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Bearer Of Justice Bearer Of Justice original

Bearer Of Justice

Author: Arianuri

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Black, Then Black Again.

"L-Look out!" A woman screamed at me, I looked at her with just a thankful expression. Well someone cared for me at my last moments at least. A loud sound of a gun being fired echoed in the spacious chamber of the bank, and following it came a bedlam of screams.

At just age 16 I, just an average boy died due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hah, I was just minding my own business and just came to help my elderly aunt to make some bank transactions. But no! that would be too easy I guess. A terrorist group just had to attack the very same bank that I was in.

Really, I hate my li- 

Oh, can't say that now I suppose. 

Then everything blacked out.


Huh? Where am I? 

I opened my eyes just to be greeted with darkness once again. Adjusting my body I stood up, struggling. My body was aching very obnoxiously. But fighting through the pain I observed my surroundings.

I was in an alleyway it seemed like. Was this what heaven looked like? Heh, probably considering my luck, it's more likely to be hell.

A source of light - the only one here - captured my attention. The hell? 


                   "Vigilante System activated"

You died because of the ignorance of society towards crime. Don't let this injustice happen to others!


Vigilante System? is this really happening with me? I tried touching the holographic screen(?) in front of me, and suddenly the screen changed.


Name: Marques Jester(reincarnated)

Level: 5

Age: 16

Roles: Vigilante (acquired), Lowly Mage (birth) Servant (acquired) Commoner (birth)


H.P: 68/150

M.P: 0/10

ATK: 20

VIT: 15

DEF: 17

M.DEF: 20

SPD: 20(+30)(-4)

INT: 22(+33)



(Unique) The Vigilante : The bearer has had suffered from unfair injustice. So, when saving others from injustice as the vigilante, bearer gets +100% Attack and +80% Defence.

(Rare) Nimble : After running away from dangers their whole life, the bearer is abnormally fast. Bearer gets +150% Speed.

(Common) Magic I : The bearer is bestowed with the tool of magic. This skill may get upgraded through continuous use.

(Rare) Cut Above The Rest : The bearer has survived their entire life through their intelligence and quick-witt. Bearer gets +150% Intelligence.


(Unique) The One Who Strikes Justice! : To become the slayer of injustice, the bearer needs power. Upon activating, the bearer gains 5 minutes of +200% Speed and +200% Magical Defence and Magical power and -80% Defence. C.D ; 30 minutes.

(Common) Water Arrows : The bearer fires arrows made of magical water with very high pressure. The intensity depends on the Magical Power supplied. C.D ; 10 seconds.


Hunger : The bearer is famished due to not getting any food for a whole day. The bearer is deducted -½ H.P every 20 minutes.

Fatigue : Bearer has been worked excessively, thus gaining fatigue. The Bearer gets -20% Speed.


Holy crap, if I am not going insane then I have actually been reincarnated! this is too unreal. But Marques Jester? that's not my name. Wait, why can't I remember my real name? What else do I not remember?

I tried brainstorming for a minute or so but couldn't remember anything other than my last moments and strangely, all my factual knowledge. If that's not oddly convenient.

Still, what's up with the weird skills? 'The One Who Strikes Justice'? 'The Vigilante' and the roles too are just as weird!

'Servant'! 'Vigilante'! what the fuck! I looked down the screen, at the bottom showed the effects I have right now. 'Fatigue' and 'Hunger', no wonder my body is so sore right now and my stomach practically a running track for rats.

Well shit, I don't know what to do. This is too far from normal for me. Why couldn't I have died and stayed so; like everyone else!



Hah, let's look around I suppose, perhaps I can get some help. As I started to slowly walk towards what could only be deduced as the entrance of the alley, I heard a whimpering sound coming nearby from me.

The first and foremost thing I noticed though, was the place I was in. From the structure of the houses and shops, the city - or town - was surely one from a medieval times. A very generic setting for a reincarnation by whatever entity placed me here.

As I walked the empty street that I had appeared in, I saw a figure of a man, leaning to the wall of one of the buildings, I couldn't exactly make out the person clearly because of it being night. So, slowly I strode over to the person.

It was a man in his early adolescence, possibly 20-25, he had brown hair and was holding down a flesh wound on his stomach. He appeared to be in a lot of pain.

Shit. What a mess, I was in no condition myself to help another person, though the man was clearly way more worse than me. Seems like he hasn't seen me yet, I should probably leave, maybe I could direct some other person to help him.

I was about to leave when a screen accompanied by a ding sound appeared before me.


Rescue Mission!

It appears that a man has been injured by a possible

criminal. The authorities are not present to help the

person in need. Accomplish your duty as the

Vigilante! help the person in need and find and

exterminate the criminal.

Upon Success :

1. Gain an additional buff of +200% Attack, Defence and Vitality for 3 days.

2. Gain an ally ship with House of Kariehem.

Upon Failure :

1. Death.

Note : If the bearer chooses to ignore this mission, the effects of Fatigue and Hunger will become 300% more effective.


What kind of bullshit mission is this!? Are you kidding me?

Arianuri Arianuri

So, I have formatted this chapter for the optimal experience of mobile users, hence the odd spacing you might find in the system prompts, when reading on a desktop. I apologise for inconvenience that the formating might've caused in your reading experience, but for the time being I will format chapters like this, I'm sure most readers use a mobile device.

And , the obligatory, if you like the beginning, be sure to add the story to your library. If you are still reading this, have a cookie.

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