A pair of eyes, dull with the remnants of the sedative, blinked once, twice. The sheen of drowsiness slowly dissipated and focus returned to them, together with confusion. The man tried to lift his arms, but they were still strapped to the bed.
"Don't try to move yet, please," Ghost said. "Blink once if you can hear me."
The man blinked not just once, but several times. He tried to lift his head to look at the straps on his wrists. A second later, his strength ended and his head dropped back. He looked up at Ghost with wide, confused eyes, then at me.
"Who… who are you? Where am I?" The man's voice was raspy with misuse and barely more than a whisper.
"Is there any water around?" Ghost turned to ask frozen in wonder and hope medics. The helpless one hurriedly nodded and skittered away, returning in a moment with a plastic cup full of water fresh from a cooler that stood in a corner. Without prompting, she lifted it to the patient's lips.
They aren't much of pro medics here.