What's the difference between a coven and a corporation? When you get fired from a coven, instead of the streets, you go straight to Hell instead!
It wasn't the best joke on my internal scale of humour, but it came to my head all on its own as I kept listening to everyone's invitations to their covens. And when I say "everyone's" it means every single coven that was inviting at all—and the ones that didn't invite looked like they would do it later, personally.
It was in their eyes, in their speeches, in their offers. These people… no matter how much each coven claimed themselves to be a family, they had as much love for their people as big corporations. Orion Coven might've liked to use me as a reason to brag around—I saw them do that even now, as they watched from the crowd—but they had some honest friendship to offer, too.
Not exactly back yet, but close.