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pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Sitting in a dimly lit room, All For One is in his usual black formal suit, his head exposed, various tubes inserted into his skin to help keep him alive as he sits with his oldest friend.
His head only had a mouth, no ears or other sensory parts, no hair, appearing burnt and battered, like a rotting potato that a child stitched together.
The giant 225cm -7ft4- tall man, just barely taller than All Might, relaxes in his comfortable chair and listens to Dr. Garaki prattle on about his creations, the man's pride in his Nomu's boundless as always, only second to his admiration of All For One himself, not even the value of his own life could match those things.
Dr. Garaki was a short and portly man with large glasses and a thick white mustache contrasting his bald head. Appearing no older than sixty, but in truth, he was the second oldest person on the planet, at over 120 years old, second only to All For One, a being that has existed since the first generation of Quirks.
"Any news Kyudai?" All For One asks in a deep yet calm voice, and the doctor just sighs as he looks at the screens in front of him.
"Honestly this is a waste of time," the man grumbles, the only person in the world who could speak to the demon lord so casually. "I don't get why we even gave that brat those two Nomus, especially Kurogiri, after we took over a decade to create his Warp Gate Quirk, that damn man-child could never be your successor master."
"Tomura is still young, Kyudai, he will make mistakes---"
"And get two of our Nomus caught," the man grumbles.
"Yes, but we already have someone en route to rescue them...all three of them, and collect the simple thugs to make more Nomus."
"To think that I may one day have to work with that child," Garaki begins silently crying at the thought, looking at his dear friend and master with sadness in his eyes. "If only I could heal your body, then you could rule forever as we've always wanted."
"I know doctor, but that dream died when All Might and I had our last encounter, now he is teaching, certainly trying to find someone to inherit his power, his next bet for the Symbol Of Peace, so I must do the same and pass everything to a successor, wouldn't you agree?"
Garaki sighs, "I just wish I could have done more, a hundred years of experimentation, yet I can't save the person who matters most to me...I feel useless."
"No no no Kyudai, it's not your fault," All For One comforts his friend. "You are the only person in this world who cannot be replaced, my oldest friend and confidant, in fact, your usefulness has even outlived me...or at least it will."
Garaki can't help but shed another tear at those words, but he's unable to accept what forgiveness All For One was offering.
Garaki turns back to the screen, "it seems UA has released a report, now we can get some idea of what happened at the USJ."
"Indeed, our trojan told us one part of the story, but I'd like to see how they spin this tale," All For One says. "How will UA handle the media after they've been attacked, and the Symbol Of Peace wasn't even there to help, a difficult situation, but I'm sure Nezu will solve it."
"Yes, that High Spec wielding bear-mouse," Garaki grumbles as the news report reads the document aloud. "If it were possible to create a brain that could handle that Quirk we could dominate the world, easily."
"Assuming we could even get to him," All For One says. "UA has some of the most meticulous and weaponized security in the world, and he never leaves his fortress. It's like a private country within Japan, it's honestly a miracle the USJ attack was even a success."
"Thankfully you have people everywhere," Garaki says.
A few minutes later and the news report is complete, propping up Horizon, Thirteen, and Eraser, while putting down the villains for foolishly attacking UA, eighty villains infiltrated, and all were arrested, including their abomination of a superweapon, now publicly known as Nomu.
In the end, the villains didn't manage to damage any of the students, and a quick trip to Recovery Girl fixed both pros.
"Exactly as we heard, it seems his classmate was the main problem...that Horizon kid," Garaki said, not thinking much of the fact that villains were captured, they'd be back soon enough anyway. "But to think he beat Brainless and nullified Kurogiri, very impressive."
"More than just impressive Kyudai, superhuman," All For One says, a vicious smile on his lips. "It wasn't clear before, but I believe this confirms it. First Nezu claims he is capable of being the next Symbol Of Peace, then our friend inside tells us his Quirk is warping, among other things. But now he has offensive power that I only suspected people like All Might, Endeavour, and Star and Stripe to possess, quite a scary combo."
"You think he has One For All? That All Might passed his Quirk onto this child," Garaki thinks about it for a moment and can't help but agree. "That would explain how he beat Brainless that was built to kill All Might, but how would we know for sure? We already had our people in the Hero Public Safety Commission check, his private record just says Hand Of God."
"Because of Nezu."
"Nezu?" Garaki asks, not putting the pieces together.
"Yes, he has been blocking all of our contacts, any attempt we made to track or contact Horizon this past year was blocked, we couldn't tell by who, but it could only be Nezu. We assumed the miracle doctor had friends in high places, but now we know he has a sponsor at the very top of this world."
"Then it's a good thing we didn't manage to make contact with him to get you an appointment for healing," Garaki sighs in relief. "Things could have gone very poorly, and we don't have any way to deal with his warping since its so instantaneous...with a massive range too."
"Yes, but this report also made it obvious that Horizon is the next One For All user," he says, confusing the doctor slightly.
"I'm sorry but I don't follow, the report only said what we already confirmed happened," Garaki says.
"Yes, exactly. But Nezu would never put a student's name in such a report and antagonize us, even if he thinks the entire League Of Villains was arrested, he would quicker pin everything on the teachers and All Might to make them targets instead of students, this shows his absolute unshakable faith in Horizon to defend himself from any villains we send after him, its alarming how much confidence he has in the boy, even if it's only so because they believe I'm dead."
"Hmm, One For All would explain that level of confidence in the kid for sure, should we take the bait and attack him, we don't have any more Nomus that can match Brainless so it'll be a while before we're ready," Garaki says. "But taking One For All is worth it."
"No, that won't work, my body as it is right now can't handle the power amplification of my little brother's Quirk. And even if I went in person he could simply warp away, I would need a reason for him to stay in the fight, and hostages don't work since he will simply remove them too," All For One says, then he frowns. "I'll have to make things personal, make him want to fight me."
"Our spy says he's an asshole so that'll be tough," Garaki says flatly. "Honestly unless we can get Nezu or someone he cares about I don't see how this will work."
"Well luckily we are not alone, I'll contact all the people I can, we'll dig up all the information we can on Horizon, he must have someone or something we can take to piss him off, every man has something they care about. Oh, and I'll contact the Aoyama family as well, make sure they know their new role in all of this..."
"And what about the so-called League Of Villains?" Garaki asks, clearly annoyed at having to indulge All For One's desire to groom Shigaraki.
"When they escape it will cause much panic, especially considering who we sent and how he operates, it would be best to shift the focus away from UA to ease the mind of those students."
"The other Hero Courses across Japan?" Garaki asks.
"Precisely, and it will play into Nezu's plan to make Horizon looks even better, we need him confident in himself to the point that he would fight anyone, and we need UA and All Might safe from media scrutiny, killing someone is easier if they stay in one place six days a week after all, much better than when All Might was running about Japan and Horizon was traveling the world."
"And how would you like to deal with the other Hero Courses?" Garaki asks. "After he gets back from rescuing them we could just warp him into those schools, it'd be easy."
"No," All For One disregards that idea entirely. "Let's ramp up production of Nomus, Tomura needs his own army, he isn't ready to command you or him just yet, far from it actually. We'll send a few dozen Nomus out to one school at a time, but make sure they're all weak. We want the media shaming the other schools for failing while UA has a first year that was able to stop a monster intended to kill All Might. Oh, and you can collect the corpses to make more."
"Hmm, that many will take at least a month."
"If we needed them capable of accepting orders yes," All For One says. "But these are just wild animals to be unleashed on students to stack bodies, we'll make them quickly and let them run wild until the pros put them down, and Kurogiri will collect the bodies."
Garaki smiles at that, "that much genetic material will greatly help my research, and a lot of those kids probably have strong Quirks too."
"Not to mention this will further make them believe that I'm dead, because why would I ever expend resources that don't directly hurt All Might, it's so out of character that it can't be me," he smiles victoriously at the thought of them thinking he's gone.
"A single move with so many layers, your evil genius is truly unmatched my friend," Garaki says. "Now I need to be ready to operate on many fresh subjects..."
"Yes doctor, if all goes well I'll have to build you yet another lab," All For One chuckles darkly before loud beeping interrupts them.
Garaki takes out his phone and checks the message.
"Good news I expect, as usual from him," All For One says.
"Mhm, both the Nomus are recovered, Kurogiri is a bit damaged from the ice and Brainless needs to be put back together," Garaki says happily.
"And Tomura?"
"Oh, the brat is fine too, they're already at another safehouse," Garaki immediately begins typing on his computer. "I'll start looking into which schools we should hit first, Japan has thousands of Hero Courses, aside from Shiketsu we need to make sure the targets we select have people with useful Quirks."
"Good, and have Kurogiri warp me to their location when the coast is clear, I'd like to go in person to greet them, after all, my presence is the greatest reward I can give him."
Garaki nods in agreement, "well he never fails, and he exists to serve and protect you, honestly the fact that his body can handle seven Quirks without any modifications helped make the foundation for my Nomu program, I can't imagine a better bodyguard and attack dog, if anyone deserves to see you in person it's him..."
All For One smiles proudly, "yes, I too am quite impressed by him, Gigantomachia..."
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Sitting in his kitchen Law enjoys a simple dinner of white rice, black mushrooms, and grilled chicken.
After a long and admittedly difficult workout, Law sits at the counter and turns on the TV, taking a sip of his water as the news starts.
"Welcome to Shinjitsu news," the anchor starts, a slender older gentleman with water for hair, styled like a constantly flowing waterfall but never reaching past his shoulders or even touching his grey suit. "Following the villain attack at UA's disaster simulation facility yesterday, new information has been uncovered."
Law takes another sip of his water and continues eating, eyes still on the screen as the man continues.
"The statement released by UA only hours after the attack has been completely confirmed by the administration, the police have also confirmed via statements and claims the villains made during the attack that they fully intended to attack and kill All Might, our Symbol Of Peace.
Seventy-seven low-level thugs were gathered as well as the ringleader, a blue-haired man with dried and cracked grey skin and multiple detached human hands gripping his body, he goes by the name 'Shigaraki' as far as officials know."
A picture of Shigaraki appears, bound in metal restraints.
"His Quirk is a disintegration Quirk, when all five of his fingers on either hand touch anything it immediately begins falling apart, organic and inorganic matter alike.
Accompanying him was his presumed second in command, the man identified by the name 'Kurogiri', a villain possessing the most rare and sought after of all Quirk types, a warping Quirk, specifically Warp Gate.
His real face and body structure are unknown as the purple mist created by his Quirk never leaves his body."
A picture of Kurogiri appears, bound from head to toe in metal restraints, the purple mist seeping through the gaps in the metal.
"Guess he needs to move his body to activate Warp Gate," Horizon can't help but smile at that, another way Hand Of God is better.
"And finally we have the bio-engineered creature, codenamed a Nomu," this time a much less clear picture appears, a distance shot from within USJ by one of the few working security drones that were signal blocked from the main campus, but thankfully the cameras worked.
The picture was of Nomu standing beside Shigaraki, Eraser and Thirteen were in the corner of the frame, surely moments before Horizon entered to finish the fight.
"This creature was created by horrific means, using four separate corpses as genetic material to force their Quirks into one being. It has no sentience and is technically dead, a walking corpse only existing to obey commands. Truly these villains have hit depths previously undreamt of by even the most wretched of scum," the man shakes his head in disgust before he continues.
"This creature was created specifically to kill All Might, it had a combination of Quirks which have thankfully been identified, by the work of Horizon during the fight and the arrogant boasting of Shigaraki. Shock Absorption, Super-Power, and Super-Regeneration."
They show a few short clips of Nomu punching, ripping apart the landscape with pure air pressure.
"Nezu really went all out with building my reputation," Horizon chuckles, fully understanding what the next part of the announcement would be.
"Thankfully the villains failed to hurt any students, and the Pros only had minor scrapes," the man said, sounding relieved and somehow proud. "While the ringleader and other villains were distracted for most of the incident the Nomu was defeated," a picture of the destroyed fountain and diced-up Nomu appears on the screen.
"The remaining thugs were easily dealt with by the students until more heroes arrived," the man says, his voice clearly swelling in anticipation. "The leader Shigaraki and his assistant Kurogiri were blocked by the present Pros, Eraser-Head, and rescue hero Thirteen. And the Nomu was defeated, by a student no less..."
He pauses for a moment, and Law rolled his eyes. "Talk about building hype."
"That's right, a student from class 1A defeated the monster that they built to kill All Might," a picture of some students walking back into the main campus, stepping off the bus, appeared on the screen. Clearly shot from beyond the UA boundary in the street, the image was barely visible.
"Ok that's more than I expected," Law admits. Seeing a picture of him, dressed in full Hero Costume, walking beside a slightly blurry Momo and Tokoyami, with a clear arrow pointed at him.
"This student has been allegedly identified as the 'Horizon' from UA's report," the man says excitedly. "Credited with taking down the Nomu -which was made to kill All Might-, as well as nullifying Kurogiri's Warp Gate to prevent further havoc and violence. Truly a promising start to the career of a future hero. No other information is known about him and UA won't comment further, but I'm sure we'll be seeing him at the Sports Festival!"
Law smiles at that, "yeah, when I win..."
"But sadly the villains were not done here," the anchor says. "While the strength of UA's class 1A and two of their Pros was enough to defend their students, today has proven that is not the case of other Hero Courses across Japan."
Law sits up at that, not sure what the hell he was talking about.
"After their bloody and devastating escape from custody yesterday, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the USJ Nomu have yet to make another appearance. But a scourge of much weaker Nomus has attacked seven Hero Courses today alone. Dozens have been reported dead at each attack, and most of the corpses were taken for what officials believe to be further experimentation and creation of Nomus," the man sounds moments away from crying.
Law looks genuinely confused at that, "why didn't they just wait and attack UA again? That doesn't make much sense..."
"It seems that the villains care about more than just killing our Symbol Of Peace," the man says bitterly. "They want to destroy all our hopes and dreams, to eradicate our guardians and the great places we've dedicated to training and raising them. They want to kill all heroes, and yes, they are certainly a fearsome foe..."
The man's expression shifts from sad and somber to determined, almost angry as his flowing water hair begins swirling and bubbling.
"But we won't break that easily!" he yells out, raising a fist to the sky, a fanatical tinge in his voice. "UA and their first years of class 1A have proven that these villains can be defeated! So I'm sure that the Pros will capture them, and if they ever have the chance to come face to face with All Might, he'll Smash them into pieces and lock them in Tartarus with no issue, as he always does to the scum that threatens the safety of our beloved country!"
The man tries to catch his breath from his rant that Law would bet surely inspired the masses.
"Well shit," Law chuckles. "That worked a whole lot better than expected...and Nezu really went above and beyond with that picture of Nomu's defeat," Law takes out his phone and sees Horizon's Follower count steadily marching toward 3 Million, sitting at half that number when he sat down to eat. "Heroes live and die by popularity and public opinion, so I'll be living very well."
The man finally composes himself, his hair returning to gently flowing streams, "however, unfortunately not everyone shares these hopeful views. Public outrage and scrutiny at the security and conduct at the attacked Hero Courses have never been higher," pictures of protests and borderline riots appear on the screen.
Law rolls his eyes, "scared people not sure what to do when their heroes start seemingly failing, not surprising at all since most of them probably can't even fight some Quirkless brat with a knife."
The screen then has a picture of crowds holding candles and placing flowers at the gates of multiple Hero Course schools. "Others have come out in force to share their sympathy for the lives lost because of these villains and their monsters. And some are even questioning the capability of the Pros at the affected schools, with good reason of course. And a vocal few are calling for All Might to stop teaching and resume his patrols, equating this attack to his lack of presence on the streets."
"Bullshit, he's always ditching school to babysit you useless fucks," Law grumbles, now finishing up his meal and moving to do the dishes.
"But no matter the outcome, one thing is clear," the news anchor says. "These villains have declared war on all heroes, no matter if you are training or a fully licensed Pro, and I know our heroes won't let this stand, so if the League Of Villains is watching this, my message to you is, 'Enjoy these last few days of freedom, because they're quickly counting down...,' now onto other news, Hawks---"
Law cuts off the TV immediately.
"A war on Heroes," he considers it for a moment. "Well, wars need War Heroes on both sides... guess I've found another easy way to climb the ranks, now I should call Nezu and thank him for the popularity boost..."
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
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