Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)
Flying above the buildings in Minato Tokyo, Horizon stands on his hoverboard and listens to music within his visor. Nodding along to the beat as he tilts slightly and shifts from flying above buildings to flying above roads.
Reaching the edge of his Room he makes sure to get eyes onto the trailer truck he's been following before closing his current Room and opening a new one, then he drifts back over the buildings and out of the line of sight for the truck.
"People rarely look up, but better to be safe than sorry, especially when I can sense them anyway. An entire week following these annoying leads...time for me to cash in," he mutters to himself as he continues following the truck around.
A minute later as he's still following the truck, he gets a call from Nezu.
"Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Horizon asks.
"I was about to get some rest, but I just found this interesting article about you..."
"Well I stopped a runaway car yesterday, but it's been a slow week."
"Not 'you', I meant Law Matani."
"Huh, but I haven't even done anything."
"Then why is there a picture of a certain lady leaving your apartment this morning?"
"The purse designer lady, what about her?"
"It's a bit of a scandal...seeing as she's married to someone slightly famous."
"Shit," Horizon sighs. "Didn't know she was married. Is this gonna be annoying?"
"I doubt it, he's just a baseball player, he can't cause someone at your level any problems, and nobody is foolish enough to challenge the Matani Estate---"
"But this puts me in the public eye, and now people will actually know about the Matani Estate, fuck."
"Exactly, I assume you already had a plan for this?"
"Yeah, most of the things I buy retain their original names and are controlled by subsidiary asset management companies, which are all owned by my anonymous Swiss Vault account, it's all airtight."
"Good, I just called to give you a bit of a warning, if you keep going like this the quiet life of Law Matani will become very loud very quickly."
"I'll be more careful in the future."
"Glad to hear it."
Nezu hangs up and Horizon just grumbles to himself, "of course it'd be my dick that gets me into trouble...I'll just have to lay low until people forget. Some hero will do something and nobody will even remember Law Matani...like take down a big drug operation in the same city."
Horizon sees the truck pull into the port at the edge of Minato Tokyo. As it drives between all the stacks of shipping containers Horizon lands on a tall crane that didn't have any lights on it, allowing himself to stay completely hidden.
He hops off the hoverboard, leaving it parked and hovering in place as he walks to the edge of the crane.
Crouching down he reaches behind his back.
Contrary to the appearance of his Hero Costume, Horizon actually had a few items strapped to the back of his belt, concealed by his flowing jacket draped across his shoulders.
Mainly were a few beads which expand when crushed into a cast, big enough to incase a limb.
Too weak to act as a capture tool but good for a doctor to have.
A small medical pack, with only a scalpel, morphine, needle and thread, bandages, and alcohol for cleaning wounds.
And the item he pulls out, a small digital scope.
As he takes it out and powers it up the sight is displayed inside his visor, making it so he doesn't have to lift it to his face, simply using it like a camera.
Zooming in he sees the driver and passenger, two plain-looking tall men open the back of the truck, and one door to the warehouse opens.
Four more men come out and begin helping them move crates, bland and unmarked, each as big as a backpack, adding them to the rows already neatly packed into the shipping warehouse.
He senses another 12 men scattered about, all carrying rifles, aside from the drivers who had concealed pistols.
'Time to get some probable cause,' he thinks, zooming in on the crate itself.
He focuses his energy on the crate and causes it to slip out of the man's hand, falling on its side and causing the top to pop open, exposing the pale green liquid, packed in small glass vials.
'Gotcha,' Horizon then zooms in on each of them men, inputting their faces for his facial recognition system to sort through.
Yet another upgrade which was suggested by Mei. It's not as instant as what'd you'd find inside a police station, but it can eventually get the job done.
Using his Hero Network access from his phone to gain access to the criminal database.
"Shambles," he warps into the back of the dim warehouse. Still feeling all the men at the front loading boxes he carefully and quietly opens the top of one crate, getting an up-close look.
Rows upon rows of neatly and securely packed vials of drugs.
"Trigger," Horizon mutters to himself, mostly for his camera and mic to pick up his narration.
"Imported from Eastern Europe and sent to Japan. The latest highly addictive Quirk enhancement drug. And since this warehouse is on the dock and a truck just came from inland to add to this cache, I'm betting all of this is shipping to south America.
Otherwise, they would have just gone from Eastern Europe and used the New York port.
A lot of people are gonna die if villains get a supply this big...18 men, all armed. 16 with assault rifles, and two with pistols."
Horizon takes out his phone and does a few simple searches, using his authority via the Hero Network to get the information he needed.
"The dock opens in two hours and the ship beside this warehouse is scheduled to depart in three...I need to deal with this now."
The sound of metal clanging as the warehouse doors close echoes about, and the few lights inside the warehouse go out.
"Huh, complete darkness, that's useful. A bright white three-piece suit really isn't good for stealth anyway," he chuckles lightly
Horizon send a quick alert to the police, receiving confirmation that they'd be arriving after gathering some backup.
Horizon sees his facial recognition system finally get one hit, the driver was the only one with a criminal record.
"Aggravated Assault, Quirk: Contortionist...his entire body is double jointed...well that's something."
Focusing on the man Horizon waits a few minutes until he strays away from the others, then.
"Shambles," Horizon swaps the man with a card and immediately grabs his throat with one hand and his arms with the other, choking out the man as he struggles beneath Horizon's greatly improved physical strength.
"Shambles," Horizon recalls the card to him before anyone stumbles upon it, as the man finally goes unconscious.
"It's Horizon! He warped someone!" Horizon hears from the man's radio.
But he doesn't sense that anyone even noticed this man was gone, and they were all scrambling to get to each other at the front of the warehouse.
"How the hell..." Horizon throws the unconscious man over his shoulder and warps back to the top of the crane, then recalls the card he swapped with to get up there.
He notices the remaining 17 men all taking up a strange formation, obviously trying to keep eyes on each other.
'How the hell did they even know I was here...' he wonders, watching them all gather.
Using the scope he can see a few of them visibly shaking at the idea of being hunted by him.
'Street thugs paid to do the boring job of guarding a warehouse nobody was supposed to know about, and now they have to fight a god...yeah, I'd be shaking too.'
"You there man? Where are you?" Horizon hears through the unconscious man's radio, shrugs, and picks it up.
He keeps an eye on the men while speaking, "so, how did you know I was here?"
He sees all the men stiffen, looking at each other nervously as they realize how real this situation was.
"We aren't talking to you!" The presumed leader yells into the radio.
"You just did, but hey if you tell me I'll take it easy on you, or you could surrender now and save us all the hassle..."
"Why don't you come down here so I can put a bullet in yo ARGH!---" the man drops to the floor as two hits of Injection Shot tear through his thighs, muscle and bone obliterated with ease.
All the other men begin frantically looking around, wanting to help their ally but forced to leave him reeling in pain as they try to cover each other.
"So, anyone else?"
"Ok, I'll talk!" One of the men drops their gun, completely terrified, and raises his hands to the sky in surrender.
"Perfect, so, start talking," Horizon says through the radio.
One of the other guards doesn't like this and raises his weapon at the traitor, "you fucking rat ba AHHH!"
Injection Shot tears through his arms and legs in rapid succession.
"Oh god," the other men drop their weapons and raise their hands to the sky. "Please don't hurt us!"
"Start talking, how'd you know I was here?"
"It's the watch," the first man who surrendered says. "They're new, a lot of people are selling things that they say can help defend against you, most of em are trash scams but our watches alert everyone connected if we skip distance!"
"Hmm, let's test it, Shambles," Horizon swaps one of the men for a gun they threw a few meters away.
The watch at his feet and on all their hands start beeping immediately.
"Ugh, this shit is gonna be annoying, but I can adapt too," he says to himself, then opens the radio connection. "Anyway, just stay like that until the cops come, if any of you move, you'll join your friends on the floor, I'm watching you..."
Horizon calls the police to alert them of the new situation, and not even 20 minutes later a horde of squad cars and armored trucks arrive to cart off these men to prison.
Individuals who don't pose a threat to society on a large scale are reserved for Tartarus, these small-time criminals would simply go to a regular prison, or plead ignorant of what they were guarding and only get an illegal firearm possession charge.
The maximum charge for that alone, 15 years. Since they didn't use their Quirks that will help their case a significant amount.
Now they just had to get their story straight and pretend they didn't know what they were protecting or moving.
'Assuming they're smart enough to do that,' Horizon thinks as he sees the truck with the men driving away.
Now only the lieutenant in charge of this case and the evidence squads were on the scene with him.
"You know you really should have waited for backup," the leading officer says, looking up at Horizon.
"Sorry I didn't want to risk them changing the situation further, but luckily I got them all to surrender peacefully."
"Not surprising, it's you," the officer says. "Any advice for the doctors on how to deal with...whatever you did to those guys?"
"Treat it like they got shot with regular bullets that tore right through them, do you have any info on this?" Horizon says while handing the cop the watch.
"Hmm," the man looks at it for a few seconds then recognizes it. "Yeah, big-time criminal organizations have been showing up with these, but only for the top lieutenants, or I guess in this case when they're guarding twenty million in drugs."
"Apparently it's for warping."
The man gives Horizon a confused look, "what? these let them warp?"
"No, it's to alert the connected watches that someone warped you. Best guess, it uses precise real-time GPS, if you suddenly skip over a few meters it alerts everyone."
"Hmm," the man taps his chin a few times. "One of those Anti-Horizon devices we've seen selling for a fortune on the black market..."
"There are more, what are they?"
"Well, a Horizon-repellant tear gas?"
"Annoying...but I mean who doesn't that crap annoy?"
"True. Big rubber pads that absorb your slashes?"
"That's stupid."
"A special ring that makes it difficult for you to sense and warp people?"
"That...people are actually stupid enough to buy that?"
"We've caught about 200 people across the country with it on," the cop gives a disappointed sigh.
"Idiots, even if any of this crap did work, wouldn't stop me from warping toward you instead..."
"Oh yeah, good point. But yeah the last main one is the most expensive, Welding."
"Welding?" Horizon asks.
"Yeah, the League of Villains is spreading misinformation that you can't warp things that are molecularly bonded to other things, like if two things are welded together you can't just move one piece."
"Ok, so they have welders?"
"The Weld Quirk, they've apparently got like a dozen small Nomu that people can rent to weld their products down so you can't warp it away, it's stupid but people actually believe it since the League Of Villains has a pretty good reputation right now."
'Hmm, Awase from 1B has that quirk, and whoever in Tartarus used it to weld my parents to the prison so I can't warp them out. Shigaraki has a brain after all, not that it takes much to figure something like this out, but still annoying...'
"Yeah that's ridiculous," Horizon says, playing off the idea as another failure. "Anyway since we're just about done here I should get back to patrol. I just didn't want these drugs in my part of Tokyo..."
"Yeah, thanks for stopping these guys. Um, can I maybe get a picture with you?" the cop asks nervously. "My kids would love it."
"Sure thing, I'm always happy to help the cops any way I can. Heroes can throw punches but beyond that, we can't do much, so honestly, just between us, I think you guys are the real heroes..."
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)
---6 Am...
Driving on the highway between Musutafu where UA is and Tokyo, Law is sitting comfortably in the front seat of his new Rolls Royce Suv, bought yesterday simply out of necessity.
There was hardly any traffic, at least not on his side. The morning rush was always heading into Tokyo, fortunately, he was driving the other way, toward Musutafu.
Taking a bite of his morning meal bar his head nods along to the soft music in his car, clearing his mind and trying to relax a bit after the past three weeks of none stop heroics.
In the trunk was a large black and yellow duffel bag. Within this was his case containing his Hero Costume, his box of new visors, his sword, and his hoverboard.
Suddenly Law's music cuts off as his car receives a call through his phone.
"Answer," he commands, and the call connects.
"How long until you get here?" Nezu asks through the phone.
"Maybe ten minutes, I'm almost in Musutafu already."
"Are you driving?" Nezu asks, sounding confused.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"You have a hoverboard as fast as any commercial plane, just fly between cities."
"Yeah but I just bought this car and I'd like to have some fun with it, that's all."
"Ahh, sometimes I forget you're still a child, and children like toys."
Law rolls his eyes, "if that's what you want to call my cars and jets and guns, sure."
"What guns?" Nezu sounded concerned, "Law Matani doesn't have a firearms license."
"Relax, I keep em at home, I have a holographic range in my yard."
"You keep illegal firearms in your home, you do realize how serious of an offense that is, right?"
"How would anyone ever know?"
"What if they hear you using them?"
"I own everything for a kilometer around my house and there isn't any other property or even a usable beach in that mountainside..."
"What if someone hears you anyway?"
"Ok...and what cop is ever going to execute a warrant to raid the Matani Estate, I didn't donate 200 million to their pension and relief fund just because I like cops, they fuck with me and that money stops flowing.
Plus, it also lets me actually use my cars and not have to worry about speeding tickets, Matani vehicles are untouchable."
"That is such a gross misuse of the system," Nezu scoffs.
"Says the dealmaker himself..."
Nezu sighs, "ok, that's fair. So, what car did you buy this time? That bike you were looking at?"
"Rolls Royce SUV, I like nice and comfortable things."
"You bought that for personal use? I thought you only chartered the armor ones for public appearances."
"Yeah well, normally I stick with the 'family car', it was already a tight fight when I got it. But now I'm 195cm -6ft4- and 265lbs -120kg-, it's a bit uncomfortable.
Plus those things have like no trunk space, and my sword is like a whole other person. It's like having Asui laying down stiff in my trunk..."
"Odd choice of measurement, but ok, I see your point, but I can't relate since I'm tiny and adorable."
"According to you."
"Yes, according to the smartest person on the planet," Nezu says, and Law rolls his eyes.
"That still hasn't once beat me in chess."
"That's a low blow, you know that's unfair."
"Whatever, anything else?"
"I saw your big drug bust in the news, very impressive, although the video you posted showing how you dealt with the warehouse situation was very..."
"Let's just say, some of your assassination training was showing, it didn't look very heroic."
"It was effective, there wasn't even a fight because of it."
"Yes, but part of being a hero is inspiring people."
"Ok, and I'm inspiring them to do clean and efficient work, but why are we even talking about this? Any updates on finding your spy?"
Nezu groans, "I tore through our internal systems from top to bottom, the leak wasn't digital."
"So it's a person."
"A potentially unwilling or oblivious person, for all we know they could even be having their mind read whenever they leave campus."
"Or they're a filthy traitor and need to be put down," Law growls out.
"Let's not jump to conclusions, we need to be very careful of how we deal with this. I can't even have anyone aside from All Might keeping an eye on how people are acting, if anyone knows we suspect a spy that could cause chaos or they'd simply hide their tracks better."
"Just have me and Tsukauchi Polgraph everyone, it'll just take an hour to hit the whole school."
"Oh...you're so willing to reveal that aspect of your Quirk now, you've kept that and Scan hidden so well until now."
"I just really hate traitors."
"Well, I'd prefer to find the spy without them knowing---"
"To use them as bait and take down Shigaraki, smart, but what if something happens?"
"That's why we have you here, and we've taken extra precautions to insulate the Summer Training Camp, the location isn't even within our systems. And aside from you and the Pro Heroes nobody has any technology."
"Unless they smuggled one," Law says. "Or made one, or has a Quirk that can send messages..."
"You really suspect Yaoyorozu? Even with how fond of you she clearly is?"
"I don't suspect anyone particularly, not until we have more information, but it's almost definitely a student."
"Mhm, I came to the same conclusion, but none of their records show anything to indicate a connection to villains. Everyone at UA is a prodigy in what they do, and the background checks showed no criminal history from any of them or their parents."
"That you know of," Law says. "But I've got dirt on someone, not that it proves anything here."
"Anything I should know about?"
"I don't discuss former contracts."
The line goes silent for a few seconds, and Nezu immediately puts it together.
"Oh...she did contracts for the Yaoyorozus?" Nezu asks.
"I can't confirm anything, but how'd you get that idea."
"None of your other classmates could afford her, but the only high-profile death that benefits Momo's parents was...her grandfather? Oh my god."
"Well I wouldn't know anything about that," Law lies, "But sometimes old people need a little nudge to give you your inheritance."
"From the way she speaks she has no idea," Nezu says sadly.
"Don't know what you're talking about... just focus on the spy problem, one mystery at a time."
"Of course, and what abo---"
Law's car literally jumps a few inches off the ground and slams back down, along with every other car on either side of the highway.
Everyone slams the breaks and grinds to a halt.
---What's going on?!" Nezu's voice was suddenly worried.
Law sighs, looking out his window to see Mt. Lady in her 20m -67ft- form, white and purple one-piece suit and mask on with one broken horn accessory remaining on her head.
She was currently fighting two Gigantified villains, each a head shorter than her, appearing to be twins of some sort, one red and one blue. Both are lanky giants at 17m -55ft-.
As they fight at the side of the road, tearing up the trees and dirt, Kamui woods swings into the fight and lands on the shoulder of his secret girlfriend -ever since the Sports Festival-, extending his hands out.
"Lacquered Chain Prison!" Both his arms extend and grow into a large network of tough branches.
"Nothing to worry about," Law tells Nezu as he watches the fight.
Looking forward he sees people actually getting out of their cars with their phones out to record the fight, 'great...and now I can't go anywhere, fucking morons.'
Law looks back at the fight just in time to see the red villain drop down into a low stance, avoiding Kamui's binding attack to kick Mt. Lady in the shin, causing her to tilt forward in pain.
His presumed brother slips to the left and lands a solid left hook to the side of her head, rattling her brain, but impressively she only stumbles off to the side, clearly dazed.
Kamui leaps off her shoulder and toward one of the villains, only to be snatched out of the air, the gigantified villain wraps both arms around him to suffocate him.
"Great forest growth!" Kamui yells out, and suddenly a slew of branches begins growing and breaking through the gaps between the giant's fingers. Connecting at the other side and locking his hands together.
But Kamui also immobilized himself since he can't detach from his wooden creations, they are his arms after all.
"Mt. Lady!" Kamui screams out, snapping her out of her daze just in time to dodge a shoulder charge from the other villain.
Stepping to the side she lowers her head and charges at him, before leaping up and slamming into his side with a devastating dropkick.
The crack of his ribs echoes for a hundred meters causing all the onlookers to wince in pain.
All while the other villain was constantly slamming his restrained hands into the forest floor, failing to break apart the wooden cuffs.
Looking up from Kamui Woods stuck to his hands and over to his brother, he sees Mt. Lady slam her shoulder into his gut after a devastating charge and pick him up, then slam him into the ground.
All the cars jump an inch off the road and the quakes ripple out.
Mt. Lady and the villain are suddenly in a wrestling match, trying to restrain each other, but exactly as Horizon warned Sato...wrestling doesn't work in a street fight.
The villain restrained by Kamui Woods breaks into a full sprint and leaps high into the air, aiming both his feet down at Mt. Lady's head.
"Mt. Lady!" Kamui yells out, still attached to the villain.
She looks up just in time to see both feet only twenty meters above her face as the other villain tries to hold her still.
A blue dome forms just in front of her face, covering her entirely and catching the full weight of the dropkick without even cracking.
Horizon had appeared on the scene, swapped for a piece of rubble in her hair, now standing atop her long blonde hair.
One hand outstretches toward the sky and projecting this large Curtain from his palm.
Seeing him the villain immediately leaps off the shield, turning around in mid-air and landing, breaking into a full sprint in the opposite direction, heading toward Mustutafu only one mile away, back where this chase began.
"Seriously?" Horizon asks nobody in particular as his Curtain drops, then simply summons his sword to his hands and slashes outward.
"Amputate!" the gigantified man's legs detach from the knees downward and his face smashes into the forest floor.
He groans in pain the quickly comes to the horrific realization that his legs were missing.
As one giant is panicking Horizon hops down to Mt. Lady's shoulder and gets closer to the other.
The man was still pinned by the woman and completely frozen in fear, now face to face with Japan's Mystery Class Monster.
"So...you gonna surrender or do I need to cut you up too?"
The man immediately shrinks down to his regular size, sheepishly nodding the entire time.
As the other giant is panicking over his severed legs Mt. Lady just gives Horizon a cute pout. "We had that under control you know, you didn't have to come in at the last moment like that to take the credit..."
"If I thought you had it handled I wouldn't have gotten involved," Horizon hops off her shoulder and summons his hoverboard under her feet, staying at level with her face.
He gives the people on the highway a polite wave as the remaining villain shrinks down and surrenders to Kamui.
"Thank you for the help Horizon," Kamui says as he approaches them and hops up onto her other shoulder, both the villains quickly restrained at regular sized by his wooden limbs. "Your assistance was greatly appreciated."
"No problem, but hey, I'm kinda late for something, so you don't mind handling the paperwork on this, right? I'll send a report later..."
"What?" Kamui asks, "but this was technically a Team-Up, we need to have a combined re---"
"Great. Thanks. See ya!" Horizon warps away, swapping for one of his cards before that too disappears.
He arrives back into his car without anybody noticing, too busy taking pictures of the Pro Heroes.
"He was a lot nicer last time we met him," Mt. Lady mutters as she shrinks back down. "Now he's sticking us with most of the paperwork..."
"We should be thankful he was here, that kick would have been very bad if it did connect," Kamui gestures to the two unconscious villains in his grasp. "Now let's hand these two over to the police, how about we get some Dango then head home?"
"That sounds great!" Her mood suddenly becomes happy at the mention of food, especially when she's not paying. "Let go!" she begins marching away.
And Kamui can't help but appreciate the little victorious strut she does, taking in her assets for a moment before catching up to her.
'We've been heroes for years and the public is only now recognizing us, but people like Horizon show up and suddenly we're nobody again' he thinks to himself, rather sadly, realizing his ambition of being in the top 5 is unlikely to happen.
Looking over to Mt. Lady happily walking beside him he can't help but admire her, even with her torn-up suit, bloody and bruised face, and all the dirt and debris in her hair.
Absolutely beautiful.
"Maybe this is enough..." he mutters absentmindedly.
She immediately turns to him, "enough what?"
"Huh...I mean, enough hero work for today," he says quickly. "So, what flavor are you trying tonight..."
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