"But that's for the worst-case scenario," I concluded. "If we assume that Staghead wants to get the entire seal, then it's possible that some of the pieces were destroyed completely by now, anyway."
"It's always better to not rely completely on chance."
"Yes… so you know what to do if you feel like there's no other way." I turned to take JJ's hands in mine. These cold, elegant and deceptively frail, but so powerful hands. "Smash it into dust."
"Without hesitation."
I let the moment between us stretch for several more seconds, drinking it in like tea, before, with one last rub of my thumb on JJ's palm, turning back to my notes and my phone, which held electronic copies of books from Nightingale's library. "Now, what could be a counterpart for fey magic? It won't be the direct opposite, it never works this way… Direct opposites either work perfectly fine together or explode. What it is about iron that makes fey fear it?"
I feel like I already had a chapter named that way...