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8.69% My Lycan / Chapter 2: 1: Antisocialist

Chapter 2: 1: Antisocialist

(Asking Alexandria - Antisocialist)

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate.

What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you.  They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time.

Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole.

Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

I get that many people have to go to school on their birthday but when you're a werewolf and has to go to school on your birthday? Not a good thing.

If I do find my my mate at school having them reject me in front of everyone? Please come to my funeral. I'd die of embarrassment.

"Happy birthday!!!" My family yells out once I step into the kitchen.

"Guys can you not? It's embarrassing enough that I have to go to school so please don't add to it."

"Come on Tae it's not that embarrassing." My dad says as my mom places strawberry and chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.

"Tae don't be a downer maybe you'll find your mate." My sister Lia says shoving my shoulder slightly while laughing.

"I'm okay with finding my mate but having them reject me is something I'm scared about." I say before continuing to eat.

"Your mate isn't going to reject you, now hurry up so that we can leave." She says as she finishes up her food.

She can't say much she still has a year to go before she turns eighteen but she is still annoying and can't stop me from telling her so.

"Shut the hell up before I slap the nonsense out of you and let me eat in peace. It's not your birthday and we aren't going to be late." I say as I finish eating and clean my place.

Our parents hands me a package and urges me to open it.

I rip open the wrapper. When I see what's inside a smile covers my face. It's the camera I have been giving obvious hints about wanting for months.

"Thanks, mom, dad! I can't wait to use it." I give them both a hug.

Unlike me my wolf V is very excited about meeting our mate.

Our mates going to reject us and I know it.

No, they aren't you have to be more confident.

I'm confident that our mate is going to reject us. How was that.

I say to him mentally smirking.

You know that's not what I meant.

He says rolling his eyes.

Yeah, I know. I just wanted to annoy you. The both of us can feel that they are going to reject us.


He says yelling making me annoyed.


I growl before blocking him.

I make sure that I have everything before letting Lia drag me out of the house as our parents yell at us.

"Have a good day at school!"

"Find your mate!" I roll my eyes at that.

I hear Lia chuckle which make me push her shoulder slightly.


"Hey. Come on I don't want to be lay to school." I say continuing to walking the ten minute walk to school.

The weather is cool but not to cold and not to hot. The wind gusts slightly but not to much. I always enjoy the short walk.

When we get to school, Lia heads off to where her friends are waiting, while I stroll inside to where my friends usually hang out.

Jimin, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol are hanging out by our lockers as usual. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are mates. Jimin is eighteen but hasn't found his mate yet.

"Happy Birthday to our Maknae!" Jimin yells as soon as he spots me, drawing the attention of most of the other students loitering in the hallway making me shrink.

He pulls me into a hug and soon after, Baekhyun and Chanyeol do the same.

"You're going to have to wait until after school for your gift," Baekhyun says excitedly.

"You're going to be eighteen! Finally, are you excited?" Jimin asks.

"No, not in the slightest." I admit.

"What? You get to meet your mate for the first time! How could you not be excited?" Jimin shrieks.

"Then why haven't you met your mate Jimin?" I ask him furiously before turning away from him.

"Tae, I'm sorry." He says wrapping and arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry too. That was low of me to say."

"It's fine. I understand why you did it. You are forgiven." He says before letting go of me.

"It's going to be okay Tae. Maybe your mate will be like Chanyeol. If not you have us to lean on." Baekhyun soothes.

"It's better than okay. It's the best thing that's happened to me. And Baekie is right you have us to lean on if something doesn't come out the way you want it." Chanyeol says wrapping his arms around Baekhyun.

"Awww... isn't he sweet?" Baekhyun coos with love filled eyes staring at Chanyeol.

"Anyway, we'll see you losers at lunch!" He says as Chanyeol pulls him away.

"Later bitch!" Jimin says.

I wave a little bit before turning back to my locker and gets my books from it.

"I wish I could mate with one of those walking gods." He whispers while staring dreamily over my shoulder.

I turn around to the sight of four male lycans walking down the hallway. They are so tall about 6'5 or more.

Lycans are different than regular werewolves. They are known to be direct descendants of the moon goddess, so they are treated like the nobility in the werewolf world. In fact our king is a lycan.

They are bigger, faster, fiercer, smarter, stronger, and more powerful than werewolves, even the alphas. They are like killing machines when provoked. You don't want to mess with them.

In their human form they are better looking and more attractive than us regular werewolves who are considered to be better looking than most humans, like way more. Lycans are considered god-like like Jimin called them. They are smoking hot.

They don't have to belong to a pack. They can travel anywhere alone and not be considered a rogue.

They don't have mates chosen for them by the moon goddess like regular werewolves. They get to choose their own mates. Either other lycans, regular werewolves, or even humans they are attracted to. They would form a bond much like a werewolf's mate bond or even stronger if they are both attracted to each other. Once I heard a story about a lycan who took an already mated werewolf leaving his mate broken since there is nothing anyone could have done about it.

There are only four male and one female lycans in our school of over eight hundred students. Only ten percent out of those eight hundred students are human. All the teachers and the administration of this school are werewolves too.

The the four lycans who are headed this way right now are Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook. The only female lycan isn't around right now is Kalina. I haven't seen her in a few days. She of course is drop dead gorgeous.

I think Jin and Namjoon are mates to each other. Kalina might be mated to Hoseok. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook are rumored to be closely related to our ruling king, but no one knows for sure. Don't know know much about the lycans in our school, not even their last names. They keep to themselves and pay no attention to us werewolves and humans. That makes them so mysterious and much more attractive to both the male and female population here.

So all in all those four god-like looking Adonis are drop dead gorgeous. Jaw dropping. Drool worthy. I would make a fool of myself if I don't stop gawking owner them like Jimin and all the unmated wolves around us right now.

I quickly turn back and closes my locker. There is no way a lycan would be seen around someone like me, an omega. Lycans are attracted to strength, intelligence, and beauty. Annoyingly enough I might be meeting my mate today. V stirs once again in excitement. He's been wanting this for years.

I grab Jimin's hand and drags him to our class before the bell rings. We share History class together.

"I can't wait to be out of this place soon. Thank goodness we only have a few months left." I tell Jimin.

"I don't mind school. There are a lot of eye candy. I mean guys around, like you know the lycans. Or like those boys over there who are too bad they are jerks and man whores." He whispers in my ear as we pass the popular group in our school.

Choi Minho, our future Alpha is kissing or rather shoving his tongue down the throat of Jung Yuna, the head cheerleader. They are together but everyone knows they are sleeping with other people on the side. Lee Taeyong, future Delta has his arms around Park Shey and Seo Grace while talking to Park Bogum, the future Beta. Bogum isn't that bad. He doesn't seem like a player like his other friends. He's talked to me once or twice and seems pretty nice.

"I wonder if he's looking for hidden treasure in her throat with his tongue." I whisper back making Jimin laugh out.

Bogum turns to look at us, his eyes shifting to me with an amused look. I can tell he's trying so hard not to laugh. Oh my fucking goddes, he heard me!

I push Jimin to our history class while trying to hide my red hot face.

Yes, I think those boys are hot but I'm not going to admit that to their smug asses. Ok, I wouldn't put Bogum in the smug ass category he's actually nice but I still wouldn't admit it to him though.

Minho and Taeyong have this class with me and Jimin. They enter the class fifteen minutes after the teacher starts teaching without getting reprimanded for it or anything.

Minho slides into his seat in front of me and V stirs happily. I groan more annoyed than I already am.

The rest of the class goes pretty well more like it goes the way it usually does, boring and uneventful. Photography class is what I look forward too along with music.

We are sitting at our regular table at lunch when I suddenly smell an amazing smell I can't describe. I groan once again in a annoyance.

Whatever that smell is V is having a fit over and he is wanting control but I don't let him.

I don't want to get up and follow where the scent is coming from but it happens. I get up and follow the scent that lands me to the popular table. Everyone stops talking. Choi Minho? Choi Minho is my mate? Choi fucking Minho is my mate What kind of fucked up universe do I live in? I let out annoyed hugh.

His eyes widen as he looks at me. His eyes soften as he looks at me. Lust and hunger briefly appear as he scans my body then he quickly looks away as his breathing goes ragged.

V howls with joy but I don't. I get more annoyed by the minute. I wish this would hurry up and be over with. This hole this is embarrassing enough.

"Follow me." He says gruffly before getting and leaves the cafeteria through the back door.

I follow him to big tree that gives us privacy from prying eyes.

"What's your name?" He asks not even looking at me but I don't even care.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." I answer.

"Kim? Omega aren't you? I can't have an omega. You can't be my luna. You aren't strong enough to be. Besides I love someone else. Yuna is going to be a much better Luna than you would ever be. She isn't weak like you." He says making V whimper while I myself doesn't actually care.

Yeah, he may be hot but I don't and won't ever want him as a mate.

I wait for it to come as V cries. He doesn't want it to happen but I do but I already know that V isn't goo g to let me accept it.

"I, Choi Minho, future Alpha of Dark Moon pack rejects you Kim Taehyung as my mate and future luna of my pack." He says coldly.

I could care less but V does. He apparently doesn't understand why I don't try and argue with out mate to change his mind. I shush him inform him that I won't expect his rejection which makes him shut up.

Unblock V from talking to me so that I can speak.

You see what I told you but you wouldn't fucking believe me. Now you're hurt and in pain.

I say making V whimper.

"Hey babe, what's going on?" Yuna questions coming out of nowhere.

The fuck she come from?

"Nothing to worry your beautiful self about." He answers making me nearly gag at how cheesy it sounded.

She looks at me with distaste before pulling Minho to her and claims his lips with hers.

I roll my eyes and leaves not caring about what they do while V on the other hand cries.

Yes, there is physical pain from the whole ordeal but I try to my best to ignore it and goes on with my day after V lays down and goes quiet.

      #                    #                  #    

Most of the day is a blur and I completely ignore my friends. Not exactly meaning to of course V's pain is starting to take a toll on me which makes me fall to the floor.

I hear my friends calling out to me but I don't answer. I don't remember how to talk I know is that I'm just here.

Before I know it I'm at home. I don't know how I got there my friends may have something to do with that.

"Tae. Tae. Come to me. Come on. Tae tell me what happened. What's wrong." My mom says crouching down in front of me where I sit on the couch.

"What did I tell you would happen today? What did I tell you? I told all of you. All of you. I knew it before it happened. I didn't even want to meet my mate I actually wish that I didn't. I don't actually care about it because this isn't my pain it's all V's. Yeah it hurts. It hurts so much but there is nothing much else that I can do. V wouldn't let me accept the rejection. I wish he would have. He would be in less pain and I wouldn't have to feel the intensity of it."

"I'm so sorry my son." My mom cries.

The pain V is pushing makes me cry out from it. I try to hold whatever is hurting but I can't because my whole body is in pain.

My mom watches this as tears run down her face.

A couple of hours pass and I have calmed down. I have cried for what feels like a century and I don't think I could cry more if I wanted to for a while.

V is silent once again but I can't exactly blame him. Someone whom he has been wanting and waiting for has just rejected him. I would take it the same way but I didn't want him as my mate never have. Ever since I met this one person who is far from my reach. I've always wanted this person as my mate but I doubt that would ever happen.

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