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80% Jupiter’s Legacy: Son of Utopian(Dropped) / Chapter 4: Training 2

Chapter 4: Training 2

"Stop uncle your going too hard!"

Brainwave performed the ten thousand years of death on my anal rectum.

"Ah, so you are the utopians son."

My face went green before becoming red with anger and embarrassment.

"Ora Ora Ora!" throwing three snake style punches swiftly on his acupoints

Doing a backflip I began to charge a Kamehameha wave

"Kame Hame Ha FAGLOT" I screeched as a stream of rainbow lightning beamed to my uncle as he was struck in the chest and went flying

"I'll get you back Utopian and your little bottom too!!"

"Ah!?" I woke up in my bed bewildered and before I shivered at how excited I was in the dream and decided to never think about this dream I just had again.

Anywho I looked around my 'new' room with some disgust I still remember cringing when I first entered. Everywhere you looked it was utopian this utopian that!

I even thought my pillow was a fleshlight since it had a little hole in the back which turns out was just a rip...

How can anyone have so many posters and action figures of their father!? This is outrageous! Ugh, why was the old me such a puss? As soon as I could be I be moving out of this place ASAP.

I couldn't just get rid of all the stuff without a reasonable explanation and at the moment I could think of nothing and it would seem too strange what with my recent requests and behavior changes so I decided against it.

Deciding I've mused enough I decided to do as many push-ups and pull-ups as I could in the morning today. Using the allowance I got from my uncle I installed a pull-up bar in my room that was of fairly high quality it could even be detached and refitted for other calisthenics movements!

Ahem, I might be a bit of a meathead but now I'm so scrawny compared to my past life I can't help but feel a little miffed. Oh well, the process is the best part anyway. I could build a physique full of power and sex appeal unlike those cringe dandy fanfic MCs with the 'swimmers body' like my god just go wack off to Michael Phelps or bend over for Winnie the Poo(Xi Jinping) dumb cunts

I took off my shirt and pants and started evaluating my new body

While looking at myself in the mirror unimpressed by the skinny fat on my torso, babyface, and looking down below the tiny stick in front of me.

Oh no is this gonna be a problem I thought worried it was a micropenis. It would make sense for the previous owner to have one.

Well, skill is more important and I'm sure I can grow a larger one now that someone resembling a male is in charge.

Putting back on my lower garments I warmed up and performed 37 push-ups and 2 Pull-ups before not being able to do anymore which you might think is pretty good till you realize I weigh below 100 pounds and should have superpowers. Yikes was this body on estrogen therapy or something!? I mean we live on a farm for christ's sake I should be at least a little stronger.

Sighing next I did some lower and core body exercises to balance things out and was able to do 49 crunches and 30 squats.

Then I did some intense stretching and decided to meditate for as long as I could I wanted to get used to this body as much as possible.

It would be quite awkward if I ended up dying due to something like that later. I also wanted to evaluate the body's capabilities so I can plan things out properly.

I meditated for 3 hours before I heard a knock on the door.

Opening my eyes I looked out the window and realized it was now later in the morning since I woke up at 5 am.

"Honey breakfasts made get ready to eat"

I heard my mom's voice say

"Ok mom thanks" I reply respectfully

I could hear her footsteps leaving and thought of replying instead

"Can I eat you with honey on top?"

Chuckling to myself I got dressed in a non-cringe plain black T-shirt and shorts and went downstairs where I saw my sister already at the dinner table grinning cheerfully while getting served by our mom.

Oh, what a heartwarming scene it would be a shame if someone wanted to pervert such a healthy family. If I met anyone like that I'd beat them up of course ahem.

Anyway, I greeted my sister and mom like the old me would and got served by the Lady Liberty. After a hearty meal and small talk of minimal importance. I left to do my farm chores as my sister accompanied me.

"Feeling better about what happened earlier sis?"

She looked at me confused for a moment before remembering and looking down probably feeling bad she'd forgotten about it already.

"Yeah it's alright broda I'm fine," she said slowly her mood now slightly depressed.

Which was what I was going for I need her to start depending on me emotionally and when we're older physically too.

I stopped walking by now, we had already gone outside and were in front of the barn.

She went ahead of me and I used the opportunity to wrap my arms around her as I hugged her from behind. She was a bit shorter than me so I rested my head on hers as I whispered in her ear

"It's okay brothers here for you whenever."

Her face turned red and she started muttering gibberish "Bah WHaTwhen you?"

Changing positions to a lifting posture.

I lifted her off the ground suppressing the urge to start shaking even though she was petite I was also pretty small and sore from earlier.

"Onward the hero express Zoom!"

I carried her to the barn as she giggled playfully.

Kicking open the door all the animals startled turned in our direction as I set my little sister down trying hard not to fall with her as my muscles gave out.

"You have arrived at your destination keep in mind the toll for hero passage is this!" I began to tickle her into the mud for a while as she convulsed on the ground

Letting up finally my sister now almost crying from laughter got up and pointed at me "You are a bad guy" she said matter of factly

As I smirked playfully "Yes I am what are you gonna do about it."

She turned red before remembering what happened last time she tried to go after bad guys and then calmed down when she said

"Well, I can let the bad guy off sometimes."

Hearing her say that almost made me dance but I suppressed that urge viciously.

"Yeah, you know your really pretty sis even when you're covered in mud your so down to earth."

Yeah I know but she's immature and it's not what you say but how you say it.

"What really why do you say that," she said confused not knowing why she got nervous

Seems like she's still not that aware of things like that yet which is good I could fix her up right from the start.

"Just making an observation let's get to work" I wiggled my hands mischievously as all the cows unconsciously shivered as they knew a violation was soon to occur.

We finished up in the afternoon where I got to perform some more 'bonding' and psy-ops on my beloved sister. She went to her room to play with her dolls and I was left outside where I told her to tell mom I'd be outside playing.

Though now it was time for more training even though I have been working almost all day it doesn't compare to intentionally doing cardio.

I started to run across the several hundred-acre property.

I ran for only an hour after all I didn't want to strain my young body too much and I still wasn't used to much exercise yet.

In the end, I ran only about 2.5 miles which wasn't too bad.

Now that I've done this I can start to form a plan based on my strength and endurance here I wouldn't focus on appearances but rather pure performance.

My instructors should arrive in a month or so and I still have my uncle who's shown an interest in mentoring me most likely to do what I've been doing to my sister or worse but for now, I've placated him with the idea that we should wait till I'm in the academy.

Of course, he doesn't know I'll unlock my powers before then and if he does I'll play it off as an accident.

(1 month later)

I underestimated Brandon's body as it turns out it was an absolute beast when used properly who would have thought!

I gained a ridiculous amount of muscle to the point I looked like I've been training for at least a year when it's only been a month.

I even grew taller by a few centimeters.

My new maxes for the main bodyweight exercises are 100 push-ups 50 pull-ups 300 sit-ups and 200 squats.

I could run 10 miles in 2 hours and perform handstands.

My little brother also grew a bit must be all the blood flowing there recently.

In the first few days, my mother barged in on me attempting handstands naked because why not. I caught her staring and blushing at my little pecker and muscles.

Now, whenever we met around the house I could see her discretely checking out my new changes and sudden manliness. I didn't try to preach about being a hero or following the code like I used to. I still did it but only to lower their suspicions and make it seem like I was becoming more of a man of action.

I no longer played with action figures well at least visibly so nor did I play video games like I used to.

What was the point when I was playing the best game ever created called life!?

My sister seemed to grow more and more fond of me as we hugged and played more frequently.

I'm still working on the dependency but it was coming along as well as it could without some form of crisis to work as a trigger.

Just yesterday when usually my sister would call my mom to help her with something she called me!

I was becoming someone that could be depended on in her head.

I also made sure to plant the seeds of discord that were already forming in her about the code and heroism.

I just made sure to water it from time to time.

"So your learning how to kill bad guys?" my sister who was sitting criss-cross on my bed wrote on a piece of paper.

The topic of killing was a taboo subject in this hero junky household.

I wrote back " I'm learning how to protect this family from whoever it is" I left out the "however is needed" she's still too young to process that kind of thinking productively.

She read the paper and just smiled tenderly at me saying "I love you Brandon"

"I love you too Chloe" I smile back almost as warmly

Just before we are about to hug I hear a knock on the glass. Looking towards the window I see our mom who was hovering in the air hands on her hips and mouthed the words and "What about little old me?"

Casually moving the paper under the covers of the bed while seeming like I was just putting it down I got up and opened the window as our mother floated in and plopped herself on my bed next to Chloe.

She was the only parent here that came to check on us even when she was on the hero clock. It's not like we needed a babysitter as Chloe could pretty much wipe the floor with any normal person and most supers even as a child. Besides our parent's capabilities, they could hear us if we're in distress and they flew quite fast. When one of them was far the other was near. Usually, it was our father who was far away.

Jumping back on the bed I glanced back and forth between my future women and said

"I love you both"

My mother sighed and said "If only your father was here" I felt dissatisfied with that but felt contented with knowing he'd end up dead sooner or later just as he did in the comics.

Even my sister scrunched her face up at the thought of her father coming and ruining this moment but said nothing.

And so we all hugged each other for a good minute or two till a knock was heard on the door.

Quickly I retracted myself from the tender moment and hurried to the door.

My mom laughed whispering "Boys.."

As my sister looked at my back slightly miffed before looking somewhat forlorn.

Lady Liberty who turned to see her daughter with that kind of expression was surprised just how close were these two gonna get?

That was her thought before putting it out of her mind as she thought it was a good thing and a coping mechanism to deal with their absent father.

Reaching the door I opened it to which it revealed a short old Asian man in some kind of tribal outfit and a lanky Russian dude in camouflage.

Looking them up and down I was a bit disappointed to see no muscles as they must have caught the "swimmers body" disease.

Sensing my dissatisfaction the old man said "Bruce Lee once said to be like water, not the rock."

The Russian added

"If you want to fight and survive it's not smart to overtly reveal your prowess nor is it good in a survival situation where your burning excessive calories and in a fight with no rules involved weight only slows you down and makes you clumsy."

Nodding dispassionately in agreement that they couldn't be cured of their swimmers' disease so I changed topics.

"So are you guys gonna come inside or are we going somewhere?"

Looking at each other the old man stepped forward first

"You can choose who you want to train with first we decided since you are only going to be learning for 6 months that for 3 months each we will teach you all the theoreticals and practical basics of what we have to offer."

Slightly confused I wondered aloud

"Wouldn't it be more efficient to train me at once?"

This time the Russian answered, "That's true but our training methodologies conflict too much and we are used to training people with no other influences it would only be distracting and confuse your attention."

Not being able to argue with that I nodded so I asked "Which of you do you guys think I should start with?"

This time they both answered at the same time "Me!" which perplexed me almost as much as it dumbfounded them.

Before the situation could get any more awkward I came up with a way to figure out which is worth doing first.

"How about you guys fight and the winner goes first?"

The Russian seemed to grin at the idea but the old man shook his head.

"If we were to fight it would be a life or death struggle at our level no matter how much we limit ourselves if we want to win against each other it would end up with someone getting maimed or killed."

The Russian also seemed to agree despite finding the idea amusing by his lack of a response.

Thinking of an alternative I said

"How about you guys explain a bit about your overall training so I can get an idea."

They also seemed to agree so the Russian spoke first

"I will teach how to survive and become top of the food chain in the wild or on the streets of the most ghetto or criminal neighborhoods.

If we have time I could also teach you how to disappear from all forms of tracking and manage your identities and assets without a middleman.

Impressed by his content I gave him an appreciative nod.

Now the old man spoke up

"I will teach you how to escape the worldly boundaries as you supers usually derive your powers from external sources except for a few like yourself of course who are born into it."

The old man was quite vague so this time I just looked at him oddly before deciding to go with him since his training will probably be harder to understand.

"I think I'll go with the old man first and Russian second."

The Russian guy scoffed turning to leave while muttering "clickbait" as the old man shrugged real humbly like.

(3 months later)

I was meditating under a waterfall in god knows where.

Which yes is as cliche as it gets and the Russians' words had some truth to it I didn't feel like I escaped my worldly boundaries but did feel more in tune with them as if I could break my limits at any time.

I did get stronger by a large margin in fact in an absurdly short period even the old man sometimes rose his eyebrows at my feats not because they were impressive but simply for how short of a time it took to get there.

As soon as our training started for the first month all he would do is teach me mind-body-spirit-techniques, herbalism, acupuncture, etc. all that Lin Chen stuff while he made me run and meditate at least twice a day.

The second month we started getting into more of the basics of all he was teaching me. And on the third month, we would review what was learned while running and meditating most of the day.

This was the last day where my teacher would give me a final test. Getting up and out from the waterfall my skin gleamed washboard abs although I wasn't huge yet due to my small frame one could call me something between well-toned and ripped.

I did several flips and rolls over big pebble rocks in the river before landing in front of the old man who was waiting meditating by a tree.

"Again with your fanciful ways I see," my teacher said not even bothering to move as if he had spent a lifetime with me.

"I'm only 9 years old no amount of meditation or brain cells will change that."

"I suppose so." the elder said unconvincingly

Tsk this old guy been reading too much Wuxi snuff to be in touch with reality anymore.

"I'm ready master.." well ready as I'll ever be

"Break this tree and fight me with it," my teacher said absentmindedly still not moving

"What?" I said equally as absentmindedly

"Good you pass."

My teacher got up walking over and looked at me contentedly while patting my shoulders

"One of my finest."

I just looked at him dully slowly understanding the lesson but still being quite peeved at it all.

"Let's get you to that snow monkey."

He walked away as I followed him to the city.

After learning the meaning of disappointment and not having unrealistic expectations I somberly met up with the Russian in the airport of Moscow.

As soon as he saw me from a fair distance away I saw him mouth the words 'clickbait'

And I sighed again.

(3 months later)

I woke up in a king-sized bed with a pretty Russian Dame waiting in attendance with my breakfast as she gave me seductive glances while feeling like a million bucks.

This one I enjoyed quite a fair bit more than the last one I had more experience and talent with this one.

Of course, that also could be because of that lackluster ending.

The bastard made me think I was gonna ascend to another dimension up until that point damn it all.

I was now 152 centimeters quite tall for my age at nearly five feet.

I had put on some lean mass despite the disapproval of my lanky teacher.

I think he was just jealous of my genetics.

I weighed around 125 pounds and even though the BMI scale says I'm overweight as my teacher sometimes points out I always say I'm not!

The first month of training we spent our time in the wild due to some of the overlap with the olds mans training we only did it for 2 weeks before moving on after I became alpha of the wolf pack from killing the previous one and befriended a mother bear after saving the cubs from wolves. Honestly, I felt my balls grow larger and denser after all that…

Anyway, the second month and a half were spent on the street and due to my talent and previous experiences, I managed to survive, and with some guidance, I supplanted the head of a small-time Russian mob boss. At first gang members wanted to rebel due to my young age but when they saw me send my wolves to flank the enemy as I distracted them riding into battle during a turf war majestically on the front line in a mother bear in the snow with my shirt off they decided that I was a leader worth following.

Who knew such manly men could get so gay for each other? Do bodybuilders bulk up for the ladies or other men…

In the third month, we learned how to be a KGB spy 101 and have the charisma of Putin which I can say I was suddenly growing to like! As a man! I mean, you know, I now have great admiration for the Russian people ahem.

But now all that was coming to an end I set up several false identities Swiss bank accounts and foreign shell companies while strategically placing my most loyal retainers to manage all the other unruly rabbles.

Even the Russian guy who I still have no idea where or who he even is was proud of what I've become and considered me his long-lost companion. Of course, he still disapproved of my physique but he admitted that I wouldn't need to hide my prowess as a hero.

Not that I was gonna ever truly be one of course even my teachers knew that by now but they have no real evidence and we never really talked about it so it is what it is.

(1 day later)

Sneaking through the back of the farmhouse up to the window of my sisters I stealthily used my tools to open the locked window and entered like a ninja or assassin whatever tickles your fancy.

I was wearing a suit that used stealth technology which muted my movements and camouflaged my appearance like a chameleon it masked my temperature to mix with the surrounding environment so even if you looked in my direction with Infrared you could only vaguely make out my silhouette if I was standing completely still.

I climbed onto an Amazon truck that was en route to my humble abode and used that as a convenient transport.

Even my super-powered parents wouldn't be able to notice a thing unless they were actively searching for it seriously.

I saw my sister running around in a circle happily hands in the air "Brothers coming! Brothers Coming!"

Hah, how childish lol I should record this for the future as blackmail.

Yes, I was quite ruthless indeed.

Taking several pictures and videotapes I decided to put all that away safely in a black box container impervious to state-of-the-art detection and cracking technology you could shoot this into space and have it fall back down and its contents would still be mostly in tip-top shape!

Unless you put glass or some other flimsy material which would be idiotic.

Ceasing my musings no matter how amusing it was to see my little sister's incessant bumbling and chattering I couldn't let her bumble about idiotically for so long as my woman right!

I jumped and landed on the roof like Spider-Man and deactivated my stealth tech as I took off my ballistic face shield and black mask and no it wasn't the one for Down Syndrome babies and zombies from the old world who roamed the street.

I deactivated the sticky gel on my hands and legs and did a flip in the air just as my sister noticed me falling from the ceiling.

"Brothers Comi-AHHHHHH!!! HE'S FALLING!"

Landing on my feet I smirked triumphantly and spread my arms out basking in my glory while simultaneously waiting for my sister to break from her stupor and come hug me.

"Wat in de fock was that" my sister murmured before forgetting everything else and just running towards me excitedly as her short yet super legs tapped the floor as it creaked noisily.

Oof she tackled me to the ground with the force of a pack of ravenous wolves or a momma bear and her cubs.

I would know!

"Chloe I'm happy to see you but calm down your cracking my ribs" I squeeze out

"Oh ok" she said casually before picking me off my feet and staring at how tall and muscular I'd gotten and involuntarily a blush reached her cheeks.

A woman knows!

"Oh my baby are you okay!" my mom flew to me and also tackled me to the ground.

"Seriously again..ugh" yeah I don't think I'm getting puss anytime soon with how they are throwing me around as soon as I get back from a training arc…

"How was your little trip" my dad hovered for once somewhat lazily while eating an apple obviously in a lax mood probably after some rough hard passion..

I am strong smart, wise, and wealthy

I am strong smart wise and wealthy

I am strong smart wise and wealthy

Ok, I'm now calm looking at my father amicably I bite out "It was great dad how's your apple?"

"Pretty good," he said lazily

"Good good I'm glad" on the inside I was imagining several ways to bang his wife with apples as I tied him up in code-themed shackles on a utopian-themed chair with a cum stained apple in his mouth and an acidic corrosive bomb inside.

Mom sensing the awkward tension between everyone decided to ease the atmosphere with her great wisdom

"Seriously tell us what happened you have a scar running through your eye and around your cheek"

Using x-ray vision my father pointed out

"There's more too"

And that sent my mother in fury as I now had to spend several minutes using talk no jutsu to convince her that it was all for the greater good at the end she didn't seem convinced but relented that there was nothing else to do about it besides secretly track down those teachers of mine in the future and torture them for the monster they created but that wouldn't happen I hope.

My father just lazily finished his apple all the while as my sister was mesmerized by my downplayed fairy tale version telling of my training I forgot to mention how I almost died several times and lost my mind perhaps once or twice but I'm still me right!?

Looking at everyone in the room even though they all had different feelings I could see they now saw me in a different light someone worthy of respect.

~Use absence to increase respect and honor 48 Laws of Power~

"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it."-Marcus Aurelius

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