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Chapter 5: Warnings & Fights (V.1 Ch.1.5)

{If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Dorm Room, 1st Year Dorm Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 15th, 7:19 PM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

The notification from the system telling me Jennifer is annoyed disappears after a few seconds. She finishes her approach as I wait for her outside my open door. Once she reaches me, she smiles and lightly slugs my shoulder.

[Jennifer Cassidy is happy to see you.]

"Your first day is coming to an end. Learn anything that I haven't already taught you?"

Instead of letting me respond, she walks into my dorm. I look down either end of the hall, and nobody is around. People should be returning to the dorms soon.

I don't want people thinking Jennifer is someone other than a sister to me. Assumptions about her made by my classmates would be bad. They could see it as a weakness to exploit me.

Which, if I'm honest, she is.

There isn't anyone in the world that I could say I genuinely care about. Even love. Other than Jennifer. The system regulates it to a hollow one, but it's there.

I follow her in and close the door behind me. She's already sitting on my bed and watching me. Not wanting to deal with her, I put away the items I bought from the stores I shopped at. After everything is put away, all I have left to do is cook dinner.

"Aren't you gonna tell me how it went? I'm waiting here!! I want to know what you've found out! I've come all the way here from my room, and you're not even gonna talk to me!!?"

[Jennifer Cassidy purposefully jumps to a conclusion hoping for your reaction.]

The fake raised tone is good enough to fool anyone besides the people who grew up with her. Her technique in controlling others is why she's one of the best students in her class.

Jennifer doesn't fool me like she does others. While her antics can get anyone to do anything for her, I'm immune to such tactics.

Most of the time.

"I'm making dinner. You're welcome to stay and eat."

Avoiding her question completely is one method I've learned. Food is a gateway to an easy time with Jennifer. She's a high-maintenance girl.

[Jennifer Cassidy doesn't know why she even bothered.]

Neither do I.

Still, she's my sister and always cared about me. I shouldn't treat her so coldly. My hands are occupied making some chicken. Once I get it in the oven, I turn around and walk to the bed. Sitting down next to her and lying on my back.

Staring up at the white ceiling. Her matching eyes look into mine. She's tired. I assume her first day was far busier than mine.

"I met some of my classmates today."

The slight widening of her eyes shows off how little I seriously converse with my sister.

[Jennifer Cassidy sees this as a moment for real sibling bonding.]

"You make any friends?"

The slightly happy and very curious edge in her voice would make any guy's heart melt, aside from mine. I don't deserve someone like Jennifer; I'd be a complete machine if not for her. As to her question, I have an answer.

I pull my phone from my pocket and unlock it. Showing the contact information and emails of Henry, Juliet, and Victor. Aside from my family, they're the first numbers I've ever had.

While I'd never feel a connection with them, I can still consider them friends if we get along. Class tomorrow will reveal a lot about my other classmates. I'm assuming we're introducing ourselves.

"I think so. They seemed nice enough."

Her eyes go between my phone and me. A growing smile on her lips.

"Yaaaayyy!! This is amazing! I never thought you'd change your tune so quickly when it came to others!! I'm so happy!!"

[Jennifer Cassidy is incredibly happy you've made friends.]

She hugs my phone to her chest like it's some treasure. Jennifer can always be counted on to be happy for me. She keeps staring at the new numbers and emails on my phone.

After a few minutes of silence, she sets my phone down and looks at me. A happy and joyous expression is all she's giving me.

"I've learned a great deal about how this place works, but there are still various gaps."

I direct the conversation back to her original question. I don't want to talk about friends and feelings. Since I can't have the second of those two.

[Jennifer Cassidy expected nothing less from you.]

[Jennifer Cassidy wants to help you.]

There is a moment of silence after she takes in what I said. Her eyes show she's waiting for me to continue, but I never do. She wants to help; I just don't want it. Now that I'm here, I want to figure things out on my own.

"Well? What are you waiting for?! Ask me anything you want!"

There is pure positive energy coming from her voice. Not loud. Not overbearing. It's an energy level that balances out mine. I'm always on a single level. A deadline of neutrality. Jennifer is the battery that's positivity in my life.

You can take guesses on who the negative battery is.

[Jennifer Cassidy is eagerly waiting for you to ask for her help.]

"I don't need any help."

[Jennifer Cassidy is angry with you.]

Her eyes narrow in a manner of displeasure. Showing me a look that she disapproved of how easily I blew off her attempts to help me. Jennifer can get what she wants out of me at specific times.

Those are rare and far between.

"I'm here, a second-year student that will answer anything you ask. And instead, you're being conceited into thinking you don't need any help?"

Words that fall on deaf ears. I want to find out the rest on my own, just like the rest of my classmates. I already have a massive advantage; any more than what I've got is unnecessary.

The concept of overkill exists, and I've been living my life that way for the past 19 years. For a change, I'd like things to pose a little bit of a challenge.

"What's Duncun planning."

My voice has no room for argument or redirection as I ask her a very important question.

[Jennifer Cassidy no longer wants to talk.]

[Jennifer Cassidy doesn't want to be put between your oldest brother and you.]

Duncun won't sit idly by in his school. He's the most powerful of the third years, according to Jennifer. He's got friends in the student council and the fourth and fifth years.

I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to have me expelled. I could ask Jennifer how expulsion works aside from what I already know. In the end, I won't put her between Duncun and me. I won't force her to choose a side. She's the only one I'd make such a choice for.

Which is why it's okay for me to do it.

"Please... Don't do this..."

The sound of a breaking heart in her voice further proves I'm making the right decision. Keeping her out of this is the best for her.

This is between Duncun and me.

I haven't had Duncun in my life for the last two years. Since his second year started, he couldn't leave campus grounds per the rules of this place. When he left home, he was level 50.

He's had two whole years to grow. I doubt he's above level 80, but he's still a threat. If anyone can expel me from Optimum, it's Duncun and his allies.

"So be it, Jennifer. You should leave before people arrive back at the dorms."

The finality in my tone leaves no room for discussion. She stands up with no retort or objection. As I watch her walk to the door, a thought enters my mind. She is my sister; I should treat her better than I have today.

As she's about to leave the room, I stand up.


She turns her head and body to look back at me. There is sadness in her eyes. I don't need to see the system notification to know what's going through her head.


There is a weakness present. Almost unhearable, but it's there.

"Thank you for stopping by."

[Jennifer Cassidy is caught severely off-guard.]

"Umm... Uhh... You're welcome. Don't forget about the chicken!!"

[Jennifer Cassidy is glad that you finally appreciate her.]

A very faint blush appears on her cheeks. It'd be funny or cute.

To anyone else.

She slams the door behind her, and I hear the quick rushing of footsteps. My attention turns to the oven, and there are only a few minutes left on the timer before the chicken is done.

There is only so much time before things start to get interesting. Before I do anything regarding my year or class, I want to determine what Duncun is up to. Knowing what he's capable of here will be a great help.

~~~(POV: Kayla Amanda)~~~

~~~(Location: Class 1-G, Education Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 16th, 9:07 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 31 Years)~~~

Students begin entering the class as time continues to pass after the starting bell at 9 AM. My attention falls on a few select ones that have already taken their seats in the lecture room. There are several talented first years this time around.

Probably one of the most healthy crop of students we've seen in a long time. In my time of teaching, that is.

"Alright, everyone. Today, we're taking time for introductions with your fellow students. Remember, as much as you're competing with them. This is your team. You have to work together as much as you compete."

It's an easy first day for them, and that's the only easy day they're getting. Tomorrow marks the beginning of courses, and we'll see who stands and who falls.

As the introductions begin, my eyes fall on a single student who has caught my attention since his assignment to my class.

Scott Cassidy.

The youngest of the Cassidy siblings at our school. It's rare for two siblings to be admitted here; this is the first time there have been three at once. I've gone over his test scores and interview records. He was a C-average student back in high school.

What stands out is how he maintained a perfect grade average of 70.0. That's either a massive coincidence, or he's a genius hiding his talent. Given how talented his sister and brother are, I think it's him hiding his abilities.

Why he's doing a tactic such as this isn't unreasonable or unknown to me. Some of the more gifted students hide what they're capable of until later years.

It's quite effective in the long run if you know what you're doing. His eyes are fixed on each individual as they're giving introductions.

A rather beautiful girl stands up. She has black hair and hazel eyes. She seems full of energy and ready to make friends.

"My name is Rachel Denvers! I look forward to making friends and working with everyone here! Let's do our best to reach the top of the Merit Point rankings!"

I can tell, given my experience, who'll be leaders and who will be followers. She's a leader and someone that will have great influence over the class.

Pretty soon, the people introducing themselves makes it to Scotts area. After a couple of minutes, it's finally the young Cassidy's turn. Seeing this, he stands up with all eyes on him. He takes a single breath and starts.

"Scott Cassidy."

Everyone is waiting for more, but he sits down a second later. There is an awkward silence in the room, and everyone can't help looking a little uncomfortable.

What takes my ire is how uncaring and unemotional his eyes look. They're an intensely vibrant green. Much like his sisters, but there is a deep hollowness to them. There is something very different about him.

I was the teacher for his sister's class, and it was thanks to her influence they made it to class A at the end of the year. Mr. Klein has them now; I look forward to the day of the teacher's report, where we'll all gather to discuss our student's progress.

Since Scott has siblings in the school, he knows how a lot of the university works. When and if he decides to share that information is up to him.

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Cafeteria, Education Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 16th, 11:30 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

I watch the long line at the serving station slowly get smaller as my fellow first years spend their Personal Points on expensive and luxurious meals. All the classes are here, and this is an occasion where we're all in one place at the same time.

My eyes glide across the large and spacious hall. There are three floors in total, with the two above the ground floor surrounding and overlooking the said floor.

It's an atrium, if anything. A unique place, to be sure, but I'm positive that the cafeteria serves a purpose beyond feeding the students.

I don't see my sister or brother on the ground floor anywhere. Meaning they're on one of the higher floors. It doesn't make sense to seek them out, and I'm not looking to speak with Duncun now.

Not until I find out what he's planning. However, it would be smart for me to speak with a third year. Find out more regarding Duncun's class. The more I know going forward, the better.

While I'll have enemies in my own year, Duncun and his allies will have their sights set on me. They'll be waiting for the best time to strike. It won't be an obvious attack in the open. Duncun doesn't work that way.

His allies, the people who listen to him, won't work that way either. We're similar in the regard of doing our work on the down low.

I make my way to the escalator leading to the higher atrium floors. As I make it to the first floor, that's when I notice far more upperclassmen than on the lower floor. There is no way to determine with visible signs if a student is a higher year.

We're not wearing uniforms or badges to identify such things. Another challenge the school has laid down. Find out who is who on your own without our help.

I could use my Analytical Vision to find out what I want to know, but there is no need for me to do that. Duncun is at a table in the corner, looking at the first years below. Meaning there are third years near him.

I'm not going to walk up and start talking to his classmates. Instead, I find an empty seat out of his view and wait for someone at his table to break off.

Knowing Duncun, he's already warned his closest allies about me. Meaning they're familiar with me.

This is where Analytical Vision will come into play. I can find out who knows about me and who doesn't. Singling out the ones that don't is where I can get information about Duncun.

If I want to move a step beyond, I can use those unknowing students to influence his own year. His own class. But that's overstepping at the moment.

For now, I just need a couple of pawns. And I'll wait for the right ones to leave the herd.

easyread easyread

Word count: 2599

If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

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