"So, what should we do with him?"
"That's an interesting question, ma chèrie. Since he targeted you foremost, it should be for you to decide, I believe."
I gave Desmond another look. He looked like a rag doll right now, just sprawled around, with his mouth open a little and his eyes staring blankly into nowhere. This stare… it unnerved me.
Desmond wasn't dead—I could tell a dead vampire from alive now—but like that, he looked very much like an ordinary corpse. It differed from the way JJ looked when he slept. I supposed it was the pose—and the eyes.
I knelt next to him and closed his, just like they did in the movies. With closed eyes, Desmond looked like someone in a very inconvenient sleeping pose.
"When would he wake up?" I asked, standing up again.
So, I've heard some people saying that Diana is a cold bitch and blah blah blah.
This is so sad. For me. On a personal level.
MCs of chinese novels about revenge and shit can do all sorts of bad things, and all they have to say is "this is dog eat dog world, I need to be cruel to get my place under the sun!" and all will be forgiven. *pouts*