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31.42% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 120: CHAPTER 116(Dominos Pt.2)

Chapter 120: CHAPTER 116(Dominos Pt.2)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


As the dust is slowly dissipating across the battlefield All Might is revealed, laying in a shallow crater.

As if it were an early grave, a heartwrenching scene for the millions watching live.

His frail and thin form is now exposed for the world to see, his left arm completely shattered and bleeding in multiple places.

And a look of sorrow on his face, as he stares up at All For One.

The villain was still standing on the air, but his right arm was bleeding profusely and his dry, painful coughs, as well as his wheezing, carried across the battlefield.

This battle was taking a serious toll on him, and he has to make a real effort just to catch his breath.

'All Might is ever weaker now than I suspected, and Gran Torino will be back in a few moments,' All For One thinks. 'How should I play this out? If I win then my plans fail, so I must find a way to lose and make it believable...but this could be a great chance to finally kill All Might.

No, he is already dying, I doubt he'll be alive beyond five more years at this rate, and that arm is useless...unless Horizon fixes it, which he will.

Well, I suppose I could have some fun while tearing them down, making way for Horizon to ascend to his spot...' All For One decides as he notices Gran Torino about to re-enter the battlefield, already done taking the injured Pro Heroes to safety.

"It seems your true self, the weak and disappointing failure is now exposed to the world, oh great and powerful Symbol of Peace," All For One says mockingly, raising a hand to his face as he continues coughing.

"Don't take any pride in my injuries, I assure you that had Horizon not beaten dozens of Quirks, including Super-Regeneration out of me, I would not be taking this route...even now you're nothing without someone else starting the fight for you, bleeding for you..."

"Don't listen to him Toshinori!" Gran Torino yells as he flies back into the battlefield, standing between All Might's crater and All For One, as if he could do anything. "He's using lies to stir up your heart just as he did before, tune them out!"

"Lies?" All For One asks, seeing All Might still staring up at him, not even making an attempt to get up as his mind was still reeling. "No lie can ever hurt as much as the truth.

And if I recall correctly, before she was his master...Nana Shimura was your friend, Gran Torino.

You were both there when I crushed her hopes and dreams!

When I mangled her pathetic self so badly that she begged me to finish her!

When she learned that mercy does not exist in my world!

You and All Might both ran away!

You left her to die!

You abandoned her!

And All Might didn't stop running until he got all the way to America, then he builds himself up as the so-called Symbol Of Peace.

He's the fake, he's the liar, he's the con artist here.

Convincing the world that he was anything but a coward and a snake that would abandon the people closest to him to save himself, and you're no different!"

Gran Torino feels the guilt and heartache swelling in his chest, but he just glares at All For One and forces it down.

"Nana sacrificed herself so that we could live, so that he could become All Might, become someone powerful enough to stop you! To become the Symbol Of Peace!"

"No," All For One says, "she was just another hero destroying herself and her family for people who don't matter.

You may think I struggled to recruit Tomura, but it was remarkably easy, because of 'Heroes' like you, like All Might, like her.

A boy that was abused because he loved heroes, but his father hated them. Nana Shimura's own son whom she abandoned to pursue her career, after the life he had it was no surprise he hated her.

And when young Tenko Shimura developed a seemingly villainous Quirk and accidents happened, the boy was alone on the streets for days.

Before I found him nobody ever offered a helping hand.

They were all so sure a Hero would save where were you, Hero?

Oh, that's right, you were off protecting this society that abandons people that don't fit their golden standard, right? One that shuns people who look different or don't have 'heroic' Quirks.

One where the only people worth admiring are those that put on silly costumes and run around inflicting violence onto others, approved by the corrupt and vile government of this really the kind of world she caused so much pain for? Is this really what she died for? What a waste of a life..."

Gran Torino's glare softens, the look on his face alone is enough to admit guilt, and his silence only supports it.

Unknowingly confessing to the entire world that was watching and listening.

"To think abandoning her family to bet on All Might, would lead to this," All For One laughs at the idea. "A villain that wants nothing more than the destruction of this unjust hero society, and who has the power and support to do it, her own grandson!

I can't imagine what he'll do when he finally hears all of this, when he learns exactly why she abandoned them, when he hears these words..."

Hearing those words Gran Torino almost freezes, almost succumbs to his own emotions, but with his senior experience, he calms his mind.

Unlike Yagi, he's long since made peace with the circumstances of Nana's death. And he accepted the cost of never having any contact with her family afterward.

Even if he never imagined it could go this far, even if her own blood flows through a monster like Tomura Shigaraki.

Looking at All For One he sees the villain once again coughing, trying to catch his breath.

And glancing back over his shoulder he sees Yagi still laying on the floor, frozen, with a look of despair on his face.

'You've always been too emotional boy, but we don't have time for this, All For One probably isn't attacking yet because he either wants to torture us like this for the world to see...or he's unable to because of the state of his body, I can't be sure with a maniac like him but we don't have time to lay around...I'm not one for this sappy crap, but here goes...'

Gritting his teeth Gran Torino swallows his pride, and prays his words are enough for this to work.

"All For One," he says, looking directly at the villain, "you're right..."

"Hmm" All For One detects no lies in this voice, and his curiosity is piqued. "What are you playing at?"

"Nothing, you're absolutely right," Gran Torino says. "Nana Shimura, All Might's master, my friend. She died while we ran away, she had to give up her son and her family because she was a hero, because she had to continue being a Hero.

And if Tomura Shigaraki is truly her grandson, if they suffered because of this, then I am sorry.

Unfortunately, some heroes are so blinded in saving others that they can't see what happens to the people around them, to those who need them most.

But I stand by every choice Nana Shimura made!" Gran Torino smiles brightly and places his hands on his hips.

"She was a true hero, she sacrificed everything for us, for the future. Yes, we ran away while she fought you, while she died.

But I'm sure she faced death with dignity, without begging a monster like you for mercy, she died fighting as a Hero.

She died fighting for the future. Because she knew her limits, she knew she couldn't be what the people needed.

So she bet more than just her life on everything we needed.

Someone brave, someone powerful, someone honest and just. A person who puts everyone ahead of himself!

Someone who could bring about a peaceful world where people don't have to be afraid of monsters like you and your army of Nomu!

A true hero who could be a pillar for all of society to look at as the golden example of all we should strive to be!

Someone we could all lean on when we don't know what to do or if we'll ever see tomorrow!

Someone she believed was capable of becoming our greatest hero, and our very first Symbol Of Peace!

She bet everything, and she was right, because no matter what, no matter how many monsters are sent after the people of this world, they never have to live in fear!

Because thanks to her nurturing, thanks to her guidance, thanks to her sacrifice we finally have someone she believed could complete this task as well as take you down. It's because of the sacrifices of Nana Shimura that---!"

"I. AM. HERE!" All Might immediately stands up, back in his muscular form with his left arm completely torn up and mangled, hanging limply at his side.

He glares up at All For One and grits his teeth while stepping out of the crater, standing beside Gran Torino.

"Sorry sensei, I let him get in my head...we'll deal with the other matters later, for now, let's take this villain down," All Might makes a fist with his right hand and prepares to engage.

"Yes, for Nana," Gran Torino takes a deep breath, using his Jet Quirk to fill his lungs, ready to propel the air out of his feet to engage.

The fight to close an era moves to its final conclusion...


Chapter 121: CHAPTER 117(Dominos Pt.3)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Together!" All Might yells as both he and Gran Torino charge All For One.

All For One raises his right hand toward them, "Air Cannon!"

The massive column of air rockets toward the Pro Heroes and they both take to the air, leaving it to hit between them and crater the ground below.

Gran Torino just barely keeps up with All Might as he rockets through the air, using his right arm -his one good arm- to constantly hit the air and bounce off it.

All For One for one wisely moves away from them, floating higher into the air and back toward the far end of the battlefield as he observes.

'I should have already done enough to set the new era into motion by now...all that remains for this fight it is to break All Might properly so he can live out the rest of his short life full of regret and suffering. If only Gran Torino hadn't managed to snap him back to his senses just now...'

Watching both the heroes move through the air All For One barely has another moment to think before they're both on him.

"You're harmless," he says while swatting away Gran Torino. The man had circled around and tried to deliver a dropkick to his back and actually succeeded, because All For One simply knew the damage was negligible.

As both his feet slammed into All For One's back it felt like kicking a titanium wall, 'damn, he's still this tough after all the damage he's taken,' Gran Torino think, before a jolt of pain shoots through both his feet.

"Rivet Stab!" All For One commanded black spiked tendrils to extend from his back and bore through his clothes, through Gran Torino's boots and feet then angle themselves like small fish hooks, sticking the Hero to him.

"Aghhhh!" Gran Torino yells as the searing pain surprises him.

Above them, All Might notices what's going on and considered not connecting his hit, he's already rocketing down at them with his right hand cocked back to deliver an angry strike.

Seeing his student hesitating, Gran Torino yells out, "just do it!"

"Detroit---!" All Might's fist connects to All For One's forearm, "SMASH!"


All For One is sent spinning toward the battlefield below, completely losing control of his orientation.

As they're tumbling through the air Gran Torino reaches down and pushes against the villain's back, ripping himself away from All For One and tearing out chunks of his flesh along with snapping the regular and Quirk-related bones of his feet.

"GAHH!" He takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with air before expelling it out of the soles of his feet.

A spray of blood exits his boots as the usually invisible air is mixed with his blood.

While spinning through the air, for a split second he sees Yagi standing on the floor not too far away, once again shrunk down to his frail self, desperately trying to catch his breath.

'Damn it kid, you had better appreciate whatever time I can buy you,' Gran Torino thinks as he spins so his feet are facing away from All For One, then releases another bloody blast of air.

As All For One is barely back on his feet he shakes his head, trying to get his brain to stop rattling, feeling his forearm that took the blow already gone completely numb.

He raises a hand to the connected shoulder to pop it back into place, and as he does, "Hng..." he takes half a step forward, feeling Gran Torino dropkick the back of his head.

He was now so hurt he could barely keep his 360 awareness up, causing more and more blind spots to arise.

Even his Infrared Quirk was now only fully optimal in front of him.

"You're annoying me," All For One says as he spins around, ready to blast another column of air at Gran Torino.

"SMASH!" All Might slams a fist into his gut the moment he turns around, a spray of blood leaves All Might's mouth as All For One grits his teeth and is sent flying back into the wall of the crater they were fighting in.

"Took you long enough," Gran Torino grumbles as he lands beside Yagi, now back in his frail form after that punch.

"Sorry sensei, it's hard to maintain that form after using an attack," Yagi looks down at Gran Torino, seeing him bleeding out from his feet while standing on the ground, the old man does his best to look unbothered by the pain, not wanting Yagi to worry about such a thing at the moment.

But Yagi is the greatest Hero because he worries more than anyone, "you should get out of here and get your feet treated, those injuries could damage your Quirk!" he says.

"It did damage my Quirk, I won't be able to use it after this," Gran Torino gives All Might a serious look, "but once we take him down tonight then I won't have any reason to use it, so let's wrap this up, we'll use the Matador routine..."


Gran Torino immediately blasts off, leaving a red mist behind him, quickly feeling himself become more and more light-headed as his blood runs out.

"Why can't you Heroes just die," All For One grumbles as he pulls himself out of the wall and stands on the ground, looking at Gran Torino charging at him. "A desperate last rush from a washed-up old expected from someone who has failed so much in one lifetime..."

All For One is only 2 meters away from Gran Torino, his entire view blocked by the short man and his flowing yellow cape as he reaches out to grab him and end him once and for all.

However, as his hand is about to make contact, Gran Torino smiles.


He pivots in the air and blasts off to the side, revealing a determined All Might directly behind him only a dozen meters away from All For One.

Perfectly hidden like a Matador behind a cape...

By the time All For One raises his hand All Might is too close to be dodged, and he won't have enough time to make a blast of air powerful enough to stop the punch.

Seeing All Might readying a smash, even with his left hand hanging limply at this side, the hero rushes forward.

And All For One feels a jolt of fear in his heart.

"Warping!" he yells, completely panicked, not wanting to show this Quirk to the public but now having no choice.

Gran Torino begins throwing up a brown sludge that smells like a sewer. It pours out of his mouth and surrounds him before curling in on itself and he disappears.

And in the same moment, he appears between All For One and All Might, clasped tightly in the villain's massive hand.

All Might tries his best to ease off the force of his punch but his fist still connects with Gran Torino's face.

"Sorry!" he screams as Gran Torino's teeth are shattered, sandwiched between All Might's fist and All For One's hand.

Reacting immediately All Might opens his hand and grabs Gran Torino's torso to pull him away from the villain.

"Rivet Stab!"

"Ach!" Gran Torino spits up blood, eyes going wide as the black spiked tendrils pierce his torso and throat from All For One's palm, slicing through him and into All Might's palm on the other side.

All Might's eyes go wide in horror, seeing his Sensei, the person that's been with him from the start of his journey to now, undoubtedly dying.

'Horizon can fix him, we just need to get sensei out of here,' All Might realizes, now more glad than ever that Nezu has that miracle in his pocket.

All Might rips his hand away from the spikes before they extend any further and dig into his one good arm -his right arm-, and reaches forward once again to grab them and shatter them to free his sensei.


All For One immediately activates his Quirk and releases a massive column of air from the hand holding Gran Torino in the palm.

His body doesn't even get thrown across the battlefield.

Instead, it appeared as if All For One shot red mist and confetti at All Might before the air pushed him across the crater.

"That was close," All For One says, seeing All Might frozen in shock at the other side of the battlefield, looking down at his clothes and hand, covered in blood that mostly wasn't his.

Focusing on the floor in front of him the villain sees a massive stain on the stone, looking like a splatter of yellow on blue to his Infrared Quirk.

The remains of Gran Torino.

All Might's chief instructor.

"I tried not to reveal my Warping, but you forced my hand," All For One says in an annoyed tone. "That's quite the ace to keep up my sleeve. It's obviously not as refined or powerful as Horizon's, but any Warping Quirk is enough to make someone a national-level asset...or threat, but revealing it was preferable to losing like that, to some pathetic washed-up failed Pro Heroes..."

Seeing Yagi back in his frail form with blood running down from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, from excessive Quirk use, All For One feels pleased with the results of this battle.

He looks around to make sure the news drones and helicopters were seeing and hearing everything, and thankful they weren't scared off by the shockwaves.

Across from him, Yagi heard everything, and almost all of it went in one ear and out the next, almost all of it.

"Sensei," Yagi looks up at All For One with a blazing fire in his eyes, "sensei was a true hero!" he buffs up into his muscular form. "I won't let his sacrifice be in vain, I won't allow it!"

The look All Might gave would have any other villain surrendering or experiencing a heart attack, pure fury and violent intent.

"Then let's end this, All Might!" All For One says as he lifts his right arm up to his side as All Might does the same, each gathering all their strength.

All For One's arm begins to transform as he stacks multiple Quirks. Becoming a massive hulking mass of flesh with multiple arms melded into each other and silver spikes protruding from them.

'Strength Enhancer X12!

Spearlike Bones!

Kinetic Booster X4!


Springlike Limbs!

Scale Armor!'

"Come now, All Might!" All For One says as his arm is now twice as large as his entire body, "your final desperate punch, against my ultimate combination of available Quirks!"

All Might grit his teeth and accepts the challenge, making a fist with his right hand and begging One For All to give him all the last embers of its power within him.

Dumping so much of his power into this attack that he can feel his very life force being stripped away.

"ALL FOR ONE!" All Might screams out as he rockets forward, destroying the stone in his wake from his sheer speed as he arrives in front of his target.

"ALL MIGHT!" All For One punches forward, meeting All Might's strike with everything he had. "Recoil!"

All Might feels the force of his own punch directed back at his right arm and the bones in it instantly shatter, piercing the skin and causing blood to spray out.

"Nnnnggghhh!" All Might grits his teeth and digs deep, taking a step forward and stomping down, digging into the stone to find his footing as he pushes back against All For One.

All For One feels himself losing ground and can't make sense of it, "impossible!"

"UNITED---!" All Might feels the bones in this right arm being crushed more and more under the force, the tendons beginning to tear, unable to keep this up.

"STATES---!" his shoulder starts giving out, be he also noticed All For One's monstrous arm shrinking, losing power.

"OF---!" he stops fighting back.

Allowing All For One to crush his right arm, but he turns his body with the punch. The villain stumbles forward, completely confused but aware that All Might just lost his one functioning arm, the fight was over.


'No, All Might never gives up,' All For One realizes, a moment too late.

"SMASH!" All Might flexes all the muscles in his left arm, the completely mangled arm, flexing so hard he forced it to make a fist and tense up just enough for him to get all the bones into roughly the proper alignment.

Like trying to fit dozens of pieces of shattered chalk back together and holding it together in a vice made of pure muscle.

As All For One stepped forward he sank his fist into the side of the villain's skull, caving it in and completely rattling his brain!

"RAAAHHHH!!!!" All Might screams out as he twists and follows through with the punch, embedding All For One into the stone floor, even as his left arm completely ruptures and eventually explodes from the One For All Quirk overloading it.

Leaving him with just a stump below his shoulder on his left side, and a mangled right arm hanging at his other side, staring down at the villain below him.

All For One was barely conscious, feeling his brain shutting down, unable to move, almost unable to think, and certainly incapable of activating any Quirk.

Even his Infrared was knocked out, a massive fist-shaped dent in the side of his head made sure of that.

But he could still feel All Might's presence above him, it was unmistakably self-righteous and repulsive to him, unmistakable.

As the helicopter spotlights fall on them, both men make their final statements to the world before exiting the stage.

"Thank you, All Might," the villain says, wheezing between words, causing All Might to stare down at him, already reverted back to his frail form. "You have saved me...for villains like myself...cannot exist in this world, with the Symbol Of Peace..."

Hearing that All Might felt much more at peace, looking at the stump where his left arm used to be, he doesn't feel that pressure as much as he did before.

The pressure to do everything himself.

He realizes that, either Izuku or Horizon, the future was in good hands.

So he smiles, then calls on what barely-existing power he has to take his muscular form one last time.

He forces his right hand into a fist and barely raises it to the sky, stumbling but catching himself.

With a fist to the sky, he shows the world that he won.

That the villain is defeated.

That the crisis was resolved.

But even as he blacked out in the same pose, still on his feet, fist to the sky. Everyone knew that this was the end of All Might. They shed tears of joy for his victory, and sorrow for what would come next.

But little did they know, that everything went perfectly according to All For One's plan.

That the dominos have been lined up and perfectly set.

And WHEN they fall.

Japan WILL fall with them.

And the Demon Lord shall rise, reborn and stronger than ever...


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