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45.23% Reynolds Hamsworth ( tbate fanfic) / Chapter 19: Family

Chapter 19: Family

[Arthur's POV]

"How are you feeling? the voice... I mean, you... told us that you had an illness. Has that been fully treated?

My baby is so thin, did you not eat three meals a day?"

Mom barraged me with a bunch of questions that I was having a hard time answering.

"Mom, I am fine. Never better." I told, already forgetting the other questions I was asked...

"you are asking too many questions once, honey. Besides, just one look and you can tell how big and strong our son has gotten." Dad chimed in, stopping mom from her onslaught.

At that moment, I noticed that Sylvie was nowhere to be found. I scanned the room and found her on top of my sister's lap, who was pouting with puffed up cheeks. 'She is feeling left out. Cute...'

I thought internally as I heard mom's voice calling out to her, "That's right. Ellie, come here and say high to your big brother."

"Big bwoder?" She couldn't pronounce the word properly with just added to her cuteness.' She is sooo cuuttee!" She dangled her legs down the chair before landing down and walking towards us.

"Yes. the brother in the stories mommy and daddy tell you before bedtime."

She came and stood in front of me and said as she tilted her body forward, her hands behind her back, "H-Hello big bwoder." She had a faint blush as a cute smile graced her lips. Her big eyes sparkling with anticipation.

And that's when it dawned on me. She was one of the people I had risked my life to save. So that she could be born in this world and experience its wonders. And now, seeing her safe and healthy in person, I couldn't be more relieved.

I took up her hand in my own and said in a gentle voice, "Hello, Eleanor. It's nice to finally meet you... sister." It was the long-awaited union of two siblings who had heard of each other in names and stories only before this.

After getting settled, I spent some time explaining everything from the beginning. While I trusted my family, I chose to leave out Sylvia, explaining my survival from the cliff as a combination of luck and my body's unconscious use of magic to protect me. From there I continued about finding Tess and spending time in the kingdom of Elenoir, recovering.

"And what about this little friend of yours?" Dad asked pointing a finger at Sylvie who was sitting atop my head.

"Kyu!" She squealed in return. I recounted my "journey" through the wilderness as I told them about Sylvie, "While I was travelling, I stumbled into a mana beast den with Sylvie's mother dying from an injury. I couldn't do anything for the mother, but I have been taking care of this one since then."

As I finished my story, mom asked with a worry laced tone, "So, are you sure you are all healed up now? There's no chance of you getting that illness again?"

I shook my hand from side to side to deter her concern as I said in a relaxed voice, "You don't need to worry anymore. It more so had to do with the instability f my mana core from awakening so early" I know it's not good and I feel bad for keeping secrets from them, but until I get stronger, it's too dangerous for them to know everything.

As I was thinking that, all of a sudden, dad screamed out beside me.

"That's right! Your mana core! What stage are you at now!?" Of course, why am I not surprised?... dad's always like this...

"Rey! Your son just came home and you are already talking about mana core stages?!" Being the rational one, Mom pointed out the issue here, but dad wasn't one to listen.

"What's wrong with comparing our growth?" Dad said while pouting like a brat.

"After we got here, we have been working as the instructor for Helstea auction house guards!" Dad said with a smug face while showing his armband off.

"Oh? so it wasn't only your facial hair that grew? What stage is your mana core at now, dad?" I asked him, smelling an opportunity here...

His face grew even smugger as he chuckled and said, "Your old man broke through two years back and entered the dark orange stage!"

Wow. It's easy to notice that he has gotten bulkier but to think he has broken through to the next stage...

"You must have worked really hard..." 'or not...' I was thinking about complimenting him, but all those thoughts washed away after looking at him giving awful victory poses...

He came back from his wonderland and asked me," Impressed, huh? what about you, son?"

I tried to put up my own smug face but on second thought, I ditched it. It was too embarrassing for me. "Light... Red"

"Li-" there was a brief moment of silence before, "Light Red!? Holy Shit!!"


and with that, dad messed up.

"That's amazing Arthur... but Rey dear... what did I say about cursing in front of Ellie? honey..." mom said with a sweet smile that did not reach her eyes. It was as if an ominous aura was oozing out of her and enveloping the surrounding. All that while Ellie just cutely stood there beside her, as if she had done nothing wrong in the world.

"Ah! u-umm ahm! E-Ellie, please don't say that word." Dad said frantically, trying to erase the whole existence of that word from her brain. But alas! the damage was done...

After dealing with that problem, he came running to me before shaking me violently by my shoulder and shouting, "Are you really light red?! when?! how? forget it! we are moving to the backyard to spar! Right now!"

As I was laughing at his expense, I saw Ellie coming towards me before looking up at me with questioning eyes.

"What's up Ellie?" I asked and the question I received was way out of my expectations.

"Big bwoder, does that mean you are even more amazing than bwoder Rey?"

"Wha-" before I could finish my sentence, I heard the door open and a sweet voice wafted in.

"Alice! I heard your son is back?"

Trinath_Mukherjee Trinath_Mukherjee

A short chapter. I wanted to start the next part with a new one

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