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57.96% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 221: CHAPTER 217(Government Deals)

Chapter 221: CHAPTER 217(Government Deals)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Final sweep complete sir, we're heading back up now," a police officer says.

The man appeared to be in his mid forties, just like his partner who was standing beside him.

His partner was looking around this underground submarine bay of the Black Market Hideouts with a bored expression.

Both men were armed and armored in specialized assault gear for this raid, yet the police didn't have to fire a single bullet.

All around them were cracks and deformed sections of ground and walls, with the occasional odd strip of tape draped about. All signs of Team Horizon clearing out the gunmen that were bunkered down in this area.

Bloodstains included...

"I don't see why we even have to sweep," the other man says as they begin walking back to the surface. "Horizon double checked the base, its not like we'll find anything he missed anyway."

"That's not the point," the first man says. "Its protocol, he isn't a Fully Licensed Pro Hero yet, so we have to double check his work instead of just taking his word for it."

"He's already better than the pro heroes, might as well just give him a license already."

"A break out own regulations just to make an exception for one person?" his partner questions the idea. "And how many more concessions will we make just because people are 'special' in the future? Its better for our society if nobody gets special treatment."

"You're just saying that because you're jealous," the other man teases as they continue walking up the corridors to the surface. "If you had a Quirk like his you'd want special treatment too, I'm sure he does."

"If I had his Quirk I probably wouldn't be a Hero," the man quietly admits, surprising his partner. "I can barely deal with taking stupid orders now, and my Quirk sucks. Imagine if I had the power to do whatever I wanted and literally nobody could stop me, recipe for disaster."

"Star and Stripe could stop you," he argues.

"Yeah but she's in America, this is Japan."

"Fair enough."

"But my point is, it takes a lot of will and a very strong sense of good and justice to sit around taking orders from people you're a million times stronger than. His parents must have been damn good heroes to raise him like that."

The other man chuckles, "yeah, my daughter is just a year older than him and I have trouble keeping her away from beer and boys, imagine having to discipline a kid that can level a city by swinging a sword or warp you away whenever he wants."

"We got lucky. He had good parents and was born with a good heart."

"Yeah, real lucky," the other man mutters as they arrive back at the surface, seeing the destroyed entryway where the fight began.

Walking out they're once again united with all the police officers packing up the captured criminals into special boats.

And glancing off to the side they see Team Horizon speaking to their captain, away from all the rubble and destruction.

With Horizon holding a small metal case in his hand.

"Looks like an argument," the man mutters to his partner as they begin approaching.

"I hope not," the other man says. "His team were joking around on the way here, but they're kind of scary when they fight."

"Yeah, we didn't even need to fire a single bullet, kids these days are getting ridiculous..."

"Lieutenants," the captain turns to them. "Did you see anything else on the way up?"

"All clear sir, nothing but rubble from the fighting, everything else is right here and the control room is still secured," the man gestures to the dozens of crates being loaded into the shipping containers.

"All aside from that," the captain looks down at the case Horizon was carrying, then glances over to Team Horizon who were nearby chatting amongst themselves.

"This one comes with me, if you've got a problem, take it up with President Pantu," Horizon says.

The captain immediately backs off, "alright, just making sure. We're about ready to head out. We did manage to intercept and stop all their attempts at communication, but just incase I'd rather you hover around nearby rather than leaving us and flying off to Tokyo."

"Believe me, I'm not leaving until I see all of this stuff locked up and secured, when we get back to shore I'll warp into into the facility we have ready nearby, can't have any eyes on the location after all."

"I see," the captain says, realizing Horizon and/or Pantu believe their are spies in the police force.

Which also explains why they weren't given any details about this raid.

The man just rubs the back of his head and shrugs, "well, dealing with problems like that is above my paygrade anyway, I'll just give the Commission a call to make sure everything get where it needs to go later."

"I appreciate you not making this more annoying than it has to be," Horizon extends his hand which the man shakes, "it was a pleasure working with you and your men, sir."

The man chuckles, "well we got to sit back and just put the cuffs on after the fact, so the pleasure was really all ours."

---3 Hours Later...

Horizon is on the couch in Pantu's office with his feet up on the coffee table, leaning back while playing a game on his phone.

The metal case he brought with him was resting on the table as well.

A few more moments pass before he takes his feet off the table and look toward the door, putting his phone away.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," President Pantu says as she enters the room.

And Horizon stands as President Pantu and her guest, the ambassador of Germany, enters behinds her.

A woman in her mid thirties with dark black hair and pale white skin, almost looking as if she were a black and white painting, with gorgeous features and all.

'Must be some Quirk,' Horizon thinks.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Horizon," the woman says as she shakes his hand, and looking up at him she can't help but say, "you're much taller than I expected."

She stood at 5fft2 -157cm- while he was now 6ft4-195cm-, leaving a noticeable gap between them.

"I get that a lot," Horizon says. "And its a pleasure to meet you as well, now, can we get to why we're all here."

"Yes, lets take a seat and discuss what happened tonight," Pantu says, gesturing to the seats around the coffee table.

"Is this really it?" the ambassador asks, gesturing to the case.

"Only you can confirm that, since I don't have the code," Horizon says.

"Right," the woman takes the case and enters the 20 digit code, and it immediately pops open.

It releases its air tight seal with a hiss as a cold draft is let out. She then fully opens it for them to see the computer chip carefully held inside.

She places the entire thing on the table and carefully looks at it before closing the case, sealing it once again in a cold vacuum.

"Now I have one less worry in the world," she says. "Thank you, truly, for returning this to us."

"No problem," Horizon says. "But now can you please explain what that thing is? Must be very important if you're here in person for it. Not to mention President Pantu wouldn't let me warp it to the secret storage facility with everything else we seized tonight."

"Its a computer chip," Pantu says. "Germany is working on more accessible Quantum Supercomputer, like the one Nezu has."

"It won't be as powerful as his," the ambassador says. "But this will allow all the medical research facilities in Europe to put more of their funds into research and development rather than buying time slots on expensive corporate owned computers for simulations."

"And let you steal all the data," Horizon says.

"We'd do no such thing," she says, and Pantu detects no lies.


"This is a purely humanitarian project, overseen by the United Nations Medical Council directly. And while I understand your skepticism, you of all people can surely understand giving to others and expecting no reward. That is what your Miracle Ward is all about is it not?"

"Fair enough," Horizon says. "But why was it in Japan, in a Black Market facility about to be shipped out."

"There were a string of break-ins at government facilities all across Europe this past year," she says, surprising both Horizon and Pantu. "The public hasn't been made aware, but someone has been collecting technology all across the world for a while now, and they're getting more and more bold."

"I-Island," Pantu says.

The woman nods, "we believe they were behind that as well, but luckily this was already sent to Germany before that tragedy took place."

"Then we'll put all our facilities on alert, just incase," Pantu says. "Thank you for visiting, and do keep me informed if any such incidents happen in the future."

"Thank you for so generously helping us, and of course for keeping this off the record," the woman nods as she stands up, ready to leave.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," Horizon says, causing her to turn to him.

"Likewise, now before I go," she reaches into her jacket and takes out a small envelope and hands it to Pantu. "A list of criminal organizations that we suspect are sending operatives from Europe into Japan to recruit known villains. Now that Horizon is scaring people away they're swarming like vultures."

Pantu takes it, "and you want us to work together and trap them, alright, I'll look into it."

"And for you," she turns to Horizon. "As a special thanks, from my people to you," she gives him a similar envelope.

"Always happy to help..."

As the woman leaves Pantu walks over to her office trashcan and tosses the envelope inside, then casually walks back to her seat, all while maintaining the icy façade.

"So I'm guessing you don't plan to help her..."

"Obviously not. If our villains want to go to other countries, and their villains want to recruit them, that's a positive for us."

"Until it gives Japan the reputation of breeding villains and infecting the world with them."

"No, we have Horizon," Pantu says. "We can't be blamed for our Pro Heroes being so great that villains simply run away. The public will turn on their own governments, blaming them for not being able to stop villains, after all, why would villains go to places that make their lives harder..."

"Ahh," Horizon quickly understands. "That'll lead to more militarization and governments being tougher on Pro heroes, so the same thing I did for Japan...I'm slowly doing to the rest of the world. I guess I'm more influential than I thought."

"All while Japan is peaceful and happy," Pantu says as she raises a finger to her earpiece.

Horizon opens his envelope and reads the letter within, then looks back up as Pantu is done with the call.

"All the raid teams are accounted for, and the seized items are all being sent to local armories and military facilities."

"All but mine, because of course the special items I seized can't be put on the books," Horizon says.

"That's why you had to be the one to go to that base, you're one of the few people I know can handle themselves if they turned those weapons on you. But you assigned yourself that because it would give you the most credit as its the most dangerous, correct?"

"Mostly for my team," Horizon says. "You could have just let me blow it all up with the island, they had enough C4 there to sink the whole thing."

"The controlled destruction of everything we seized tonight will be done after everything is accounted for, don't you want to have a big shiny number attached to your first major operation as leader?"

"Well, when you put it like that, yeah that makes sense," Horizon chuckles. "Tomorrow night this should be all over the news, but as for this night that's already over, I still have work to do."

As he gets up and puts the letter and envelope away Pantu looks up at him, "what was her offer?"

"All the money in the world," Horizon says. "Or as much of it as they could manage, but no amount is enough to break our deal, so you don't have to worry about that."

She detecting no lies.

"Horizon," she says before he warps away, making him stop for a moment. Standing up and looking at his visor, she decides to be direct with him. "I don't doubt that you will be our greatest hero, and that you will easily graduate UA.

But we both know that when I release them to you, when your family is whole again. I will make you another offer, to stay in Japan as our #1 Pro Hero."

"Anyone in your position would, but why are you telling me this obvious play now?"

"Because we both appreciate people being direct, so I'm simply going to ask you," Pantu says. "What will it take?"

Horizon looks at her and sighs, "you know. I don't have any hard feeling for what happened to me, to us, to get here...well, maybe a little bit for Hawks. But I accept what happened as a risk of the life we chose to live, it is what it is. But I have no idea what it would take to get me to stay here, instead of going somewhere else and starting over..."

With that Horizon warps away, and once more Pantu detects no lies in his words...


Chapter 222: CHAPTER 218(Team Horizon Debrief)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---Horizon Tower, 2 AM...


Horizon warps back into his tower, into the kitchen where he moves to get a glass of liquor.

"Oh! Oh! Check out this part!" he hears Sero yelling from the living room. "I kicked this guy so hard his tooth stabbed his friend in the face!"

A few moments later and Horizon walks into the living room, seeing Sero, Juzo, and Shinso, sitting on the couches eating a late dinner and having some drinks, mostly beer, with Juzo drinking a soda.

The room was somewhat dim with his massive TV showing footage from Sero's body camera, from the raid hours prior.

As per usual, after each day with a incident resolved they have to review their footage and edit it before uploading, hence the laptop beside Juzo who was already editing his video.

"Did anything happen on the way back here?" Horizon asks, and none of them react to him suddenly entering the conversating or taking a seat beside Shinso.

"Minato Tokyo is quiet tonight," Shinso says.

"We just got done deciding what should get cut and what should stay from Shinso and my footage," Juzo says. "Ours was pretty boring compared to Sero."

Sero chuckles at that, "well, when you guys have enough hours of indoor combat training with Horizon you can join me in those cramped hallway fights."

"That's Sero's role," Horizon says. "To be flexible and mobile, plus capable enough to back up any position. It just so happened that this time he was our vanguard for the siege."

"A role I'm surprised you didn't take," Shinso says.

"The public already knows what I can do, this was about showing them how formidable Team Horizon is without me," he shrugs. "I need any of you to be able to lead teams with Fully Licensed Pro Heroes in my stead while commanding respect. You are the next Big Three after all."

They all think about it for a moment while Horizon takes a sip of his drink, sensing Ryuko already asleep in his bed.

"Anyway, what was your favorite part of the raid?" he asks.

"Oh!" Juzo looks up from the laptop. "Definitely Shinso doing that thing with All Might's voice."

"I've been working on that for a while, but I can only control small groups at once, and the more people I control the shorter the time, barely a few minutes," Shinso says.

He then continues, "personally I like the thing you did with the rocket, your reaction time really is incredible, and your ability to predict where people will focus on an ever changing battlefield. I see why Horizon chose you to lead in his absence."

"Well it definitely couldn't be me," Sero laughs. "Trying to keep track of so many things is one thing, but making and communicating a plan on the fly is beyond me at the moment. That's why I mostly just rush off on a solo task, so I don't need to talk I can just keep building momentum and moving.

Oh, but aside from the combo the three of us did in the hallway, I think either the submarine stuff or ripping the doors off the base was my favorite part."

"A grandiose display of power," Shinso says. "But was that harder than the skyscraper you held in the air before you came to the summer camp?"

"Honestly," Horizon thinks about it for a moment. "Pulling the subs out of the water was harder than holding them in the air, plus I had to rip them away from the docks they were in, that's why the lower levels flooded."

"Ahh, that's why those guys were rushing up from there soaked," Sero says.

"Yeah, but the four subs weren't as heavy as the skyscraper, it was like 80 stories after all. But even if it was, I'm so much stronger now that I could hold up a few of those buildings easily, so I honestly wouldn't notice."

"No wonder villains don't want to fight you, sheesh," Juzo goes back to editing.

"But back to the question, my favorite moment was definitely the first confrontation of the raid, obviously," Horizon says. "Its a perfect showcase of why I chose each of you for this team. We smashed into that base and had dozens of heavily armed and trained men locked up within a minute.

Either sealed into the floor, held at gunpoint by their allies. Tied to the ceiling or knocked out by Sero, or simply brainwashed and catatonic. Quick and efficient work, exactly what this team is all about."

"Too bad now they're all going to know my Quirk," Shinso says.

"Not necessarily," Horizon takes another sip of his drink. "Its suspiciously hard to find any footage of your matches from the sports festival, strange how that happened. Plus your Quirks are never explained by us.

Unless you go around announcing it, the general public is so stupid they'll never put the obvious pieces together, especially since we're blocking some of the only evidence they have."

"And since we won't be competing in the sports festival next year, that's all the hints they'll ever get," Shinso says.

"I'm still kind of bummed we can't compete next year," Sero says. "But being in this team is already way better than the attention that would have given us, heck Best Jeanist already sent me a request to go work with him."

"Moving up to the #3 Pro Hero, you plan to accept?" Juzo asks.

"Heck no, that guy is too reactive," Sero says. "I prefer to go looking for villains like Edgeshot instead of reacting to crimes that are already happening. Plus learning to investigate and solve cases is way more fun than sitting in a agency waiting for a call all day."

"And since I'm also working under Edgeshot it helps us build synergy," Shinso says.

"What about you Juzo?" Horizon asks. "You'll get a lot of requests after this raid goes public in a few days, any plans to leave Crust?"

"No I've still got a lot to learn from Crust, his approach is pretty good since all his Quirk gives him is a shield. Its just like how I don't really have any offensive power, so shadowing him gives me a lot of ideas. Maybe next year I'll move over to another agency, ideally Endeavor."

"He'll be #1 by then, officially at least," Horizon says. "Plus Endeavor doesn't take work studies students, he only made an exception for me because I'm Horizon, and obviously he'll take his son."

"Speaking of the raid going public," Sero cuts in. "How'd the meeting at the Commission go, are the other teams ok?"

"Minor injuries, nothing they can't walk off, mostly. But no reasons for me to leave Tokyo and go heal anyone. All the loot should be locked into nearby stations, military armories, or guarded facilities by now."

"So a complete success huh, the biggest raid of an underground criminal network in Japan for well over a century, organized and led by a student," Juzo says. "If anyone didn't think you were the real deal before, now they don't have a choice but to accept you."

"And we'll get even more famous from it," Sero grins like a idiot just thinking about it. "All the agencies will start making me even bigger offers, plus the money we'll get from taking part in this raid will be massive."

"And our predicted Hero Rankings will go up," Shinso says.

"And we'll get international fame," Juzo adds. "Mudman will finally have his name out there for the entire world to see."

"And the money," Sero says.

"You already said that," Horizon says.

"Its worth saying twice, I just found a real nice place closer to where my dad works to buy, if I keep working like this I'll have it in no time."

"I figured you'd be more excited for the women," Shinso says. "It seems like that's been on your mind more and more lately."

"Horizon is rubbing off on me," Sero admits. "But nah, we're still clawing our way out of debt from the last few back surgeries dad had, hell he shouldn't even be working so the longer I take the more likely he ends back up in the hospital, so money first."

"Too bad you didn't know me back then, and you should bring him to see me immediately," Horizon says as he glances down the hallway, sensing Ryuko waking up. They all notice this but are used to it by now, then he turns back to them, "but I will admit I've been enjoying the freedom and perks of being a top hero more and more lately."

"Still a workaholic though," Juzo says. "Anything else from the commission we need to know about?"

"Just the report for this raid going public tomorrow night, and this," he takes the envelope out of his jacket and puts it on the table. "The ambassador of Germany was there."

"The manga lady!" Sero says.

"What?" Shinso asks.

"She looks like a manga page, all black and white, must be some kid of ink Quirk I'd bet," Sero says.

"I didn't ask," Horizon says. "But she made me that offer."

Without hesitation or shame Sero picks up the letter and begins reading it. And both Juzo and Shinso can see the mortified and confused expression on his face.

His brain trying and failing to fathom the insane offer that was made.

"Is it that bad?" Juzo asks.

Sero just shakes his head and stiffly hands the letter to Juzo, all while looking at Horizon with genuine surprise.

Juzo scans the letter and looks aghast, "wow...I didn't think anything or anyone was worth this much money."

"How much?" Shinso asks.

"Just a little over 12 Billion dollars."

"For what?" Shinso couldn't wrap his mind around it either.

"To live there," Horizon says. "Just setup shop in the most heavily populated city, the capital. Let them move all important critical assets around the Horizon Tower I'd build there. And occasionally when a national or global emergency pops up, I solve it," he shrugs.

"So they give you that much money, just to live there?"

"It also gives them a lot of sway in the United Nations, especially the Hero Legislation board within it. Currently America has the most sway because they have Star and Stripe. Japan had almost as much back when All Might was in his prime, but now they aren't even runner up, not until I graduate and get my full license at least."

"So they want to pay you billions, for the political power that comes with your name," Juzo says. "Not to mention villains will flee Germany when you appear."

"12 Billion a year, not the best offer I've gotten, and they'll only get bigger from here."

"Would you really leave Japan?" Sero asks.

"What, can't you run this place without me here to babysit?" Horizon asks jokingly.

"Oh please, we'll be fine. But seriously, will you."

Horizon sighs, "I plan to focus more on medicine in the future and less on punching villains all day, so if someone makes me a better offer, why wouldn't I take it. I don't have anything tying me here after all."

"I guess so," Sero says , and the room gets a bit sad before Sero tries to cheer them up. "Plus America pays more, and lets you be way more hands on with villains."

Juzo joins in, "yeah but the food will stop your heart before the villains get a chance."

Shinso chuckles, "but its soo good. I mean there is a reason we're always ordering from that American burger place nearby. Its worth the health risks."

"Well if the American way is great burgers, the freedom to do whatever I want, lots of money, and permission to get hands on with villains, maybe its worth fighting for...Even if I'll be fighting heart disease more than villains..."

They all share a laugh at that as the debrief continues.

Celebrating Team Horizon's first major operation in the limelight...


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