoulders. His father stood in front of him talking with a woman who was idly fanning herself. From first glance Aether could tell that she didn't mean well and it looked like his father knew that as well.
It didn't take long before his presence was noticed. His father turned around, his eyes that contained nothing but pure hatred widened with delight when he saw him, "Aether, come introduce yourself." He gestured next to him.
Aether put on his usual smile and walked up to his father. He gave a short nod to his father in a greeting before turning his attention back to the woman who was hiding half her face behind a fan. She was tall, even taller than his father. Her dirty blonde hair seemed chopped, like a child had accidentally taken a knife to her hair and cut it while she was sleeping. Perhaps that was why she was hiding behind her fan.
She caught Aether's lingering stare and her brown eyes narrowed in hostility.
Aether chose this moment to quickly introduce himself, "Hello, my name is Aether. It is a pleasure to meet you."
The Lady slammed her fan shut, her eyes widening in what should have been a surprise, but Aether could tell that she was only pretending. After all her eyes held a scheming glint that he had grown all too familiar with. "Oh my. You never told me that your youngest was this pretty and…" She gasped, "…no abilities as well. Tsk. If I were you I would have kept him locked up. Who knows what scheming fiends are running amok nowadays." She took a step closer, her hand reaching out towards his hair.
His father stepped in, brushing off her hand he grasped Aether by the shoulders and maneuvered him to the other side of him. The lady's eyes never left his figure. "That is entirely unnecessary. Aether is fully capable of protecting himself."
Aether grimaced as his father squeezed his shoulders.
The lady scoffed, "You know just as well as I do that he isn't capable. Ah, don't give me that look. You know how fast rumors spread, especially in that horrid school." She smirked as she flipped the fan back open.
The pain on his shoulders grew. Aether pursed his lips. If he didn't do something then before he knew it his shoulders would be dislocated. He let out a small cough, "Pardon me for intruding, but a Lady as noble as you should know better than to believe in rumors. Although I have no abilities, I believe a person's capability should not be judged solely based on their physical strength."
The lady hummed, her eyes calculating as she stared at him, "How very Frenzel-like of you." She shook her head and let out a small mocking laugh, "Well no matter, we shall see in time whether or not you are truly capable or not."
Aether paused at her words. What did she mean in time? His eyes narrowed, but he didn't get the chance to ponder on her words as he was led to an observation area situated next to the King.
"It's about time, they are about to start." The King greeted.
His father clicked his tongue and gestured to Aether to take a seat, "That damn Lilian came poking her nose where it shouldn't be."
The King laughed, "That bitch finally came around? I thought it would have been sooner." His father seethed and in no time the two were bantering.
Aether paid little mind to their banters and turned his focus back to the Lady named Lilian. Something about her seemed off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The commotion below caught his attention and for the moment he put aside his worry and tried to focus on the competition instead.
Perhaps that was his first mistake.
Leon stood in front of all the students. He could feel their lingering eyes burning holes into his body. He would scoff at their pettiness, but it didn't matter. Soon enough they would be graveling underneath his feet.
Just like they did every year.
Aria walked up to his side, securing her hair into a high ponytail. "Do you have everything you need?" She didn't bother to look in his direction.
Leon glanced at her then let out a small scoff, "You should be worrying about yourself."
Aria let out a small hum, "I will be fine, but you need to be extra careful this time."
Leon paused, "Why?"
Aria took a step closer to him, a frown painting her face as she whispered "The strings are aggravated. I think something bad is going to happen."
Leon frowned and looked around him. The students, just like all the years before, were preparing while glaring daggers at one another. Some were whispering amongst one another making plans while secretly planning to betray said plans for their own benefits. It was a pathetic scene, but one he had grown accustomed to seeing every year. To him everything seemed ordinary, but if Aria was saying something-He glanced behind him, glancing at his Father and then at Aether. "Did you inform father?"
Aria glanced back as well and shook her head. "There is no point. The strings over there are normal."
Leon turned back around and looked ahead of him, "So what's about to happen will happen in the forest." His lips quivered and the grip on his sword tightened, "Great. Maybe this year will actually prove to be a challenge."
Aria glanced at him and a rare smile bloomed on her face. "Don't die."
"Same goes for you."
Nox shrouded himself in shadows. He idly listened in on the conversations around him, but the one Aria and Leon were having made him freeze. His eyes narrowed and he glanced behind him, his gaze landing on the familiar silver hair that was shining in the sun. For a moment his breath hitched and his heart began to beat. He unconsciously gripped his chest and uncovered himself from the shadows.
Aether caught sight of him and a smile bloomed on his face. He gave a small wave and Nox smiled back.
A hand roughly grabbed him by the shoulders, "Finally! Do you know how long I have been looking for you? Father wants us to take off together, so get your ass over here" Sean said, but Nox didn't respond. Sean followed his gaze and groaned, but after a moment he smiled wickedly, "Hey Nox. If you continue to be distracted you might not get to see his lovely face ever again."
Nox frowned and turned to look at Sean.
Sean smiled triumphantly and patted him on the shoulders, "Remember what father said. If you win this, then he is all yours, but only if you win. Got it."
Nox nodded and without looking back he made his way to the front of the line with Sean.
Aether smiled as Nox walked to the front. He had a feeling deep down that Nox would be the triumphant winner this year.
'Now, where is Leon and Aria?' Aether glanced over the crowd, but couldn't find a batch of silver hair. He frowned. 'Maybe they chose to stay further in the back?'
He glanced towards the back of the students, but a movement from the side caught his attention.
Perhaps this was his second mistake.
His eyes constricted and his body began to tremble.
"STUDENTS ARE YOU READY!" The announcer stood in the middle of the field, his hand in the air. The students on the field immediately got into position, their faces focused.
"GO!" The announcer threw a ball of fire in the air and it exploded into small lights, just like a firework. It was dazzling and the spectators found themselves looking at the fireworks instead of the students who were running towards the forest at full speed.
The sound was loud, but no one covered their ears, but Aether. To Aether the sound was like a gun fire shooting right next to his ear. The sound echoed into his ears, bouncing back and forth. He gritted his teeth in pain, thinking that the pain would never end.
Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, his vision blurred. He closed his eyes and let out a soft groan of pain. He flinched as something cold touched his hands, strands of hair brushed gently across his cheeks and a voice whispered as it raised his chin up.
No longer was he looking at the Hunting Competition, but instead in a corridor of the Frenzel family. He…no Aether, was standing in front of a figure, such a familiar figure, who was grinning down at him like a hunter that had captured its prey. The figure's face held a certain warmth as he reached out a hand and gently rubbed the top of Aether's head, but those eyes.
They were so full of hate.
"You did such a good job." The figure's voice was soft and alluring as he spoke.
Aether felt himself nodding and a sense of pride filled him. And oh how much he wanted to yell at the young Aether. To move, to run! To go anywhere, but here. Don't listen to his words he wanted to scream, but the young and ignorant Aether who knew no love, didn't know any better.
"Too bad I no longer have a need for you."
A searing pain invaded him. Aether let out a shaky breath and gazed down at his chest. A small knife was embedded into his chest, right where his heart would be. Blood began to ooze out, staining his once white shirt.
Aether froze. The scene dissolved from his mind.
[Why? I did everything you told me to?]
Aether tried to take deep breaths. His mind reeling from the sounds that were invading him. He knew that voice. He was too familiar with it to not know who it was.
He held his head and whispered, "Because…they were just using you."
The voice went silent and the pain that had hit him like a ton of bricks vanished. He took a deep breath and leaned back into his seat.
"Aether?" His father called him. Aether took a moment and glanced over, grimacing at the look his father was giving him.
He quickly shook his head to signal that he was fine, "I'm all right, I think I just need some water. I'll be right back."
His father pursed his lips, but in the end nodded, "Make it quick."
Lilian watched from the sidelines with a knowing smile. Aether did not pay attention to her, his mind reeling from what he had just witnessed. A cold sweat drenched his skin. He felt sick to his stomach and wanted nothing more than to hide in the tent and throw up. He placed a hand over his chest, where the knife had been. He could almost feel the blood pouring out of the wound, but every time he glanced down it wasn't there.
Mina and Neal were waiting for him in the tent and Aether let out a sigh of relief as he grew closer, but before he could open the tent someone bumped into him causing him to lose his footing and fall to the ground.
He took a deep breath, barely registering that he fell to the ground before standing back. His mind solely focused on getting inside the tent, but when he looked up he froze.
Like a hunter staring down at its prey, the man smiled, "Hello. Aether, right? I've been dying to meet you."
...Hope you enjoyed:)
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