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23.23% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 88: CHAPTER 084(Rabbit Hunting)

Chapter 88: CHAPTER 084(Rabbit Hunting)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


Mirko rockets foward, faster than Horizon can ever hope to physically react to.

Luckily his ROOM overcomes that, allowing him to analyze and predict the simplistic movement of her fighting syle.


He swings his sword, this time using both hands.

His sword and the metal tips of her Hero Costume boots clash. A moment before impact she adjusted her feet to kick the side of his sword instead of the blade.

All while in mid-air she knocks his sword to the side with one leg, and launches and vicious kick with the other.

As it's about to slam into his visor.


He swaps places with her.

And she simple continues the kick until she's spun around to kick where she was a moment ago, once again missing him by a hairs breath as he swaps places with a nearby rock.

The air pressure from her kick rips up the ground in front of her for a few meters as she lands on her feet.

"Those cheap tricks won't work on me!" she screams while rushing him again.

'Ok, she's definitely a better fighter than All Might, I guess having less power means she has to be to pull off the same meathead combat style for this she's all instinct which means the time between taking in stimulus and acting is a lot lower than other people.

That means my warping won't be as effective at close range to get free hits, she's like an extreme version of, Bakugo is like a discount version of her.'


Instead of trying to amplify his offense Horizon does something he learned a long time ago. The exact same thing he taught Deku.

Spreading the energy around his body, focusing on the muscles needed for mobility rather than power in this case.

Since this ability activates at the speed of thought, just like his warping, he can afford to do this. Trying as best he can to bridge the infinite gap between his mental processing and his physical reaction speed.

"Lunar Rush!"

Mirko strikes with a flurry of powerful kicks, each packing enough force to knock out Horizon if they land a solid hit.

He barely manages to parry them with his blade.

Even with his boost to agility and dexterity, he couldn't keep up with Mirko physically.

She would launch one kick, and because of her speed, he'd barely be able to react, only defending or directing them to the side, not fast enough to capitalize on an opening to counter-attack.

His arms were numb at the fourth hit, now he couldn't feel them at all. Booster Shot constantly heals the stress only for her to start the process all over again with a few hits.

Eventually, she drops down to her hands and spins, raising both her legs up while supporting herself with her arms.

Her first kick in this stance knocks his sword to the side, but he sees an opening.

Pivoting and stepping back to avoid the second kick he spins around.


His blade cuts into her thigh, reaching nearly an inch deep before it stops completely. It could easily go a bit deeper at the force he swung.

But it stopped, and Mirko lept away with it still in her leg, ripping it out of his hand.

The grip strength of her leg muscles is far superior to the strength in his hand, and if the blade isn't physically cutting, Incision can't enhance anything. She reflexively flexed her muscles and stopped his sword.

The difference between someone with a true Power Type Quirk, and someone with an ability that only replicates that effect. Just like the USJ Nomu was healing so quickly that when he tried to pierce its brain with Incision that the sword was being pushed out.

Because of this change in the battle, he doesn't doubt that Mirko is at least on par with its striking power.

Mirko takes the sword out of her leg and holds it tauntingly. "Not so tough without your little toys huh!"

"Would you believe it's only for picking up girls?"

"Awe, compensating for something?" She gives him a dark chuckle, dropping into a fighting stance to finish him off.

"Aren't we all compensating for something?" Horizon shrugs. "I mean, you only focus on violence because you're not smart, right?"

Mirko immediately sees red.


Horizon warps his sword back into his hand.

Being someone who trust her instincts, and her prey instincts amplified hundreds of times over by her Quirk, Mirko feels all the hairs at the back of her neck stand up.

Suddenly it all fell into place in her brain.

'He really wasn't taking us seriously. Something changed. He's different now. What's happening? I should run. What?! I don't run! Heroes don't run away!

But this attack!


She sees Horizon casually swing his sword through the air.

Her pupils dilated, a dangerous attack that her body couldn't withstand or resist. Heart rate hitting new record highs.


Horizon swings horizontally.

Mirko ducks down, dropping to all fours.

She knew she couldn't take that hit, it would end her fight. But her brain wasn't sure what was going on, so she treated it like a gun.

She could dodge bullets with her raw speed. Kicking them out of the air wasn't anything special for her.

But this was different, these attacks hit instantly, so she had to do what Pros that can't dodge bullets do.

Dodge gunfire.

See where the barrel is pointing and get out of the way before the trigger is pulled, to the untrained it looks like the same thing, but dodging gunfire is much easier.

So before he can finish his quick slash Mirko is already ducked down, the top half of her rabbit ears get amputated but she doesn't feel it.

Before Horizon can adjust his sword she rushes forward, cratering the ground beneath her with how fast she launches into action.

As if time was frozen around her as an entirely new level of adrenaline took over, she got in front of him and does a small jump, making her body parallel to the floor, seeing his left hand reach out as if to grab her.


Both her feet slam into the dome of energy that he quickly formed. Her dropkick hits it harder than anything had ever before.

And the Curtain shatters.


The area in front of her gets pulverized by the air pressure of her kick and a dust cloud is kicked up.

"Argh!" Mirko reaches up to grab her ear, the most sensitive part of her. Only to realize they aren't there.

"I swapped places with them," Horizon's voice says from behind her, where her ears were.

"You!" Mirko turns around just in time to see the world going sideways.

All her limbs were quickly and quietly Amputated, causing her to begin falling to the floor as just a torso.

"Shambles," Horizon swaps for one of her legs and catches her by the neck, holding her up so she was at his eye level.

Everyone looks on in Horror as he holds the limbless Mirko above the ground as if she were nothing, then her other leg swaps for the unconscious Gang Orca, directly below her.

"You're better than I thought, at least for your style."

Mirko snarls in his face, "next time I'll kick your ass!"

"Says the woman with no legs."


"Counter Shock!"


To her credit, it takes an entire three-second tasing to knock her out. Then he simply drops her atop Gang Orca.

"Shambles!" he reassembles her, then looks around at everyone staring at him and the unconscious heroes.

Walking back to the safe zone as the final few civilians are rescued Horizon takes a few deep breaths, intent on taking it easy for the rest of the day.

'I've still got so much improving to do. My physicality isn't enough. My stamina pool isn't nearly enough... I'm nowhere near where I want to be, where I can be, I need to step up my training...'

Even beating two of the top 10 Pro Heroes that were fully intent on defeating him wasn't enough for Horizon.

It wasn't nearly enough.

Because to him, this is simply what's expected.

But to everyone else, it was an absurd achievement. And from all the people nearby taking pictures, it was one the public would soon know about.

As the exam is finished Eraser just sighs and shakes his head, seeing Horizon proceed to get his final score with the others.

Then he looks over to the Pros as medical teams come to wake them up.

'Mystery Class or not, the kid is a freak. Most villains wouldn't dream of beating one of the top Pro heroes, much less two. But why weren't these wearing any kind of restraints? It is an exam after all.

Hmm, they probably just figured since it's Horizon at this venue they needed a challenge. That kinda makes sense I guess. With how much Nezu brags about him I wouldn't doubt if that's the case.

I guess it doesn't really matter. Either way, his obsessive nature, Quirk, and capabilities are a combination you'd find inside any villain's nightmares. It's game over for them...'

While the students were waiting for their final scores the head proctor, Yokumiru Mera, was pacing around his private control room at this venue with his phone to his ear. All the tiredness in his demeanor was completely gone as he anxiously waited for someone to answer.

In this simple room was a wall of monitors. On the largest was a live feed of Gang Orca and Mirko being woken up and treated.

On another was Horizon sitting in the waiting area for his final results while everyone else was leaving to go change.

And on the third was his results, a perfect score in all stages. Making him one of three people alive and active to ever get this score in Japan.

Tied with Endeavor and Best Jeanist.

"Hello," Mera says as the call is answered.


"A perfect score."


"Yes, I know, it should be impossible. But he beat them. I'll send you the recording, if it isn't online already. Some of those kids had their phones out the whole fight."


"Yes, I know this wasn't the plan..."


"He only warped out about a dozen civilians."


"Are you sure I can't fail him on that? I mean he spent the entire time fighting after that and ignored everyone else."


"Well I guess it's true that nobody else could stop them, but if you really want him to fail I can make it happen."


"Alright. Then I guess this plan is a bust. We'll have to get him off the hero path some other way."


"Yes," Mera sighs. "I understand how detrimental it is for our plans if Horizon becomes a Pro Hero."


"That's true. But at this point can anyone stop him from being the next Symbol Of Peace? He beat 2 of the top ten Pro Heroes. Most villains never even get past one..."


"Yeah, I guess the next best thing is to put a deal together, get him to break whatever deal he has with Nezu, and come to our side..."


Mera sighs and hangs up, then turns to look at Horizon casually scrolling through his phone in the waiting area.

"To think I'd have to be so scared of a kid...but a world where he becomes the Symbol Of Peace, is a world we can't survive..."


Chapter 89: CHAPTER 085(Hero Plan)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


Sitting in the back of the limo Eraser is eating a simple bento box while Horizon enjoys a meal bar.

Horizon takes out his phone and quickly takes a picture of his Provisional Hero License.

It was similar to a driver's license, but of course, it's supposed to have your true legal identification.

So for someone like Endeavor, it'd have 'Enji Todoroki' followed by his Hero name, and a picture of him without his Hero Costume.

Revealing it would announce yourself to the world and tell everyone exactly where you live.

But for Horizon. All it had was the name 'Horizon.' No address, no other identification. And a picture of him wearing his visor. Perfectly keeping himself insulated. It didn't even have his date of birth.

"Nezu really went out of his way for this trick..." he mutters while taking the picture and posting it on his profile. Since it was completely harmless he didn't really mind, not to mention impersonating him would lead to...very dangerous situations, and is illegal.

For the same reason, people don't impersonate top Pro Heroes. Some villains want to make a name for themselves by killing a top Pro. Walking around dressed as a top Pro, is an easy way to get attacked by someone who at least thinks they're capable of killing that hero.

There are much easier ways to commit suicide than that.

'Time to start hunting down some villains!' was the simple caption he puts with the picture before posting it.

And Eraser's phone immediately goes off. He takes it out and checks it then glances at Horizon.

"What's your plan for actually taking down villains?" Eraser asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Where do you plan to patrol? Saitama with Endeavor and Burnin?"

"Minato Tokyo."

Eraser raises a brow at that, "why there?" he takes a bite of his lunch.

"Because the All Might agency is there. It's the most densely populated place in Japan, but because of him instead of being the most crime-filled, it was also one of the safest.

But now since he's in Musutafu, and you know...the other thing."

Eraser nods, not wanting to speak about All Might's condition aloud, even in here.

"Yeah well, villains are slowly waking up to the change. The crime rate there has been doubling every week or so, it's the highest it's been in decades already."

"So you're taking his old territory?"

"Yup, and there aren't even many agencies there since he did so much work that they either moved away or starved and went bankrupt. No competition."

"Endeavor is sending someone with you?"

"Nope, all solo."

"Without Hero Network access that'll be hard to do, what do you have, an old police scanner?"

"Since I've got this Provisional License Nezu pulled some strings to get me a Hero Network account. I'll be plugged in and cops can call me for help. Or Pro Heroes can request a team-up."

"Giving someone without a full license access is treason. You're supposed to finish your three-year Provisional License time before you get a full license. Not to mention if you break any rules it could get your current license annulled and make you take the exam over, if you don't get expelled.

And if you aren't in a Hero Course you can't even take the exam..."

"I know how it works. Relax, Nezu got Pantu to approve it, I think. I don't know, didn't bother asking. The point is it's legit, with special approval and all that.

This way I can operate solo. It's better that I do things this way, even if at the moment I'll technically have to be attached to the Endeavor Agency on paper, working with him is good to show that he trusts me to handle myself and villains.

But I also need to be seen working solo so people don't think I'm actually trying to be a Sidekick. I'm nobody's Sidekick."

"Hmm, makes sense. The press can be brutal about labels. If you have Endeavor in every case you solve then the media will treat it like you're just an accessory to him."

"Exactly what I'm trying to avoid, especially since I plan to open my own Hero Agency as soon as the three-year trial period on the license is complete."

"Well it'll be done just three months after you graduate, that means you'll be 19...youngest Hero to ever open an agency. Even Endeavor spent a year as a Sidekick before opening his at 20, and Hawks was the same age as that when he appeared on the scene."

"Yup, my glorious three-year plan."

"How many days is Nezu giving you off from school for Hero Work?"

"He's giving me Thursday, Friday, and Saturday."

"Half the school week...well, I guess it makes sense since it's you. And since it's you I assume you'll be working on Sundays too?"

"That's usually when I have my patients, but yeah I'll work when I'm not dealing with that."

"Right, sometimes I really do forget you're a doctor."

"Best in the world."

Eraser groans and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well clearly people don't mind challenging you just because of your reputation. Gang Orca and Mirko..."

"Yeah, the commission must have wanted to give me a challenge," Horizon says with a shrug. "Makes sense, if they weren't there I would have just warped everyone to safety. Keeping me distracted was the best way to make sure I didn't just carry everyone else."

"I still don't like it," Eraser says. "People who are ahead shouldn't be punished, they should be encouraged to keep improving. You worked hard to get to the point where that exam would be easy, they just increased the difficulty to spite that, there weren't any lessons to be had there..."

"Well I appreciate it, honestly," Horizon says. "I've been struggling to get a good fight with a true Power Type lately.

Deku is too much of a little bitch to fight me, Kirishima sucks at anything other than just being a meatshield. And Sato gets tired too quickly. Gang Orca and Mirko were perfect."

Eraser sighs, "you know if you were nicer to Midoriya he'd probably spar with you. Maybe you should consider it."

"Maybe he should finally grow some balls and go fuck himself, he pulls away anything I'm near him, like he's scared I'm made of lava or something."

"So does Todoroki," Eraser says. "It's a healthy reaction after seeing you rip out a still-beating heart."

"Ugh," Horizon groans. "That was over a month ago, when will you people just get over it already."

"Have they given you any warning about that?"

Horizon sighs. "Some crap about not removing organs unless absolutely necessary, but I can cut people up since it doesn't kill them. Surprising they haven't said anything about me being able to just use Incision to cut a car in half if I wanted to."

"Please don't kill anyone."

"As if I'd ever make a sloppy mistake like that."

"You're supposed to say 'I'd never do that since I'm a hero,' or something like that."


The limo soon comes to a stop at the front gate of UA.

"We got back before school finished," Eraser says. "Get to your homeroom and wait for the others, I'll go put your Provisional License Exam score into the system for your final grade..."

---20 Minutes Later...

Horizon is sitting at his desk, now back in his regular uniform. Scrolling though his phone he's taking in all the reactions of people online.

And he saved a certain picture.

It was one incredible shot of him walking away with his sword still drawn, and a few drops of blood on it. And behind him, clearly visible, were Gang Orca and Mirko, absolutely beaten down. The ground around them was torn up from Mirko and Orca's previous attacks.

He couldn't upload this picture himself to his profile, that would simply be unprofessional and seen as bad taste. His image is all about being the perfect hero, and being respected by other heroes is part of that.

He was sure there were people already dealing with those who uploaded these pictures.

But they couldn't exactly put the news back into the bottle now. The world already knew, and on his profile, they would always appear in his 'tagged photos' tab.

A few moments later and all his classmates begins pouring into class, most don't pay any mind to his sudden appearance at the very end of the day.

But Sero, Momo, Jiro, and Tokoyami immediately begin chatting with him as they all get into the class, with Jiro leaning against Tokoyami's desk to face Horizon.

"Dude you missed the practical exams! Where were you?!" Sero yells out.

"I was busy, it's no big deal."

"I don't think being Principal Nezu's favorite is gonna cut it this time," Jiro says. "Aside from Kaminari and Ashido, you're technically the only person that failed."

"The idiot duo shocking."

Jiro chuckles at the unintentional pun, "yeah they got matched with the principal, it wasn't even close."

"Did he do the crane thing?"

"Y--- how'd you know?"

"Well, he told me about it a while ago over a chess game, said it's easier than playing against me. He hasn't won even once, 33-0."

"Are you sure you're human?" Tokoyami asks, genuinely curious as to how beating Nezu at chess was possible.

"I'm human, his brain just isn't wired for combat, and Quirks, I'm better at that. Anyway did anything fun happen at your exams?"

"We used our new Hero Costumes!" Momo says excitedly, then her voice drops a bit. "But you weren't here to see them."

"Oh yeah, those were pretty cool," Sero says. "I kinda prefer Momo's old costume honestly."

Jiro jabs him with an Earphone Jack for saying that.

"Ouch! Hey! I mean I like the new ones, especially Jiro's cyborg look."

"Cyborg?" Horizon asks. "Copying someone?"

Jiro just blushes and looks away. "It's not that I was copying you, it was just the best I could think of on the spot with Hatsume."

"Well if you're gonna copy someone, it might as well be me..."

After a few minutes of everyone talking about how their they finally got to Jiro.

"Wait, you really thought Mic was 'just an announcer,' seriously?"

"Well, I didn't think he nearly rupture my eardrums. He just seemed really goofy..."

"You know, I figured since sound-based Quirks are so rare for heroes...that you would have done your research," Horizon says. "Mic is literally the most powerful offensive sound user in Japan, I mean when he was born he blew out the ears of everyone in the room. Only that one guy from the Philippines is better."

Jiro scratches her cheek, not realizing how much she underestimated him, "damn...yeah well I guess I'm pretty dumb for not checking that."

"What happened to your knuckles?" Tokoyami asks Horizon, noticing that the knuckle pads on his new body glove are all scuffed.

"Oh, that," Horizon raises his hands to show them. "Wore them out punching Gang Orca in the face."

The entire class goes completely silent and just turns to stare at him.

"Oh, it's on my profile, the whole fight and the aftermath, check it out..." and that's exactly what they all do.

"You got your license!" Sero is the first to yell out.

"And you beat up two of the top 10 Pro Heroes...damn," Jiro says.

Behind Horizon, Momo was intently staring at the shaky video of the fight, more and more amazed by him, realizing that all the extra training the entire class was doing since Iida died wasn't nearly enough. Not with someone like this sitting beside them.

"How come you were the only one that took the exam?" Tokoyami asks. "Not that I believe I'm ready for such an honor..."

"Well, that's pretty simple, because I'm just better than all of you..."


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